bakusandwich · 8 days
Overheard at briefing.
Soap, from a chair across the room: I’m sure a gay man invented maps they had to spread on tables so they could watch other men bending over them, hands flat and arms outstretched.
Ghost, without taking his eyes from the map in front of him: Take a picture, it will last longer.
*Sound of camera shutter.*
Price: Simon, don't encourage him.
*More camera shutter sounds.*
Price: Soap! That's enough!!!
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bakusandwich · 2 years
living and breathing just to check for new rooster x reader fanfics on tumblr everyday
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bakusandwich · 3 years
Virgin deku and his chubby gf who wraps her legs around his waist to keep him from pulling out❤️
*clenches fist* hnnggggggggg yeah …. yeah…
it already took every ounce of self control he had to try and pull out. izuku already used up every bit of control to stop fucking into you, legs shaking as he slowed his thrusts until he was stilled inside of you.
“g-gonna cum, lemme pull out.” he says, brows furrowed together as he tries to calm his breathing.
you have other plans though, wrapping your legs around him and giving him a wide eye’d look, bottom lip jut out in your desperation. izuku wants to cum inside, so bad that it’s hurting him to hold on, but he can’t. he’s too young to get you pregnant, only at the beginning of his hero career. still, his eyes roll back as you lock your ankles around him, hips moving up and down against him, coaxing him closer and closer to a high he’s desperately trying to fight off.
“fuck, gotta let me pull out. can’t cum inside…. baby… baby please… can’t g-get you pregnant.” izuku’s voice is high pitched, whining as his hips continue fucking into you. his breathing picks up, growing faster and faster until he hears your soft little please that makes him almost entirely stupid.
so he gives in, telling you that it’s okay, that he’s gonna give it to you, fill you up because you asked so nicely. izuku’s a virgin, but he knows when you need something. who was he to deny you, especially when your legs were wrapped around him, fat of your thighs holding him inside of you, pulling him closer with each roll of your hips.
izuku’s head falls forward when he cums, a groan going from low to high breaking from his lips as you soothe him with quiet shushes, letting him pump you full like you asked, or rather, demanded.
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bakusandwich · 3 years
bakugou: *wraps his arms around you and pulls you up against his chest*
bakugou: *tilts your head up with a finger beneath your chin*
bakugou: *licks his lips and whispers along the shell of your ear*
bakugou, threateningly: did you finish my fuckin’ ice cream again? you can tell me—
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bakusandwich · 3 years
Happy Birthday Eraser-Daddy
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Art by AllePage
Found on Pinterest 📌
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bakusandwich · 3 years
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good morning (*ノω-)
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bakusandwich · 3 years
their favorite clothes
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— .。*゚+.*.。 2.5k followers milestone
character(s) : multiple characters (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] gender neutral— they/them pronouns, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, spice if you squint but not nsfw (x reader)
note(s) : this is what would be their favorite clothes (that they own) on you. thank you all for 2.5k 🤍 also im so sorry for the lack of posts, and im gonna be real about this— it was my writer’s block 💀 good news, it’s gone now :)
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
midoriya izuku
↛ honorable mention — his hero costume
↛ he absolutely loves it when you wear his shirts, like— i’m sure you know which one im talking about. the one that says ‘t シャツ’ i don’t know! his fashion sense isn’t the MOST fashionable, and the t-shirt itself isn’t very appealing to most eyes, but he absolutely adores how it looks on you. look, you can be the tallest being on this earth, to the point it makes his shirt look like a crop top on you, or you could be literally 4’5 and make the shirt look like a dress, he doesn’t care at all. he just loves how it looks on you, it makes him feel all warm on the inside, kinda like a *heart squeeze* moment, y’know? and no, there’s no exaggeration. he’ll just stop, and look at you when you wear his shirt. it’s just so personal, and he loves it.
bakugou katsuki
↛ honorable mention — though sweaty, his hero costume, and literally any other piece of clothing he has.
↛ then again, you could literally wear any kind of clothing of his, and you could have a ring adorning that finger of yours by the end of the day. he likes to pretend he’s absolutely not infatuated by the way his clothes look on you. if you force him to say what’s his favorite, he’ll mutter out ‘black tanktop’ because how could he not say that?? have you seen how delectable you look in that tanktop of his? it’s a surefire way to render him speechless, from the moment you walk into the room, to the moment you leave it— those gorgeous red irises will be on you. similar to midoriya, katsuki doesn’t care if you’re tall or short— just,,, wear his clothes, and if you want to seal in the future, then the black tanktop is the way to go. because he’ll probably get mad at you if you don’t wear his clothes to bed
todoroki shouto
↛ honorable mention — shouto’s button up shirt from his old hero costume, even though his old hero costume was HIDEOUS
↛ in his opinion, he loves anything on you (yeah, even a trashbag) but he does really love how you wear his turtle neck, he loves the fit. how it either loosely fits on you, or how it snuggly hugs your form— it really doesn’t matter. anything you wear would look really high end in his opinion, quite literally anything. but his black turtle neck really takes the cake. oh boy, when he saw you wear it for the first time, he froze up and almost charred his feet, cheeks firing up a warm red to match his scar. he has the money to buy a bunch of replicas of that exact black turtle neck, and he could give it to you but,, no. how could he do that? how do you look absolutely stunning in such a simple turtle neck? he doesn’t really know. anyways! he eventually ends up unofficially making the turtle neck yours, and he only wears it when he needs to douse his scent into the fabric once more— when it has almost completely faded away.
kirishima eijirou
↛ honorable mention — i wouldn’t say there’s an honorable mention, since he’s extremely loyal to his statements.
↛ his boxers. there, i’ve said it— and wait for a sec, let me explain. it’s not what you think, and you’d expect it to be like that but no, it’s not. at first, he thought you looked great in something simple as his sweater, or shirts but you were running out of clothes during laundry day— so you rummaged through your boyfriend’s clothing drawer, and pulled out a pair of red boxers, with black trimming. when he saw it peaking under your oversized shirt, he swear he saw the heavens. and from that moment on, you found yourself frequently wearing his boxers, but more specifically that pair. no, i’m serious— eijirou will get all pouty if you actually don’t wear his boxers, even when most of them are in the laundry. why does he like them so much? hm,, maybe it’s the security, and knowing that he’ll be the only one to see you in his boxers.
kaminari denki
↛ honorable mention — his boxers but you say no because he’s quite gross about it 🤢 anyways,
↛ his shorts. yes, they’re not the same as his boxers, but they’re the kind of shorts that you lounge in. now, i know you thought i was going to say “ooo he’s love to see you in a sweater with a lighting bolt embroidered in the middle!!”but then, the thing with these shorts was that he’s literally had them since he was in what,, the end of middle school im surprised they still fit, but they’re so dear to him? in a way that seeing you in those exact shorts makes his heart stop— only for it to start up again. thing with these shorts is that they’re oddly so,, pretty? i mean, his wardrobe is so questionable, but these shorts? there’s a mini reflective lighting bolt logo imprinted on the corner of the shorts. so quite literally, you’re seen with these shorts a lot— and the bakusquad give him hell for that 💀
monoma neito
↛ honorable mention — uh,, he does say that he ‘doesn’t know what you’re talking about! i don’t have more favorites on Y/N’ but you know damn well he does have more than one
↛ his hero costume, because well,, it’s very fashionable! but it doesn’t really look like he’s such a big fan of the entire ‘i wear your clothes!’ thing. because his clothes are his clothes, and your clothes look good on you anyway, end of the story! but if you do force him to say anything, he’ll admit that he does love seeing you in his hero costume. neito once walked in on you wearing his hero costume, and as to be expected— he made fun of you, but he did really like how it looked on you. but i suppose that’s the power you have on him, and he’ll admit it when he wants to, otherwise— he’s just teasing you for now. but pls wear it :,) he’ll basically be at your feet for the entire time
shinsou hitoshi
↛ honorable mention — a black sweater that has a silhouette of a purple cat printed at the center. it’s his favorite sweater, that’s why.
↛ his sweatpants. you and hitoshi had to switch clothes for a dare at a sleepover, and when he saw you in his lounging sweatpants, that’s what did him in. ever since then, he’s been quite obsessed with seeing you in them. hitoshi could care less about the sizing aspect, he just loves seeing you in his sweatpants— and it is quite a treat to come back from an especially gnarly day at school, and to be greeted by you lounging in his clothes, ‘instant recharge’ he says. he finds himself toying with the string of the sweatpants, when you’re on his lap, pressing kisses on his cheeks. anyways— if you want to kill him even more, then you should wear his sweater AND his sweatpants. he might as well just lock you in his room for him to keep forever (he’s not serious about that.) but it does surprise some people, because they never would’ve expected shinsou hitoshi to be the clingy/needy type. but you’re the only one that gets to see it indoors.
amajiki tamaki
↛ honorable mention — his button up shirt, i’m sure theres a gif of him wearing one in the anime somewhere, and i hope you know what i mean
↛ not really a clothing article he wears on the daily, but his cape. omg his cape. he sort of glitched out when he came back from interning, and saw you snuggling on the couch with his cape. like,, are you trying to unalive him? and he’s not slick about it either— everytime he comes back, and sees you using his cape as a blanket, draped over your shoulders, he nearly faints. it’s that intense, that’s why nejire and mirio brought his hero costume’s cape and gave it to you when it was time to sleep— he couldn’t get a wink of sleep because of the image of you with his cape, ugh! anyways, he does manage to leave it with you when he has to go away for a bit, because it says that it’s almost like he’s there with you. tamaki usually has to scramble on why he doesn’t have his usual cape.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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bakusandwich · 3 years
*Mic and Aizawa arguing*
Mic: You know what, I didn't wanna do this but you leave me no choice.
Aizawa: Wha-
Mic: Y/n! Shota's being mean to me!
Aizawa: You fucking snitch!
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bakusandwich · 3 years
Please Help!
Please help me to pay my rent this month!! ❤
Sunday, October 24th: Hi everyone, I’m Gemma, a bi, mentally ill disaster, who’s in desperate need of help as I'm really struggling to pay my rent and get groceries.
As most of you are already aware from my previous posts, I have been struggling financially for quite some time due to my welfare benefit (Universal Credit) being under a review and pending an assessment. It has also been incredibly difficult for me to get by, as my application for Disability (PIP) was declined and due to Covid, I have been waiting almost a year for an appointment for a WCA (Work Capability Asessment) from the DWP, which is to assess my mental and physical health, and my debt from overdue bills is piling up to an amount that I'm really struggling with.
And thanks to the UK government recently suspending the extra £20 a week for benefit claimants, it has left me struggling more than ever to make ends meet.
Currently, I need at least £200 to make my rent for this month, and and extra £140 for groceries and to keep my utilities on. (It costs £40 to keep my electricity meter on for two weeks!! And another £40 in my gas, and as we are coming into winter that will only increase)
If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would literally save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much as donations. Nobody is obligated in any way to donate if they can’t or don’t want to, I know we’re all struggling right now.
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bakusandwich · 3 years
Thomas Sanders was one of the Internets most wholesome and creative people there were, and even now id rather watch his old skits and short videos than watch anything else. It's crazy how people get so worked up over a person being a nice human. F'd up world we live in.
Wait what happened to Thomas Sanders???
Basically, Thomas Sanders (who, btw, is gay) used to be basically the celebrated Unproblematic Fav Uwu of Tumblr and Vine. Everyone loved him, everyone praised him for being inclusive and positive, making fun and unique vines that were appropriate and enjoyable for any age group.
Then one day he got an aphobic ask (I honestly don’t remember what this was even in response to, I think it was some really innocent one-off “I hope asexuals have a good day” type of post or something like that, idek), to which he wrote a long and sincere response that basically summed up to “Hey, that’s not a nice attitude to have, please take a moment to think about how other people must feel and why it’s so important to you to shut them down”
Within literal hours (and this is something I witnessed myself, I was online when it all went down), a smear campaign against him had started. Suddenly even people who had previously been huge fans of him were shit-talking him left and right, declaring him cringey, and grasping at straws to make “callout posts” for him. One popular argument I remember hearing was- And I shit you not, I am not making this up- He was a “pedophile” because he made videos for a family demographic and has a young-looking face, but was 29 or whatever and therefore “pretending to be a kid” or whatever the fuck. He even, gasp, made vines about high school, despite not being a high schooler himself! (Dan Green voice) That’s called “acting”, children!
His popularity never really recovered, and these days he’s mostly considered “cringey” by a large portion of the internet due to the main demographic most of his fans fall into, because you know it’s hip and cool to shame young girls and queer kids for the things that bring them joy.
So yeah, TL;DR used to be pretty well liked by the majority of Tumblr with nobody really having anything bad to say about him, expressed support for aspecs one day, immediately fell victim to exclusionist harrassment and is now at best considered just a cringey teenage girl thing.
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bakusandwich · 3 years
canon: they died
fanfic: fUCK YOU
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bakusandwich · 3 years
Accidental confession- Bakugou x reader smau
Sfw! enjoy :)
Warnings: None
Note: Not a native english speaker, so please excuse any mistakes hehe
♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥ ♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
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bakusandwich · 3 years
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THEME 1: Discord
A theme replicating Discord’s layout, using unnested captions for a server-like feel.
Live preview (temporary) | Static previews: home page, permalink | Code
Unlimited custom links
Supports new post types/pinned posts
Pagination or infinite scroll (manual load/automatic)
Light/Dark modes: set your default color mode + optional toggle
Custom colors for special text/links/other accents
Custom fonts and text sizes
Optional header image, avatar, description, search bar, like/reblog buttons, tags, Archive/Random links, and date/timestamps
(Optional) Custom Discord tag#1234 - set it to whatever you’d like!
(Optional) FAQ/Submission Guidelines sections that appear above the form on Ask/Submit pages
(Optional) Use the default Discord fonts if the viewer has them downloaded!
And more!
Given the complexity of the light/dark modes, the gray/white backgrounds aren’t customizable, but a good deal else is!
Theme credits: Original design by Discord, tooltips by atomiks, Tumblr controls by seyche, icons from Font Awesome, custom like buttons by Demirev, infinite scroll by Paul Irish+Metafizzy, NPF photosets fix by glenthemes, dark/light mode toggle by eggdesign
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bakusandwich · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: shinsou hitoshi, katsuki bakugou, aizawa shota, takami keigo, dabi
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: repost from my old blog
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✿ 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐔 froze when you grabbed his face, pulling him towards you as you pressed kiss after kiss all over every inch, giggling in between each one as you watched his cheeks turn bright red. Clearing his throat, he looked at the ground, hands hesitantly placing themselves onto your waist. “W-what was that for?” You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer until he was just millimeters away from meeting your lips with his own. “Just thought you might want some kisses. They’re good for your health, you know,” you grinned cheekily. Closing the gap, you kissed him deeply, humming when his thumb traced circles into your hip. He pulled away after some time, burying his face into your neck and squeezing you gently against him. “Yeah, whatever.”
✿ 𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐆𝐎𝐔 wasn’t expecting you to place yourself on his lap, hands immediately finding your hips as you cupped his jaw. Before he could smirk at you and say something, he froze as you pressed tiny kisses all over his cheek, moving on to the next one before placing one last one on the tip of his nose. “Your cheeks are so cute, Katsuki. So squishy,” you teased as you poked it. Glaring at you, he swatted your hand away, blush rising to the tips of his ears. “What the hell is wrong with you, dumbass?” Giggling, you pressed your forehead to his, tracing his cheekbone with your thumb gently. “You don’t like my kisses?” He rolled his eyes, but gently, he placed a small kiss of his own onto your cheek, hugging you closer. “No, you’re annoying.”
✿ 𝐀𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀 was just waking up in the morning, eyes slowly opening when he felt your hand move a few strands of hair out of his face, a sleepy grin spreading across his lips. “Good morni—” he didn’t get to finish speaking before you tilted his chin up, pecking his lips first, and then littering more kisses across his face. His gaze softened when you beamed at him, closing his eyes once more when you stroked his hair gently. “Morning, Shota.” He gave you a warm chuckle, sighing at the feeling of you scratching his scalp. “That was a nice little surprise to wake up to. What’s the occasion?” Pressing your forehead to his, you gently traced the scar under his eye with your index finger. “I missed you while you were sleeping,” you whispered, pressing yet another kiss to his lips right after.
✿ 𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐒 smirked when you took the goggles off his face, setting them down on the counter behind you as you cradled his cheeks in both hands. Slowly, you kissed the small bruise forming on his jaw before pressing more across his jawline, moving your way upward until you reached his forehand. “Don’t stop now, dove. It won’t heal properly if you don’t give me more.” Giving him a soft smile, you traced the edge of the bruise, eyes lingering on it before you met his gaze once more. “Are you hurt anywhere else?” His eyes softened as he noticed the way you were worried, pretending to ponder for a moment before answering. “Depends, are you gonna kiss it better? Because then my entire face is bruised.” You rolled your eyes, but began pressing more kisses to his face anyway, content with him being safe and back in your arms.
✿ 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 stilled when you kissed the edge of his scar, tensing as he felt you trailing down the line where the healthy skin met the charred, pecking in between each staple. Pulling away, he stared at you for a moment, eyes narrowed and shoulders tense. “What are you doing?” You smiled gently, trailing your hand up his chest, rubbing it softly with your palm. He almost let his guard down for a second, watching your movements carefully. “Just kissing you, Dabi. I love you.” He stared at you for a few moments, eyes searching yours for truth, finding nothing but sincerity in them. Swallowing, he looked to the side, gripping your waist tightly and pulling you flush against his chest. “That’s fucking weird. Give me a few more.”
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reblogs are really appreciated !!
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bakusandwich · 3 years
Aizawa as a Dad
(Disclaimer! This is MY version, I'm sorry if YOU disagree but these are Headcanons...so...I mean everyone can have opinions so don't hate lol)
Totally the dad to crack dad jokes at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME
Makes hella good breakfast
He has to Listen to his Random 70s/80s Music OBNOXIOUSLY loud
Tries hard to embarrass the heck out of you throughout the day
"Heya Squirt", "Howdy there Bucko", "Yo Wassup Dude", "Stay Loose Broski"
He Knows He's Cool....you don't even have to say anything
Hecka Supportive!
Wanna Play VolleyBall GOT IT! HE'S AT EVERY GAME!
Wanna Do Pottery CHECK! Keeps every Lil thing you make
Eri makes sure to tag along as well
Tells you about his Highschool Days with Hizashi...Don't ask him about the Swordfish tho
overall the most loving and caring dad treats his kids like gold
More Pro-Hero Dads coming soon.
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bakusandwich · 3 years
Dabi dances whenever he's excited🥺
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bakusandwich · 3 years
red eyed Iida is best Iida, change my mind
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