blogging-with-quill · 3 years
Witness Your Fitness
By Nilanjana Ghosh
A lot of people have a misconception about fitness that slimness = fitness, but it is absolutely wrong. We are in the era of body positivity and we are welcomed to embrace every shape and size with equal love and support. Every body, nice body should be our mantra. But if every body is a nice body then what is the meaning of fitness? Well glad you asked! Fitness is a condition where diseases are absent and you possess a physically fit and healthy body. There is no such thing as an ideal body or ideal weight. Fitness is keeping your body, whatever it weighs, active and healthy, ready to face any physical challenges. Fitness is not an ideal body shape, it is the ability to be active and your body shape or weight has little to do with it. Fitness also determines your immunity level of the body and we all know how important immunity is amidst this pandemic.
So here we will talk about few easy tips which will help you to stay fit without any extra hassle and struggle.
1) Exercise will always be the best way to stay fit, so doing simple exercises such as freehand exercises, planks, lunges and push-ups, stretches daily for an hour will show visible results.
2) Many of us are too lazy to get out of bed in order to exercise, so in that case, we can turn our hobbies into exercises, for example, dancing, cycling, and swimming are terrific ways to stay fit. If none of the above suits you then you can say yes to walking and running.
3) Mental health also has a place in our fitness, keeping our mind healthy is important as well. And to do so yoga and meditation are paramount.
4) Embracing healthy food habits is crucial for a healthy and fit body. Having unsaturated fats, probiotics, fibers, proteins, whole grains in our diet is mandatory for a healthy body.
5) An ideal meal should contain less calories and more proteins. It should also include fat and fiber. Whatever you eat, it should have a nutritious value. Invest your money into nutritious foods and the return you gain will be healthful and beneficial for your body.
6) Choosing healthy snacks over high cholesterol snacks can make a huge difference. Consuming a fruit salad with a dash of chat masala has more health benefits than a pizza or a burger. So it is important to create a balance in your food habit.
7) Getting enough sleep is another important factor to have a fit body. Insufficient sleep will make you cranky and fatigued. A six to eight hours of sleep a day is a necessity for good health.
8) Ignoring soft drinks will be very wise of you. Instead, homemade juice of fruits or vegetables should be welcomed by you with an aarti ki thali, yes they deserve it.
9) Even though most people begin the journey towards fitness with a blast of enthusiasm, within few days the spark seems to fade away and they tend to lose excitement and determination. This issue can be fixed by joining workshops and sessions dedicated to fitness. These sessions can have an impact on your motivation and solve your dilemma and lack of eagerness.
10) And last but not least, to quote the beginning of any Indian movie, "smoking and alcohol consumption is injurious to health". These habits have dreadful effects on your body.
It is important to be fit and stay fit. No one enjoys being sick or getting exhausted with trivial chores. Our immunity power is decided by our health. So stir yourself and whip up your motivation and vow to start having a fit and healthy lifestyle. For sessions on fitness and many other aspects of lifestyles one can visit - http://www.collegetips.in/lifestyle/ it is an initiative by CollegeTips.in where you can find many useful classes and training to help you have a healthy and happy lifestyle.
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