behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
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!!!!! it’s for u
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
Polyamory Appreciation
Reblog if you’re polyamorous or support healthy polyamorous relationships!
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
Me: I’m scared I might secretly be an awful person and I’m just fooling everyone into thinking I’m good.
Therapist: the fact that you care so deeply about being a bad person is proof that you’re actually good. Bad people don’t mind being bad.
Me: oH NO, I have fooled her too,
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
Things not to joke about on April’s fools day:
Fake pregnancy;
Self harm;
Fake coming out (LGBT+);
Any mental health disorder;
Any thing that can be punished by law.
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
The feels.
91. “Tell me you need me.”
“Tell me you need me,” Yang said, reaching out a hand towards Winter.
The white haired woman hunched away, turning her back on Yang. “I…” Words failed her, and she took another step away from Yang.
Around them, Yang’s room was a mess. Clothes, both Winter’s and Yang’s, hung from a chair and over her desk. A collection of bottles, wine and harder liquor, added to the chaos of the room. Food boxes overflowed from a trash can near the door, pizza and chinese food that were not quite molding, yet.
“Winter, please, I need you,” Yang said, crawling to the end of the bed. The click-clack of her prosthetic echoed in the quiet as Winter paused at the door.
“No, Yang, you just think you do.” Winter ran a hand over her neck. The marks that Yang had left stood bright red on her pale skin. “I… we can’t keep doing this. We can’t keep enabling each other to be our worst selves.”
Yang recoiled at those words, sitting back on her bed. “But, this isn’t bad.”
“I’ve been here a week, and the only time we left the bedroom was to restock on booze or food.” Winter took a shuddering breath. “I had actually came here to break it off, to tell you to never call me again.”
Tears filled Yang’s eyes, and Winter turned as if to step towards her. She halted and kept her back to Yang.
“What?” Yang choked out the words. “I can do better, it’s just, it’s the readjustment, and getting use to-”
Winter slashed a hand through the air, cutting Yang off. “It’s been almost two years. I thought I might be able to help you, but I’m just an excuse, I’m just the rebound.” Looking over her shoulder, Winter let the tears fall. “I can’t keep doing this, I can’t. You have to help yourself first, Yang, before anyone else can.”
Opening the door, Winter left to the sound of Yang sobbing. Every step broke her heart but she knew this was the right thing to do.
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
Do new ace people these days know about black rings?
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
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I mean, WE already know all of this about Touga. None of this is coming as a surprise to any of us, because we are human beings with eyes and baseline observational skills, and we’ve been here for the show. But it means a lot to have Saionji saying this, because Touga has really haunted so much of his life, of his conception of success, his romantic ideals. And for him to say this about him, for Saionji to finally see this, means something for his character. I don;t know if we’ll see any kind of closure for the side characters beyond this arc, but I would like to see some or all of them move on past Ohtori, to get beyond these traps of adolescence. 
But I’m also struck here by how Saionji said “that was your strength.” Is there something to the fact that he put it in the past tense there? Is Touga maybe losing his edge, here, faced with Utena and Akio and all the feelings between all three of them? Is he meeting his match? Or is Saionji implying that now he has true feelings for Utena?
Please note I haven’t seen anything past this and am watching spoiler free! Please don’t confirm, deny, or explain anything to me! Even if I should be able to figure it out based on past episodes! Even if it’s cultural! Even if there is no answer! It ruins it for everyone when I get spoiled
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
As a writer do you ever have an idea so evil, so absolutely awful and heartwrenching
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
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this is too real
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
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Someone twisted this Jewish family’s menorah into the shape of a swastika
Naomi Ellis and her her husband Seth spent Friday morning — the morning after the sixth night of Hanukkah — trying to explain to their three young sons why someone had vandalized the menorah the family had put out on their yard by twisting the metal pieces into the shape of a swastika.
The Ellis family had only built the 7-foot-tall menorah on the front lawn of their home in Chandler, Arizona, because their sons, ages 5, 7 and 9, had asked their parents if the family could decorate their home like the neighbors did for Christmas, the Washington Post reported. Read more.
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
Reblog if you are or know of an adult fan fiction writer
I’m trying to prove a point
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
She was Raven Branwen, next leader of the Branwen tribe, following the orders of some pixie goth who used a butterfly knife as a fidget spinner.
My favorite line, maybe ever.
RoseBird WIP
Got bit by the writing bug last night because of @incorrect-strq-quotes talking about RoseBird Angst and Lemon. While this isn’t angst, it might be riping into a lovely fruit…
“The first person you make eye contact with after you land will be your partner for the next four years.” The headmaster’s words echoed in Raven’s head as she landed on the forest floor.
It was supposed to be a random game, their partners unknown and a ‘learning’ experience for young huntresses and huntsmen. Raven, however, had the ability to change this bit of randomness into a known quantity.
Raising her hand, she made to slash open a portal to her twin brother when something poked her in the shoulder.
Spinning around, Raven drew her sword from her belt. It slashed over the head of her attacker, someone much shorter than she was use to.
“Wow, hey, didn’t mean to scare you,” a white cloaked figure said. A silver eye twinkled under the hood, the other covered by matte black hair.
“Fuck,” Raven said, recognizing this huntress from the initiation last night.
“Hey now, language bitch,” the girl said, giggling. “And we’re in the middle of the woods. Other things to do.”
That threw Raven, who planted her fierce scowl onto her face. Was Ozpin, the headmaster, watching? Could she open up a portal, find her brother, and still be his partner?
The short girl held out a hand and Raven glared at the offending limb. Manicured fingernails kept short, although painted a sable black, and fishnet fingerless gloves covered her hand. Her arm protected by black bracers that covered wrist to elbow. They shined with use and care. “Hi, I’m Summer, Summer Rose.”
Standing her full height and towering over the girl, Raven turned up her glare. If the girl ran, than that wouldn’t be Raven’s problem. “Raven Branwen.” She did not take the hand.
Seemingly immune to the glare, the girl patted Raven’s hand. “Well Raven, looks like we need to find some broken temple and a relic and get the fuck out of here, what do you say we get going?”
Raven narrowed her eyes. Back in her tribe, her glare stopped most people from even walking near Raven. She had stared down an Ursa with it once.
This girl smiled into it like a warm summer’s breeze.
“Fine.” Raven said, sheathing her sword and walking deeper into the forest.
“Oh, the strong, silent type,” Summer said, skipping to keep up with Raven. “Aren’t you just a cutie.”
Raven frowned at the girl, who smiled into it. “Keep up those scowls and we won’t have to fight any Grimm.” A butterfly knife appeared in the girl’s hand and she twirled it absentmindedly. “Not that I wouldn’t mind a fight, but an easy day is an easy day, ya know?”
Out of her depth, Raven turned her frown forward and marched on. She assumed her long legs would let her out pace her short partner, but Summer kept up. The click click click of her knife, which Raven wanted to find annoying, was actually very rhythmic and soothing.
Her scowl dropped and her pace slowed. She saw the girl scanning the area around them, and Raven started looking into the blind spots.
A few times, the girl would hold up her hand, and they would stop. When she looked left, Raven looked right. Silently, the girl would indicate for Raven to stay or move off a ways to watch their backs. It wasn’t till the fourth or fifth time the small girl gave Raven an order that she realized what was happening.
She was Raven Branwen, next leader of the Branwen tribe, following the orders of some pixie goth who used a butterfly knife as a fidget spinner.
Raven glared when she saw the girl smiling at her. “Could you put away that knife, it’s distracting.”
“Hmm?” The girl shifted and looked away from Raven.
“Put your knife away, it’s annoying,” Raven lied. She actually liked the sound of it. It was calming and the last two hours of hiking seemed to have passed in a flash.
“I don’t hear the magic word,” the girl said, the knife still clicking away in it’s rhythmic way.
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
@araniladin This is so accurate it hurts.
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behindtheseeyes25 · 5 years
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Hey, I’m back to hating Touga
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