backtoplxto · 3 months
hi all i really doubt anyone keeps up with this blog since it’s been a hot minute since i've posted anything, nor is this a priority in the situation in the slightest but i did want to say something. all my irl setting works had been privated and my au fics had been anoned in october 2023 but as of today, they have all been deleted. please do not share pdfs, reupload my work, or distribute it in any way on any platform. i thought that since my characters were influenced very little by their source material to the point it was original fiction, leaving them up as locked works was a good solution as it allowed for people that wanted to reread to do so and would prevent new readers from finding the work. however, i feel now that these works are harmful to keep up because they essentially serve as positive representations of awful people and free promotion for their brands and remaining communities, of which i want no part of supporting. the actions of georgenotfound and wilbur soot (among others) are truly detestable and i want no part in supporting their online personas or potentially providing comfort to those that still support them.
i am still thankful for all the love that i have been shown for my writing, and all the community had done for me at the time, and it is so saddening that we had to have met through such vile people. sending all my love and support to all the women affected by these evil individuals and their actions. i hope shelby, caiti, and all others affected are able to finally get justice and the abusers that continue to contaminate online spaces online and take advantage of young women get what they deserve.
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backtoplxto · 3 months
Hello all,
Sending love and good vibes to you all. I don’t have a Twitter (or X account) anymore, so I am not hopeful that this will reach the people that it is intended for.
I just wanted to alert you all that I have removed all of my previous writing from Archive Of Our Own in light of the sexual abuse allegations against some of the people involved. I had these fics on an archive (lpseudonymarchive) for the past couple years, because, while I did not agree (and was frankly disgusted) with the actions of the people I had written about, it broke my heart to think about completely removing works that people had told me saved their lives. Because the majority of these fics were commissioned, I felt guilty about deleting works that people paid for… which takes me to the point of this post:
If you are a person who paid for something I had written a couple years ago, and had not received an additional PDF (as most people did) please reach out to me so I can get what you paid for to you.
I love you all. I hope you’re doing well. I’ve been working on some writing to post, but I’m not sure if it’s good. You’ll all have to be the judge.
Thank you all for being good to me. Please spread this around if you are still involved with the community and know someone who has purchased something from me.
XOXO and love and hope,
The people referenced are Wilbur Soot and GeorgeNotFound. As some of my followers remember, I exited the community years ago because of the racism and Islamophobia prevalent in both the creators themselves and the community. However, I feel it is inappropriate to not say anything further if I am deleting things people paid for, and not directly name sexual abusers.
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backtoplxto · 3 months
I have made the decision to delete all of my MCYT fics. This has been a decision that I have been sitting on for years, and for years I have felt that the kind comments and support I have received on my fics outweighed my dislike for the dream team. However, after the events of today, I cannot in good conscience leave up fics about a man who has assaulted a woman and his friend who covered it up. I will always miss what I had when I was in the fandom. I love what I have written. I am still proud of my work, however it is for this reason I had to delete everything. I can no longer associate my own creativity, stories, and words with these people.
I deeply, genuinely appreciate everyone who has commented, left kudos, gifted me works, made art, and supported me. I have a big document in my drive full of comments that have made me cry that I will hold onto forever. My fics have remained up for as long as they have for those people who reached out to me expressing how my work caused them to change their career paths, their college courses, and their outlook on life. I have achieved more than I ever could have initially hoped for when I began writing.
Mandatory please do not reupload my fics if you have downloaded PDFs. Please do not print or bind my work. Do not distribute my fics. I have deleted them because I do not want my work and words associated with Dream and George whatsoever. Please do not badger me asking for PDFs, you will not get them.
But at the end of the day this is not about me. Please reach out and support Caiti and Shelby and all the other women MCYT has hurt. Please support victims who you know and those who you do not.
Love you guys lots. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to talk, I am still relatively active on Tumblr.
-- Pluto
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backtoplxto · 4 months
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disconnected pieces from the wasteland rewrite
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backtoplxto · 2 years
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Laguna, 2017 // Instagram / Website
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backtoplxto · 2 years
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~Euripides, tr. by Anne Carson, Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides
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backtoplxto · 2 years
something something newsies was sanitized for the stage and turned into a musical about the young vs the old rather than the poor vs the rich to make it more palatable to the theatre-going masses and also something something the rougher vocals of 92sies actually make it better than it would be if everyone could sing like a broadway start bc there’s something poetic about each voice sounding ordinary and kind of bad on its own but joining together into a beautiful and strong chorus
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backtoplxto · 2 years
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—W. S. Merwin, from Separation
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backtoplxto · 2 years
And on Fuck Dream Friday
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backtoplxto · 2 years
god, the 6'3" men you put on this earth to hunt and gather are becoming minecraft youtubers
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backtoplxto · 2 years
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backtoplxto · 2 years
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backtoplxto · 2 years
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my cdnf brain has been hard at work
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backtoplxto · 2 years
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on the top of the world
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backtoplxto · 2 years
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manhunt-inspired vday piece i never finished
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backtoplxto · 2 years
gonna submit the wasteland to the dream fanfic contest to radicalize him
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backtoplxto · 2 years
Mcytblrs in stem vs mcytblrs in humanities FIGHT
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