bking718 · 6 hours
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bking718 · 6 hours
“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”
— Jim Rohn
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bking718 · 6 hours
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bking718 · 7 hours
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"When we speak of Nature it is wrong to forget that we are ourselves a part of Nature."
~Henri Matisse
art: the riverbank, Henri Matisse
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bking718 · 8 hours
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bking718 · 8 hours
Love is not sensation. Sensations give birth to thought through words and symbols. Sensations and thought replace love; they become the substitute for love. Sensations are of the mind, as sexual appetites are. The mind breeds the appetite, the passion, through remembrance, from which it derives gratifying sensations. The mind is composed of different and conflicting interests or desires, with their exclusive sensations; and they clash when one or other begins to predominate, thus creating a problem. Sensations are both pleasant and unpleasant, and the mind holds to the pleasant, thus becoming a slave to them. This bondage becomes a problem because the mind is the repository of contradictory sensations. The avoidance of the painful is also a bondage, with its own illusions and problems. The mind is the maker of problems, and so cannot resolve them. Love is not of the mind; but when the mind takes over there is sensation, which it then calls love. It is this love of the mind that can be thought about, that can be clothed and identified. The mind can recall or anticipate pleasurable sensations, and this process is appetite, no matter at what level it is placed. Within the field of the mind, love cannot be. Mind is the area of fear and calculation, envy and domination, comparison and denial, and so love is not. Jealousy, like pride, is of the mind; but it is not love. Love and the processes of the mind cannot be bridged over, cannot be made one. When sensations predominate, there is no space for love; so the things of the mind fill the heart. Thus love becomes the unknown, to be pursued and worshipped; it is made into an ideal, to be used and believed in, and ideals are always self-projected. So the mind takes over completely, and love becomes a word, a sensation. Then love is made comparative, "I love more and you love less." But love is neither personal nor impersonal; love is a state of being in which sensation as thought is wholly absent.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
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bking718 · 8 hours
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bking718 · 8 hours
"The basic laws of the universe are simple, but because our senses are limited, we can’t grasp them. There is a pattern in creation. If we look at this tree outside whose roots search beneath the pavement for water, or a flower which sends its sweet smell to the pollinating bees, or even our own selves and the inner forces that drive us to act, we can see that we all dance to a mysterious tune, and the piper who plays this melody from an inscrutable distance—whatever name we give this—Creative Force, or God—escapes all book knowledge..."
Albert Einstein
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bking718 · 11 hours
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bking718 · 11 hours
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bking718 · 11 hours
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The more real you get the more unreal the world gets.
John Lennon
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bking718 · 13 hours
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bking718 · 13 hours
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bking718 · 13 hours
Love overflows into Itself . . . Just for YOU!
When you reach out in kindness you release your loving energy that expands into others. Give Love, Connection, and Joy; it will always come back as living in kindness.
Offering Compassion and Loving-Kindness are virtuous deeds that release the authorities from countless lifetimes of karma.
Being kind and compassionate is a path all onto itself.
Just Love. ~Padmā
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bking718 · 14 hours
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bking718 · 14 hours
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{🙌🏾🪽💭👁️}A spiritual awakening is really coming back with yourself, and it's an awareness of a new reality, and who you truly are. You'll feel called to uncover the true meaning and purpose of life, and once you start, there's no real going back. You start questioning reality, the government, consumerism, and people's intentions.
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bking718 · 1 day
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Do Not Let The System Break You
The moment we forget our divine nature, we become delusional and can no longer experience true freedom, inner peace and fulfillment. The world that we live in functions as one big mental asylum (a distorted, cultural perception of reality), yet most people are too asleep to even notice. 
This is due to normalizing (blindly accepting) systematic patterns of dysfunctional belief-systems, misinformation, addictions and degenerate behaviors that keep us living in a “blue pill” lifestyle.
Self-Love begins with Self-Knowledge. We must fully embrace our true nature (the timelessness dimension of being) that lies beyond the smokescreen of the conditioned mind (our thoughts, feelings, automatic behaviors, memories, sense perceptions and cultural narratives).  
-Anon I mus (Spiritually Anonymous)
*Subscribe to Anon I mus Youtube channel @ https://www.youtube.com/user/SpirituallyAnonImus http://egoawarenessmovement.org
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