basilcia · 7 years
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Greek Mythology: Hera ↳ Goddess of marriage and childbirth
Oh Hera, didn’t you know? You’re a Queen, and Queens bow to no one.
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basilcia · 7 years
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I sing of golden-throned Hera whom Rhea bare. Queen of the immortals is she, surpassing all in beauty: she is the sister and the wife of loud-thundering Zeus, the glorious one whom all the blessed throughout high Olympus reverence and honour even as Zeus who delights in thunder.
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basilcia · 7 years
   SITTING at the counter, gaze fixated on the small screen of her cell phone, Hera shook her head at the utter disregard so many mortals had for their own life. Surely the fool who allegedly overdosed on this mysterious drug was mortal; they were just about the only creatures lacking in intelligence and common sense —  although some of the deities from her own pantheon came pretty close. “What a dolt,” she sighed, thinking it a shame that there didn’t seem to be a cure for asininity.
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basilcia · 7 years
“jeez lady get off my back.” sonny tried to hold back his own laughter. this woman is most likely younger than he really is (he looked good for 75). so to mock her age was ironic. “are you really going to harass a young adult? i can just as easily call the cops on your crazy ass.” sonny needed to make a break for it, and fast. in a desperate attempt to escape, he focused his power and energy on the lady’s coffee, causing the liquid to splash onto her suddenly. even that seemed to tire sonny, but it was enough. he ran out the door, legs crying in pain, begging to turn back to his beautiful tail. 
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   PERHAPS she shouldn’t have scoffed at the idea of taking anger management classes — as her personal therapist had suggested — considering them beneath her. Maybe then she wouldn’t be so damn tempted to throw her steaming cup of coffee at a young adult, as he so eloquently put it. Yes, well — good luck on that one. “Crazy?” Nostrils flaring as her anger rose to new heights, Hera straightened to her full, unimpressive height of five feet, four inches, hands clenching and unclenching as she struggled to rein in her ire. “You haven’t seen crazy yet.” For someone known to hold centuries-long grudges — and to exact vengeance at a drop of the hat, or so they said — she was doing marginally well on holding back. But it didn’t last, the tether on her control snapping when the coffee she’d only just purchased — it hadn’t been ten minutes — suddenly sloshed onto her, the brown stain spreading like wildfire across her white, sleeveless, ruffled tie-waist blouse. Gasping, she immediately reached for a couple napkins and frantically dabbed at the stain, her expression tightening when she glanced up to find that the boy had used that brief moment of distraction to make his escape. “You better hope we don’t meet again, boy!” She called after his swiftly departing back, too tired, frustrated, and irritated to chase after him. 
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GODS help the poor boy if she ever saw him again.
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basilcia · 7 years
his body was aching and itching to leave, to find some hideaway and get far far far away from this lady. she was too smart, too smart for even him. maybe it was his clouded mind–the pain getting to his head–or maybe it was just this woman’s face irritating him, either way he needed to leave. sonny instantly feels threatened when she gets close to his face, staring him down. his eyes flashed yellow with fear, wide and unsure of the woman’s intentions. he jumped back, taking several steps back and looking away from her. “fine i’m out of here anyway! don’t need to be bullied by an old lady.”
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  AS irritated as she was by this child’s rudeness and blatant disregard for her status as a supreme being — never mind the fact that she had yet to divulge her identity — Hera didn’t miss the yellow sheen to his eyes, brief though it proved to be; nor did she miss the obvious fact that he wanted to leave. It was there to see in his body language, clear as day. Yet she continued to stare him down, one eyebrow arched high on her forehead as she waited in anticipation for his verbal volley. And when it finally came — in the form of a parting shot — she gaped, disbelief stilling her tongue ... Before indignation sank its claws into her chest. “Old lady?” She hissed between tightly clenched teeth, following him step-for-step without hesitation. “You dare call me — me, of all people! — old lady?” The nerve! “You better take that back, boy — while I’m still asking nicely.” Not even her husband had the privilege to insult her in such a way — so why should this child have that right?
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basilcia · 7 years
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q u e e n of the immortals is she, surpassing all in beauty: she is the sister and wife of loud-thundering zeus
[credit] [credit]
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basilcia · 7 years
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greek mythology aesthetics → hera
“And I will stop at nothing Until you’ve suffered for every sweetness you’ve laid at another’s feet…
I will burn you for every betrayal And some will call me jealous.”
- Hera, Kassiani
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basilcia · 7 years
sonny was taken aback by her intuition, why did she mention his temper when in relation to the coffee? did she… see?! sonny needed to find a way to keep the blame pinned on her. “you made me forget about my coffee and forget how hot it was!” he knew that was a lame excuse, he knew she was smart enough to not believe that… but he needed to protect himself. what if she was a human in relation to the government? what if she would take him back to that tank? no, he wouldn’t have that. 
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  HERA rolled her eyes at that bit of ridiculous reasoning. Hot was its usual state — unless otherwise specified. Even if, according to the menu, coffee came in many forms, temperatures, and flavors, not just hot; still, that didn’t give him the right or the excuse to blame her for his own mishap.  “Oh, so now you’re blaming me for your forgetfulness too?” She snapped, then — absently setting her own coffee down on the table so that she could lean forward and brace her hands against the smooth, wooden surface of the table — she determinedly held his gaze with her own. “Don’t press your luck, little boy.” Maintaining a calm demeanor was proving a little more difficult than expected. “I may be feeling charitable right now, but there’s no telling how long that will last.”
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basilcia · 7 years
“whatever.” sonny scoffed, reaching for his coffee, but not realizing it was extremely hot after being under the influence of sonny’s anger. once his hand made contact, his reflexive reaction was to drop it, letting out a shocked yelp, and spilling the coffee everywhere. “look what you did!” he yelled at the woman, placing the blame on her. he knew this was his doing, that it was the result of his anger, but he wasn’t going to admit it to some rude lady. 
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  TAKING a step backward when the cup involuntarily slipped free of his fingers, the brown liquid spreading like wildfire across the table, quick to stain, Hera stared daggers at the boy who thought nothing of unfairly casting blame, taking umbrage at his accusation. “Just what are you accusing me of?” she bit out in indignation, her own coffee forgotten for the moment. “It’s hardly my fault that you can’t seem to control your temper — ”coffee simply didn’t bubble on its own. “ — nor can you blame me for you spilling your coffee.” That was all him.
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basilcia · 7 years
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“take it no more. red with rage, wrap your palms around lustful zeus’s neck and choke him with his infidelity. show him that his pretty trophy has hard marble for hands.”
— write your glory with his golden blood
@infinitejvst asked: hestia or hera?
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basilcia · 7 years
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Occasionally, Zeus treated the other gods with particular harshness; Hera took advantage of that and asked them to join her in a revolt. They all accepted and set the plan in motion; Hera drugged Zeus, and then, the others bound him to a couch. At that stage, however, they began to argue over what the next step should be. Briareus, one of the Hecatoncheires, overheard the arguments; still full of gratitude to Zeus for saving him and his brothers from a dragon, Briareus sneaked in and quickly untied the knots that held Zeus in place. Zeus sprang from the couch and grabbed his thunderbolt. The gods fell to their knees begging and pleading for mercy. He seized Hera and hung her from the sky with gold chains. She wept in pain all night, but none of the other gods dared to interfere. Her weeping kept Zeus up, so the following morning, he agreed to release her if she swore never to rebel again. She had little choice but to agree. While she never again rebelled, she often interfered with Zeus’s plans and she was often able to outwit him.
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basilcia · 7 years
his coffee bubbled as he felt his rage increase. who did this woman think she was? sonny knew in his weakened state he couldn’t do much besides irritate the coffee, but he also knew he needed to cool down before someone saw a mug of coffee just explode out of no where. he blinked once, twice, staring the woman down as he got up. “sorry.” he said through gritted teeth, hoping his anger would settle ever so slightly.
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   A begrudging apology, uttered in a tone seething with what she recognized to be rage. Or so she believed. But even if the boy had been good at feigning indifference or calm regardless of the current state of his mind, she would still be able to sense the anger bubbling just beneath the surface of his skin — it was clear to see in his bubbling coffee. “Better.” That was as close to an apology acceptance as she was likely to give — even if it didn’t seem that way. “It may not sound very convincing, but I shall take your word for it,” she murmured, her tone slightly acrimonious. But as far as she was concerned, a reluctant apology was better than none.
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basilcia · 7 years
his bodily discomfort did nothing to appease his sour attitude, looking up at the woman with the same distaste she was giving him. “manners, pft! you should be apologizing to me. i could have burnt myself!”
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   HERA scoffed, placing one hand on her hip — her other one was currently holding her coffee — as she glared down in disgruntlement at him. “You’ll live.” It wasn’t like she’d intentionally set fire to the boy. All she’d done was bump into his table after someone had bumped into her — so actually, the incident itself wasn’t even her fault. “And I would have apologized if you’d respectfully asked me to. But you don’t seem all that inclined to even try.” If he thought he could out-crank her, he had another thing coming.
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basilcia · 7 years
when a goddess loves you, you feel something behind your ribs. at the place where twin roses grow, and bloom and wither and die. when a goddess loves you, you close your mouth around your words, place a cross between your teeth. and kill an army at the space between her hips. when a goddess loves you, you place your hand against her thigh, trace the bruises on her skin, and wonder what death would do, if you dug behind her skin.
when the queen of heaven loves you | (c.a)
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basilcia · 7 years
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basilcia · 7 years
   COFFEE, she was fast beginning to learn, was the perfect pick-me-up on days when she considered the merit of refusing to venture further than her bed — all while forgetting the importance behind rising and shining. gifting the woman behind the counter with a courteous nod after receiving her fresh, steaming cup of coffee, hera turned to make her way out of the shop, stopping once to let a family of four walk past her toward the counter. but then another man bumped into her, causing her to stumble into a table and nearly upset its balance, along with its occupant. but just as she opened her mouth to apologize, she realized what he’d said, his officiousness bringing an irritable scowl to her face.
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   ❛ you, child, are sorely lacking in manners. ❜ she regarded the young man sitting at the table with narrowed eyes and a disapproving look.  ❛ and i’m afraid you have me confused with my dear, beloved husband, ❜ she retorted, referring to the d i s t a s t e f u l name he’d called her.
sonny’s legs ached, staying in this form was painful for too long, but he felt he didn’t have a choice. god forbid someone were to see him, god he hated living in fear constantly. half a century ago, he was free, he was open to be himself and swim. he missed swimming, but all it did was give his mind flashbacks to the tank, that small, horrid tank that felt as if it was suffocating him with every second he spent in it. sonny didn’t want to think of the past, no matter how recent it felt. for merfolk, time passed like molasses; they live for so long its no point in rushing, that’s what his mother said and believed. sonny sighed, looking down at his warm coffee, his single pointer finger circling over the liquid, watching as a small whirlpool of caffeine form. he hated feeling helpless, hated feeling weak. he used to be strong, powerful, the best merman in the entire pacific. now, he’s nobody. a startling sound woke sonny from his self pitying thoughts, noticing that it was table being bumped by some person. he was quick to bark back at the other, eyes flashing bright blue before calming slightly. “what was that for, you dick?”
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basilcia · 7 years
the worst of husbands, a true criminal, he turned the gods against you, gave mortals cause to mock you. a trophy wife, a pretty statue- white-armed and smooth-haired. goddess of marriage, your husband abuses your loyalty. he calls you jealous as he deceives young callisto, screams you spiteful as he wraps himself around leto. he shakes olympus with his curses for you, sister hera, mother hera, and you bow your head with submission as fury glitters in your dark eye. take it no more. red with rage, wrap your palms around lustful zeus’s neck and choke him with his infidelity. show him that his pretty trophy has hard marble for hands.
write your glory with his golden blood (via mythaelogy)
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