bellaswanblog · 2 years
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this got Numbers on twitter so i’m posting here cause i literally have nothing else going on but working on my webcomic which you can read here and support here
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
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THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE (2010) — Robert Pattinson’s audio commentary with Kristen Stewart
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
"vampires will never hurt you" what if I want the vampires to hurt me. What if I want the vampires to f
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
hi! do you post your fics on ao3 or ff or just on here?
hey! ahh i have an ao3 account under the same name but its mostly barren rn - solely because i want to edit and lengthen my fics before i post! 
i have a few oneshots written for friends posted, but luckily this quarantine should give me some time - in between my still looming papers - to do this! i’m probably gonna edit my original au posts into au oneshots, then have other multichapters where i post either extended excerpts or an actual longfic. atm im not sure which. thanks for asking dude!
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
twilight fic from last decade that still slaps
I’m so delighted we have such incredibly talented fic writers in the renaissance that are giving us whole new worlds to explore, but I also wanted to expose newbies who maybe weren’t here last time around (or perhaps, weren’t consumed by the fic like I was) to some stories that are still really good, even 10 years later. I hope you guys like these stories as much as I did!
(things that could have conceivably taken place in or around the books):
Midnight Sun Continued
The List
Family Therapy Cullen Style
You’ve Kept Me Waiting
Alternate Canon 
(the universe is mostly the same, except for a few details that have huge affects. often, it takes some delving into the story to figure out exactly what changed, which is part of the fun)
Bonne Foi*
Ethan Church
Blood Master* (ok this one is only from half a decade ago, but it’s SO. GOOD.)
Business Casual
Alternate Universe 
(a pretty broad category– takes what is convenient from canon, and goes crazy with everything else)
Across The Universes
The Mirrors
The Blessing and the Curse*
Once More With Feeling
All Human 
(our faves, minus the supernatural)
The Best I Ever Had
Living Backwards^
Bella Swan: Kidnapper
The Red Line*
In-Verse & Reverse
Breaking the Silence*
Life’s Little Choices
When We Were Young
Girl With the Red Umbrella
 (a look at how things might develop in the future)
A Federation of Cassandras
*an asterisk indicates a darker, more intense fic, and you can message me for TWs
^ you’ll need to message me for the link to this one bc it’s no longer online, but i’m still totally obsessed with it. a 28 year old no-longer-quiet-and-timid bella accidentally time travels a decade back to her last month in high school. she tries to fix the things she thinks went wrong in her friends lives. along the way, she falls in love. absolutely hilarious, wonderful, super fun fic. pulled to publish (but the book isn’t as good– i read that one too)
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
I'm sorry you can just go to the library of Congress and read forever dawn?? Why has no one here done that yet? If you live near dc you should totally book a slot to read it then tell me everything.
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
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made a beginners guide for the twitter newbies hope this helps <3
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
my bridge is so dark and scary if you wantto cross it you are going to need to answer my questions three. one are you mad at me
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
There is something so beautiful about reaching out to the monstrous with intent to touch it gently. To risk the sharp teeth and the lethal claws, to defy fear and revulsion, and choose to be delicate with something that can be, and often is, incredibly brutal.
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
the vampires got it right. life is about being bisexual and a little bit pathetic. and going through different levels of depressive episodes
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
op.i am in love with your Jacob, please more of him, I want to kiss him UGH 😤😤😤
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he appreciates you loca
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
babygirl you would not believe the superiority complex me and the other never left tumblr homies have right now
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
i'm so obsessed with billy burke making the choice to know as little about twilight as he could in order to play charlie he really said fuck them vampires true method amazing oscar nomination when
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
neopets forum posts i reference all the time but nobody gets
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
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TWILIGHT (2008), dir. Catherine Hardwicke
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bellaswanblog · 2 years
Okay I have finished Eclipse now, and I think you really could end there and headcanon/fanfic the rest (I’m still gonna try a BD re-read, but I remember hating it so vividly that I don’t know if I’ll make it through lol). 
So Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse, yeah I still think they’re good reads, and there is definitely a lot of toxicity in them to unpack, but in the same way that while Meyer may have officially written a romance - some old texts were “comedies” that we no longer consider that way (but rather, dramas or tragedies). Death of the author, basically - their original intention may exist in their own minds, but we can perceive differently (and frankly, we should).
So here’s how I see the ending of Eclipse: Tragic.
The entire book, Bella seems to be wavering on the idea of becoming a vampire. She knows she wants to be with Edward, and is worried about the Volturi coming to check on her, but she’s afraid of saying goodbye to all the people in her life, and giving up human experiences. She resist the idea of marriage, and then suddenly decides she wants to bone Edward as another “demand” before vampirism. For me, I’m reading it as some deeply entrenched rational part of Bella continues to try and find excuses, an out - something to delay it. Or as I interpret it - there’s a part of her… deep down, that is trying to break this thrall, because that’s how it reads to me, anyway. 
She realizes she’s in love with Jacob, and the idea of not being with him hurts her so much she can’t even drive home - but she insists that she “can’t live without Edward” (who is a “drug” to her, a thrally thrally drug…). 
Edward offers to vamp her in the meadow, and she says no. Probably because that rational Bella underneath the thrall is still fighting, as it has been this whole time. She insists the marriage will let her have a final goodbye to everyone, and then they go tell Charlie (who I imagine flipped his shit). 
Jacob, meanwhile, upon getting the letter from Edward, runs off in wolf-form, needing to be alone. The fact that it specifically ends on that note, instead of just Bella going to tell her dad, suggests to me a tragic end - not a happy, decisive one. The entire marriage/engagement was so… ominous, it doesn’t feel like Bella is actually happy in the end? 
Anyway, you could fanfic the ending if you’re a BD hater, and maybe find a way to Headcanon a happy conclusion that works for you.
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