betterlifepartners · 3 years
Our Hands Are Here When You Reach Out
Better Life Partners knows it isn’t uncommon to feel disconnected from others when you’re struggling with opioid addiction. Telling someone how you feel and all the fears you have about your life and how it’s going, well, that’s not easy. It means not only admitting to vulnerability but putting it on display.
There’s a certain mindset in America that dictates we should all be able to solve our own problems. It’s a unique part of our country’s cultural DNA, but it’s also not always possible. There is an entire spectrum of problems that can’t be solved by one person. If a bridge needs to be built across a massive river, hiring a single person to construct it is a horrible idea.
Now, there are a ton of “ifs” in that scenario. If time isn’t an issue, if money isn’t an issue, if the river is small, if the bridge is very simple, etc., etc. And in this metaphor, addiction has a lot of “ifs” too. Some people can navigate through their addiction without help, but they, just like those rivers and bridges that can be built by one person, are not the average experience.
Our purpose at Better Life Partners is to put together the best, most comprehensive treatment program possible. But it’s also to showcase that no one is alone, that there is help out there for everyone, and building that bridge over addiction doesn’t have to be a project you take on alone.
Research Leads to Recovery
When we set out to help people begin and sustain recovery from opioid addiction we knew our treatment had to be built on a solid foundation. There is no foundation more solid than science, which may seem like a strange thing to say, considering that science is ever-changing.
In this case, that’s a good thing. Science guides the research into addiction and recovery, which means when science shifts, so does our understanding of how these things affect our brains and bodies. That also means that we shift our treatment model to be as accurate, responsive, and helpful as possible.
Our addiction treatment program uses all evidence-based methods that we incorporate into a structure that is rooted in community. 
Maybe you’ve heard that saying before. Sobriety is obviously a part of recovery, but it is not the opposite of addiction. Because addiction has a way of isolating us from one another, the truest opposite is connection. That is why we utilize our community partners to meet you right where you live.
Those partners help in the process of figuring out your recovery goals and then putting together a plan to achieve them. Your own goals are going to be unique to you, so figuring them out for each person we’re helping is one of the most important steps.
When someone connects with their community they end up connecting with an entire network of kind and helpful people. One hand reaches out to grasp another, and everyone ends up connected in the process of changing someone’s life.
Medication-Assisted Treatment Can Help 
One of the evidence-based methods we utilize at Better Life Partners is called medication-assisted treatment (MAT). A person who is struggling with opioid addiction could benefit from MAT, both at the beginning of their recovery and on into long-term recovery.
Like we mentioned, we work with organizations in our member’s communities to offer MAT with less stigma, with easier access, and with the utmost confidentiality. Also remember, each person is different, with specific needs, so we always do an individual assessment to determine which treatments would be best suited to them, including MAT.
One thing MAT does is help manage withdrawal symptoms. That’s an important aspect of detox when a person is first abstaining from using a certain drug or substance. Opioids, in particular, can come with drastic withdrawal symptoms that make recovery even more difficult.
Another way MAT can benefit a person in recovery is through the management of urges and cravings. Once someone is struggling with addiction their brain and body have changed in certain ways that affect how they will think and feel.
Although there are differing opinions on MAT, studies have shown that those who utilize it during recovery can greatly benefit. Someone who is prescribed MAT has a higher likelihood of maintaining recovery than those who try to quit without medication to aid them.
Someone is always willing to talk to you about starting your recovery. Don’t be afraid to check out the Better Life Partners website and to give us a call. We can start with a no-cost assessment over the phone and go from there. Let’s start the journey to achieving a healthier life together.
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