azure-crescent ¡ 8 hours
Humans are unstoppable...Until they aren’t.
I’m not the most eloquent writer, but I’ve had this idea kicking around for a while and figured I’d put it out into the universe.
A lot of the basis for the “humans are space orcs” stuff is the idea that we’re pretty durable compared to many species, yeah? When it comes to physical trauma, we can bounce back from most things that don’t kill us outright, especially given the benefit of hypothetical space-age technology, and adrenaline is one heck of a drug when it comes to functioning under stress. 
But that doesn’t make us unkillable, and even though we can survive debilitating injuries and not die from shock, it doesn’t mean it’s fun. Dying of shock sucks, but at least it’s probably quick.
So - Imagine a ship, adrift in space, slowly being drawn into a star or something. In order to save the ship, someone has to repair the hyper-quantum-relay-majig on the hull or in the engine or whatever. Bit of a problem though- there’s a ton of deadly, deadly radiation (Wrath of Khan style) or poisonous fumes or, I dunno, electrical current, between the crew and the repair. Like, enough to kill most species instantly, so the crew is just like, ‘welp, guess we’ll die then’. But then.
They ask the human. Because everyone’s heard the stories - you’re basically unkillable, right? Could you survive long enough in there to fix it? And their human goes real quiet for a second, but still says ‘Yeah, I could fix it’. And the rest of the crew is like, ‘Whaaaaaa, it won’t kill you?’ and the human repeats “I can fix it” (which isn’t an answer, but no one catches that, not yet at least), so they send ‘em in. And the human fixes it, they come back, the ship flies to safety, and the crew is thrilled to survive. If the human is a little quiet, well, they’re entitled after pulling off a miracle. Everyone else is just excited to get to the nearest station’s bar to tell their very own human story, cuz, ‘those crazy humans, amiright?’.
The good mood keeps up until the human is late for their next shift. At first it’s just faint unease, but- but they earned a bit of a lie-in, right? No reason to begrudge them some extra rest, even if it is a little weird for them to oversleep. They’ll be fine. Humans are always fine. 
- What is… help. Help!-
- ake up! You have t-
- been days. You need sleep, you-
- nother transfusion. We could-
- out of sedatives!-
A week later, the crew finally reaches the station. They stumble into the bar, haggard and haunted. And over the next months and years a new rumor about humans starts to make its way through space. A rumor unlike any before.
‘Be careful with your humans’ it whispers. ‘Their strength is not always a blessing. Be sure they don’t do something they can’t come back from, because when a human dies… they die slowly.’
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azure-crescent ¡ 11 days
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This is money cat. He only appears every 1,383,986,917,198,001 posts. If you repost this in 30 seconds he will bring u good wealth and fortune.
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azure-crescent ¡ 12 days
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I told you not to flirt with me.
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azure-crescent ¡ 13 days
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puppy snoopy
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azure-crescent ¡ 13 days
my favorite part of one piece is the way it decentralizes romance as a moving force of the plot. It explores relationships in depth but they are platonic ones, brotherly ones, found families and kindred spirits…
it means so fucking much to me, even when you have a character where his romantic attraction is a huge part of him, his arc is still about recognizing that what he truly wants is to come back to his found family in the sunny.
having the main character declare war at the world government because that’s the enemy of his friend and going at war at said government because the life of his adoptive brother is at risk.
and even though it doesn't have romance as the main plot, one piece is FILLED with romanticism, oda takes those relationships from our everyday lives and shows us how special those bonds are, how romantic they are, he adds this “spark” that most media reserves only for romance.
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azure-crescent ¡ 26 days
I read somewhere that Luffy is so keen on being friends with Law because Law is the first person in his life to ever approach him first. In every other relationship, it was Luffy asking, or demanding, to be friends first.
And I haven't been the same ever since.
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azure-crescent ¡ 29 days
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the key to having no fears, having nothing to lose 
(requested by @super-legends-of-flarrow​)
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azure-crescent ¡ 1 month
Alec Lightwood somehow manages to perfectly fit the categories of ‘looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll’, ‘looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you’, ‘looks like he could kill you and could actually kill you’, and ‘looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll’ all at the same time and I think that’s admirable
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azure-crescent ¡ 1 month
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                  I fall in love with you every single day
                                         & I just wanna tell you I am
Secret Santa present for @sweet-young-life-love!!
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azure-crescent ¡ 1 month
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Chin scratches~<3
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azure-crescent ¡ 1 month
We as a fandom do not talk enough about Alec’s tendency to bury his face into Magnus’ shoulder when they hug
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azure-crescent ¡ 1 month
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The key to having no fear is having nothing to lose. I guess that's why I haven't opened my heart up for almost a hundred years. Then I met you.
Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood in SHADOWHUNTERS (2016-2019)
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azure-crescent ¡ 1 month
A thing I love to do is telling prepper dudes that one of my disaster readiness skills is making stuffed animals. They never get it. Like, my dude, when things get very bad and we're all sharing overcrowded shelters, you're gonna want the power to comfort children. Trust me.
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azure-crescent ¡ 1 month
and what about the band geeks adopting Steve bc of Robin?
what about how all of them collectively deciding to adopt him bc Robin sort of announced him as her best friend like she was showing off a new puppy and he looked excited to just be there with her?
what if he's the one who can get anything done in seconds bc he has this new lil network of people who see him as their lil guy? and Steve never taking any of their offers bc he'd rather use it as an excuse to hang out more with Robin?
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azure-crescent ¡ 1 month
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azure-crescent ¡ 1 month
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Malec hot chocolate date for my bingo card (prompted by @endeni)
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azure-crescent ¡ 1 month
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Malec: Wedding Songs
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