bloggettyblog · 3 years
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My sculpture is made from an aluminium wire skeleton, built up with foil, covered in tape and sculpted over with clay.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
Character cutout construction
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I drew all these body parts in their various positions on a sheet of fine grain paper and then cut them out. I changed my mind back to the Escher style as I was advised to challenge myself and I'm glad I made that decision, it gives me much more freedom to express and animate Chuck.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
I made an attempt at starting my first scene, I thought it would be a nice touch to show the chick in the background out of focus. However I wasn’t happy with the animation and it needs to be planned out more carefully.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
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My sketches for my woodland creature, I’ve provided various perspectives to assist me whilst sculpting.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
Here’s some test animation for my characters. There is a lot to be improved. Firstly there's the flicker that was caused by me getting in the way of the light and creating a shadow. Also, I need to find a way to keep the penguins in shape as I’m animating them and more research is needed into the way they waddle. There’s also a special guest appearance from my hand and at the start I accidentally shifted the camera’s zoom. Other than that, I like the way it looks!
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
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After realising the lighting in my room was insufficient for the project, I bought two softbox lighting kits, it works quite well, the entire set shows up clearly on camera and there are limited shadows.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
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My final Chuck design, this is the puppet I'll be using in the dimensions project. I made sure the silhouette was recognisable by emphasizing features like the hair and the hoodie.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
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I designed this poster to present my woodland character in the world she belongs to. This was the best way I could show how she interacts with her environment and the other characters.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
This is the walk cycle I created for Caden’s character in the collaboration project. I enjoyed having the opportunity to work remotely with other students and it was an enjoyable experience to animate a character designed by someone else.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
Another caracature I did just for fun.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
Broccoli person
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This is my character design for the collaboration project we are doing with some students from China. It will be a walk cycle and my character will be animated by someone else.
Our group's chosen theme is food so we have all designed food based characters, mine is a broccoli person.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
Tardigrade character design.
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An alternative character idea for the woodland project, it's a tardigrade, a microscopic creature which can survive in nearly any climate.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
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I have created the puppets to be used in my 2 minute film from different coloured plasticine, I’m quite happy with the result and it’s now easier for me to picture what my film will look like.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
Animatic for my short film. This shows what all the shots will look like so I can refer to it while animating. The animation will be a stop motion film.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
I made some improvements to my original animatic making the whole thing easier to read and more interesting. There is still further work to be done in connecting my sequence to the ones before and after.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
This was my first animatic for my part of the dimensions project. My feedback on this was to use more shots and make the designs more architecturally interesting. Also the beginning where the character falls on the sideways gravity stairs is unclear.
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bloggettyblog · 3 years
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This is my design for the environment of my woodland creature. The idea is that it’s a city in which all the characters live. I tried to draw a woodland environment that looks like a city, my reference images are above.
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