banhbanhs · 9 years
Late night thoughts
Researching more on places to stay in Barcelona is getting me excited for my Europe trip!! JULY COME FASTER PLZ! 
I can’t believe its even happening! Booked the flights about a month ago, now its just down to getting the nitty gritty on places to stay, things to see, restaurants to eat at, and transportation. 
Which reminds me, I also need to book my flight for Australia and request vacation days for those as well! 
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banhbanhs · 9 years
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New Words That Should Be Added to the Dictionary (images via imgur) Previously: Name Improvements for Everyday Stuff comment on this post
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banhbanhs · 9 years
That good good
This past week has been so awesome! Besides the fact that it flew by in a blink, I think it’s been one of my best weeks yet :) 1. Starting my #roadtoeurope body! Trying to eat as clean as I can whenever I can! I’ve stocking up on the fresh fruits, unlimited salad, all fruit smoothies, delicious protein from work. It’s been leaving me feeling really great about my body without the workout! I’ve lost 7lbs just from changing my diet! It’s tough though, being surrounded by delicious chocolate mousses, cheese quiches, belgian waffles, its hard to resist! I also had to do taste last week so of course, I chose my all time favorite: Vegan Brownies!!!! So delicious! I could eat those for days! Now I just need to implement a simple workout plan to tone my muscles
2. I’m really glad my coworkers are taking a liking to me! Well, my coworkers are all awesome in general so I really can’t complain. We hung out this past weekend with a girls night at the saddle rack and dim sum lunch! I’m super excited to work a Saturday overtime shift with them decorating cookies! Squad!!! 
3. I can’t believe the incredible pay increase I’ve gotten. It’s so unbelievable that I’m still in shock! Never would I have expected to be paid this much in this industry unless I’m a lead, supervisor, sous chef, etc. I feel like a load has been taken off my shoulders and now I can splurge on myself more often than not. 
4. My parents got a new fridge! Which means my broken old fridge is being replaced by the kitchen fridge! It might not seem like a big deal but omg it’s such a huge deal! It’s like a fresh new start. I get so much more freezer space and the entire fridge space is myself. No more sharing! I love it, absolutely love it :) I have so much more space that I feel like I can finally Breathe and start doing more than what I’ve been doing before. 
5. This week for Fancy Flavors is going to be a great one! I’m trying to do 2 new things (given the open space in my fridge)
This upcoming week is going to be another awesome, yet busy one. Work in the morning, Fancy Flavors at night. Activation on thursday for my Grand! Overtime cookie party on Saturday! Birthday Dinner for Chris on Sunday. Honestly, I’ve got it real good and I really can’t complain. Thank you life! 
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banhbanhs · 9 years
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banhbanhs · 9 years
Catching up with an old friend
I had the honor of catching up with an old coworker who balances two jobs 7 days a week. Although her life consists of non stop work, she is happy about the decisions she made to further her skills and to benefit her life overall. It's so refreshing knowing that she is doing well. She definitely inspires me to make the necessary changes in my life to live comfortably.
Change. I really believe that only YOU are in control of your life and YOU are the only one who can change it. You can blame someone so much about the challenges in your life, but all that finger pointing ultimately is pointed back towards yourself. 
I used to complain about being unhealthy, but now I make it a mission to add in an hour's worth of working out, whether it is in my room or on the track. I may not have an entirely healthy diet, but I make sure I count my calories and not go over my limit. 
I used to complain about not having enough spending money, but with enough budgeting, living at home, spending it on the need and not so much of the wants, I've been able to save up enough for my 2 big trips planned for this year. 
I am so ecstatic for all the changes this upcoming year! Working for a professional company that allows me to grow past what I could have ever fathomed, finally going on my two trips planned (and almost booked) for this year, watching my business grow past my fingertips every week, building a better and stronger relationship with my boyfriend who constantly teaches me and pushes me to be a better person. Who knows how this year will end? And It's only just the beginning!
Change. It's right there in front of you, but are YOU going to reach out and take advantage of it? 
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banhbanhs · 10 years
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@mikey_dillon surprised me with flowers! 💗 I love sunflowers! Thanks babe! The card he got me is too perfect. #sunflowers #neverposting #surprised #icecream
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banhbanhs · 10 years
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banhbanhs · 10 years
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banhbanhs · 10 years
My Little is stressing me out! I'm going to grow old even fast now! Can't wait for clue week to be over so I can finally help him out
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banhbanhs · 10 years
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banhbanhs · 10 years
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banhbanhs · 10 years
It's Official!
The Perfect date and time. Nothing ever goes as planned, but that's what makes it all the better, right? I couldn't have asked for a better partner to share my life with :)
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banhbanhs · 10 years
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banhbanhs · 10 years
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banhbanhs · 10 years
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banhbanhs · 10 years
I had a dream
that I bumped into your grandma and your aunt and I gave them a hug, cried and said how sorry I was and how much I miss them. They forgave me. Whether or not they will ever forgive me in real life, I may never know, but I guess in my head (or my heart), I have found peace within myself. 
I'm glad you're moving on. It's been a few months since we've last spoke. I can see now that I would have held you back from a lot. So I'm happy that you're happy and that you have someone to share that new life with
As for me, I'm happy being with the person who loves to share this quiet lifestyle with me. We have our adventures from time to time, but I think the more important thing is that we have each other. He's the Merideth to my Christina, he's my person
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banhbanhs · 10 years
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