bhabars-blog · 4 years
Patya nalang ko!!!!!
Sometime you can do everything right and still thing go wrong, the key is never stop doing right . Its easier to do the right thing from the start so that there is nothing to apologise for. What pain or suffur will I endure now.
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bhabars-blog · 4 years
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bhabars-blog · 4 years
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bhabars-blog · 4 years
“I throw myself into books and read constantly because I would rather live in ten different worlds than live in this world right now.”
— story 2 out of thousand.
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bhabars-blog · 4 years
This time….what ?
To go on and to go with ,
Dear friend,
You was once a happy go lucky person, I remember the days when you was so carefree. What with the present will always be enjoyed and not to think about the future. Although you are straight forward person and you always plan for the future, it is always blurry to you, you don’t know where life would lead you. you always smiled and went on with life.you accepted anyone and anything that would come your way. However, you fought the toughest battles that anyone could never imagine. You fought with yourself. The battle between your heart and mind was too hard to resist. But in the end, you chose to follow your heart. Even though the situation does not approve of your choice, you still pushed to do it. You were too much in love; yet too much wounded. You never thought that your choice would affect your being. You lost who you were. You became bitter. You were too hard on yourself. You stopped trusting others. Your heart was hard to conquer. You closed too many opportunities, thinking that your life was about to end. You think your heart was too hard to mend.
To the old version of myself, thanks for setting me free. Free from the past. Free from bitterness and pride. Free from worries and doubts. You taught me a lot. I would never be the person I am now if it wasn’t for you. Now the memories of you are my stories to tell. Stories that would remind me how faithful God is. Stories that make me thankful everyday. Stories that defined and shaped me to be a better version of myself.
So be careful my friend aniv!
Its easy to say things from the past and its hard to accept what have done with the past , I always thought of the reviving memory that cannot be refreshed and restart. There are things that once you have broken you cannot fix it ,may the blessing of wisdom and presence of mind overcome my capacity to walk in life in order to realise to struggling situation , may this lapses and errors that I have made be may weapon on day to day life battling with my self , in totally alive freely.
Its hard to believe in magic, but the moment I was reborn into this world, the things reciprocated on how I believed in things. Its hard to believed I was going to become to better person , but ill try my best to overcome things from the past.
In these times it’s important to step away from depending on parents for livelihood and emotional support and depend on each other instead. I may have moved out from my childhood home, but have I really left my parents behind? leaving parents will be a difficult transition, especially in homes where the child-parent bond has been solid and warm. Unfortunately, we should not cut the strings but rather lengthen them or make it longer.
leaving them behind does not mean we permanently withdraw and no longer have a good relationship with them. I am thinking that in order to honor them means that when we leave them, we need to go with respect, love, admiration, and affirmation for their sacrifices and efforts in raising you. But you must make a break from them and serve your dependence on them. it’s important to make the  love and commitment clear to them while also switching primary commitment .
To honor them and also to gather benefits from them can be made by seeking their wisdom on certain issues. But then again this situation was being challenged of our current situation. I tried but didn’t work.
What we have experienced was a sort of manipulating and controlling tactics of my parents. If this situation doesn’t improve, there may need to be a cooling off period where we can focus to think and reflect on our current situation
These showdowns may be intimidating, but boundaries need clarification. We may need to seek out and call on an older mentor for advice before you take action. as a way of clarifying where your primary commitment lies.
It will make it easier to explain choices to them if we have a clear idea of what we are doing and why am I are doing it.
As my parents grow older, they may  maybe need need my assistance. We will take as much time as we can to make decisions, especially those with long term crucial event. Some choices will be very difficult, but in most cases, the health of our relationship must take precedence.
Leaving is not a one-time event. The temptation to reconnect some of the old bonding lines will continue as long as parents are alive. So what now, since they play partly dead to me.
So much to me ,. I m sorry my love the whole of me is hard to carry. `
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bhabars-blog · 4 years
Glory of Easter
Yes! Three letter word can change your life., every time we say yes we get to be born into a whole world. My love maybe its really time for us to say yes for our new identity and yes to our new mission, relationship, role,  in life to bless others. Its not going to be easy, as the cross always has its share of pain and suffering. But remember my love, after calvary is the victory of easter! Happy easter my love.
I have read an article of Bo, quoting biblical scripture earlier this morning saying in 2 Corinthians 5:17 “ this means that anyone who belongs in Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life begun.
Let say we have that yes, how can we prove we legitimately we have that yes ,. In all spect of life we need to reason out., I have the yes, but is that yes worth it for you ?
What would I give to my family? I admit I don’t have that much, but consistently I can give something more than what anyone would expect,. I don’t have the wealth and power, I don’t have that so could natural lottery but I can do more better than anyone else, I may be poor physical but emotionally and spiritually I can make the impossible possible. But then the question is what would I give to my family., building a family needs trust, love, and responsibility,. I  promise my love to make this realise for us to simply grow with love, trust and responsibility.
The rebirth of our relationship signals us to strengthen our foundation as love bird and as a family., I admit all my flaws, I can guarantee you my love the past cannot be change but will remain past,.although I never hold on to the past, it will never interfere to us . Say goodbye to the old self ,. I’m not aniv anymore that anyone knew but rather I am aniv that dan a love and will be love, like wise you are not dan lang gihapon but will dan na gid nag ginapalangga ni aniv,.
Happy Easter my love,
Let this be the day for us to be rebirth in love
I love you my love,
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bhabars-blog · 4 years
Answered prayer very fast
disappointment of a brightly illuminated flaws continued to stab me in pain. Attempting to keep up with these false standards can be compared to playing a game, even if we could win that game, it wouldn’t make us happy or let’s say contentment comes from within.  And yet we continue to play this game with religious devotion.
The day I thought my love would leave me is the day also my love forgiven me. This day I am very glad to experience another day and life with my love. Hoping that there will be another short comings,. May the past event be  a lesson to be lived by and lesson to be remember.
Blessings is every where, and you’d don’t know when it is coming, so if it is with you don’t waste another chance but rather change for better, simple and basic principle of life back to basic, so that you will not forget little miracles that you have received. Sometime you have to suffer for you to realise what have yo done to it and sometimes you need to deal with it and inside of it in order for you to understand your situatedness.
We all have that one memory we keep on reliving again and again, and constantly imagining how different things could have been if we did something differently, we all have regrets, we all have what ifs.
Take a breathe my love, When something stressful knocks on my door, I’ll take a walk and focus on my breathing Deep scientifically it makes us calm and provide our bodies with the oxygen we need, sorry my love for my attitude recently. this time ill take time to breathe in order to realise things well and change my attitude whenever we are sad and mad.
Thank you my love for the constant focus you entrust to our relationship I love you. But, If we focus on the negative, we’ll feel fear, loneliness, jealousy, and every other negative emotion we can produce from within. Conversely, if we focus on the positive, we’ll feel joy, happiness, and contentment. Much of how we feel is directly associated with what we focus on. My love lets continue to focus on positive and convert negativities into positivities.
And my love, whatever we believe becomes our reality. If we believe people are rotten and hateful, then we’ll find all the flaws in even the kindest people and I’m sorry my love to make you feel uncomfortable to me ., I will always find ways to make and reconstruct what I have broken, and my love you thought me  If we believe people are kind and caring, then we’ll find glimpses of perfection in every unlawful and unprincipled. The same is true for any event or situation in which we are involve it is whatever we believe it is.i encourage you my love to continue to believe on our dreams how high it we can achieved it no matter what happen.
Your life isn’t perfect, my life isn’t perfect too, but as we grow we will continue to improve our lives, which allows us to contribute to other people. In life my love, its difficult to say this, but take it from me,  life is about growth and contribution, not perfection.As much as we want to make it easy It’s not always easy often it takes some punishing hard work, immense amounts of effort, and tremendous courage to get outside your comfort zone and grow, but growth is a critical part of life. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. Likewise, the answered prayers made my life more pleasurable to grow,.
Thank you for that chance my love, and I’m sorry for what I have done
I love you
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bhabars-blog · 4 years
Fell to short,.
In our human history, the sinfulness activity may caused domino effects of irregularities,. This day marks the start of my journey to calvary taking up my cross because of my irresponsible sinful action. I was once strong hearted person  overcoming problems but that attitude was challenged after being a single minded man.
I fell to short but hoping to bring back., maybe not now but soon, I don’t know when that soon is but soon,. I will always seek for righteousness in order to regain my spot. Hoping one day I get healed and well and accept once more ,.
Let say , I have done something wrong differently wrong. And I started bad, but I believed I am consistent in other way around,. Also I believed that no matter what happen there is Princess Daniel Andrada who will always accept my flaws ,.
she knows me well different from anyone ., she is unique like no other, I don’t want to lose her but then unforeseen events may crush you in to your limit, believing of the promises we have made I will continue to journey my life until she is totally healed and able to accept me,.
When things go bad and dark, there is light shines upon and waiting for you, from that I will wait till that endless possibilities of love may dominate my life ,. I’m sorry a fell short, hoping to regain my spot in your heart my love, Princess Daniel Andrada and to uno
Extreme emotions made my body weak,. a single I love you may turn a vitamin to my soul,. I don’t know maybe your thinking I love you I just a phrase and was destroyed inside our system,. But my I love you for you is genuine, please don’t doubt about it ,. i know you cannot think of turning back I’m sorry my love I don’t know what to react or to do, all that I know is that I broke your trust and love . Maybe  this won’t work out today but there will be the time you’ll forgive me , I will always ask and hope for your forgiveness.
Goodmorning, I started the day hugging you with so much love , even if the love that you felt is much more different than previously,. I will always remember what have you said to reflect upon and to examine,. I know I am too much, but I will do my best in pursuit of happiness knowing that happiness is you. I may never have it all but I will do the basics that will make me a better person .you have set me freed to completely understand my self in order for the future to come I may ready the reality,.
I fell short my love knowing and believed and being proud of my self not knowing I’m not that equip just like you have thought. But when time come I may be ready of the circumstances that life can give. I always pray for the best of us , I always pray for the will of the lord to guide on us.  I have a million minds to journey and adventure,. This will be the last time you say goodbye ,. When things get alright I will seaze the moments with you and with love.
Hoping for forgiveness,
Your love,
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bhabars-blog · 5 years
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The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.
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bhabars-blog · 5 years
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Today will be marked as my Day!
When time put you down, make your self up, climb Ang cheer up! Another ADVENTure was done. I marked Lake holon for the nth time but this time I am with the people whom recently I knew and with them I'm comfortable sharing stuffs. At first I personally don't know when this adventure be materialized but the challenge of time spontaneously arriving, luckily I surpassed the problem. Journey in life is like hiking Holon, when you don't have enough strength to hike take a stick that will help give you and support you through out the hardest part of the journey, in life make your family and friends that stick, even thought that stick can be broken that stick will never leave you behind unless you will intentionally or accidentally leave them behind your journey. Be inspire to your kuya Porter and ate your guide. The commendable effort puting you to safety and comfortable dispite of the hard effort they use, they always get to the destinations first and fullfiled. After all they have the most gained on the journey with you. In life be like them, ideally hardworking and the wise workers are the successful and fullfiled ones,. After all, walking with strangers and friends makes us all human. Be grateful to people that seeing you happy is the most priority, no matter what that so called "HAPPINESS" defined. Let's back to reality 😔 hands down to all of you, lablab! PS. CASSIE GO TO MY ROOM!
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bhabars-blog · 6 years
Today is the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ in othe words Christmas. Christmas,then is a beautiful invitation to live out the mystery of incarnation day by day. It means getting out of one's way in order to love another truly.
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bhabars-blog · 7 years
True Love Never Backs Out
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bhabars-blog · 7 years
Of Love and Reconciliation.  
Is there someone I need to forgive?
Yes, maybe there is.
Someone whom I hurt so much.
 A kind of person that is very kind, generous, and religious.
This person I knew is dead, not physically dead but somewhat emotionally and spiritually dead.
A person of true heart and of smart mind becomes useless and no one.
Let me have forgiveness for over-using this person I knew.
Love me once more and I love you more than can.
I know these scars will never fades.
I know these wounds never heal.
I am sorry.
I am truly sorry.
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bhabars-blog · 7 years
While we wait
We are trying to be patient as much as we want.
Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to have faith and trust to it.
 What we have is just what we need. What we received, is exactly what is just receiving.
No matter how hard and no matter how long we wait.
There is always an answer for all.
All is good and fine, maybe broken but not into pieces.
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bhabars-blog · 7 years
Who master most in my life?
Why am i confused? Is it because i am used to be comfortable, Or is it because i lost my faith inside me.?
How will i know if it is truly it is, somehow what masters our life often matter most to us.
I know i have everything i need, and everything that i have is a gift. Everything is grace.
May God be praised!
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