bgreenxo ¡ 2 years
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taylor swift (gold rush lyrics) lockscreens ✨
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bgreenxo ¡ 2 years
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Taylor Swift + sinking ships
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
100% charged
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
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A few resources to help, learn, and promote:
Black Lives Matter carrd with info, petitions, donation sites they recommend, and readings they suggest
President Obama’s List of orgs to help, things to read, and ways to get engaged
Black-led LGBTQ+ Organizations posted by Alexis Michelle
5 Ways to Take Action for all non-black people by The Conscious Kid
10-Steps to Non-Optical Allyship by Mireille Cassandra Harper 
How to Be Actively Anti-Racist by Good Good Good Co
Victoria Alexander’s recommendations on Anti-Racist Literature
Abelle Hayford’s #drawingwhileblack Directory of Black Creatives to hire
Author Oge Mora’s List of Children’s Books by Black Authors - also check out Oge Mora’s beautiful books!
A Twitter Thread from Melissa See on Black YA novels
Karina Yan Glasser’s 100 Must-Read Children’s Books by African-American Authors
10 Black-Owned Online Bookstores to buy all these lovely books from!
Bookshop.org’s List of Independent Black-Owned Bookstores 
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
friendly reminder that white privilege doesn’t mean your life isn’t hard. it means your skin tone isn’t one of the factors making it harder.
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
Actually useful shit to have as a witch
You really don't need all the fancy bullshit every tumblr influencer will ever tell you to use. Here's my countdown ofaxtually useful shit.
A pocket knife, preferably with a wood handle. Use that bitch for everything, enchant it, carve symbols in it. It will absolutely be your best friend.
A good bag or backpack with a couple of plastic or ziploc bags in it. If you ever run off into the woods to find minerals, bones, plants, etc. A set aside bag and some things to store your treasures in becomes a necessity.
Basic divinatory sets. You don't have to buy fancy shit, learn to divine with playing cards and dice, or learn geomancy, lithomancy, or rune casting with homemade sets. A tarot deck is nice, but it isn't necessary when you've got so many other divinatory aids available.
A nice sized chunk of scrap cloth. When you process dried plants or sort new ones, that shit can and will get everywhere. A scrap piece of muslin or linen can help contain all of that mess and make clean up way easier.
A stash of good rocks. Draw sigils or symbols on those babies and leave them in the garden, the windowsill,property boundaries, under the stoop, etc. You can never have too many good rocks.
A pendulum, for fucks sake. The cards are going to be vague as hell when you're trying to figure out yes or no questions, and using a candle to communicate with spirits is really fucking hard outside. If you can't afford one, find a nice chunk of pointy quartz and learn to macrame.
A workspace. Everyone talks about having big fancy altars, but no one mentions that you need a good surface to do all your work on.
Storage, so much storage. I'm not talking about mason jars and pill bottles, I'm talking about where you put all the things you put in those jars. Having a workspace with drawers is immeasurably helpful.
A broom and water source. You're going to be cleaning up after yourself a lot, it's helpful to have a jug of water and a broom that stays by your workspace.
A mode of cleansing. I make a salt concoction to scatter around my workspace on short notice and store it close by.
On that note: SOMETHING TO CANCEL SPELLS WITH. Eventually, something will go wrong. You'll want to end that spell immediately. Have something to do it with.
A strainer. If you don't have a blender, rub dried plants across it to get a powder. If you do have a blender, you can strain that powder with it. Either way, if you intend to powder shit, get a strainer.
Small trays. It makes drying flowers so much easier if you have a small metal surface to contain them with- then just stick those suckers in a southern window and let em go.
Yarn/string scraps. Having a box or drawer of scraps makes trying this up to dry easier and a bit less wasteful.
A stash of offerings for whatever you work with. Honey for fae, coins for graveyard gatekeepers, alcohol for ancestors, etc.
Protective talismans or charms. Once you're into all of this stuff, you'll likely stick your nose in something you shouldn't. Having basic protection with you or in your workspace is incredibly important. A key and hagstone with red string is simple and effective.
A lighter- so many people forget the most basic shit. You're going to want to light shit on fire if you're a witch.
And a last tip- if something is too hard for a mortar and pestle, a plastic bag and hammer works too.
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
“Of course, when you allow yourself to feel any emotion you’ve been avoiding, it probably won’t feel good. But you can handle that, because you’re not a child any longer. The emotions may feel dangerous, but they aren’t. You’re an adult, and you can love yourself through it. You can do hard things! And if it feels too scary and you want support, no shame, no blame. You can always find the support you need to help you do hard things.”
— from How to Stop Luggage Around Your Old Emotional Baggage
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
taylor please say fuck on television i know you can afford the penalty
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
Replacing the cops with social workers without intense work is dangerous
I feel the need to address the posts I've seen recently calling for the replacement of cops with social workers. We need to abolish the police BUT that doesn't mean social workers and therapists are exempt from racism and upholding white supremacy.
I’ve experienced substantial micro aggression and straight up racism as a white presenting woman. It has been much, much worse for my Black and Latinx Colleagues.
My last non profit was racist and ableist. I felt the HR manager in tears at my exit interview. There is still rage because there are rarely consequences for white people in positions of power and there is very real Blacklash to the Black people who attempt to point it out. These aren’t even people with the power to remove kids or housing but the power trips were so impressive. I remember being told we need to take Black and Latinx kids to pick fruit in the hot sun in the summer with no space for why that might be a problem. Couldn’t understand why migrant worker parents would be angry or upset. Or Black parents. I saw Black women pass over for promotions or told they were unprofessional. I’ve seen white eyes rolled and concerns dismissed. Beyond personal experience - Black, indigenous and Latinx families were frequently labeled as resistant and unable to change. There was always appropriate lip service to “engagement” and “connecting” and cultural “competency” (not humility). There are people who work in these systems (mental health, healthcare, education) who are content to be passive and maintain the status quo.
Many (most?) these non profits are actively harmful for communities. Giving a child with chronic and extensive trauma and attachment disruptions a new therapist every school year is cruelty. Having so many white savior therapists flood communities of color with the “desire to fix” is harmful. Not being actively and aggressively anti racist is injurious. “Saving people” is deadly. People usually don’t need to be saved - they need the right supports.
There is not an institution that exists in the United States was not build upon racist foundations. There is no institution that exists without or apart from racism. These structures have to be rethought, redrawn, reshaped, rebuilt. White people in social and health services can be so destructive. There have been moments when I’ve known I had the power to ruin someone’s life. I made a choice in, what I hope, in the best interest of the client but I KNEW it was a life changing moment where I had to color outside the narrow Eurocentric white therapy lines. There have been times when I put myself at personal or professional risk because it was the right thing to do. I was told I was doing “too much” like it was “private practice.” With the implication being that poor kids and families shouldn't have access to that level of support. I have knowledge of Black families and lives because of my own family that other white therapists don’t have because there is not the pressing need to learn these things - esp in MFT programs.
There are amazing BIPOC social workers out there doing amazing work. Some white accomplices out there too. We need to look to mutual aid in the community. We need to decolonize our therapy practices. We need to listen to Black therapists. We need to listen to Latinx therapists. We need to listen to disabled therapist. We need to listen to queer therapists. We need to hear clients. We need to hear community organizers. There are mutual aid groups, likely in your community. There is a movement to decolonize therapy. I can see how it could be different but there is A LOT of work to do to combat racism that doesn't stop with abolishing the police.
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
@bgreenxo is my personal account
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bgreenxo ¡ 4 years
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Closed out 12 amazing shows with these extraordinary women tonight 🎄😇 Being angels with them was the highlight of my aerial career thus far ✨
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bgreenxo ¡ 5 years
Free books on Magick (PDF’S)
A few people have messaged me asking for my master list of working pdfs. This is what I have and its not super organized but it is in alphabetic order for what its worth. Anyways, they’re all free so please please please save them, download them, print them and most importantly READ THEM if you come across any that strike your fancy. Also, I’m not saying that every single one of these books are completely amazing, but either way, they’re here for you to make your own value judgements on.
A Modern Goetic Grimoire by Rufus Opus  Afro-Caribbean Religions by Nathaniel Samuel Murrell  Astral Doorways by J.H Brennan  Azoetia by Andrew Chumbley  Blood Sorcery Bible Volume 1 by Sorceress Cagliastro  Call of the Horned Piper by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson Children of Cain by Michael Howard Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine Conjure Codex  Creating Magickal Entities by David Cunningham Cunningfolk and Familiar Spirits by Emma Wilby  Curses, Hexing, and Crossing by S. Connolly  Devoted to Death by R. Andrew Chesnut Diabolical published by Scarlett Imprint  Goetic Spellwork by S. Aldarnay  Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter J Carroll  Lords of the Left Hand Path by Stephen E. Flowers  Mardukite Magick by M. Cecchetelli Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson Necronomicon  Obeah by Nicholas de Matos Frisvold Obeah: WItchcraft in the West Indies by Hesketh J. Bell The Candle and the Crossroads by Orion Foxwood The Grimoire of the Golden Toad by Andrew Chumbley The Language of Birds by Dale Pendell The Red King by Mark Alan Smith The Scorpion God by Mark Alan Smith The Visions of Isobel Gowdie by Emma Wilby The Voudon Gnostic Workbook by M. Bertiuax   Pacts with the Devil by S. Jason Black & Christopher S. Hyatt Psalter of Cain  Qabala, Qilpth, and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlson  Queen of Hell by Mark Alan Smith Runecaster’s Handbook by Edred Thorsson Runelore by Edred Thorsson Saint Cyprian: Saint of Necromancers by Conjureman Ali
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bgreenxo ¡ 5 years
he groovin’
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