backcountrywitch · 3 years
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backcountrywitch · 3 years
21 Crystals and Their Meanings From a Long Time Crystal Witch
I tried really hard to make the descriptions as short as I could, but obviously, some are a lot longer than others. I have been working with crystals for seven years, and I want to share my knowledge with you about some well known stones that are mostly easily attainable. 
Agate – Comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors. This means that agate can typically have many different properties, though most of them are grounding. 
Angelite – To communicate with angels and the more etheric higher realm. This is connected with the Crown Chakra. 
Amber – A potent healing crystal for the Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Crown Chakras. This crystal is also a powerful protector, aligning your everyday self to higher spiritual realms. It is a valuable tool for tapping into ancient wisdom, recalling past lives, and breaking negative patterns. 
Amethyst – Connects to the third eye chakra. It enhances psychic protection, psychic abilities, and is particularly good for empaths who are easily affected by other’s energy. 
Aquamarine – Associated with the Throat chakra, Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking, and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types. Its element is water, and is also associated with intellect. 
Beryl – Is great for healing and strengthening the body’s entire vibrational field. It activates and opens the Root and Heart Chakras, creating the perfect balance of love, compassion, and creative force. Also great for scrying and decision making. 
Bloodstone –  Bloodstone is a stone of courage and wisdom, and is thought that the red dots in it symbolize the blood of Jesus after his crucifixion. It stimulates the urge toward Christ consciousness, and is also great for the Root Chakra and also wards away bullies. 
Carnelian – Carnelian encourages acceptance of the cycle of life and helps remove the fear of death. As an ancient stone, it was used to protect the dead on their journey to the afterlife. It gives courage and promotes positive life choices. This is associated with the Sacral Chakra.
Celestite – is a gentle but powerful crystal of celestial connection, expanding the consciousness to receive wisdom from the Divine Source as well as communication and protection from the angelic realm. It strengthens the Throat Chakra and aids in fear of public speaking and shyness. 
Citrine – is an excellent crystal for those who are overly sensitive and extremely vulnerable to outside energies and influences. This is also a stone that transforms anxiety into positive energy and happiness. This is a great stone for depression, and aids the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras. This crystal will also ward away bullies. 
Fluorite – Comes in different colors and is a highly sought after stone. This crystal can aid the Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and crown chakra depending on its color. Fluorite is a multi-dimensional crystal manifesting the highest aspect of the mind: attunement to Spirit. It heightens intuitive powers, and awakens one to the purity and perfection of the universe and how each individual fits into that perfect plan. This crystal is used in astral projection and communication with aliens and interdimensional beings.
Lapis Lazuli -  Activates the psychic centers at the Third Eye, and balances the energies of the Throat Chakra. Lapis is one of the oldest spiritual stones known to man, used by healers, priests and royalty, for power, wisdom and to stimulate psychic abilities and inner vision. It represents universal truth. Lapis quickly releases stress, allowing for peace and serenity. Placed over the third eye, Lapis expands awareness and conscious attunement to the intuitive self, stimulating enlightenment and enhancing dream work. Also increases intelligence. 
Moldavite – one of the most rare and powerful stones. It is easy to find fake ones, and real ones come at a very high price and are easily broken. This is a tektite (a stone from meteor impacts) This stone stimulates the Third Eye, Crown, and Heart chakras, which are the three most spiritual chakras. Moldavite is a talisman sent to Earth for spiritual awakening, transformation and evolutionary growth. It facilitates strong, clear, and direct connection between one’s consciousness and the Universal Source. With its own cosmic oversoul, Moldavite has an ability to connect with Ascended Masters and cosmic messengers (aliens, multidimensional beings), and draw into the Earth plane those thought patterns and light vibrations which are most beneficial for ascension and illumination.
Moonstone – Connected to the Crown Chakra, Moonstone is moonstone was the stone of the gods and goddesses in India, of hope and spiritual purity through denial of the ego. It combats materialism and strengthens the faith of religious people in all cultures. This is a stone that connects you to lunar and angelic realms. 
Onyx – A grounding crystal that is connected to the Root Chakra. Onyx teaches the appropriate use of power and focusing one’s energy and will into a positive force to avoid corruption. It is an excellent tool for grounding and connecting with the electromagnetic energy of the Earth, as well as facilitating alignment with Higher powers for guidance and strength.
Quartz (clear) – Because Clear Quartz has the prismatic ability to vibrate its energy at all of the color frequencies, it not only harmonizes all of the chakras, but can teach us how to vibrate our seven chakra centers simultaneously while maintaining perfect alignment with the light. Clear Quartz crystal is unique, each with its own personality, lessons, and experiences. The crystals attracted into one’s life are stones that will in some way help facilitate personal growth and awareness. They may work subliminally in unawakened minds, and it enhances your subconscious desires, which can be disastrous with people who have not done shadow work. For those spiritually attuned to the universe, Quartz crystals are like beacons of light and positive energy to be used in daily thoughts, feelings, words and actions and integrated onto the earth. 
Rose Quartz –  Is connected to the Heart Chakra. Rose Quartz is feminine in tone and one of the stones of the Great Mother. It not only activates the human Heart Chakra, it also links with the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe. Its vibrations can penetrate down to the cellular level and reprogram cells for joy and longevity rather than despair and death. It encourages the dissolution of anger and resentment, fear and suspicion, and brings the Light of healing, the rebirth of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe. This stone can also be used to heal wounds from past lovers and is useful in love magick. Pregnant mothers also use this stone to calm and send love to their baby.
Selenite -  Resonates with the Crown Chakra located at the top of the head. Selenite brings divine light into everything it touches and stimulates the clearest state of mind attainable, where all thoughts entering the consciousness come from the Source and are direct reflections of pure spirit. It is one of the best crystals available for clearing congested energies or negativity from one’s physical and etheric body, and for helping one consciously connect with the Higher Self. This crystal has such pure light energy that you do not need to cleanse it, and it will cleanse other crystals around it. 
Tigers Eye – Stimulates the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus chakras. Tiger’s Eye resonates with the frequencies of the Earth and provides a warm, stable energy for prayers and meditation, and stimulating contact with the vibrational realm of Christ consciousness. It engenders peacefulness and beauty, and connects with the spiritual power of the sun as nourishment for the soul. Tiger’s Eye enables the ability to remember dreams and to use dreamtime for spiritual advancement, sparking imagination, intuition, and opening up psychic talents in earthy people through Third Eye activity. This crystal has masculine energy and promotes self control and self evaluation. 
Tourmaline – Is devoted to grounding spiritual energies, bringing a clearer expression of Light into the world and into the lives of those drawn to its powers. It furthers the ability to remain radiant in the darkest of circumstances, and to maintain a spiritual consciousness while living among those who are not always in the Light and do not understand the love of the universe. This is a highly protective stone against negative entities and repels negative energy.  Turquoise – In traditional thought, Turquoise unites the earth and sky, bringing together male and female energies. Spiritually, Turquoise heals and cleanses both the energy centers and the physical body. It acts to induce wisdom and understanding, and to enhance trust, kindness, and the recognition of beauty. It helps resolve arguments, particularly between you and your partner. This is associated with the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra
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backcountrywitch · 5 years
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“A witch’s ladder (also known as rope and feathers, witches’ ladder, witches ladder, or witch ladder) is a practice, in folk magic or witchcraft, that is made from knotted cord or hair, that normally constitutes a spell. Charms are knotted or braided with specific magical intention into the cords. The number of knots and nature of charms varies with the intended effect or spell.” - Wikipedia
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backcountrywitch · 5 years
🌼Gerðr Devotional Tips🌼
Gerðr is daughter to Gymir and Aurboða, wife to Freyr, queen of Alfheim, honorary ásynjur. Gerðr means “enclosure,” she is considered a goddess of gardens, fertility, fruitfullness, and  protecting crops. She symbolizes the frozen earth, which is warmed by the sun at the coming of spring, and then which is plowed and made fertile for the growing season(historian Hilda Ellis Davidson  compared her to the likes of Persephone). In Heathen tradition, we are said to be descended from the gods, Gerð and Freyr are said to be the parents of human dynasties in Sweden. Gerðr is attested to in the Poetic and Prose Eddas, and Heimskringla. She is also attested to in archaeological artifacts.
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Use the runes Ehwaz, Othala, or Algiz in your altar or practice.
Leave your window or blinds open on a sunny winter day and appreciate how the sun looks reflecting off snow.
Plant flowers or bushes in your garden that aid pollinators(bergamot, aster, marigold, sage, basil, geranium, lavender, etc.).
Read her stories in the Poetic and Prose Eddas, and Heimskringla.
Go for a hike in the winter or early spring!
Help build enclosures and fences for you local community garden, your neighbors garden, whoever needs help! 
If able, keep a small (alive)plant in your home.
Believe in yourself and your value!! Freyr gave up the sword that could’ve won the Aesir Ragnarok for Gerðr. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.
Give aid to those who have lost children through their choice or not.
Honor her for the jötunn she is, not just as honorary ásynjur.
Use the colors white, brown, green, or gold on your altar or offering(I’ve found she’s also a big fan of soft blues +greens).
In the winter, decorate your home with dried flowers.
Practice loving yourself!
She is honored through farmlands, orchards, gardens, greenhouses, etc. if you’re like me and don’t have the land for that try Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, etc. a game that lets you design the perfect little outdoor world for her!
Volunteer at your local nature reserve or community garden.
Wear scents or oils that are floral or make you feel confident!
Use the crystals petalite, moonstone, blue chalcedony, sugilite, snow quartz, snowflake obsidian, or selenite in your altar or practice.
Light candles/incense of vanilla, warm scents, or soft floral scents. Whatever reminds you of her.
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backcountrywitch · 5 years
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backcountrywitch · 5 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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backcountrywitch · 5 years
Witchy *Free* PDF book list Masterpost
Hey lovely witches! I wanted to share some of my PDF witchy books I have on my computer. I know it’s hard to find these books and not everyone has money to buy them or easy access. I hope I can help someone with this <3
Most of the books are on my google drive library, you can click on the link and then download if you’d like to.
A Manual of Occultism, by Sepharial
Mastering Witchcraft, by Paul Huson
Natural Magic, by Pamela J.Ball
Pagan Spells, Author Unknown
Herbal Magick - Herbal enchantments, folclore and divination by Gerina Dunwich <3
Spell Crafts - Creating magical objects, by, Scott Cunningham and David Harrington <3
The Book of Power, by Idres Shah
The Complete book of Incense, Oils ad Brews, by Scott Cunningham
The Essential Skills of Magick - Benjamim Rowe
The Ultimate Book of Spells - Pamela J. Ball *my favorite spellbook*
50 of The Most Powerful Spells, by unknown author
Witchcraft Today, by Gerald Gardner
The Gardnerian Book of Shadows
The Basics of Magic, by K. Amber
8 Sabbaths of Witchcraft, by Mike Nichols
Witchcraft Today, by Gerald Gardner
Celtic Mythology and Religion, by Alexander Macbain
The Art and meaning of Magic, By Israel Regardie
An Introduction to the Study of Tarot, by Paul Foster Case
The Alchemy of Abundance, by Lisa McSherry
Encyclopedia of Acient Roman and Greek Mythology, by James Belton
Asgard and the Gods, by M. W. MacDowall,
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Spells by, Michael Johnstone
Witches’ Bible by, Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Witch’s Master Grimoire, by Lady Sabrina
The meaning of Witchcraft, by Gerald Gardner
Aleister Crowley book collection (google drive)
Lid Off the Cauldron, by Patricia Crowther
A Grimoire for Modern Cunningfolk, by Peter Paddon
The A to Z of Dream Interpretation, by Pamela J. Ball
The Dream Oracle, by Pamela J. Ball
The Great Book of Spells, by Pamela J. Ball <3
The Techniques of Astral Projection, By Dr. Douglas M. Baker
The Opening of the Third Eye, By Dr. Douglas M. Baker
Historical Dictionary of Witchcraft, By Bailey Michael
The Goddess is in Details, by Deborah Blake <3
Circle, Coven and Grove, by Deborah Blake
A Witch’s Dozen, by Deborah Blake <3
Witchcraft on a Shoestring by Deborah Blake
Egyptian Magic, By Ernest Budge
Advanced Candle Magick, By Raymond Buckley
Amulets and Magic, By Budge Walli
Pen and Ink Witchcrafr , By Collin Calloway
Basic Sigil Magic, By Philip Cooper
The Occult Properties of Herbs , By W.B Crow
Shadow Work Guidebook, by Jessica Cross
Gemstone Sorcery, By Gerina Dunwich <3
Wicca A to Z By  Gerina Dunwich
Every Witch Way By Ellen Dugan <3
Power Of The Witch By Laurie Cabot <3
The Spiral Dance By Starhawk <3
Spiritual Power - Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Book of Shadows By, Phyllis Curott:
Witchcrafting By Phyllis Curott
Spells for the Solitary Witch By Eileen Holland
Wiccan Magick By Raven Grimassi
The Witch’s Familiar By Raven Grimassi
Magical Candle Crafting By Ember Grant
Magical Powder Recipes By Lady Gianne
Wicca For Beginners By Lisa Chamberlain
Scott Cunningham’s Books:
Divination for Beginners
Wicca in the Kitchen <3
Book of Shadows
Living Wicca
Crystal Gem and Metal Magick <3
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
Magical Household, Rituals and spells for the home <3
D.J Conway’s Books:
Mystical Dragon
Norse Magic
Wicca, The Complete Craft
Falcon, Feather and Valkyrie Sword
Celtic Magic
Christopher Penczak’s Books
Gay Witchcraft - Christopher Penczak
The Living Temple of Witchcraft V. II- Christopher Penczak
The Gates of Witchcraft
The Living Temple of Witchcraft V.II 
Mystic Foundation
The Outer Temple Of Witchcraft
The Inner Temple of Witchcraft
The Witch’s Shield
Cassandra Eason’s Books:
A Practical Guide of Witchcraft and Spells, 
Fabulous Creatures, Mythical Monsters and Animal Power Symbols
Candle Power
The Art of Pendulum
The Complete Guide to Psychic Development
Illes Judika’s Books:
Magic When You Need It - 150 Spells
Pure Magic
The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft
Ellwood Taylor’s Books:
Pop Culture Magic
The Pop Culture Grimoire
Multi-Media Magic
Manifesting Prosperity
For those of you who wish to see my full library on the drive, feel free to send me a message and I will send you the link!
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backcountrywitch · 5 years
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backcountrywitch · 5 years
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backcountrywitch · 5 years
Witchcraft is not docile. Witchcraft is what I turned to when every other avenue failed me. It was a last grasp, the feral response to my own undoing. It is death and splintering until the fragments of yourself are no longer recognizable. Witchcraft is vicious, it is violent and merciless and selfish and those who try to subjugate a witch will find that domestication does not sit easily on the skin of one who has used hellfire to warm their bones.
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backcountrywitch · 5 years
🔹️▫️origami witchcraft ideas▫️🔹️
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🔹️Make altar items like animal statues and symbols out of origami
🔹️use it as an offering, especially for craft, art, and earth deities and fae
🔹️use it to get in a meditative state
▫️for biodegradable spells, make an origami box and bury it
▫️same for fire spells but you can also draw a sigil on it and then burn it or something
▫️low energy witchcraft spells by imbuing it with intent as you fold it
▫️good for hidden/ secret witchcraft
▫️draw sigils on the paper before you fold it and chose to fold something that reminds you of the sigil (like using a calm/cleansing sigil and folding a fish -or a butterfly for creativity)
🔹️some origami correspondences / an amazing origami magic post
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backcountrywitch · 5 years
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backcountrywitch · 6 years
I was soaked and freezing cold by the time we reached this alpine lake, but something about the sound and tranquility kept me completely unbothered.
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backcountrywitch · 6 years
Sorry for being depressing.....
I do believe I am just destined to forever be used and then kicked to the side once I’m not needed or someone better comes along.
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backcountrywitch · 6 years
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For more go and check my Instagram.
What is tasseomancy?
Also known as tasseography or tassology, it’s an intuitive divination technique of reading tea leaves or coffee grounds. Images changes when viewed differently so depends on reader’s perceptions. Good tool to access subconscious.
There are different ways to interpret which area of the cup corresponds with what. There are also special cups for divination with symbols painted on its inner surface. Check diagrams: 1. Rim to bottom layout where rim area is for present, sides for near future and bottom for far future. 2. 12 month layout where you divide cup into 12 areas, from left to right each is a further future. 3. Past/future layout where left side represents past and the right side future. 4. Importance layout - rim: most important; sides: relevant; close to bottom: rival, bottom: unlucky, right from handle: lucky. Those are not all possibilities!
Get mentally prepared. Meditate, focus on the preparation of the tea and the reading. Find calm place to perform.
You’ll need a cup with a light surface, loose tea or coffee ground, stove, kettle/pot and water. Place 1 teaspoon of tea leaves in a cup, bring water to a boil and pour over your tea. Steep for 3 to 5 minutes. Stir and let to settle. If you’re using coffee grounds first heat them in a pot, pour into your cup and let to settle.
Focus on your question while enjoying the drink. Leave a small sip of drink in the bottom of cup. Swirl the leaves three times and turn the cup upside down on the saucer to drain the liquid. Turn the cup back and examine. What do you see?
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backcountrywitch · 6 years
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the view speaks for itself | itseriksen
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backcountrywitch · 6 years
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some small sigils I feel everyone could need from time to time. take care of yourselves friends!
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