ayestrabao · 9 years
Cross out everything you’ve ever done:
Had a beer
Smoked an entire cigarette
Written on a bathroom wall.
Read a George Orwell book. 
Had a physical fight. 
Used Twitter.
Listened to Lady Gaga
Been in a car accident.
Gotten suspended. 
Gotten expelled.
Been allergic to something.
Got a computer virus.
Touched a real gun.
Had a dog.
Had a cat
Been pregnant.
Camped out
Swam in the ocean.
Wore a bikini 
Driven a car
Been sent to the principal.
Ever liked someone.
Failed a class.
Failed a test.
Went to summer school.
Got worse than a D
Got A’s and B’s.
Read an entire book.
Recorded my own music.
Had an xbox.
Worn heels more than 3 days in a row. 
Wore fishnets.
Wore skinny jeans.
Hated someone.
Been cheated on.
Cheated on someone.
Practiced Christianity. 
Worn makeup.
Lied to my parents about where I was going.
Had surgery.
Had my license.
Worn coloured contacts.
Painted my nails black.
Broken someone’s heart. 
Had my heart broken.
Cried for an hour straight 
Lost something very valuable.
Got separated from one of my parents as a kid.
Broken a bone.
Gotten stung by a bee.
Eaten something bad/expired
Threw up from being so drunk.
Saw someone throw up from being so drunk.
Danced with someone of the same sex.
Owned an iPod
Owned an iPhone.
Fell for a best friend.
Stole a friend’s significant other.
Went far away from home for more than a week.
Moved out.
Ran away. 
Had a job.
Been fired.
Lied to a friend.
Lied to a family member.
Had a Facebook.
Posted a video on Youtube.
Started a rumour about someone.
Talked bad about someone
Deliberately failed a test.
Been skinny dipping.
Counted to a million.
Counted to a thousand.
Ate rabbit meat.
Ate duck meat.
Had fast food.
Been to church.
Been to Canada.
Been married.
Had a divorce.
Broke a glass.
Hugged someone today.
Texted someone today.
Received a phone call today.
Threw something out of the window.
Ignored a text from someone.
Wished you were somebody else.
Had my feelings hurt by a friend and never told them.
Been to a concert
Seen your favourite band live
Met a celebrity
Met your favourite band 
Own more than 10 CD’s
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ayestrabao · 9 years
I am a pretty patient person but if there is one thing I will lose my shit over almost instantly it’s my computer/internet being slow my tolerance level is exactly 0 for that shit man I did my time in the 90’s/2000’s I don’t need any of this garbage
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ayestrabao · 9 years
I feel like I’m living in this constant state of too much and not enough, Like the days are passing by too fast and too slow, And I’m always either overwhelmed or empty.
I dont know what im feeling (a.g.). (via atkarpa)
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ayestrabao · 9 years
perhaps some people are meant to be there for certain times. there are definitely a very few friends that will have been like family. if one is fortunate enough to meet them. whenever you meet them, it’s like they always were there once you share all your memories and probably always will be there after. and any time apart disappears the minute you are together. that’s always a sign of a lasting true friendship. very rare but so special.
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ayestrabao · 9 years
If I want you, never worry about who wants me.
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ayestrabao · 9 years
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ayestrabao · 9 years
When they love you, you’ll know it. If they don’t, you’ll wonder all the time if they do.
(via ipromisedyoubieber)
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ayestrabao · 9 years
I wish distance wasn’t a fucking thing when it came to someone you care about and want to see.
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ayestrabao · 9 years
I just wanna make out with you and cuddle in baggy clothes watching movies and idk maybe put my hand down your pants whatever.
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ayestrabao · 9 years
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ayestrabao · 9 years
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ayestrabao · 9 years
So I was out to eat and this child(maybe 3 years old) in the booth next to us started crying loudly. The mom tried to calm him down but he started to go into tantrum mode and fussed even more. So she picked him up and walked out of the restaurant to a bench outside our window. We could hear her ask him, “look at me, what’s upsetting you?” To which he responded with more crying. So she says, “Well you’re clearly overwhelmed, so we’re going to sit out here and take a break until you can compose yourself and tell me what’s wrong.” Which is exactly what happened after a couple minutes. Anyways I just think it’s so good to speak to your children in a logical, respectful manner instead of shushing them and leaving them to deal with their stress alone.
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ayestrabao · 9 years
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ayestrabao · 9 years
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this is the greatest thing on the internet right now 💞
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ayestrabao · 9 years
Please be patient with those who have anxiety
They say sorry a lot because they’re genuinely afraid they’ve insulted you somehow
They ask if they’re annoying because they genuinely think they’ve somehow annoyed you
They say things are ‘awkward’ because they can be uncomfortable in any situation, no matter who with, they don’t mean to personally hurt you
They cry because sometimes people and situations are too much, not because they’re looking for attention
They don’t text you a lot because they’re clingy, it’s because if you don’t reply, they think they’ve done something wrong
They can be set off by little things, so don’t say they’re overreacting when they panic
Please be patient with those who have anxiety
They only mean the best
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ayestrabao · 9 years
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ayestrabao · 9 years
period: *stops* me: finally me: *wears pretty undies again* period: biTCH YOU THOUGHT
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