avenbosworth · 11 years
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All of Aven’s bitchy and hilarious RPs (11/14 of the answers were about Aven’s sass)
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avenbosworth · 11 years
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Aven Bosworth
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avenbosworth · 11 years
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"Apologize for calling me all those names!"
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avenbosworth · 11 years
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avenbosworth · 11 years
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avenbosworth · 11 years
Together || Death
I always knew my death would be by her hands. She’d made it clear days ago that she wouldn’t let me get away. She’d descended on me and from that point on all I had felt was pain. Time seemed to have no meaning and suddenly the sound of the cannon brought my eyes open. Miriam was gone, my body weightless and all pain gone. I could hear someone sobbing, words that had no meaning floating to my ears as I tried to figure out where I was.
Finally, the world crashed down around me with surprising clarity. My gaze moving to where Colt sat curled around the empty shell of my body, I didn’t let my gaze linger too long. Knowing what she had done was enough; I didn’t need to see the last vision my family would ever have of me. It was bad enough that Reed had to deal with this or that my father had to bury his daughter. I didn’t need to see it. I didn’t want to see it. Colt continued to murmur apologies and words of love over my body but I needed to get away, something was pulling me from the scene.
“Christ, Bennett, you turned into an even bigger sap now that you’re dead!” Colt scrambled to his feet, throwing his arms around me as he kissed me like we’d been separated for years not just a matter of moments.
“I love you. Forever. You’re never getting rid of me, Bosworth. Peas don’t die, you know. And I’m always, always going to be your pea. And your prince, if you let me. I am never going anywhere and I will not leave you, never again.”
I couldn’t help but smile as his words floated over me, flicking his nose as I spoke.  “I love you too, Bennett. I’m gonna re-break that nose, you know. Keep you from getting too sappy.” Colt descended, kissing every inch of my face as I batted his hands away with a giggle. The sound of someone clearing their throat, turning I spotted a girl I’d never met holding the hand of my silent District Partner. I reached out for Oberon, hugging him as I apologised, tears springing to my eyes. I had thought that if I couldn’t go home maybe Obe could. Maybe Cecily would bring someone home but at least he was here, with those that loved him.
Finally I pulled away, my hand in Colt’s again as we wandered off into the hereafter. Together.
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avenbosworth · 11 years
Girl Talk || Aven, Liliah & Miriam
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avenbosworth · 11 years
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13 notes · View notes
avenbosworth · 11 years
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Alliance: Colt
Weapon/Pack: Pack E, Bow and 11 Arrows, Blanket, 2L Empty Canteen of Water, box of matches, half eaten bottle of olives, 2 bottles of water, knife
Position in the arena: Hidden halfway up the mountain in a makeshift tent
Important events of the day:
fled the tree for higher ground when the gas came, scaled the mountain before taking refuge behind a rock
Big Daddy sent me a parachute which has filled me with confidence again
Nara and the girl from 3 died, 10 left... I have to admit I’m petrified of tomorrow…
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avenbosworth · 11 years
I nudged him with my elbow, settling into the warmth of his arms as we sat in relative silence. We were safe, for now. Tomorrow was another day closer to the end and hopefully we would be able to hear a cannon sometime soon that signalled a death of another enemy. Without too much bloodshed tonight I hated to think what the gamemakers would conjure up to terrorise us with tomorrow.
"First Watch?" I offered, falling into our regular routine. Catching sleep when we could and watching out for the other while we waited. "We will be okay, Bennett. I love you, okay?"
Ain't No Mountain High Enough || Coven
I smiled. “Good. I’m a better protector than he is anyways- though I’m less fuzzy." I shuddered at the memory of being waxed. Aven paused and I settled down next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. 
"Yeah, I agree. Hopefully someone else does something because we’re not moving, not right now. Not unless we need to. Calm down, Aven. It’s gonna be okay." She looked concerned and I leaned over to kiss her temple. “I will not let them tear us apart. We are going to camp here tonight and go climb the mountain tomorrow."
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avenbosworth · 11 years
"You. Definitely you." Patting the spot beside me as we contemplated our next move. His question about the cannons made her pause, trying to think about the day that had stretched out behind them. Nothing. No deaths. Fuck.
"They'll want death tonight, if not tonight something will happen tomorrow. Fuck." I couldn't believe how close we were getting to the finale but the prospect of the gamemakers throwing something at us that would rip us apart curled in my gut. What would I do if tomorrow I woke up and Colt wasn't here. "Shit what are we going to do?"
Ain't No Mountain High Enough || Coven
I smiled. “Would that be referencing me or our little moose friend?" I teased back, looking over my shoulder to stick my tongue out at her playfully. The parachute stayed up surprisingly and I figured it might do at least for just tonight.
"Agreed. I’m thinking up because there might still be some gas down below, or whatever that was. I think the rocks in the parachute is a good idea." I paused, looking back at her again. “Isn’t it weird that we’ve not heard any cannons today?"
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avenbosworth · 11 years
"I can go with missing one arrow. I've got a knife and my big fuzzy protector to get me through." I teased as I watched him jab at rocks to get our makeshift shelter up to shape. I could tell he wanted my sponsor to bestow us with a tent but I wanted to cash in on a present when I needed it, for now we could make do. 
"I don't intend on being here long tomorrow, this is just to keep us from being spotted while we sleep. Tomorrow we need to either go back down or scale the mountain. Maybe we can make a weapon from the rocks tied in a parachute. Hopefully we can bludgeon someone to death if they find us."
Ain't No Mountain High Enough || Coven
I nodded, taking two arrows and fiddling with them, trying to hold the parachutes into the rocks in a makeshift tent. “We couldn’t just get an actual tent, could we? That’d just be too easy," I muttered, jabbing at the rock. “Why are we even using these? You’ll need them." 
I held them up to the best of my ability and looked at her. “Well, it’ll protect us from rain. Tomorrow we’ll have to see how it goes."
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avenbosworth · 11 years
"Grab an arrow, break off the head and hold it up that way." I answered as I continued to hack away, finally placing the parachutes flat on the ground in front of us. We just needed to collect some rocks and leaf litter, dirt and small twigs to cover it up. It was a good idea and I knew that it was going to get cold up here come night fall. 
"It's temporary but it will do for the night, tomorrow we can figure out our next move?"
Ain't No Mountain High Enough || Coven
I nodded. “I guess so. Time heals those wounds, I guess. I just… I don’t know." I stuttered. I didn’t want to say the words, that I didn’t know how I would be able to find someone that made me feel the way that Aven did. I nearly laughed at the idea of little Bosworth-Bennetts running around. 
She started hacking at the parachutes and I raised an eyebrow. “Not a bad idea, Bosworth. But where are we going to find a stick?"
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avenbosworth · 11 years
"You will, those dreams don't die just because of what you have been through. Maybe in twenty years from now all those little Bennetts won't have to worry about being reaped and I'd hate for you to deprive yourself of fatherhood just because of the games." Talking more about the arena and what we should do diverted my attention from the future. We needed to play the game, we needed to survive another night. Glancing down at my pack I grabbed the knife and began hacking off the parachute's from their canisters. 
"If we can find a stick or something we can somehow attach these above the rocks, find some debris or something and place it overhead so we can blend in. It's simple but it should work."
Ain't No Mountain High Enough || Coven
I smiled. “I’d love to have kids… the Games complicate that, but I really would. I’d love to find a family but nobody comes out of here the same… if I do win, I don’t know if I’ll still want that." I shrugged, nodding at her words. “Yeah, I will. And I want you to fight too." 
We both stared up at the mountain in silence for a moment, then back toward the ground. “I agree. Should we go a little higher up or stick around here? We should find a camp soon, I don’t want to do much more wandering… if people were nearby by now we would be dead."
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avenbosworth · 11 years
"Maybe you won't be dead, maybe you'll go home and have a hundred little Bennett's running around?" I suggested, I didn't want him to give up or give his life for mine. I'd never forgive him. "You're going to fight Colt."
Glancing up at the mountain I wondered what we were going to do tonight. We couldn't venture back down to the safety of the Cornucopia with the gas still running rampant, I didn't want to slip into a cave for fear of collapse but if we stayed out here we would be sitting ducks. "I think we would be hard-pressed to find you a noble steed, Bennett. Our best bet is hiding for the night and tackling this bitch tomorrow."
Ain't No Mountain High Enough || Coven
I nodded. “Yeah… I agree. On one end I’m almost relieved, thankful to be out of this place but then there’s the side of it that I’ll be dead, I’ll never see my family again… or you." I shrugged.
"But that mountain is not looking inviting. Neither is the gas down there. Makes you just want to jump on a gazelle and ride the hell out of here, doesn’t it?"
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avenbosworth · 11 years
Talking about death like this was odd. I'd expected us to just keep blundering our way through the arena without any thought of the repercussions. I didn't want to think of how I'd survive the arena if Colt was gone. I'd probably still be pouting in the Cornucopia with no sponsor, no weapons and just waiting for my own death blow.
Taking another part of the cake, I busied myself with chewing. "Three days, 12 people dead....maybe we aren't going to be here much longer? Especially with the gamemakers forcing us further up the mountain. No doubt they have plans."
Ain't No Mountain High Enough || Coven
I laughed when she smacked me, being a sap got a bit of a rise out of her which I enjoyed. Odd that the base of our relationship was on teasing each other but it worked for us. I smiled, putting my mind back into games mode for a while, trying to work out alliances in my head. What I’d do for a notebook right about now. 
I shrugged. “I don’t know, I was just thinking about it. I mean, I don’t know how much longer I’ll be around to annoy you in person. I’m glad we have that agreement. We’ll haunt each other." I nodded in agreement, “Yeah that’s fine. But I mean every word." I pinched off another piece of cake, popping it into my mouth.
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avenbosworth · 11 years
"Yeah cause you are a giant freaking sap." I smacked his elbow when he went to nudge me again. He was insane but it meant a lot that he was here with me and trying to figure out what was going on. I had a feeling he wanted his notepad, to jot down what he knew of the arena to calculate our chances of getting the fuck out of here.
"Where did that come from?" I asked suddenly when he started professing his love again. "You know I love you and you can bet your ass I'll be haunting you if I die here. But can we leave the cheesy shit for another time, I'm trying to enjoy the chocolate coma and I don't want to vomit it back up you sap."
Ain't No Mountain High Enough || Coven
I nodded. “I understand. I think about that too, y’know. I wish we had a map, or somehow could see who was close. To be prepared." I looked around the area. “I mean, I don’t see any footprints or anything and it doesn’t look like this was anyone’s camp but it’s hard to tell completely. I agree. They need a show and I just hope we’re providing them with all the romance they want- I mean, it comes naturally." I smiled, nudging her with my elbow.
I nodded in silence. “Yeah, I agree… it’s been a quiet couple of days. You know that even when I’m gone I’m always gonna love you, right? It’s cheesy and sounds dumb but I’m always going to be with you. Even when I die you can’t get rid of me."
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