billettouk · 9 years
Field Day 2015: The Other Top 5
Toumani & Sidiki Diabaté
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We wanted to include something a little different that has a us very excited. It is not very conventional to have instrumental music in festivals and especially West African music.
For 78 generations, the Diabaté family have been the custodians of the ancient oral traditions of West Africa’s Mandé people. Toumani and Sidiki are a father-and-son duo that have kept the tradition alive. They are the masters of the Kora, the 21-string West African harp and it’s using it that they create very melodic peaceful songs.
Toumani took over his dad’s tradition and kept the sounds of Kora alive. He has been travelling the world introducing everyone to the Mandé sound. His son, Sidiki, splits his days between his own hip hop record label in Bamako, Mali’s capital, with raper “Iba One” and playing Kora with his father.
Their album is a set of obscure Kora songs and traditional Mandé songs. Have a listen to some of them:
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Straight from Shepard’s Bush, London, Shura’s music is very personal but ultimately, very cool and contemporary. A mix of 90’s R&B and electro with beats and vocals that remind us of Solange and Jessie Ware. She has claimed this as her own signature style and created very melodic songs perfect for the summer. Don’t miss her set at Field Day London!
She hasn’t released a full LP yet, but she has managed to build a lot of expectation around her name from the beginning. She’s been featured as an artist to watch by BBC, Stereogum, Dazed and countless others and we couldn’t agree more! Her first single “Touch” came out last year along a homemade video featuring her friends kissing and went viral and it’s only been going up from there. Check out her latest video for her single “2Shy”
 Expect her album to drop by August / September this year but here is a little preview for you of Shura’s sound.
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Oliver Cean "Oceaán" is a young producer from Manchester who was born in Brussels but grew up in Denmark. He's building a great following, and has steadily been booking gigs around the country for a while now, including this year's Field Day London!
His music is very emotional in the same way James Blake's is; dark, deep vocals and beats that when layered together are, in a way, very nostalgic. However, what's really striking about Oceaáns music is his tempo and the way it changes throughout every track, working hand in hand with the percussion and vocals. One song may make you either want to dance away or sit down and contemplate life as it goes past you. 
We have put together a short playlist of our favourite tracks from his two EPs "Oceaan" and "The Grip" so you can get a feel of what's to come at Field Day.
Tei Shi
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Foto by Faith Silva
Valerie Teicher, a.k.a Tei Shi is a New York City based singer-songwriter. Teicher was born in Buenos Aires to Colombian parents and lived in Canada before studying at Berkely College of Music in Boston and then moving to NYC.
She describes her music as “mermaid music” which could possibly be the best way to describe it as it doesn’t really fit into any other category. It’s a layered mix of electro, pop, indie with a hint of 80s synth pop; but what Tei Shi is really about is her voice. The vocals to her tracks play a big role in making her music so melodic and harmonious.
 She released her first EP “Saudade” in 2013 and has just released her second EP “Verde” this April. There has definitely been an evolution from one EP to another, where Saudade was a more personal and experimental project, Verde is more studied and confident, it’s the consolidation of the Tei Shi sound. We have prepared a short playlist with our favourite tracks for you, we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Don’t forget Tei Shi will be playing at this year’s Field Day London! 
Get your tickets for Field Day London at Billetto
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billettouk · 9 years
Interview: Natural Kitchen Adventures’ Ceri Jones
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As our fascination with food – eating it, making it, photographing it – seems to only increase and become more and more social, Made In Hackney is dedicating an afternoon to the lifestyle of food communication through blogging and photography.
Food writer Ceri Jones and lifestyle photographer Jo Yee are invited to share their experience on how to start a new digital food outlet and how to optimise the look of the food featured. Ahead of the event on June 13, we spoke to both Ceri and Jo about succeeding with their passion – and how being a food blogging veteran doesn’t mean being ‘senior’. First up is Natural Chef Ceri of Natural Kitchen Adventures, who’s also sharing her own Twice Baked Sweet Potato recipe.
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You’re a certified Natural Chef from the Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition & Culinary Arts. Could you explain a little about what this title means and what you learned in San Francisco?
A Natural Chef puts seasonal, organic, unrefined and local (SOUL) foods at the heart of cookery.  We do this with the aim of creating nutritious food that is first and foremost delicious.  The first part of my course at Bauman followed a standard chef training from simple cooking techniques preparing a wide range of foods, to stocks sauces, baking etc. But always with healthy food and also learning to work with alternative ingredients - gluten and dairy free for example.  We then moved onto international cuisine to expand our cooking repertoire and knowledge of ingredients.  We finished up with a section on therapeutic cooking - so learning how to prepare foods to support individuals through various health conditions.  This was fascinating.  
Food blogging – and a focus on modern nutrition – has become massive over the last couple of years. You wrote your first blog post in 2011, which, in this day and age, practically makes you a veteran. When you hit ‘post’ on your first blog piece, what was your approach to the project? And has it changed over the years?
Goodness, a veteran makes me sound old!  When I hit publish on my first post in 2011, I had no specific goal in mind other than to share my love for creating simple nutritious recipes.  The blog was to be my outlet for this, a hobby if you like, and something to do in my spare time alongside my full time job.  I certainly had no desire to be the next Nigella or Jamie.  Over the years I realised that my passion for what I was writing and learning about through my blog was bigger than the passion for my current job, and that was when I made the conscious decision to change my career.  This whole process took a long time!
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Buckwheat & Chickpea salad with Rocket & Brazil Nut Pesto
At the Made In Hackney event, you will be talking about the perfect recipe. What is the perfect recipe?
Technically speaking, the perfect recipe is one that is easy to follow and that follows certain protocols with language and order.  Recipe writing has its own language, don't you know?  The goal when writing a recipe is to get the reader, and cook, to be able to replicate what you have created with the greatest of ease, whilst also allowing and encouraging them to add their own flair where appropriate.  Cooking should be instinctive and sometimes it’s good to encourage readers to understand how to check if a cake is ready, rather than instructing them to take it out of the oven at 25 minutes as that is what the recipe says.  Obviously, it goes without saying that the perfect recipe will taste insanely good too.  I personally, favour simple recipes.  If I find a recipe in a book that has a million ingredients, I am seriously not going to bother to cook it. Ever.
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Sage topped Eggs & Yoghurt and Shiitake Bacon
We’re going to try the Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes that you have recommended. Any tips before we start? From reading the recipe, it seems you nailed this recipe straight away?
Before I wrote this recipe, I'd already cooked it a few times free-styling in my kitchen so when I came to write it down it wasn't too difficult.  Whilst this recipe is fairly simple, because the potatoes take a long time to cook it does take a while.  My best advice would be to start cooking well before you are hungry! Also, choosing potatoes that are a good shape (small and rugby ball ideal) makes a world of different.  Sometimes you can get sweet potatoes the size of your head and they just wouldn't work in this instance!
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Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes Stuffed With Spiced Chickpeas
Book the Made In Hackney class on June 13 with Ceri Jones and Jo Yee, and look out for our interview with Jo next week featuring some of her favourite food shots.
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billettouk · 9 years
Guide: London Cannes Too!
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This Sunday the winner of the Cannes Film Festival 2015’s main competition will be awarded the prestigious Palme d’Or. Sun, sand and celebrity, your Instagram feed will have you believe it’s the place to be. But is it? Really, when you think about it, there’s nothing that the French Riviera has that London doesn’t also have - and in abundance. The package might differ slightly to an untrained eye, but London is nothing if not glamorous this Bank Holiday - even for the folks just wearing flats. 
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London Wine Week: Noble Rot’s Guide To Cote d’Or
Hix city, May 23
Palme d’Or, Cote d’Or - as long as it’s golden. By now, London Wine Week is several bottles in and tomorrow wine and food magazine Noble Rot presents an hour-long Guide To The Cote D’or - also known as Burgundy. Since its launch in February 2013 Noble Rot has seen been blurring the boundaries between gastronomy and the creative arts with founders Dan Keeling, former managing director of Island Records, and Mark Andrew, head buyer of Roberson Wine, at the wheel. After the workshop the pair promises that you’ll be closing in on Cote D’Or connoisseurship through the whites of Puligny-Montrachet and reds of Vosne-Romanée. Red carpet? Red wine! 
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Made In Chelsea Walking Tour
The Tour Hub, May 23
Forget about wearing heels if you’re joining The Tour Hub’s Made In Chelsea Walking Tour. Flats are allowed, although we would recommend dressing up as you never know which celebrities - A,B or Z - you will encounter in this the most chichi areas of London. Think cravates, think pastels, think velvet loafers - and whatever you do, do not mention camping. East London has clamour, West London has glamour and whichever you prefer, The Tour Hub are first class chaperones; always creating a bubbly atmosphere and providing great content on their tours. Flossy, flossy. 
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Pimp My Profiteroles by Jenius Social
Islington Studios, May 24
Fill them, dip them,; stack them; the profiterole is the most indulgent of all the French treats. Sure to be served on silver trays in Cannes, at Jenius Social you get to make and decorate your own. We know from The Great British Bake Off that mastering the warm choux pastry is a trademark of a true culinary champion, but it doesn’t stop there as Pimp My Profiteroles is as much about nailing the creative aesthetics around piping and presentation. The jury will be tough, but the prize will be scrumptious. You can’t eat a Palme D’Or, can you? 
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Immersion Nightclub River Cruise Bank Holiday Launch
South Bank, May 24 
The bay gets so busy mid-day and Rihanna plays her own music really loudly. Yacht life, indeed, is not for the faint-of-heart. However the Riviera, in our case Le South Bank, is not properly christened for summer without a boat party. Luckily, Immersion is stepping up and launching their Nightclub River Cruise this bank holiday weekend. All aboard the four-hour long floating night out where our beautiful London skyline will provide a disco ball backdrop. Rumour has it that Immersion has a vodka luge and we know this is not something you’ll normally find north of Ibiza. Chin chin. 
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The 1877 Club
Harrow School, May 25
All England, all good. Combine tennis, afternoon tea and a private school and we know someone’s putting on the ritz. Turn the clock way back and join The 1877 Club, a new food pop up, set in the prestigious Harrow School. An all boys club, like Cannes, back in the day, now transformed into the inaugural All England Tennis Championships with supper club queen Christabel’s serving innovative afternoon tea and dinner dishes – on real grass! Pause to witness glimpses into the game's proud past and your proud present.
Get tickets
For all Bank Holiday Weekend events, glamorous or otherwise, go to billetto.co.uk
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billettouk · 9 years
What We Know About: Hinds
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New year, new name - 2015 is already proving to be the year of the Hinds. The Spanish duo is playing Scala tonight, May 19th, and you’ll have to look far and wide to find a pair of girls with a more genuinely casual attitude towards their musical journey. They might not have been dreaming of playing since they were kids, but they’re sure feeling the music and it makes for a brilliant gig. Here’s what else we found out about them:
The band? Two leading ladies, Ana Garcia Perrote and Carlotta Cosials, both guitar and lead vocals. Although at gigs they become four, teaming up with Ade Martín, bass, and Amber Grimbergen on drums. 
Their first gig? Was only a year ago, in April. Up until two years ago, neither of the girls could play an instrument. Any instrument. 
Weren’t they called….Deers? yes. But so was another band and therefore they became female deers, Hinds, as of 2015. 
How did they start out? The two girls met through their ex-boyfriends and although their individual relationships didn’t last, their musical connection did. Both girls are from Madrid. 
One word that literally everybody mentions when describing Hinds: Talent. 
And about the music, what’s it like? The Guardian nailed it in 2014: ‘Lo-fi garage rock with hints of 60s girl-group pop.’ Our minds go to Dirty Dancing. Hinds could easily have been on the beloved soundtrack, without anybody lifting an eyebrow. 
Lo-fi, you say? Very. In fact, they’re known to record using their mobile phones. It makes everything sound like a demo and it works perfectly. 
But you can get them on iTunes? Absolutely. But also, they sell cassette tapes via label Burger Records. And they sell out quick too. Grab your walkman.
Girl power? Yes. When looking for their drummer, the girls were very aware of keeping the dynamic of the group, and the music industry’s Abba-syndrome: assuming that the man in the band is the songwriter. So they found Ade and Amber and amped up the female energy. 
Who should they warm up for? Haim. 
Their stage set-up: 
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(See more of their Twitter here)
Their motto: ‘Nuestras mierdas, nuestras reglas’, or in plain English: Our shit, our rules. 
Most played track on Spotify? Bamboo. Also listen to Trippy Gum and cover Davey Crockett. 
Best lyric: ‘I know you’re not hungover today, you are classifying your cassettes’. 
A busy summer ahead? European festivals. Catch them again in August at Visions Festival around London Fields. 
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In their tour bags: Lipstick and tobacco.
Book tickets for Hinds at Scale tonight here
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billettouk · 9 years
Meet The Cake For Dinner Team
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It goes without saying that you have to be particularly keen on kale + quinoa to not stop in your tracks when you read ‘Cake For Dinner’. But a quick chat with the sweet-toothed people of Chambord confirmed our wildest dreams: it will be all desserts for dinner on Friday 15th when they present Because No Reason with Ink & Paint Club. It will be a hands-on experience twisting our conceptions of the classic dessert. A different kind of super food, if you will, here Chambord explains a winning concept: 
When it comes to eating and our daily diets, there are new rules, regulations and reasons for eating a certain (healthy) way everyday. Is Cake For Dinner a counter-rebellion against all that? 
It’s not so much about healthy eating or rebelling against it; it’s more about Chambord encouraging people to do what they like. These days we seem to be in an age of over-advice. We’re constantly being told to behave in certain ways - online, in our news feeds, in magazines, from all sorts of places. Particularly when it comes to what we eat and how we look. Chambord wants to encourage people to forget these pressures, spend less time caring about what everyone else is saying and more time doing what you like. If you want to have an evening of eating cake and enjoying yourself, for no other reason than you want to, then you should! 
Will it actually only be cake for dinner? Because it would be cruel to kid us folks with a sweet tooth…. 
Absolutely. It's dessert, dessert, dessert! But not as we know it. We'll be treating guests to three courses of dessert, accompanied by cocktails of course. Because it's Chambord, there'll be some unexpected twists on the classic notion of cake. We teamed up with brilliant production company Ink & Paint Club to create the whole experience, and they helped develop our brilliant and exciting menu. We wanted to make sure each sweet course tastes as great as it looks. 
Could you reveal a little about the No Reason journey on the night? I’m sensing this is a multi-sensory experience? 
It's certainly not your average sit-down dinner! We're giving guests a hands-on experience with immersive theatre, sound design and a surreal setting inspired by Chambord's unique world. We wanted to put a distinctly ‘because no reason’ twist on elegant dining and create something memorable, and above all else, fun. It's not stuffy or formal; we want guests to have a great time exploring the space and discovering treats. 
And most importantly, will there be more Because No Reason events? 
We certainly hope so!
This Friday, May 15th, all dessert everything at Cake For Dinner. Tickets are available right here.
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billettouk · 9 years
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Last chance for second release tickets to Field Day London. http://bit.ly/FieldDayBilletto
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billettouk · 9 years
Allpress Opens On Dalston Lane
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One of the main components of waking up the Billetto team in the morning is Allpress coffee. We’ve learned to properly plunge for ourselves, but nothing caffeinates as much as a Redchurch Street flat white. 
Unsurprisingly then, hearing about Allpress’ big move up the main road to Dalston first struck fear in our hearts, until we learned that they’re keeping a small espresso bar at their old address, close to our office. 
With a big and busy launch party on Friday, Allpress Roastery and Café officially opened on 55 Dalston Lane in a beautiful 1920’s factory building. Split over two massive floors there will be plenty of space for the company’s brand new, custom-built roaster – the Mk III - designed by Michael Allpress and engineer Mike Scobie. The open factory will allow for customers to get a closer look at their special air roasting method and it will also include the café, an open kitchen, the retail counter, a cupping lab, training area and a big outdoor space. 
The New Zealand company has spent many months restoring the old space, making it as energy efficient as possible, and solar panels cover the entire roof area, providing the roastery with more energy than it can actually consume. This incredible restoration process has been filmed through time lapse, and what better way to introduce East London’s new coffee citadel. 
Congratulations Allpress!
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billettouk · 9 years
Listen to the top tracks of the week according to the Billetto Editorial team in London.
Get our picks of the best upcoming gigs by following Billetto Music: www.billetto.co.uk/billetto-music
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billettouk · 9 years
Meet Folktronica Duo The Deer Tracks Ahead of Ja Ja Ja
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Tonight at The Lexington, London’s most enthusiastic Nordic music lovers gather at Ja Ja Ja. Luckily, we had just enough time to catch up with another of the three performing acts, The Deer Tracks from Sweden. 
The folktronica band is a collaboration between David Lehnberg and Elin Lindfors, two versatile multi-instrumentalists and singers, who handle everything from writing to recording to production. The thing with DIY music-making is that every raw sound stands out and feels essential to the track - nothing is there simply because a pre-fabricated hit recipe dictates it so. As an artist, you’ve got to really build the music in the most literal sense of the word, and The Deer Tracks produce clean songs with those exact characteristics. They make genuine hits too – from super glitchy party-anthem ‘Lazarus’ to Grey’s Anatomy mood-setter ‘Bless The Waves’. 
Meet David Lehnberg here and on stage tonight: 
I grew up in…Gävle 
When I was 12, I was hoping to one day sing a duet with…Carola Häggkvist 
The first song to take my breath away was…’Gloria’ by Mineral 
My stage personality is…ever-changing depending on what band I play with. 
The song most played on my iTunes/Spotify/turntable is...’128 Harps’ by Four Tet. 
I would like to be remembered for music that was…genuine, experimental and not sounding like everything else. 
Every day I…meditate and smile as often as I can 
My biggest inspiration has always been…Pink Floyd 
I wish I had written this song….
In the shower I sing…drum sounds 
My unicorn would be called…Amaraja 
I would love to play a gig in this venue…any venue that truly wants me there. 
This image/painting/photo is hanging in my living room right now…a picture of Lord Krsna 
My next video will be…filled with South African lions. 
The Deer Tracks will perform at Ja Ja Ja with Norway’s Jonas Alaska and Denmark’s Baby In Vain at The Lexington from 7.30 pm. Tickets available here for £7. 
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billettouk · 9 years
Latitude Adds Warpaint, Boomtown Rats, First Names for Film Arena at 2015 Edition
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Latitude Festival have announced another round of additions to the musical proceedings for their 2015 edition in Henham Park this July, as well as the first reveal of what’s in store for the Film Arena.
Heading for the Obelisk Arena are new additions Warpaint, Boomtown Rats, Badly Drawn Boy and Santigold.
Meanwhile on the always-stellar BBC Radio 6 Music Stage The Charlatans, A Winged Victory For The Sullen, Kindness and more join the bill.
Elsewhere on the music side of things, a few recent Billetto faves also added today include HÆLOS, Rae Morris, and Ben Khan (among many more).
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Today also saw the first names added for this year’s Film Arena. Roni Size Reprazent, Matthew Herbert and Max Cooper top the bill, with other notable news including a screening of Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck, and White Mink’s Swingrowers.
True to form, Latitude ticks all the boxes once again as one of the country’s premier “all-rounder” festivals; boasting not only a bumper bill of music, but arts, film and comedy aplenty to keep things fresh.
Advance tickets are available now on Billetto.
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billettouk · 9 years
Top 4 Things to See at Land of Kings 2015
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Dalston all day-er Land of Kings is just days away now, and what better way to celebrate the Bank Holiday long weekend than to soak up some of the city’s best music, food and arts. The jam-packed day boasts, as always, an amazing lineup. We’re hard pressed to pick favourites – make sure you check out the full lineup – but here are four must-see happenings coming this Sunday. Advance tickets are available now.
Michael Lovett has been flying under the radar since his acclaimed debut album in 2012, a self titled release under nom de plume NZCA/LINES. Until the release of new single “New Atmosphere” (and accompanying B-side “Cirrus Forming”) late last year, that is. The revamped “cyberpunk space disco” will be a surefire highlight.
  London Short Film Festival: Midnight Shorts
The London Short Film Festival brings a massive selection of shorts from their 2015 edition to Land of Kings for a late night takeover of Kingsland Road landmark the Rio Cinema. From misanthropic love poems, to mutant-filled viral pandemics, check out the full schedule of screenings.
  Street Feast of Kings
A London stalwart and purveyors of the cities finest food pop-ups, Street Feast caters to the hungry festival foodies with an assortment of everything from Bellinis to BBQ. Pit stop number one...and two, and three...
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We’ve been enamoured with mysterious Londoner Brolin since his appearance on the scene in 2012 with “NYC”.  With subsequent stellar releases including the Cundo EP, “Portland”, and “Swim Deep” - and catching the bedroom producer live at DUMMY’s AGM in 2013 - we’re dug in deep on our wager that he’s on deck for big things.
  Land of Kings takes over Dalston this coming Sunday, May 3rd with a full day of music, food, and arts to satisfy every inclination. Get your tickets now on Billetto.
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billettouk · 9 years
Interview: Rumpus’ Santiago Genochio
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One Rumpus, two Rumpi. A party that comes in plural is one well worth paying attention to. On Friday, May 8th, Rumpus Vol. 25 is kicking off as a multi-dimensional, one-night festival at Islington Metal Works – a historic venue once used to stable the horses that pulled the trams for London Transport. 
What makes Rumpus events ones to truly remember is the high quality content; seven rooms will be bursting with an explosion of music, performance, art, costumes and mead – literally, an all-purpose extravagance will be coming at you from the air, from below and all imaginable places in between. 
The name of the night is Wenches & Wrenches and kings of the festival scene, Slamboree Soundsystem will be taking over the main stage to unleash a tidal wave of beats and beasts. How beastly? We spoke to founder Santiago Genochio to find out.
On the ground: Rumpus will take place between an impressive seven rooms. Surely, this is not a party, it’s a festival? 
Precisely. We started Rumpus explicitly as an attempt to get away from the mentality that people should be spending money to stand in a crowded room watching a band, or getting jostled between two rooms where DJs are playing. We want people to experience as much high quality content from as many different genres and disciplines as possible. At any given Rumpus you can dance to bands till 6 am, loose yourself on dance floors to explosive DJs, wander through an art exhibition and watch a live art battle, jump into a giant ball pool, watch circus and theatre shows, get wrapped up in interactive performances, search for hidden rooms, sit down in a cinema, pop into a tea room - and so much more. And whilst our normal Rumpi have seven rooms, our Mega Rumpi, which happen once or twice a year, have 11 rooms! 
In the air: I have seen your colourful video teaser. Turning our gazes up, who and what can we expect to see? 
Rumpus is a bit infamous for what we hang from the ceiling. Aerial circus shows are pretty standard, but we've been known to hang saxophone players above the crowd, and not too long ago we hosted a flesh hook suspension World Record attempt. If you don't know what a flesh hook suspension is, well, it's not for the squeamish. 
The outfits: Is there dress code? Are there any limits there? 
Rumpus is quite unusual in this regard: we don't enforce a dress code, because we believe that whilst good parties might be about people looking good, Great Parties are about people feeling comfortable. Whilst the vast majority of our Creatures choose to dress up, and some people to go incredible extents in making their costumes, we have never turned anyone away for what they are wearing. Truth is, sometimes even we don't feel like dressing up, and that's fine. We highly encourage people to think outside the box when it comes to interpreting our themes, and we don't really believe in limits. We've had people dancing all night in full suits of medieval armour! 
In the bar: What will the perfect Wenches & Wrenches drink be? 
Mead, of course. At Rumpus we believe that mead is to adventures what lighter fluid is to bonfires. 
On the sound system: What are the criteria for a proper Rumpus event soundtrack? 
We believe that there is good music in any genre - with the possible exception of mid-eighties post-progressive Gambian thrash Gabba. We believe that good music gets better if you play it at good people. We have a strong focus on live bands, but we prefer the kind of band that understands the difference between a gig - where people go to watch a band - and a rave - where people come to dance. We want bands that play because they love making people dance. We could start listing the range of genres we play at Rumpus, but the list would be long. Instead, why don't you have a little listen to the playlist from our next event? 
On that note, secure your tickets to Rumpus Vol 25. on May 8th and dance, dance like there was no tomorrow. 
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billettouk · 9 years
Meet Jonas Alaska Ahead of this Week’s Ja Ja Ja Clubnight
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London’s most established Nordic music assembly Ja Ja Ja is presenting three new artists on Thursday 30th April at The Lexington. Norway’s light-spirited pop-smith Jonas Alaska will perform alongside Denmark’s Baby In Vain and Sweden’s The Deer Tracks.
Alaska’s youthful musical universe stands in opposition to a voice that carries the resonance and experience of someone several decades older than the 27-year-old singer and songwriter – the contradiction extends as Jonas has just released a very mature third album, Younger. Here he is on ‘Dirty Diana’, Nirvana and his grandfather’s jazz trio. 
I grew up in…Åmli, Norway. 
When I was 12, I was hoping to one day sing a duet with…Whitney Houston. 
The first song to take my breath away was…‘Dirty Diana’ by Michael Jackson. 
My stage personality is…pretty similar to my personality. 
The song most played on my iTunes/Spotify/turntable is…Crimson and Clover - Tommy James & The Shondells. 
I would like to be remembered for music that was…awesome. 
Every day I….sleep till late. 
My biggest inspiration has always been…changing each 6 months, but The Beatles, Bob Dylan and David Bowie are heavyweights. 
I wish I had written this song…’Drain You’ - Nirvana. 
In the shower I sing…‘Jessica’ by Avi Buffalo. 
My unicorn would be called…Kickflip. 
I would love to play a gig in this venue…The Beacon Theatre. 
This painting or photo is hanging in my living room right now…a photo of my grandfather’s jazz trio. 
My next video will be…a homemade skateboard video, inspired by Shorty's film Fulfill The Dream.
Get your tickets to Ja Ja Ja’s April clubnight on Billetto.
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billettouk · 9 years
Welcome The Circle Pizza Company
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A sigh of relief was heard at the Billetto office when we heard that The Circle Pizza Company has just opened at Hoxton Square. Pizza Friday can finally become a thing, as the art of making pizza doesn’t get much more refined than at The Circle - or more simple. 00 flour, olive oil, sea salt, water. 24-hour resting. Done. 
Besides generous amounts of super fresh ingredients, the very base of the sourdough is over 150 years old. The third generation yeast starter is from Naples, Italy, the original home of the pizza and we can only imagine the un certo non so che this will give. 
With a grand opening comes a grand celebration, and The Circle Pizza Company is offering 50% off their disks until Wednesday, April 22nd. And, on Monday 20th, there’s a free slice for everybody who drops by. Welcome to the neighbourhood, The Circle Pizza Company.
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billettouk · 9 years
Visions Festival Add Camera Obscura, Jens Lekman, JJ and More to 2015 Lineup
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East London favourite Visions Festival returns for its third year running this August. Today, the festival has made another round of additions to the already bumper lineup of indie faves and up-and-comers alike.
Headlining at St Johns at Hackney Church will be Scottish indie-pop outfit Camera Obscura, who join previously announced bill-toppers The Antlers, Fat White Family and TOY.
Perhaps the biggest news of the day though (at least in Billetto HQ…) is the addition of stalwart Swedish singer songwriter Jens Lekman, who will be giving an airing of material from his forthcoming album.
Also in this latest wave of names, Nevada-based R&B singer Shamir, South London’s PIX and Wichita-signee Oscar are all set to play the London Fields festival this August. THEESatisfaction make their first UK appearance since the release of second album  EarthEE, as well as Sweden’s JJ and Tampa’s Merchandise.
Visions Festival will take over warehouse venues, spaces and outdoor spots around London Fields on August 8th. Tickets are available now on Billetto.
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billettouk · 9 years
Interview + competition: StreetFest 2015
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Street culture has always been an unspoiled source of inspiration for voyeuristic souls looking for the immediate and new. The streets are for people, before professions and titles. This openness and unavoidable energy is sure to be found at this years StreetFest, held at Tobacco Docs on May 3rd. 
Whether you’re actively and creatively shaping street culture around the world or you’re more of an observer, it will be a day of urban rhythms, movements, sounds and flavours for all. After talking to Marketing Manager of StreetFest 2015, Chloe Stubbings, we’re highly convinced the festival will be able to replicate the spirit of ‘creating something from nothing’.
If you are feeling lucky, StreetFest is even giving away 2 x VIP tickets for the day which will include vouchers for drinks and all the delicious street food being served throughout the day. You can enter right here. 
StreetFest seems to not only blend different genres of street cultures together – music, dance, art – but also different street cultures from around the world, is that correct? 
CS: Street culture is a global language, it has roots from every street in every city around the world, so we do not necessarily differentiate between nations of origin. Street culture is very much based around things that grew from nothing, and if you consider genres and activities such as Graffiti, Hip Hop, Skateboarding and BMXing; the roots are all based in the street and developed from there. We just aim to celebrate it all in one environment, and we like to think that our customers want to join us in this and they relate to each other wherever they may be originally from. 
When starting to put the StreetFest programme together for 2015, did you already have a wish list of participants that you knew you wanted to shape the festival around? 
CS: There are so many artists and performers that we would love to bring to the event from around the world. Our core team all have roots within their different cultures, and with this comes a network of extremely creative people who shape the festival. There would be a predetermined hit list of acts and performers, but that is just a starting point, during development, we may discover new acts and performers that we didn't consider originally, but we feel that would fit in great and should have a platform. 
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This is the 8th year of StreetFest. How did the first StreetFest look? And how far has the concept come? 
CS: Over the last few years, the event has evolved massively, every year we get more applications from both local and global performers. In the beginning, we were in a warehouse, which really encompassed the idea of a 'street party'. In 2013 we realised the concept had outgrown the space for the amount of people that wanted to attend and that we owed it to them to expand. This year we really searched for a home where we could grow as a festival within - a difficult feat in today's Central London - which we are happy to say we will be in for the next few years and the scope for development as a festival within the site seems limitless. We are also very happy to see that the StreetFest customers have evolved over the years, in the beginning it was mainly artists, performers, skaters, musicians and the wider creative community, now it feels the word has spread beyond that demographic and we see all ages and families from many different backgrounds, all enjoying the day & really getting involved. 
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When talking about street culture, characteristics are - often - an urban environment that’s a bit underground, often spontaneous and hard to pin down. How do those components work when you have to plan and structure such a big day as StreetFest is? Some things you can’t plan on, right? And wouldn’t want to plan on, I imagine, leaving room for the party to happen on its own?
CS: Essentially we aim to create an environment where customers are close to any and all of the art forms taking place and that feels as 'natural' as possible. Street culture after all started on the street. People made something from nothing, they made their own fashion, they went against the grain. Hip Hop started in a park, skateboarding was made out of a plank and some roller skates, graffiti started on the street, one day someone said I'm going to do a bunny hop on a bike. 
The fact is that we have a space which is a certain size, how can we use that space to our advantage to still help people feel free? To be honest we just try our best to make the environment feel as natural as possible. 
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The StreetFest programme is brimming with talent. Where should we start? What and who cannot be missed? 
CS: Ohhh this is really tough... 
[So we made a list]
Main stage: Loyle Carner, Soom T, Kutmah, Elijah & Skilliam, Isaiah Dreads.... 
Unsigned Stage: Ruinz Ason, Orph Gang, Kai Jones... Art: Skor, Kaes, Lost Souls, Philth... actually well just all of them really. 
Dance: the 'Final of the Crew' Battle will be insane! Plus special performances from Myself UK and Parkour dance. 
Sport: Kye Forte, Voodoo Unicycles, Pro Mini Ramp Competition, Game of S.K.A.T.E regional finals 
Make sure you check out some of the talented young fashion brands on the market, street food from some of London's favourite traders, and get stuck in at least one of the free Urban Arts Experience workshops (learn to DJ, breakdance or beatbox). 
Enter the competition for 2 x VIP tickets on Billetto or click through to the StreetFest 2015 event page.
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billettouk · 9 years
Secret 7″ Preview
Last night, Secret 7″ launched its annual collection of one-of-their-kind vinyl with covers created by some of the worlds biggest artists, combining music and art for a good cause at Somerset House.
Seven tracks from seven beloved musicians - contemporary and classic - are each pressed 100 times on 7” vinyl and this makes for colourful, wall-to-wall exhibition of 700 vinyls - a celebration for and of those who cherish and still prefers this way of engaging with music.
Sir Peter Blake, Yoko Ono, Sam Taylor Johnson and Sir Paul Smith are among the showcased artists, but viewers will not know who made which cover – not even when the vinyl go on sale after the exhibition for £50 each. 
A special part of the exhibition is The Public Records event that starts tomorrow, April 11th, where you will be able to record your very own 7” vinyl. 15 minutes, live, at Somerset House. We are very excited to be a part of this and tickets to book your quarter of an hour are available here. Last day of The Public Records will be April 19th. Is your masterpiece ready?
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Book your spot at The Public Records and add to the vinyl revolution of Secret 7".
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