badbihk · 2 years
What Goes Around... Comes Around
Toxic jack x ex gf reader
part 1 part 2
it had been a year and four months since jack lost you and he hadn’t had a moment of peace since.
486 days of pain.
6 months of sobriety and intensive therapy. jack knew he had his own problems and narcissistic ways. he had convinced himself that if he put in the work, then you would find your way back to him. that’s how manifestation works right? ïżŒas much as he learned about healthy coping mechanisms and unlearning toxic behaviors; he still found himself on your boyfriends instagram.
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liked by yourinstagram and 142 others
yourboyfriendusername 8 months strong đŸ’ȘđŸŸđŸ’• @yourinstragram
yourinstagram 💕
wtf? thats all he has to say? jack couldn’t help but laugh. he knew you weren’t as happy as you pretended to be. two months ago, in the middle of the night, you had randomly unblocked him on everything . neither of you had said a word, but jack knew what that meant. you had gave him the opening and now all he needed to do was pick the perfect time to make his move. there was no way in hell he put in all this work to not get his girl back. he didn’t care who you were dating, hell you could be married and you would still be his girl. he went off of Instagram and opened the messages between y’all. should he text you? he really didn’t want to start shit, but at the same time he didn’t give a fuck if he started shit between you and your man.
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you sighed as you turned off your phone. were you gonna meet him tonight? of course not. he did you so dirty for so long. what would you even say? what is there to even say? you say your phone down and walked into the empty living room. your boyfriend was out of town visiting family, leaving you with nothing to do all weekend. you truly liked your boyfriend as a person, but as a partner ? not so much. he was thoughtful and loyal but that’s about all you could say. besides that he was messy, annoying, clingy, and as jack said corny. everything he did have you the ick. you felt as if you were dating a child in a grown man’s body. he couldn’t even make you happy; let alone make you cum. that was never a problem with jack. wtf? why am i even thinking of jack. fuck him. you sat down on the couch and turned on the tv half paying attention. maybe you should just go talk to jack. you never really got closure right? but you would be just as bad as jack was to you if you went over there. if it was going to be on your mind so hard maybe you should just go over there? no. absolutely not.
jack stared at the last message he sent.
read at 5:51
damn. so that’s how you was gonna do him? he shot his shot and you blocked the fuck out of it. now you were just gonna ignore him. fuck that. he didn’t care if he had to pull up at your house and sit outside for 3 days straight. he couldn’t do this anymore he wanted to see you. NEEDED to see you. he felt as though he had played his role. yes he constantly stalked all your social media and called you 30 times in one day, but that was months ago. ever since that day he saw you in person, he made the conscious decision to leave you alone. absence makes the heart grow fonder right? he sat there for 45 minutes deep in thought; debating if he should just come see you. he finally just gave up. after all this over thinking he definitely needed a nap.
jack had been asleep for a little over an hour before he was woken up by his phone going off. he rolled over and answered without checking who was calling.
“hello” he said husky voice while sitting up against his headboard.
“why the fuck would you tell me to come over if you aren’t going to answer the door” you say as you ring the doorbell yet again. “i’ve been knocking for ten minutes. You wanted me to come over and i came but im finna leave bc i feel like you are playing”. were you mad? no, but you were irritated. you put your ass on the line to come over here the least he could do is open the door.
“ y/n I swear to god i was asleep and didn’t hear you my bad im coming now.” jack says practically hopping out of bed and racing to open the door.
as he opens the door, he feels his heart skip a beat. you looked beautiful. he felt like he was seeing you for the first time again.
“ are you gonna stare at me or let me in?” you question
“my bad” he says opening the door wider for you and stepping out of the way.
you weren’t trying to be rude but it was like once you saw his face all the anger came back. you truly loved this man and he took advantage of that. why tf did you even come here?
jack could sense your attitude from a mile away. you had been here for 20 minutes and hadn’t said a word. he sat next to you on the couch as he watched you scroll through tik tok aimlessly.
“ look im gonna go. i don’t know why i came here. i thought we would talk about everything or something but im good on this.” you say while standing up and reaching for your purse.
“wait y/n please don’t leave we can talk if you want to i just didn’t want to bring up everything because i didn’t want to trigger you. i figured if you wanted to talk about everything that’s happened you would bring it up”
you sighed and sat back down facing him. “you go first because i’m pretty sure you understand how i feel based on how i left your ass”
damn. that what probably deserved jack thought to himself. “ look i fucked up. you did everything in your power to keep me happy. you stuck around even when you shouldn’t have, even when i didn’t appreciate you. i hate that it had to take me loosing you for me to finally understand. real love is hard to find and you gave that to me. as cliche as it sounds it was never you because it was always me. i let my own insecurities and demons take over and control me. on top of that i was always drunk and high trying to ignore the battle that was going on in my head. you didn’t deserve anything i put you through and i am truly sorry. i don’t care if you don’t forgive me, i need you to know how sorry i am. i will be spending the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, even if that means just being your friend and supporting you from afar. i made my bed and now I have to lie in it. i do love you and always have but i couldn’t be the man you needed, and i have spent months trying to change that.” jack said while tearing up.
“jack i-”
“ im not trying to be rude but i don’t need you to say anything i just wanted you to hear that so maybe it could give you some peace of mind. i want you happy with or without me.”
you don’t know what took over you, but before you could even think about what was happening your lips were on his and you were on top of him. the kiss was so passionate and needy. it was like you both needed the other to breathe. how could you have gone this long without him? his hands had a tight grip on your ass pulling you as close to him as possible as you straddled him. it felt as if you could finally see him for the first time in almost 6 years. this was the jack you had fallen in love with, and this was the jack that brought out the best in you. it was like you were in a trance until you realized what you were doing. you quickly jerked back, breaking the kiss.
“we can’t do t-this jack” you say standing up and taking a few steps away from him. “i can’t hurt him like this”
“okay I understand” jack says while remaining seated and adjusting himself through his pants “why did you say it like that” he questions
“like what?”
“like you are trying to convince yourself that you don’t want this”
you sighed. he was right you did want this but what type of person would that make you?
“just say the word y/n and ill be on my knees for you right now giving you exactly what you want” he says as he gets up and takes a step toward you, causing you to take a step back into the wall.
you feel his thumb against your clit rubbing circles through your leggings. of course you weren’t wearing underwear today. you could feel your wetness soaking through the thin fabric.
“do you want me to stop?” he questions as he applies more pressure causing your knees to buckle.
“no please don’t stop” you moan out while digging your nails into his shoulder trying to steady yourself.
jack drops to his knees in front of you and pulls your leggings down to your ankles. your hands instantly goes to his hair gripping his curls. he runs his finger across your soaked slit and puts the same finger in his mouth, sucking on it.
“you always taste so good” he says before putting two fingers into you causing you to let out an airy moan. his thumb finds its way to your clit as his fingers work in sync pumping in and out of you as his thumb is rubbing delicate circles on your throbbing clit. with his other arm he lifts your leg up and onto his shoulder giving him better access to you. he replaces his thumb with his mouth causing you to dig your nails into his shoulder and moan out his name. it doesn’t take long for you to feel your orgasm building. it had been so long since you actually had an orgasm and it felt as if you were going to explode. jack adds in another finger as his mouth is still latched on to you.
“jac-ck im close” you moan out as you throw your head back against the wall. you legs began shaking uncontrollably but jack placed his free hand firmly below your ass forcing you to stay up and take it. you squeezed your eyes shut as you cum all over his face leaving his beard soaked. any other time you would be embarrassed about the fact it only took you five minutes to cum, but right now you couldn’t care less.
jack stood up giving you a kiss and allowing you to taste yourself all on his lips. he then went in the other room to clean himself off before coming over to do the same to you. he tosses the towel in the hamper before helping you over to the couch.
holy fuck you. you couldn’t believe you had seriously just cheated on your boyfriend but honestly you didn’t regret it one bit.
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badbihk · 2 years
I have no idea what you are talking about😇😇😇😝
What Goes Around... Comes Around
Toxic jack x ex gf reader
part 1 part 2
it had been a year and four months since jack lost you and he hadn’t had a moment of peace since.
486 days of pain.
6 months of sobriety and intensive therapy. jack knew he had his own problems and narcissistic ways. he had convinced himself that if he put in the work, then you would find your way back to him. that’s how manifestation works right? ïżŒas much as he learned about healthy coping mechanisms and unlearning toxic behaviors; he still found himself on your boyfriends instagram.
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liked by yourinstagram and 142 others
yourboyfriendusername 8 months strong đŸ’ȘđŸŸđŸ’• @yourinstragram
yourinstagram 💕
wtf? thats all he has to say? jack couldn’t help but laugh. he knew you weren’t as happy as you pretended to be. two months ago, in the middle of the night, you had randomly unblocked him on everything . neither of you had said a word, but jack knew what that meant. you had gave him the opening and now all he needed to do was pick the perfect time to make his move. there was no way in hell he put in all this work to not get his girl back. he didn’t care who you were dating, hell you could be married and you would still be his girl. he went off of Instagram and opened the messages between y’all. should he text you? he really didn’t want to start shit, but at the same time he didn’t give a fuck if he started shit between you and your man.
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you sighed as you turned off your phone. were you gonna meet him tonight? of course not. he did you so dirty for so long. what would you even say? what is there to even say? you say your phone down and walked into the empty living room. your boyfriend was out of town visiting family, leaving you with nothing to do all weekend. you truly liked your boyfriend as a person, but as a partner ? not so much. he was thoughtful and loyal but that’s about all you could say. besides that he was messy, annoying, clingy, and as jack said corny. everything he did have you the ick. you felt as if you were dating a child in a grown man’s body. he couldn’t even make you happy; let alone make you cum. that was never a problem with jack. wtf? why am i even thinking of jack. fuck him. you sat down on the couch and turned on the tv half paying attention. maybe you should just go talk to jack. you never really got closure right? but you would be just as bad as jack was to you if you went over there. if it was going to be on your mind so hard maybe you should just go over there? no. absolutely not.
jack stared at the last message he sent.
read at 5:51
damn. so that’s how you was gonna do him? he shot his shot and you blocked the fuck out of it. now you were just gonna ignore him. fuck that. he didn’t care if he had to pull up at your house and sit outside for 3 days straight. he couldn’t do this anymore he wanted to see you. NEEDED to see you. he felt as though he had played his role. yes he constantly stalked all your social media and called you 30 times in one day, but that was months ago. ever since that day he saw you in person, he made the conscious decision to leave you alone. absence makes the heart grow fonder right? he sat there for 45 minutes deep in thought; debating if he should just come see you. he finally just gave up. after all this over thinking he definitely needed a nap.
jack had been asleep for a little over an hour before he was woken up by his phone going off. he rolled over and answered without checking who was calling.
“hello” he said husky voice while sitting up against his headboard.
“why the fuck would you tell me to come over if you aren’t going to answer the door” you say as you ring the doorbell yet again. “i’ve been knocking for ten minutes. You wanted me to come over and i came but im finna leave bc i feel like you are playing”. were you mad? no, but you were irritated. you put your ass on the line to come over here the least he could do is open the door.
“ y/n I swear to god i was asleep and didn’t hear you my bad im coming now.” jack says practically hopping out of bed and racing to open the door.
as he opens the door, he feels his heart skip a beat. you looked beautiful. he felt like he was seeing you for the first time again.
“ are you gonna stare at me or let me in?” you question
“my bad” he says opening the door wider for you and stepping out of the way.
you weren’t trying to be rude but it was like once you saw his face all the anger came back. you truly loved this man and he took advantage of that. why tf did you even come here?
jack could sense your attitude from a mile away. you had been here for 20 minutes and hadn’t said a word. he sat next to you on the couch as he watched you scroll through tik tok aimlessly.
“ look im gonna go. i don’t know why i came here. i thought we would talk about everything or something but im good on this.” you say while standing up and reaching for your purse.
“wait y/n please don’t leave we can talk if you want to i just didn’t want to bring up everything because i didn’t want to trigger you. i figured if you wanted to talk about everything that’s happened you would bring it up”
you sighed and sat back down facing him. “you go first because i’m pretty sure you understand how i feel based on how i left your ass”
damn. that what probably deserved jack thought to himself. “ look i fucked up. you did everything in your power to keep me happy. you stuck around even when you shouldn’t have, even when i didn’t appreciate you. i hate that it had to take me loosing you for me to finally understand. real love is hard to find and you gave that to me. as cliche as it sounds it was never you because it was always me. i let my own insecurities and demons take over and control me. on top of that i was always drunk and high trying to ignore the battle that was going on in my head. you didn’t deserve anything i put you through and i am truly sorry. i don’t care if you don’t forgive me, i need you to know how sorry i am. i will be spending the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, even if that means just being your friend and supporting you from afar. i made my bed and now I have to lie in it. i do love you and always have but i couldn’t be the man you needed, and i have spent months trying to change that.” jack said while tearing up.
“jack i-”
“ im not trying to be rude but i don’t need you to say anything i just wanted you to hear that so maybe it could give you some peace of mind. i want you happy with or without me.”
you don’t know what took over you, but before you could even think about what was happening your lips were on his and you were on top of him. the kiss was so passionate and needy. it was like you both needed the other to breathe. how could you have gone this long without him? his hands had a tight grip on your ass pulling you as close to him as possible as you straddled him. it felt as if you could finally see him for the first time in almost 6 years. this was the jack you had fallen in love with, and this was the jack that brought out the best in you. it was like you were in a trance until you realized what you were doing. you quickly jerked back, breaking the kiss.
“we can’t do t-this jack” you say standing up and taking a few steps away from him. “i can’t hurt him like this”
“okay I understand” jack says while remaining seated and adjusting himself through his pants “why did you say it like that” he questions
“like what?”
“like you are trying to convince yourself that you don’t want this”
you sighed. he was right you did want this but what type of person would that make you?
“just say the word y/n and ill be on my knees for you right now giving you exactly what you want” he says as he gets up and takes a step toward you, causing you to take a step back into the wall.
you feel his thumb against your clit rubbing circles through your leggings. of course you weren’t wearing underwear today. you could feel your wetness soaking through the thin fabric.
“do you want me to stop?” he questions as he applies more pressure causing your knees to buckle.
“no please don’t stop” you moan out while digging your nails into his shoulder trying to steady yourself.
jack drops to his knees in front of you and pulls your leggings down to your ankles. your hands instantly goes to his hair gripping his curls. he runs his finger across your soaked slit and puts the same finger in his mouth, sucking on it.
“you always taste so good” he says before putting two fingers into you causing you to let out an airy moan. his thumb finds its way to your clit as his fingers work in sync pumping in and out of you as his thumb is rubbing delicate circles on your throbbing clit. with his other arm he lifts your leg up and onto his shoulder giving him better access to you. he replaces his thumb with his mouth causing you to dig your nails into his shoulder and moan out his name. it doesn’t take long for you to feel your orgasm building. it had been so long since you actually had an orgasm and it felt as if you were going to explode. jack adds in another finger as his mouth is still latched on to you.
“jac-ck im close” you moan out as you throw your head back against the wall. you legs began shaking uncontrollably but jack placed his free hand firmly below your ass forcing you to stay up and take it. you squeezed your eyes shut as you cum all over his face leaving his beard soaked. any other time you would be embarrassed about the fact it only took you five minutes to cum, but right now you couldn’t care less.
jack stood up giving you a kiss and allowing you to taste yourself all on his lips. he then went in the other room to clean himself off before coming over to do the same to you. he tosses the towel in the hamper before helping you over to the couch.
holy fuck you. you couldn’t believe you had seriously just cheated on your boyfriend but honestly you didn’t regret it one bit.
182 notes · View notes
badbihk · 2 years
What Goes Around... Comes Around
Toxic jack x ex gf reader
part 1 part 2
it had been a year and four months since jack lost you and he hadn’t had a moment of peace since.
486 days of pain.
6 months of sobriety and intensive therapy. jack knew he had his own problems and narcissistic ways. he had convinced himself that if he put in the work, then you would find your way back to him. that’s how manifestation works right? ïżŒas much as he learned about healthy coping mechanisms and unlearning toxic behaviors; he still found himself on your boyfriends instagram.
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liked by yourinstagram and 142 others
yourboyfriendusername 8 months strong đŸ’ȘđŸŸđŸ’• @yourinstragram
yourinstagram 💕
wtf? thats all he has to say? jack couldn’t help but laugh. he knew you weren’t as happy as you pretended to be. two months ago, in the middle of the night, you had randomly unblocked him on everything . neither of you had said a word, but jack knew what that meant. you had gave him the opening and now all he needed to do was pick the perfect time to make his move. there was no way in hell he put in all this work to not get his girl back. he didn’t care who you were dating, hell you could be married and you would still be his girl. he went off of Instagram and opened the messages between y’all. should he text you? he really didn’t want to start shit, but at the same time he didn’t give a fuck if he started shit between you and your man.
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you sighed as you turned off your phone. were you gonna meet him tonight? of course not. he did you so dirty for so long. what would you even say? what is there to even say? you say your phone down and walked into the empty living room. your boyfriend was out of town visiting family, leaving you with nothing to do all weekend. you truly liked your boyfriend as a person, but as a partner ? not so much. he was thoughtful and loyal but that’s about all you could say. besides that he was messy, annoying, clingy, and as jack said corny. everything he did have you the ick. you felt as if you were dating a child in a grown man’s body. he couldn’t even make you happy; let alone make you cum. that was never a problem with jack. wtf? why am i even thinking of jack. fuck him. you sat down on the couch and turned on the tv half paying attention. maybe you should just go talk to jack. you never really got closure right? but you would be just as bad as jack was to you if you went over there. if it was going to be on your mind so hard maybe you should just go over there? no. absolutely not.
jack stared at the last message he sent.
read at 5:51
damn. so that’s how you was gonna do him? he shot his shot and you blocked the fuck out of it. now you were just gonna ignore him. fuck that. he didn’t care if he had to pull up at your house and sit outside for 3 days straight. he couldn’t do this anymore he wanted to see you. NEEDED to see you. he felt as though he had played his role. yes he constantly stalked all your social media and called you 30 times in one day, but that was months ago. ever since that day he saw you in person, he made the conscious decision to leave you alone. absence makes the heart grow fonder right? he sat there for 45 minutes deep in thought; debating if he should just come see you. he finally just gave up. after all this over thinking he definitely needed a nap.
jack had been asleep for a little over an hour before he was woken up by his phone going off. he rolled over and answered without checking who was calling.
“hello” he said husky voice while sitting up against his headboard.
“why the fuck would you tell me to come over if you aren’t going to answer the door” you say as you ring the doorbell yet again. “i’ve been knocking for ten minutes. You wanted me to come over and i came but im finna leave bc i feel like you are playing”. were you mad? no, but you were irritated. you put your ass on the line to come over here the least he could do is open the door.
“ y/n I swear to god i was asleep and didn’t hear you my bad im coming now.” jack says practically hopping out of bed and racing to open the door.
as he opens the door, he feels his heart skip a beat. you looked beautiful. he felt like he was seeing you for the first time again.
“ are you gonna stare at me or let me in?” you question
“my bad” he says opening the door wider for you and stepping out of the way.
you weren’t trying to be rude but it was like once you saw his face all the anger came back. you truly loved this man and he took advantage of that. why tf did you even come here?
jack could sense your attitude from a mile away. you had been here for 20 minutes and hadn’t said a word. he sat next to you on the couch as he watched you scroll through tik tok aimlessly.
“ look im gonna go. i don’t know why i came here. i thought we would talk about everything or something but im good on this.” you say while standing up and reaching for your purse.
“wait y/n please don’t leave we can talk if you want to i just didn’t want to bring up everything because i didn’t want to trigger you. i figured if you wanted to talk about everything that’s happened you would bring it up”
you sighed and sat back down facing him. “you go first because i’m pretty sure you understand how i feel based on how i left your ass”
damn. that what probably deserved jack thought to himself. “ look i fucked up. you did everything in your power to keep me happy. you stuck around even when you shouldn’t have, even when i didn’t appreciate you. i hate that it had to take me loosing you for me to finally understand. real love is hard to find and you gave that to me. as cliche as it sounds it was never you because it was always me. i let my own insecurities and demons take over and control me. on top of that i was always drunk and high trying to ignore the battle that was going on in my head. you didn’t deserve anything i put you through and i am truly sorry. i don’t care if you don’t forgive me, i need you to know how sorry i am. i will be spending the rest of my life trying to make it up to you, even if that means just being your friend and supporting you from afar. i made my bed and now I have to lie in it. i do love you and always have but i couldn’t be the man you needed, and i have spent months trying to change that.” jack said while tearing up.
“jack i-”
“ im not trying to be rude but i don’t need you to say anything i just wanted you to hear that so maybe it could give you some peace of mind. i want you happy with or without me.”
you don’t know what took over you, but before you could even think about what was happening your lips were on his and you were on top of him. the kiss was so passionate and needy. it was like you both needed the other to breathe. how could you have gone this long without him? his hands had a tight grip on your ass pulling you as close to him as possible as you straddled him. it felt as if you could finally see him for the first time in almost 6 years. this was the jack you had fallen in love with, and this was the jack that brought out the best in you. it was like you were in a trance until you realized what you were doing. you quickly jerked back, breaking the kiss.
“we can’t do t-this jack” you say standing up and taking a few steps away from him. “i can’t hurt him like this”
“okay I understand” jack says while remaining seated and adjusting himself through his pants “why did you say it like that” he questions
“like what?”
“like you are trying to convince yourself that you don’t want this”
you sighed. he was right you did want this but what type of person would that make you?
“just say the word y/n and ill be on my knees for you right now giving you exactly what you want” he says as he gets up and takes a step toward you, causing you to take a step back into the wall.
you feel his thumb against your clit rubbing circles through your leggings. of course you weren’t wearing underwear today. you could feel your wetness soaking through the thin fabric.
“do you want me to stop?” he questions as he applies more pressure causing your knees to buckle.
“no please don’t stop” you moan out while digging your nails into his shoulder trying to steady yourself.
jack drops to his knees in front of you and pulls your leggings down to your ankles. your hands instantly goes to his hair gripping his curls. he runs his finger across your soaked slit and puts the same finger in his mouth, sucking on it.
“you always taste so good” he says before putting two fingers into you causing you to let out an airy moan. his thumb finds its way to your clit as his fingers work in sync pumping in and out of you as his thumb is rubbing delicate circles on your throbbing clit. with his other arm he lifts your leg up and onto his shoulder giving him better access to you. he replaces his thumb with his mouth causing you to dig your nails into his shoulder and moan out his name. it doesn’t take long for you to feel your orgasm building. it had been so long since you actually had an orgasm and it felt as if you were going to explode. jack adds in another finger as his mouth is still latched on to you.
“jac-ck im close” you moan out as you throw your head back against the wall. you legs began shaking uncontrollably but jack placed his free hand firmly below your ass forcing you to stay up and take it. you squeezed your eyes shut as you cum all over his face leaving his beard soaked. any other time you would be embarrassed about the fact it only took you five minutes to cum, but right now you couldn’t care less.
jack stood up giving you a kiss and allowing you to taste yourself all on his lips. he then went in the other room to clean himself off before coming over to do the same to you. he tosses the towel in the hamper before helping you over to the couch.
holy fuck you. you couldn’t believe you had seriously just cheated on your boyfriend but honestly you didn’t regret it one bit.
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badbihk · 2 years
I just need a part two on cry on it can either be a buy dial by accident from y/n calling jack when she’s with her new partner having sex and jack THought SHES running back to him when he wasn’t expecting that call he gets jealous but then the next day he sees y/n is with someone better and jack sees them one day from afar and thinks of everything then did together and he starts to regret it so like a karma to him since he ended up being lonely
Will he?
part one.
I decided to have them talk because I felt that would be a real reality check if she was clearly uncomfortable with him around. i hope you enjoy.💕
I got knots all up in my chest
Just know, I'm trying my best
jack had been up all night staring at his phone, it had been 8 months since you left and went no contact. you had him blocked on everything now. the only updates he got about you were from urban; who you still kept in touch with. he wasn’t sure how to feel, it felt like there was a weight lifted of his shoulders. he no longer had to worry about hurting you, but without you he felt like he couldn’t breathe. more like the air had been sucked out of his lungs, and it had been that way since the moment you left. jack finally unlocked his phone and began calling urban. he knew you and urban had hung out two days ago, and since then he had done his best to avoid him. of course he was curious to hear about what you’ve been up to, but he couldn’t help but feel jealous urban was the one you went to.
“ i was just calling to see how it went with y/n the other day? how is she doing?”
“ wow I don’t even get a hi. you immediately ask about her” urban laughed. “she’s good. she’s been seeing someone for a few months now and she’s happy.”
in that moment jack felt like his world shattered. he was at at a loss for words.
“look I got to go” jack muttered before quickly hanging up.
he knew you would eventually move on, but part of him had prayed you would just wait for him. he clicked on your instagram through the burner account he made just to watch you. he looked at your account everyday, at least two times a day.
Cause, when you look
When you laugh
When you smile
I'll bring you back
And now I'm sad
And I'm a mess
And now we high
That's, why I left
That's, why I left
jack stared at your pictures for hours. you were so beautiful and most importantly you looked happy. it broke his heart that you were so happy, while he was miserable. he turned off his phone and forced himself out of bed.
“jackk where are you going” the blonde girl in his bed said while rolling over to grab where he just was. “ come back to bed”
he rolled his eyes while walking out the room. she was so annoying. he stopped in the doorway and turned to her “look you weren’t even supposed to spend the night. just make sure you are gone in the morning”
jack made his way downstairs pouring him a drink. what he really needed was a fucking blunt, but this will do for now. he knew he was a mess. ever since the night you left he lost himself countless times. rather it be the instagram models, the alcohol, the drugs, sometimes all three. all he knew was that he couldn’t be alone with his thoughts, because when he was his mind was engulfed in you.
his phone ringing broke his train of thought, the familiar ringtone echoing throughout the empty house. he knew he was a little tipsy, but not enough to be hearing things. he picked his phone up off the counter to see exactly what he had dreamed of for the past 8 months. you finally calling him. he knew you would finally come to your senses. he quickly answered.
“Y/N?” he asked
“baby please don’t stop” you whimpered out in the other end of the line, your voice muffled and raspy. “fuck right there baby im about to cum”you cried out. the sound of skin to skin ringing in his ear.
he hung scrambled to hang up the phone. what the fuck? was this some kind of sick joke. he ran upstairs and busting open his bedroom door.
“get up i’m not done with you” he demanded while stripping his clothes and walking towards the naked girl sprawled out in his bed.
“ive been waiting for you to say that all night” she smirks while getting on her knees in front of him.
Will your tongue still remember the taste of my lips?
Will your shadow remember the swing of my hips?
Will your lover caress you the way, that I did?
it had been three days since jack received that call, and he hadn’t been sober for a second since. he didn’t know what your goal was. were you just trying to rub it in his face that you left? were you trying to hurt him the way he hurt you? were you trying to prove to him you moved on? maybe you didn’t even mean to call him and this was the universes sick form of punishment. punishing him for everything he had done to you in the past 4 years. jack picked up his phone and tried to call you for the 12th time today. he didn’t care if he looked crazy, he knew he was crazy.
straight to fucking voicemail. just like the other 11 calls he placed before that. he was truly losing his fucking mind.
Will you notice my charm, if he slips up one bit?
'Cause I don't need to know
I just wanna make sure you're okay
I don't need to know
I just wanna make sure you're all safe
jack was fucked. after three weeks of repeating the same cycle of fucking random girls every night, drinking until he passed out, and smoking into his lungs felt like they were going to explode he felt like enough was enough. today he would actually go to the studio and try and make some music. he hadn’t released a single in almost a year. he decided to get some coffee, a red bull, and some food on the way; knowing he would need the energy. as he pulled into the parking spot at the 7/11 he recognized your car instantly. he felt his heart jump out of his chest. he walked in the gas station scanning around to see if you were there. of course you were looking just as good as the last time he saw you, hell even a little better. he walked up to you with a childish smile on his face.
“ Y/N i didn’t expect to see you here” he says softly trying not to startle you since your back was turned to him. “ you look good”
.hey” you say awkwardly while turning around and looking for your boyfriend. jack noticed your eyes wondering and it made him want to shoot himself. were you really that uncomfortable being around him that you had to search for your boyfriend?
“ ive been trying to call you but im pretty sure you have me blocked” he said in a joking tone “but ive been wanting to talk to you about us, about everything. i really miss you. nothing has been the same since you left”
as if on que, your boyfriend comes back into the aisle you were in.
“ i found those drinks you’ve been wanting to try” your boyfriend says before looking up to see who you were with. “you good?” your boyfriend says looking between you and jack.
“yeah she’s good man i was just asking her how she’s been-”
your boyfriend cuts him off “ i wasn’t talking to you, i was talking to her” he says firmly while placing his arm around you.
“im good my love” you say kissing his cheek “i was just about to come find you”
without saying a word jack turns around and walks away. he knows he should’ve said goodbye but how could he? how could he accept you happy with another man when he used to be that man for you. he was the one that made you feel safe and secure. now he was nothing more than your crazy ex that couldn’t leave you alone and watched your stories from secret accounts.
Will he play you those songs, just the way, that I did?
Will he play you so strong, just the way, that I did?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Will he treat you like shit, just the way, that I did?
'Cause I don't blame ya
as soon as he got back to his house he lost his shit. he started breaking everything in sight, as he sobbed uncontrollably. throwing all the framed pictures he had of y’all against the wall, shattering them. punching the pictures of when he was happy that hung on the wall. glad piercing through his skin, leaving blood dripping everywhere. it was like everything he had been bottling up the the past 9 months was releasing all at once. it was one thinking knowing you had moved on, but seeing it? seeing the way your eyes light up when you looked at this guy, the way you relaxed into his touch when he put his arm around you, the way he respected you. it made jack sick to his stomach. Jack couldn’t believe the way he treated you. the thought of this guy doing the same was enough for him to commit homicide. in the end he knew he had no one to blame but himself. all he had was a broken home and a broken heart. guess karma finally caught up to him after all.
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badbihk · 2 years
toxic bf Jack x reader
Cry by cigarettes after sex
It's making you cry every time
You give your love to me this way
tears streamed down your face as you stared blankly at the ceiling of the living room. in your head you replayed all the good memories you had with jack. all of the late night talks, the sweet gestures he would do, the date nights he planned for the two of you. specifically you were reminiscing on the time you were so sick you couldn’t even get out of bed. he came home from the studio with soup his mom made for you and a bag full of your favorite snacks.
“ jackkkk i told you not to get anything” you groaned as you rolled over in the bed. “ you know i’m not hungry”
“well ma i don’t care.” he walked over and set everything on the nightstand. “you need to eat so that is why I brought you options” he stated as he leaned down to give you a kiss.
that night he had ran a bath for you and allowed you to relax while he fed you soup like a baby.
it had all been so easy back then. that was before the fame.
jack had an appearance and said he would be back in a few hours. it was 9:20 when he left the house but not before giving you a hug and expressing to you how much he loves you. damn him. he always knew exactly what to say to make your attitude disappear. that man definitely had a way with words.
“ i love you ma.” He said one last time while kissing your forehead before turning and giving you a soft smile. “ let me know if you need anything okay?” he told you before walking out the door and locking it behind him.
as the door shut you felt your heart drop but nothing could’ve prepared you for what was coming.
you knew he would be out all night again. you knew he would come home drunk and pass out for the next 14 hours forgetting you even exist.
how could you be so stupid.
it was now 4:52 am.
you had called around to see what event he was at. worried about the fact it was almost five in the morning and no one had even posted the infamous jack Harlow. to your dismay there was no “event”.
you knew what he was doing. ha. more like who he was doing. this wasn’t anything knew. as much as you hated it; you loved him regardless.
maybe you were delusional. hoping jack would be the man he once was. maybe you couldn’t accept the truth. that the fame, the money, the girls all got to his head. that he could never how he was before. then there were the moments when you could see him. truly see him. when his album went number one the look he gave you was undeniable. the sweetness in his eyes as he ran to you; lifting you effortlessly and spinning you in the air.
“we did it babe” he yelled as he kissed you with so much passion you thought he was gonna explode.
moments like that are what you stick around for. the good ones and not the bad.
the first time jack cheated he claimed it was a fuck up. he had been so lonely on tour and missing you; he needed some form of comfort. the second time he said she was a nobody. just a regular girl who happens to work at the bar Jack was at.
he said “ it’s not like she was a celebrity or anyone important. she was just a nobody that happened to be at the right place at the right time. she meant nothing to me. i don’t know why you even let it bother you this much”.
the third time he told you the girl was just trying to make a come up off of him and that it “didn’t”actually happen. if only he knew that once she come out to the tabloids she also reached out to you with more than enough proof and evidence. for weeks every headline read, “Jack Harlow cheats on long-term girlfriend Y/N with Instagram model Brittany Renner”, at least she had the self respect to tell you the truth. even though she still went through with fucking your boyfriend while smiling in your face. even after all that at least you could say she wasn’t a liar. all jack did when the news broke was try and
convince you that it wasn’t true.
“babe she is literally just trying to be relevant again” he while trying to console you. “Do you really think I would ever cheat on you?”
the fourth time you told him you were done. that’s when he broke down crying and dropped to his knees. wrapping his arms around your waist and squeezing as if his life depended on it.
“please Y/N i promise ill do better. i can’t live without you” he sobbed “ i swear i’ll change. i’ll stop drinking and going out. ill be a better man for you i swear. you are everything i want and more”
you weren’t sure why you stayed. through all of it you had remained faithful and devoted to him. when the only thing you got in return was heartache.
Saying you'd wait for me to stay
I know it hurts you
But I need to tell you something
just as you were about to give up and just go to sleep; you heard the keys jiggling in the doorknob. you walked over to the door to open it revealing jack who was currently trying to open the front door with the keys to his car.
you stood in the doorway blocking him from entering.
“ hey baby” he slurred as he caressed your cheek. “ i missed you so much”
his eyes roamed to your face. trying to figure out why you had been crying.
“what’s wrong love” he says softly.
you slapped his hand away from you “jack when I agreed to stay with you; you promised it wouldn’t be like this. you told me just wait, give you time, and that you would change.” you sobbed “when are you going to love me and appreciate me the way you used to. before the fame before all this bullshit. i don’t understand what I did to deserve to be treated like this to be lied to”
“whoa baby calm down. let me in and we can talk come on”
you step out of the way allowing him to enter the home. he takes you hand and gently leads you into the living room.
“ sit down baby and ima get you a tissue” he says while slurring his words.
you hated that he drank the way he did. there is a difference between having a casual drink and being a fucking alcoholic.
he grabbed a tissue and wiped your tears away before sitting down right next to you.
this was the hardest thing he had to do. to let go of you. he knew he was being selfish and took advantage of your love for him. he knew all you wanted was for him to stay with you and love you properly. he also knew that the only way he could be honest with you is if he was to fucked up to really process loosing you. you had been his rock for so long. he didn’t know how to be without you. maybe that’s why he was so selfish when it came to your love. he couldn’t keep lying to you though. lying to himself.
“look you know i love you ma. we’ve been together forever and even though i’ve made my mistakes as a man it doesn’t change anything. i love you and I’m gonna marry you one day” he makes eye contact with you throughout his drunken rant.
My heart just can't be faithful for long
I swear I'll only make you cry
Maybe I'd change for you someday
But I can't help the way I feel
Wish I was good, wish that I could
“but do you want honesty?” he says softly while breaking the eye contact to fidget with his ring.
“yes jackman that’s all i’ve ever asked for from you” you croak out; already fighting tears.
this felt so different. this wasn’t jack just getting drunk and coming home to whisper nothing but sweet lies to you as he made love to you. this was him trying to be vulnerable with you. something you missed dearly.
“i hate coming home and seeing you crying all the time. I know I’m hurting you but my heart just can’t be faithful to you. it won’t allow me to be. at least not for long. i’ve tried i swear i have but even when im trying to do my best; i can’t help myself. you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. i know i shouldn’t take advantage of that but i just can’t settle down with you. i won’t be faithful to you it’s just who i am.” he says softly. “i wish i wasn’t the way i am. i wish i could give you everything you deserve and more but i can’t. at least not now. maybe in a few years when ive had time to be alone and work on myself.” he paused to take a deep breath as tears began streaming down his face. “look what im trying to say is it’s not you it’s me.”
he stared up at the ceiling fan trying to avoid eye contact with you. waiting for you to say something
you sat in silence for five minutes. you just started at him and watched as he desperately avoided even looking at you. without saying a word you stood up and walked towards the door. jack jumped up and sprinted to catch up to you.
“ wait y/n where are you going” he reached out grab your hand trying to pull you back towards the living room.
you yank your hand away from him. you were disgusted. you had spent 4 years with this man just for him to say just now he can’t commit to anyone? all the times you put your pride aside and forgave him; just for this to be his half ass excuse so he could fuck bitches without guilt.
“fuck you.” you mumbled as you grabbed your purse and keys. he could have everything else. you truly didn’t give a fuck. you were never in it for the fame or the fucking money.
“i don’t understand why anything has to change. i know i can’t be the man you need me to be but I still want to be in your life” he says while taking a step towards the door. blocking your only exit.
“FUCK YOU” you scream at him while shoving him and opening the door. “ from now on you are fucking dead to me jackman and by the way next time you come from your side bitches house at least make sure to shower first. you smell like a fucking grandma”
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badbihk · 2 years
Thank you honeyđŸ˜˜đŸ˜˜đŸ€Ž
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Liked by alexiademie, jackharlow, summerwalker and 1,567,896 others.
yourusername omg i can’t believe y’all actually caught this on camera😂 ANYWAYS come see us in Houston tonight @jackharlow #comehomethekidsmissyoutour
alexiademie stunningđŸ€Ž
‷ yourusername thank you my love😘 imy
babymommay/n ugh she looks so goodđŸ˜© I can’t believe tickets sold out so fast
‷ yourusername I will be on a solo tour this summer👀
jackharlow proud of you. thank you againđŸ–€
‷ jackharlowspoison idk why he even had her opening for him???? He could’ve had anyone😔
‷allaboutjack I was thinking the same thing😂😂
‷ urbanluvr123 she probably fucked him
mariahthescientist love you girl😘
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You put the phone down after reading all of the comments. The fact that people think you fucked Jack just to be able to open a show had you ready to leave the tour all together. You had worked your ass off since 18 producing and making your own music. You didn’t need to open for Jack but you did it as a favor. Neelam had been your manager for about a year when you first got famous. After Jack’s opening act pulled out she called you. As much as you didn’t want to; you knew you owed her. Without her you wouldn’t be as far as you are now. You took a deep breath and left your dressing room. Jack was already waiting at the door.
“Jack what do you want” you muttered as you walked past him.
“ I saw the comments. I know you are here doing a favor for Neelam and that you were on a break from music. I just wanted you to know I appreciate you” he said while following behind you.
“ I appreciate your that but it’s not your problem what people think. I have to go. I’m on in five but thanks” you said while getting your mic put on.
Jack sighed as he started walking away. He felt bad you were getting shit on. Especially after he had kissed you last night.
———————————-Last night———————————
The night air was cool as you sat on the balcony of jacks hotel room. Jack had the blanket tightly wrapped around the both of you. Jack was on his fourth drink while you sipped your wine. “You wanna smoke?” You asked while pulling a preroll out from your bag and looking at him sheepishly. “ you tryna get me fucked up tonight” he chuckled while taking the preroll from your hands and lighting it.
“ thank you for coming out with me. I seriously can’t believe we have sold out every concert so far this tour and I truly believe that’s because you are here with us” Jack said while taking a couple of hits and passing it back to you..
You giggled as the hitting the blunt. That wine was definitely starting to sink in.
“ it’s all good. I’m actually having a lot of fun. I decided to take a break because I feel like this industry is so crazy sometimes. Having all eyes on you at all times. It’s easier to focus on my music when I don’t have to deal with all the bullshit.” You put the blunt down and looked out at the city. It was stunning. You looked over at Jack but his eyes were already locked on you. He looked beautiful as the moonlight shined on his face. It complimented all his features beautifully.
“ don’t look at me like that” Jack says as he chuckles and takes another sip of his drink.
“Like what?” you question looking at him with a smirk.
“ like you want me to kiss you” Jack stated as he planted a kiss on your forehead. He then stood up and reached his hand out to help you up from your seat. You took his hand as he pulled you up into his chest. You both stood there for a minute just enjoying the warmth of each other.
“ i should really go. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow” you stated will while squeezing past him and opening the door that led to his hotel room.
“ it’s late but you don’t have to. We could watch some movies and just hangout” he says while following you into the room and plopping on the king sized bed.
“ Jack look you are a sweet guy but we both know if I stayed here tonight it wouldn’t just be movies and hanging out” rolling your as you stood between his legs. He was truly the best man you’ve ever been around. You couldn’t help but just study his face. His cheeks were flushed from the alcohol. His eyes were low and a deep red from the blunt y’all had just killed. His curls were messy from him running his hands through them.
“Look Y/N im not sure if it’s just because I’m fucked up but” he paused and ran his hands through his hair. Jack couldn’t sit here and act like he didn’t want, no need, your lips on his. He slammed his lips on yours. Kissing you like you were his lifeline. He wraps his hands around the back of your thighs and pulls you on top of him. You were now straddling him and you couldn’t help yourself from grinding yourself on his already hard dick. There was a loud knock on the door that caused you to quickly jump off of him and adjust your shorts that has ridden up your thighs. Jack stood up and walked towards the door opening it. Urban strolled in with two bags of McDonald’s
“ Hey Jack

 Y/N” he said while looking between the both of you. “ I didn’t know you were here” he said while placing the food on the small table that was in the room.
“ yeah uh I was just leaving” you said while shuffling to the door. “ goodnight Urban and um Jack. I’ll see y’all tomorrow”
You quickly walked out the door shutting it behind you.
“ was it just me or was she acting weird” urban said while opening the bags of food. “ anyways I got us ice cream too”.
The show was absolutely amazing. Of course it sold out. You sang your heart out and Jack killed it like always.
Everyone was headed back to the hotel since the next show was only a few hours away. The plan was to leave in the morning. Jack had offered to give you a ride back as soon as he was done meeting a few fans. You were hesitant to agree but decided to say fuck it.
After about an hour and a half of mindlessly scrolling through your phone you received a text.
Hey pretty girl. I’m getting the car now meet me out front.
You rolled your eyes; he was such a flirt. You gathered your stuff and headed outside where he was already outside. You hopped in and didn’t say a word to him. Truthfully you didn’t know how to feel. You were already getting shit on for people thinking you fucked him to get where you at. Plus the fact that you WANT him had you second guessing everything. Maybe you shouldn’t have taken the offer in the first place.
“Y/N you’ve been quite the whole ride. You good?” He asked while looking over at you. His hands were gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles were white.
“ yeah I’m good sorry just think I’m still a little hangover” you said while looking out the window.
Jack takes a sharp right turn into a empty grocery store parking lot.
“ Jack what the f—”
“ look if this is about last night I’m sorry. We were both drunk and high as fuck. I shouldn’t have kissed you but I don’t want shit to be awkward between us. We can just forget it even happened if that’s what you want”
You didn’t know what to say. I mean what could you say? You couldn’t deny there was a connection but this just wasn’t the right time to explore this new feeling. You couldn’t feed into the rumors about fucking your way to the top. If anyone even found out y’all kissed it would spread like a wildfire.
“ j-just forget I even said anything” Jack said as he pulled back on the road and headed to the hotel.
You rolled over and looked at the clock next to your bed.
Fuck. You had been back at your room for almost 3 hours and couldn’t sleep. What Jack said kept replaying in your head. Why should you have to limit yourself to please the fucking internet? You know what fuck that. You got out of bed and put on some sweatpants and headed out.
Jack groaned as he heard the knock on the door. Who the fuck was coming to his room this late. He walked to the door and opened it
“ urban I swear to god it’s too late to deal with your bullshit”
“ hey Jack” you said as you squeezed in the small opening of the door.
“ why are yo-”
“ look Jack I know I didn’t say anything earlier. Truthfully I didn’t know what to say. I don’t want people to think I fucked you to be able to come on this tour. Then again why the fuck would I care? I don’t know what this is or where it’s going but it’s SOMETHING. I like you and I want to see where this go-” Jack cut you off with a rough kiss slamming you against the hotel door. You run your hands through his hair and wrap your legs around his waist.
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, and 2,363,266 others
yourusername honestly

fuck it👀
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Okay y’all not too much on me now

 this is my first try😂😂😂😘
155 notes · View notes
badbihk · 2 years
Tumblr media
Liked by alexiademie, jackharlow, summerwalker and 1,567,896 others.
yourusername omg i can’t believe y’all actually caught this on camera😂 ANYWAYS come see us in Houston tonight @jackharlow #comehomethekidsmissyoutour
alexiademie stunningđŸ€Ž
‷ yourusername thank you my love😘 imy
babymommay/n ugh she looks so goodđŸ˜© I can’t believe tickets sold out so fast
‷ yourusername I will be on a solo tour this summer👀
jackharlow proud of you. thank you againđŸ–€
‷ jackharlowspoison idk why he even had her opening for him???? He could’ve had anyone😔
‷allaboutjack I was thinking the same thing😂😂
‷ urbanluvr123 she probably fucked him
mariahthescientist love you girl😘
Comments on this post have been limited.
You put the phone down after reading all of the comments. The fact that people think you fucked Jack just to be able to open a show had you ready to leave the tour all together. You had worked your ass off since 18 producing and making your own music. You didn’t need to open for Jack but you did it as a favor. Neelam had been your manager for about a year when you first got famous. After Jack’s opening act pulled out she called you. As much as you didn’t want to; you knew you owed her. Without her you wouldn’t be as far as you are now. You took a deep breath and left your dressing room. Jack was already waiting at the door.
“Jack what do you want” you muttered as you walked past him.
“ I saw the comments. I know you are here doing a favor for Neelam and that you were on a break from music. I just wanted you to know I appreciate you” he said while following behind you.
“ I appreciate your that but it’s not your problem what people think. I have to go. I’m on in five but thanks” you said while getting your mic put on.
Jack sighed as he started walking away. He felt bad you were getting shit on. Especially after he had kissed you last night.
———————————-Last night———————————
The night air was cool as you sat on the balcony of jacks hotel room. Jack had the blanket tightly wrapped around the both of you. Jack was on his fourth drink while you sipped your wine. “You wanna smoke?” You asked while pulling a preroll out from your bag and looking at him sheepishly. “ you tryna get me fucked up tonight” he chuckled while taking the preroll from your hands and lighting it.
“ thank you for coming out with me. I seriously can’t believe we have sold out every concert so far this tour and I truly believe that’s because you are here with us” Jack said while taking a couple of hits and passing it back to you..
You giggled as the hitting the blunt. That wine was definitely starting to sink in.
“ it’s all good. I’m actually having a lot of fun. I decided to take a break because I feel like this industry is so crazy sometimes. Having all eyes on you at all times. It’s easier to focus on my music when I don’t have to deal with all the bullshit.” You put the blunt down and looked out at the city. It was stunning. You looked over at Jack but his eyes were already locked on you. He looked beautiful as the moonlight shined on his face. It complimented all his features beautifully.
“ don’t look at me like that” Jack says as he chuckles and takes another sip of his drink.
“Like what?” you question looking at him with a smirk.
“ like you want me to kiss you” Jack stated as he planted a kiss on your forehead. He then stood up and reached his hand out to help you up from your seat. You took his hand as he pulled you up into his chest. You both stood there for a minute just enjoying the warmth of each other.
“ i should really go. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow” you stated will while squeezing past him and opening the door that led to his hotel room.
“ it’s late but you don’t have to. We could watch some movies and just hangout” he says while following you into the room and plopping on the king sized bed.
“ Jack look you are a sweet guy but we both know if I stayed here tonight it wouldn’t just be movies and hanging out” rolling your as you stood between his legs. He was truly the best man you’ve ever been around. You couldn’t help but just study his face. His cheeks were flushed from the alcohol. His eyes were low and a deep red from the blunt y’all had just killed. His curls were messy from him running his hands through them.
“Look Y/N im not sure if it’s just because I’m fucked up but” he paused and ran his hands through his hair. Jack couldn’t sit here and act like he didn’t want, no need, your lips on his. He slammed his lips on yours. Kissing you like you were his lifeline. He wraps his hands around the back of your thighs and pulls you on top of him. You were now straddling him and you couldn’t help yourself from grinding yourself on his already hard dick. There was a loud knock on the door that caused you to quickly jump off of him and adjust your shorts that has ridden up your thighs. Jack stood up and walked towards the door opening it. Urban strolled in with two bags of McDonald’s
“ Hey Jack

 Y/N” he said while looking between the both of you. “ I didn’t know you were here” he said while placing the food on the small table that was in the room.
“ yeah uh I was just leaving” you said while shuffling to the door. “ goodnight Urban and um Jack. I’ll see y’all tomorrow”
You quickly walked out the door shutting it behind you.
“ was it just me or was she acting weird” urban said while opening the bags of food. “ anyways I got us ice cream too”.
The show was absolutely amazing. Of course it sold out. You sang your heart out and Jack killed it like always.
Everyone was headed back to the hotel since the next show was only a few hours away. The plan was to leave in the morning. Jack had offered to give you a ride back as soon as he was done meeting a few fans. You were hesitant to agree but decided to say fuck it.
After about an hour and a half of mindlessly scrolling through your phone you received a text.
Hey pretty girl. I’m getting the car now meet me out front.
You rolled your eyes; he was such a flirt. You gathered your stuff and headed outside where he was already outside. You hopped in and didn’t say a word to him. Truthfully you didn’t know how to feel. You were already getting shit on for people thinking you fucked him to get where you at. Plus the fact that you WANT him had you second guessing everything. Maybe you shouldn’t have taken the offer in the first place.
“Y/N you’ve been quite the whole ride. You good?” He asked while looking over at you. His hands were gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles were white.
“ yeah I’m good sorry just think I’m still a little hangover” you said while looking out the window.
Jack takes a sharp right turn into a empty grocery store parking lot.
“ Jack what the f—”
“ look if this is about last night I’m sorry. We were both drunk and high as fuck. I shouldn’t have kissed you but I don’t want shit to be awkward between us. We can just forget it even happened if that’s what you want”
You didn’t know what to say. I mean what could you say? You couldn’t deny there was a connection but this just wasn’t the right time to explore this new feeling. You couldn’t feed into the rumors about fucking your way to the top. If anyone even found out y’all kissed it would spread like a wildfire.
“ j-just forget I even said anything” Jack said as he pulled back on the road and headed to the hotel.
You rolled over and looked at the clock next to your bed.
Fuck. You had been back at your room for almost 3 hours and couldn’t sleep. What Jack said kept replaying in your head. Why should you have to limit yourself to please the fucking internet? You know what fuck that. You got out of bed and put on some sweatpants and headed out.
Jack groaned as he heard the knock on the door. Who the fuck was coming to his room this late. He walked to the door and opened it
“ urban I swear to god it’s too late to deal with your bullshit”
“ hey Jack” you said as you squeezed in the small opening of the door.
“ why are yo-”
“ look Jack I know I didn’t say anything earlier. Truthfully I didn’t know what to say. I don’t want people to think I fucked you to be able to come on this tour. Then again why the fuck would I care? I don’t know what this is or where it’s going but it’s SOMETHING. I like you and I want to see where this go-” Jack cut you off with a rough kiss slamming you against the hotel door. You run your hands through his hair and wrap your legs around his waist.
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, and 2,363,266 others
yourusername honestly

fuck it👀
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Okay y’all not too much on me now

 this is my first try😂😂😂😘
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badbihk · 2 years
I want black girls and women to be safe.
I want black girls and women to be happy.
I want black girls and women to be protected.
I want black girls and women to be loved.
I want all the best things for black girls and women.
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