beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 7 months
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 3 years
My bearded dragon is fascinated by the falling snow outside. He keeps going to the window to stare at it. He woke up from brumating to look at the snow.
Heā€™s a desert species smh what does he want to do with snow...
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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S M O L.
okay, now continue.
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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that hamster meme but itā€™s rayllum
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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Have you ever noticed this returning image whenever Zuko dreams about home? His fatherā€™s hand on his shoulder. Itā€™s the strongest good memory he seems to have of his father - one that keeps returning. And whenever he talks about getting his honor and his throne back - this image keeps coming back up.
Then he gets home and while OzaiĀ ā€œreturnsā€ his honor, the only physical contact between them is the lightning that Ozai hits Zuko with before he walks away.
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Zuko realizing that the only thing he ever wanted and will never get was a fucking HUG from his father is a huge part of deciding leaving home.Ā 
And itā€™s so heartbreaking, yet so empowering once Zuko realizes that he shouldnā€™t have to earn that, it shouldnā€™t be conditional on finding the Avatar or selling his soul - that this whole time his father was in the wrong.
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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I havenā€™t finished KH3 but I assume the power of waking is an air horn
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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PSA From Isabelle
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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I have some mixed feelings
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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Gerard Way being happy and healthy appreciation post bc I'm sad rn
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
A comprehensive list of all the reasons Reginald Hargreeves can go fuck himself
1. He bought 7 children when they were infants and didnā€™t give any of them a single ounce of emotional support or love, and exploited them for their powers to become famous. He was a smart man and he knew damn well how fucked up he was making life for these kids but never gave a single shit because he was making money off of them.
2. He raised Vanya to constantly believe that she wasnā€™t special, forced her apart from her siblings and caused an unbelievable amount of damage in her. Instead of raising her to gain control of her powers, letting her understand sheā€™d have to be put under some control but letting her be one of her siblings, he made her feel excluded during every moment of her life, and encouraged the other children to do the same, never deterring them from mocking and hating her, which caused them to do the same in adulthood because theyā€™d never been taught any better because yet again, he cared only about money and fame.
3. He locked Klaus in a fucking crypt, knowing full well how traumatic it would be for him and how damaging it would be to his psyche for the rest of his life, and proceeded to shame him for doing drugs when he knows thatā€™s the only thing keeping him sane. No one ever knew he did this because Iā€™m sure he threatened Klaus to tell no one, so to this day his siblings think he is insane and a useless addict when he is just trying to escape something none of them could imagine.
4. He didnā€™t see Ben as a kid, he saw him as a monster and he pushed him and pushed him and never told him that he. was. Not. A. Monster. He wrote in his journal that Ben cried himself to sleep, and knowing how much torment he was putting this kid through, he pushed him anyway until he died. Reginald Hargreeves murdered Ben and I donā€™t care what anyone else says about it.
5. He let Allison use her power to get her way when he knew it would ruin her adult life.
6. He couldnā€™t deal with what heā€™d done to Luther, after years of being shitty to the kid and him still respecting him, he had finally done something he couldnā€™t forgive himself for, so he sent his mistake to the moon alone so that heā€™d no longer have to look at him.
7. He showed blatant favoritism to Five, constantly letting him put down his siblings, resulting in a lovable but egotistical adult.
8. He never showed an ounce of love or respect for Diego, he didnā€™t care about his stutter and he pushed him to the brink making him feel like one of the most useless of the siblings, aside from Vanya and Klaus.
9. He made Grace and he made her to have feelings, she has the psyche of a human being, and he knew that, and he used and stored the woman like a vacuum cleaner, never appreciating her.
10. And finally, this bastard of a man after all heā€™d done, took his life to get them back together, in a final stroke to make every single Hargreeves child feel guilty for isolating themselves from each other, when every bit of isolation was on him.
Everyone hates this man, and for good reason. This wasnā€™t really necessary because I think you all get it but Iā€™m just so invested in these fictional children that a rant was necessary. Thank you for coming to my rage induced Ted Talk.
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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Benā€™s inner thoughts
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
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#thatā€™s it #thatā€™s the show
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beautiful-a-disaster Ā· 4 years
Things i love about Nick Scratch part 2
11. he belives in sabrina
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12. he wants to catch her
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13. he is poly and probably bi
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14. he helped harvey even when he wanted sabrina
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15. he never pressured to have sex
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16. Hey babešŸ˜šŸ˜Œ
disclaimer:none of the gifs are mine
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