being-marggie · 5 years
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being-marggie · 5 years
Am I the only one that has a time period that was just hell.
I think it's time to let it out cause I'm trying to sleep and I'm just out here wanting to cry and scream about what a shit year 2017 was.
Honestly if I could just erase that whole period from my memory I wouldn't lose out on anything I'd probably be in a better place mentally and emotionally... The only positive from that year is that I got baptised,honestly God saved me. Otherwise I would probably have just gone off the tither
First of all I didn't think I'd actually live to be twenty lol, and I definitely didn't think I'd be carrying all this emotional baggage.
How do you truly and honestly move on!! I just want to be at peace with my soul😭😭
Please Message if you have remedies on how to forgive yourself and forget cause I seem to be doing it wrong
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being-marggie · 5 years
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I either eat too much or starve myself. Sleep for 14 hours or have insomniac nights. Fall in love very hard or hate passionately. I don’t know what grey is. I never did.
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being-marggie · 5 years
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being-marggie · 5 years
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Haven't put anything on Here in a while...
I liked these the moment I took them, I'm over them now. - this is literally my take on life lately... I like something/someone then I'm over it just as fast. Can the keeper of consistency grant me an ounce... I want my feet firm in the ground and not gliding by. To feel the feeling that you feel when you're about to feel something you've never felt before, but to experience it for more than a second. I know the problem lol, it won't be fixed anytime soon though😬😂 cause I can't ,CANNOT deal with my issues. No one (me) has time to feel sorry for myself or cry. As in my inner self cannot stand weak bitchness💁 ma'am if you fall down and get trampled on, get the hell back up. And moveeee, we moveeee. Problem is we move with internal bleeding loooool(I'm dying). But I still won't address it. Cause what is there to address? Scars? As in we move, time waits for no one. We shall not move backward. But dear God, grant your daughter strength.
My prayer this 2019, really has been about strength. Pray for ya girl!
Cause I need strength, I'm thinking of getting a tattoo symbolising strength, maybe I could draw some from it, I'll show you guys when/ if I get it done.
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being-marggie · 5 years
i love crying about everything it’s very humbling
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being-marggie · 5 years
“Only love of a good woman will make a man question every choice, every action. Only love makes a warrior hesitate for fear that his lady will find him cruel. Only love makes a man both the best he will ever be, and the weakest. Sometimes all in the same moment.”
— Laurell K. Hamilton (via thegoodvybe)
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being-marggie · 5 years
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Can we talk about Love?
What is it? What isn't it? Can someone give me the blunt honest relatable definition. Cause I don't think what I've felt this far is love.
As in poetically it's great, I could write a thousand things about how this person makes me feel. But you know what. I think it should be more than that! But what?
Well that right there is the a picture of me, and my alleged addiction . Cause I can't seem to get this man's off.
I'm putting this here cause I'll come back and write more, the look on my face makes me feel stupid. Cause that's literally how he makes me feel and he shouldn't. This is my poison and look at me ready to dive into a pool filled with venom.
I'll be back to share the story, if anyone's reading. Enjoy this picture. It's so cute, I didn't even know I was that expresive.
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being-marggie · 5 years
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being-marggie · 5 years
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being-marggie · 5 years
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These aren't my favorite flowers, not that I have a favorite. Lillie's, they are peaceful.
I was wondering, how would you describe colour to a blind person, to help them experience it. A scene in one of my favorite movies, this young girl was asked to describe the sky on that particular day. It was cloudy. How do you tell someone that's never seen a cloud that it's cloudy and gloomy? How will they know? Well she referred to the sky as emotional, sad, as if on the verge of a breakdown. He felt it. And so did I
There was power in her words, there is power in our words.
How is this connected to the Lillie's?
I'm not there yet, I too don't know... I just know they helped set up this piece.
I like to picture sounds... And I'd love to say that my words and voice were the colour purple.
Purple: warm and bright yet soothing, if you could taste it, it would be sweet but stubble. The scent a luxurious tangy musk.
Now that's my favorite colour, did you see it?
That's the effect I desire. To draw attention in a commanding way. To paint a picture without brushes. The universe being at tip of my tongue/pencil/finger tips.
Those Lillies are white, I couldn't find them in the shade of purple that I like😁 what's funny is that my description of purple fits with white. And probably every other color 🤷🏾‍♀. Every one feels differently, and this is what I'm trying to grasp at. Where I find peace could be where one finds turmoil.
My warm, vibrant stubble tangy vision could be another's light bleak tasteless eh.
Today. I have much to say, but how to join them.... We'll end with the Lillie's! They are beautiful and non provocative. I feel volatile atm: AT THE MOMENT
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being-marggie · 5 years
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Waffle House with the Chik-Fil-A level service
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being-marggie · 5 years
What is the biggest lesson you've learnt from pain?
That it's necessary, it moves you to grow. It's the most intense emotion I've ever experienced to date.
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being-marggie · 5 years
My feet help me to get up... And this is where I'm at in this stage of life. I'm up, upright. Not like a flower, cause I like think I'm more firm. Perhaps a tree, you can't easily uproot one, you need to cut it down unlike the easy plucking involved with flowers. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought being 20 (soon) would come with so many bruises. I'm comparing myself to a tree. I want to be like a tree. A mango tree. Am I the only one who sees strength in this creation? Cause all I want is to be strong, strong enough to live.
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being-marggie · 5 years
“You think you are the greatest sufferer in the world?”
— Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart (via the-book-diaries)
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being-marggie · 5 years
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being-marggie · 5 years
“The moment I realized I am beautiful, strong, and desirable, the healing came.”
— j. grey
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