becca-morley-blog · 7 years
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College Hacking: 10 Time-Proven Tips
So you're a student. You want to be successful both in study and in social life. How can this be achieved? Very simple. Follow my advice, which is proven in practice.
Get helpful contacts. 
These can be students, who will help write study work or medical staff who can write out the necessary information. It's not a fact that these acquaintances are useful, but in a force majeure situation you will know whom to turn to.
Create a support community with classmates. 
Together, it is much easier to prepare for seminars (each prepares its own part, then exchanges materials). When preparing for tests and exams, friends will check their knowledge (both sides get an intellectual bonus when verified).
Use essay writing services, for example, Edu Birdie
Custom writing companies help in academic writing when you have a missed deadlines, little or no time, some other problems in your life. The service I recommend i Birdie. You can check what students say about EduBirdie before making your first order.
Try to get the contacts of the supervisor and other teachers. 
Perhaps you will need to contact them. But do not fill up the teachers with messages, do not get people out. It's a contact for a last resort. However, it is possible to communicate with an adequate scientist in the process of writing a course regularly. Many teachers have switched to consultations on Skype.
Find out how to get a governor's, presidential scholarship (there are other kinds). 
Perhaps you can claim one of them. To do this, you need to learn well, actively participate in scientific and social activities.
Do not be lazy to learn about all the benefits of students. 
They concern travel, free visits to some museums, etc. Regularly monitor changes in legislation relating to student benefits.
Think about how you can make money. 
In any case, the work should not interfere with learning. Some countries do not have restrictions on the work of students, as in Europe (where a student can only work a certain number of hours per week).
Be engaged in physical culture. 
Do not skip the physical education, enter in addition to the gym, the pool, yoga or fitness. Physical activity not only strengthens health and helps maintain weight in normal, but also improves brain activity.
Dress in business style or casual style. 
Do not shock the teachers with dreadlocks, colored Iroquois and bare buttocks (this is advice to first-year students who adore mini-skirts). Individuality is in the honor, but remember the adequacy. Especially when choosing clothes for the exam.
Have a rest! 
Immerse yourself in studies, regularly surf on the surface. Rest helps the brain to deal with stress. Learning without rest is the way to breakdowns, exhaustion of the nervous system and chronic fatigue. Working for a red diploma, do not make yourself an asthenia.
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becca-morley-blog · 7 years
Heros first job! 
Did you know Doctor strange, Batman, Hawkeye and Peter Quil first job!
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becca-morley-blog · 7 years
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“Why are Danes so weird?” I found this hilarious spread from a University magazine, in which foreign students tell which quirks they’ve noticed about Danish people 😂
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becca-morley-blog · 7 years
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tumor terminology and oncology notes
i have a flamingo phone case now and i love it
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becca-morley-blog · 7 years
Crucial skills for academic success.
Time management: know how much time you take to do certain things. Try to abbreviate it for automatic tasks (dish washing, cleaning, folding laundry, packing your gym bag..). Find a way to install consistent morning and night rituals. One should benefit you mentally/spiritually/physically while the other is for boosting the upcoming day’s efficiency with preparation and planning.
Prioritizing: tough one if you ask me. Instead of letting your perfectionism win, think of each task at hand as a deadline and a consequence: each task has a certain urgency but also a result dependant on the way that task is accomplished. Know wich one actually needs your utmost attention and wich one can be done more loosely/later. You should also consider using the following tool until it becomes automatic once the thought process is installed.
Urgent/Important Matrix by Stephen Covey:
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Positivity: a positive outlook on yourself, on the outcome of your school year or even on how your cookies will turn out will just save you so much (usually unwanted) stress and anxiety. Approach logically your decisions, plan out your days and weeks ( even lives if that gives you drive and focus ), find ways to let go of your worries (sports, a dense spiritual life…) and DO NOT think that there’s only one way to accomplish what you want. DO NOT blame yourself for not crossing off each bullet point on your to do list, take it “easy”, logically and calmly.
Discipline: the above would be pointless if this trait lacks from the frame. Discipline has been shown to be key to productivity and to be encouraged by a lack of distraction and restrictions. IT IS NOT. Discipline comes from self drive. By finding a WHY to your existence, a fire that will never extinguish since it is not fed by worldly attractions. A reason to your ambitions that’s simply strong enough to battle the many times life will lead you astray from happiness.
If your failing and thinking that you’re dumb/not made for it think about it twice, revise your core skills and take it slowly, methodically, with a game plan.
There may be more relevant skills for you specifically, analyse what disables you from going further after you got the basics or ask me a question and I might be able to see something.
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becca-morley-blog · 7 years
detailed writer prompts
what sociocultural factors of your own life do you think influenced your choice of character and how you play them?
what is more important to you, narrative or style? if so, why, and how do you think you portray that in your writing?
what iconography (symbols/images/motifs/etc.) do you associate with your character and why? how do you portray this in your writing? 
without using your fc, describe your character physically - not just looks but also movement, posture, etc. 
do you think your chosen fc could play your character the way you write them? if not, what changes do you think would have to be made? 
let’s say someone else was going to write your character - what are the main points of their personality that you would tell the other writer to focus on? what about outside of that? images/symbols/moments in their life/etc. 
what sort of medium do you think your character is best suited for (literature/film/graphic novel/etc.) ? if they are a canon, do you think there’s a medium that fits the character better than their current one?
what writers influenced the way that you yourself write? how so? are there any that influenced you negatively? 
when you see a partner’s response to a thread, what are common misconceptions/assumptions you see other characters making about yours? is that purposeful? 
how do you think your character fits into your view of society? do you see them as a social critique? a celebration of certain societal values? 
what mythic deity do you think best embodies the core values of your character? how so? 
what is your character’s ideology? what beliefs and values are most important to them and how do they impact their decision making? 
how has your character’s socioeconomic background influenced their ideology?
do you see your character/their narrative as allegorical? if so, how do you attempt to portray this through your threads? if not, do you think that the lack of allegorical symbolism says anything about their metaphorical meaning? 
for canons: do you think your character is a foil for another character? how so? 
for ocs: what does your character metaphorically represent to you? what is their symbolic value as it pertains to you as a writer?
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