barlowthrowb · 7 years
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“Wait.” He barked the command as he reached forward, encircling her wrist with a firm grip meant to rob her of any choice in the matter. “That’s not much of an apology, now is it, love?” The hand that had found her wrist jerked, attempting to pull her close to him, heavy with the implication of just how she could apologize. 
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Pash winced, eyes squeezing shut when he grabbed her. “I’m really, really sorry.” She whispered, the words coming out in her all-too-familiar stutter. “I’m sorry.” Pash insisted, swallowing thickly when she looked up at him. 
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barlowthrowb · 7 years
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Eyes trained on the girl as she retreated, Eli’s sneer transformed into a self-assured smirk. If only teaching everyone their place was this easy. Or this fun, he mused as he let his gaze roam over the girl, assessing her. “Can you? I have my doubts.” An audible snort trailed his words.
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Pash looked away, clenching her jaw. “I’m sorry for bothering you.” She mumbled, turning on her heel to go in the opposite direction. It was definitely the wrong direction, but if she could just get away from the boy, Pash would feel a lot better. Maybe she’d just skip sixth period and go back to the dorms.
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barlowthrowb · 7 years
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As the question reached his ears, Eli let a sneer settle on his face before turning to face the girl. Her own expression read to him as cheerful, a bright smile spread from cheek to cheek– a cheer that he was intrigued by the idea of crushing. “What, love? Too daft to figure it out on your own?”
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Pash flinched at his comment, hand dropping along with her smile. “Sorry.” She mumbled instinctively, taking a step back. “No, I can... I can figure it out.” Pash silently kicked herself, knowing that the fake confident act wouldn’t work. She didn’t know why she’d even tried.
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barlowthrowb · 7 years
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“Excuse me?” Pash moved down the stairs quickly, forcing herself to seem more brave than she felt. She held out her class schedule to the man, managing a charming smile. “Could you tell me where sixth period is?” 
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