babying-domination · 4 months
Find the first two parts here
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Lillian 3 Waking up
Lillian slowly opens her eyes, her head feeling fuzzy and confused. The sight around her is puzzling – she's in a crib, but an adult sized one. She tries to sit up but finds it difficult, her movements restricted.
"Hmm, what happened?" Lillian wonders aloud, rubbing her eyes.
As she tries to recall the events leading to this moment, all she can remember is taking a sip from Jessie's bottle. It's a strange and surreal realization. Lillian attempts to get out of the crib, but to her surprise, it feels like an invisible force is preventing her. The crib bars, not particularly high, seem insurmountable.
"Why can't I get out?" Lillian mutters to herself, a sense of confusion setting in.
She tries again, putting more effort into lifting herself over the crib bars, but her body refuses to cooperate. It's as if an unseen barrier is keeping her confined.
"Is this some kind of dream?" Lillian wonders, her mind grappling with the bizarre situation.
A tall man enters the nursery room, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Lillian in the crib.
"Well, this is unexpected," he remarks, scratching his head.
Lillian attempts to explain her confusion, but he cuts her off, mentioning that this room is usually unoccupied. He quickly decides that Lillian can't be left unsupervised and states that he has to take her to his next charge.
"Come on, let's get you out of there," he says, extending a helping hand.
As he helps Lillian out of the crib, she feels a sudden warmth spreading, realizing she has wet herself. Flustered, she tries to apologize, but the man is already grabbing a nearby diaper bag.
"No need to worry. Happens more often than you think," he reassures her, gently cleaning her up.
Lillian is still too bewildered to offer any resistance. He dresses her in a more 'little' outfit and a pull-up, completing her transformation. The surreal nature of the situation continues to baffle her, but there's a strange sense of compliance as the man leads her out of the nursery, guiding her to whatever lies ahead.
Lillian follows, trying to gather her thoughts. The man, seemingly accustomed to this environment, guides her through the facility.
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Lillian 4 Bottles again
The man leads her to a room where another occupant, a woman, awaits. "There you go, Lillian. Meet your new friend Pamela” Pamela is sitting in the middle of the room on the floor, sucking on her morning bottle in a playpen. The man helps Lillian into the playpen and then smiles kindly at Lillian and asks, "Have you had your morning bottle yet, Lillian?"
Lillian, still feeling a bit disoriented, shakes her head in response. There's a mixture of confusion and curiosity in her eyes as she glances at the bottle the man is holding.
"You're in for a treat," the man says cheerfully, kneeling down to Lillian's level. He offers her the bottle, and with a moment of hesitation, Lillian takes it into her hands.
As Lillian brings the bottle to her lips, she feels a sense of childlike wonder. The nipple is soft, and the liquid inside is sweet and comforting. A surprising warmth fills her chest, and she can't help but smile as she starts to drink from the bottle.
Pamela, noticing Lillian joining in, giggles happily.  Lillian can feel herself grow more childish as she empties the bottle, but she is too enthralled by it to care. The sweet liquid brings a comforting warmth to her brain, and she finds herself giggling along with Pamela. The playpen suddenly feels like a cozy haven, and the worries that occupied Lillian's mind start to drift away.
Lillian watches with fascination as Pamela finishes her bottle and then pops a pacifier into her mouth. It looks so cute and adorable, and Pamela seems so relaxed. Lillian feels a sudden desire for a pacifier as well.
"I want a paci too," she says, her words coming out with a childlike enthusiasm.
The man smirks, clearly anticipating her request. "Well, Lillian, let's see if we have any extras. Follow me.“
As they walk to the next room, the man explains that Pamela doesn't have any spare pacifiers, but the occupant in the adjoining room might. Lillian follows, her curiosity piqued about who this next person might be and if they have what she yearns for.
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babying-domination · 4 months
Just showing on my stars ⭐ 😇 well what remains🤭
I couldn't pick which one I liked more, so we show both 🥰
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babying-domination · 4 months
Look! All dry 😊
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See! I told you they're clean! Stop saying I need diapers! 😖 They're just cute and comfy... 😖
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babying-domination · 4 months
It's not THAT wet... right?
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I swear I was dry a second ago... 😖
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babying-domination · 4 months
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No touching baby! That's our job
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babying-domination · 4 months
I really had to go...
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I tried to hold it! I promise... 😖
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babying-domination · 4 months
Padded tea party!!! ☕🧸🧷
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You and alllllll your stuffies are very welcome to join!! <3
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babying-domination · 4 months
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Tried to wear something other than a megamax today and ended up with a slightly damp car seat on my way home from seeing @delta-foxtrot
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babying-domination · 4 months
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Here's to another year in diapers, with @baby-bean-kat ! 🎉
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babying-domination · 4 months
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lambie told me a secret, can you guess what it was?
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babying-domination · 4 months
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I’m 2.9 today! It’s my last birthday in my twos, but I’ll always be Daddy’s baby
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babying-domination · 4 months
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Shy little girl
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babying-domination · 4 months
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Do you like my pretty dress daddy? No I swear I’m not wet yet!
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babying-domination · 4 months
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Do you think this bra makes me look silly?
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babying-domination · 4 months
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in need of all the diaper pats ☁️
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babying-domination · 4 months
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This baby seems to be meant for diapers only 🎀🧸
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babying-domination · 4 months
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"Pants down, bend over. Check time."
"Hush, there's nobody here. I honestly can't belive you still get this embarrassed and flustered after all this time."
It had started years ago. before you'd ever decided to transition. At first it was just during the occasional kinky session. Then it became every night. Now you couldn't even remember what it felt like to wear normal underwear.
I watched and smirked as you turned and lowered your pants, revealing the saggy wet diaper.
"Oh my! my little baby-wife is soaked! It's a wonder it hasn't leaked all over your clothes!"
"S-Stop teasing me!" you stammered.
"Strip. Now. No point in risking more laundry. you can finish our walk in just your diaper."
Your face turned beet red, but you knew there was no point in arguing. The kids were at a friends house, and we owned this private section of woods behind our house. You slowly stripped, too ashamed to make a sound as you handed me your clothing.
"Good girl." I laughed. "Let's go."
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It's important to maintain an active sex life with some level of kink. It helps a relationship remain healthy. As far as our kids knew, they had two moms, one of whom had been in an accident and needed diapers for life. Only the two of us knew that you were forced to wear babyish diapers for my own enjoyment, and to keep up the lie would be submissively wearing and using them for life.
It was better this way. We got to be as kinky as we wanted. Nobody would ever be able to see your chastity cage buried beneath your thick diapers, and having a parent with such an embarrassing disability kept our kids compassionate. They'd never dream of teasing another person for a handicap or disability.
Besides, did it matter? how much of your bladder control did you even have anymore? Probably not much. If you didn't actually need your diapers, you soon would. You'd given me your erections and your continence, and I had thrown them both away. Now you were my permanently obedient little baby-wife, and you always would be.
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