bharti3 · 1 year
Retina Eye Surgery and Treatment in Delhi
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If you or a loved one is dealing with a retinal issue, you are not alone. In India, millions of people Suffer from retina-related problems. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to help You manage your condition. Retina eye surgery is one such option. If you are considering retina eye Surgery, you may be wondering about the procedure, the recovery, and what to expect. In this Article, we will discuss everything you need to know about retina eye surgery at Bharti Eye Foundation In Delhi.
What is Retina Eye Surgery?
Retina eye surgery is a type of surgery that is performed to repair a range of retinal conditions, Including retinal detachment, macular holes, diabetic retinopathy, and more. The procedure is Typically performed under local anesthesia and involves making a small incision in the eye. The Surgeon then uses specialized instruments to repair the retina and any related issues.
Who is a Candidate for Retina Eye Surgery?
Not everyone who has a retina-related condition is a candidate for retina eye surgery. Your eye Doctor will determine if retina eye surgery is the right choice for you based on your specific condition And medical history.
What to Expect During Retina Eye Surgery?
Before your surgery, your eye doctor will provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare. During the surgery, you will be awake but under local anesthesia, so you won't feel any pain. The Surgeon will make a small incision in the eye and use specialized instruments to repair the retina. The surgery usually takes between one and three hours.
Recovery after Retina Eye Surgery
After your surgery, your eye may be covered with a patch or shield to protect it. You may also need To use eye drops or take medication to manage any pain or inflammation. Your eye doctor will Provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your eye after surgery. It's essential to Follow these instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and prevent complications.
Advantages of Retina Eye Surgery at Bharti Eye Foundation
If you are considering retina eye surgery, you may be wondering why you should choose Bharti Eye Foundation in Delhi.  Here are a few advantages of getting your surgery done at Bharti Eye Foundation:
1. Highly Experienced Surgeons: The retina surgeons at Bharti Eye Foundation have years of Experience and are experts in their field.
2. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Bharti Eye Foundation is equipped with the latest technology and Equipment, ensuring that you receive the best possible care.
3. Personalized Care: The team at Bharti Eye Foundation is committed to providing personalized
Care to each patient, ensuring that you receive the attention and support you need throughout your Recovery.
4. Affordable Prices: Bharti Eye Foundation offers retina eye surgery at affordable prices, making it Accessible to more people.
Risks and Complications of Retina Eye Surgery
Like any surgery, retina eye surgery comes with risks and complications. Some potential risks and Complications include: Infection Bleeding Retinal detachment Cataracts Vision loss It’s important to discuss these risks with your eye doctor before deciding if retina eye surgery is right For you.
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bharti3 · 1 year
Best Glaucoma Eye Treatment in Delhi
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Glaucoma is a medical condition that affects the optic nerve in the eye, resulting in vision loss and blindness if left untreated. If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma or suspect you have it, seeking treatment immediately is essential. Bharti Eye Foundation in Delhi is one of the best places to get the best glaucoma eye treatment. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for glaucoma, as well as how Bharti Eye Foundation can help. Understanding Glaucoma Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that affects the optic nerve, causing it to become damaged over time. This damage occurs when the fluid pressure inside the eye, also known as intraocular pressure, builds up and puts pressure on the optic nerve. This pressure damages the nerve fibers, resulting in vision loss that usually starts with the peripheral vision and gradually progresses to central vision. Symptoms of Glaucoma The early stages of glaucoma often have no symptoms, which is why it is known as the "silent thief of sight." As the disease progresses, you may experience the following symptoms: Loss of peripheral vision Blurred or hazy vision Halos around lights Pain or pressure in the eye Nausea or vomiting If you experience any of these symptoms, it is essential to see an eye doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment. Types of Glaucoma
There are two main types of glaucoma : open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma.
Open-Angle Glaucoma Open-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma and occurs when the drainage canals in the eye become clogged over time. This leads to a gradual increase in intraocular pressure, which damages the optic nerve. Angle-Closure Glaucoma Angle-closure glaucoma occurs when the iris bulges forward and blocks the drainage angle in the eye, resulting in a sudden increase in intraocular pressure. This type of glaucoma is considered a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment. Glaucoma Treatment Options The goal of glaucoma treatment is to reduce intraocular pressure and prevent further damage to the optic nerve. Treatment options include: Eye Drops
Eye drops are often the first line of treatment for glaucoma They work by either decreasing the amount of fluid produced in the eye or increasing the amount of fluid drained from the eye, which lowers intraocular pressure. Laser Therapy Laser therapy is another option for treating glaucoma. It is typically used to open up the drainage canals in the eye or to create a hole in the iris to relieve pressure. Surgery In more severe cases of glaucoma, surgery may be necessary to reduce intraocular pressure. There are several types of glaucoma surgery, including trabeculectomy, in which a new drainage channel is created in the eye to allow fluid to drain out, and tube shunt surgery, in which a small tube is inserted into the eye to help drain fluid. Why Choose Bharti Eye Foundation for Glaucoma Treatment Bharti Eye Foundation is one of the best eye hospitals in Delhi and is renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and experienced doctors. They offer a wide range of glaucoma treatment options, including eye drops, laser therapy, and surgery, depending on the severity of the condition. Their team of experts is dedicated to providing the best care possible and ensuring that you receive the right treatment for your specific needs.
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bharti3 · 1 year
The Best Eye Hospital in Delhi
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As one of the most important sensory organs, eyes play a crucial role in our daily lives. Any issue related to the eyes can be distressing and may require immediate attention. In such a scenario, choosing the right eye hospital becomes vital. Bharti Eye Foundation is a renowned eye hospital located in Delhi that provides comprehensive eye care services. In this article, we will discuss why Bharti Eye Foundation is considered the best eye hospital in Delhi.
In this section, we will provide an overview of the article and highlight the importance of choosing the right eye hospital.
About Bharti Eye Foundation
In this section, we will provide an introduction to Bharti Eye Foundation, its history, and its mission. Services Offered by Bharti Eye Foundation Bharti Eye Foundation offers a wide range of eye care services. In this section, we will discuss the various services provided by the hospital.
Cataract Surgery
Cataract is a common eye problem that affects people of all ages. Bharti Eye Foundation provides advanced cataract surgery that is safe and effective.
Refractive Surgery
Refractive surgery is a procedure that helps correct vision problems. Bharti Eye Foundation offers various refractive surgery options such as LASIK, PRK, and LASEK. various services provided by the hospital.
Cornea and External Eye Disease
Bharti Eye Foundation provides diagnosis and treatment for various cornea and external eye diseases such as dry eye syndrome, keratoconus, and corneal infections.
Glaucoma Treatment
Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can cause irreversible vision loss. Bharti Eye Foundation provides comprehensive glaucoma treatment, including medical management, laser treatment, and surgery.
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