April Fools
French poet Eloy D, a well known Poisson d'Avril April fool, literally translated "April fish" celebrated in France  Save these  april fools prank 2019  to share. Holidays or in some areas of France, especially on April 1, and those who celebrated New Year's Eve on January 1, celebrated on the other dates by discovering the statues of April.
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The authorities returned with him for the time of Noah and the ship. A public disclosure by the London public on March 13, 1769, wrote: "Noah's error came out of confession and was coming out of confession, on the first day of April, and it was considered appropriate to sustain the emancipation of salvation, which had forgotten some extraordinary circumstances, some of them Sentenced to punish them by sending on uninterrupted messages,
, The origins of the April Fools' Day are attributed to the victory of Dutch people who lived in 1572, where Spanish Duke Alvarez de Toledo was defeated. "Open April 1, Verlour Alva Zijn Brill" is Dutch Professor, which can be translated as: John O'Brien described the celebration as the "Pious Holy Day", the first British reference. On April 1, 1698, many people were tricked into "watching the lounge" to go to the Tower of London
On the first day of April, Alva had lost her glasses. "In this case, glasses serve as a metaphor for Brill. This principle, however, provides clarity for international celebrations on April Fool's Day.
April Fool's Praise and False Beliefs are controversial. The mixed opinion of critics has been mentioned in the 1957 BBC "Spaghetti-Tree Hoax" reception, in which the newspapers were divided based on "different jokes or terrible misunderstanding on the public". Día di Angnier "Fooling Day" is celebrated on April 1st because in the 18th century, Menorca was in possession of the British. In Brazil, "Dia da Mantira" ("Lied Day") is also celebrated on April 1.
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