avasamdropshipping · 1 year
Social media marketing statistics
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Social media refers to a set of online platforms and technology that allow users to create, share, and communicate ideas, ideas, and material in live time with other people. It is a type of interactive digital information in which users connect and interact with one another through the sharing and consumption of user-generated content such as text, photos, video files, and audio recordings.
The features and functionality of social networking sites differ, but they all allow users to interact with others based on common interests, demographics, or relationships. Members may establish and personalise their accounts, follow or be followed by other users, like or comment on postings, and share material with their virtual community.
FB, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest are some of the most prominent social networking networks. Digital networks have become an essential aspect of many people’s lives, transforming how we interact, exchange information, and consume media.
People’s lives in the United Kingdom have been significantly impacted by social media. These are some examples of how social media has altered people’s lives in the United Kingdom:
Communication: Social networking sites have altered how individuals interact with one another. Websites such as FB, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp have made it simple for people to communicate with friends and family no matter where they are in the globe.
Sharing of information: The internet has rendered it simple for anyone to obtain and share information. News, entertainment, and instructional information are only a click away, and social media algorithms guarantee that individuals see the most relevant stuff.
New media has also had a huge influence on the commercial scene in the United Kingdom. Businesses may utilise social networks to market their products and services, reach out to new consumers, and connect with their audience more personally.
While social media has numerous advantages, it has also been linked to harmful consequences on mental health. Excessive social media use has been associated with higher rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness in surveys.
Political: In recent years, social media has played an important role in UK politics. Politicians have utilised platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to engage with their people, and social marketplace has also been a significant tool for political campaigns, with numerous political groups embracing social media to contact voters.
However, social media has had a significant influence on people’s lives in the United Kingdom, altering how we interact, obtain information, do business, and engage in politics. While social networking offers several advantages, it is critical to be aware of its possible negative impacts on mental health and to use it appropriately.
We are attempting to construct a list of data concerning Social Media for the year 2023.
1). There are roughly 48 million social media users in the UK as of January 2023, representing a penetration rate of 71.4% of the entire population. 2). Facebook continues to be the most popular social media network in the United Kingdom, with an estimated 37 million members in January 2023. 3). With an anticipated 27 million users in January 2023, Instagram is the second most popular social media network in the UK. 4). Just since January 2023, Twitter is predicted to have 15 million users in the United Kingdom. 5). As of January 2023, LinkedIn has around 12 million users in the United Kingdom, making it the most popular social media site for professionals. 6). TikTok’s popularity has surged in the United Kingdom, with an estimated 10 million users in January 2023. 7). Social media is increasingly being used for online purchases, with 62% of UK customers reporting making a purchase through social media in the preceding year. 8). With 85% of UK internet users watching online videos, video material posted to social media remains popular. 9). Influencer marketing is on the rise in the UK, with 78% of UK marketers aiming to raise their expenditure for influencer marketing in 2023. 10). Social networking site marketing spending in the UK is predicted to reach £4.4 billion in 2023, up from £3.5 billion in 2021.
AVASAM recognises the value of social media influence and has established a presence on all social media channels. Their knowledge of the best-selling items and categories is beneficial to anyone trying to grow their business.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
Ecommerce how to start and succeed
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Ecommerce has become an increasingly popular way to start a business in the UK. With the rise of online shopping, there has never been a better time to start your own ecommerce business. However, starting an ecommerce business can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to the world of online selling.
Before we take you on the tour of the key pointer’s to be kept in mind, let us understand who an Entrepreneur is.
Entrepreneurship refers to the process of starting and running a business venture, typically with the aim of creating value or generating profit. It involves identifying an opportunity in the market, developing a product or service that meets the needs of customers, and building a sustainable business model around it.
Entrepreneurship is characterized by creativity, risk-taking, innovation, and the ability to recognize and act on opportunities that others may overlook. It often involves overcoming challenges and obstacles, such as limited resources, market uncertainty, and competition.
Successful entrepreneurship requires a combination of skills and traits, such as leadership, communication, strategic thinking, financial management, and resilience. Entrepreneurs may operate in a variety of industries and sectors, from technology and finance to retail and healthcare.
Entrepreneurship is also associated with broader economic and social benefits, such as job creation, innovation, and economic growth. As such, it is often promoted by governments and institutions as a means of spurring economic development and improving living standards.
In this blog, we will discuss how to start and succeed in ecommerce in the UK.
Choose your niche
The first step to starting a successful ecommerce business is to choose your niche. A niche in a wider industry is a concentrated area of interest. For example, instead of selling clothing in general, you could specialize in selling vintage clothing or sustainable fashion. By choosing a niche, you can stand out from your competitors and appeal to a specific audience.
Conduct market research
Once you have chosen your niche, it is important to conduct market research. This will help you to understand your target audience and competition. Look at what other businesses in your niche are doing, and identify gaps in the market that you can fill. You can also use tools like Google Trends and social media analytics to see what people are searching for and talking about in your niche.
Create Your Business Plan
Your business plan should include your goals, strategies, target audience, and financial projections. It should also outline how you plan to market your ecommerce business, how you’ll handle customer service, and how you’ll manage your inventory and shipping. Your business plan will be your roadmap for success, so take the time to create a detailed and well-thought-out plan.
Register Your Business
After your business strategy is in place, you must register your company. This will involve choosing a business structure, registering with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), and registering for VAT (if your annual turnover is over £85,000).
Choose your ecommerce platform
There are many ecommerce platforms to choose from, including Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose one that is best suited for your business. Take into account elements like cost, scalability, and simplicity of use.
Build your online store
Once you have chosen your ecommerce platform, it is time to build your online store. This will involve designing your website, adding products, and setting up payment and shipping options. You can either do this yourself or hire a web developer to help you.
Set Up Your Payment Gateway
You’ll need to set up a payment gateway to allow your customers to pay for their purchases securely. Popular payment gateways include PayPal, Stripe, and SagePay.
Secure your website
Security is critical for any ecommerce business. Make sure your website is secure by using SSL encryption and regularly updating your software and plugins.
Get an accountant
It’s important to keep your finances in order, so consider hiring an accountant to help you manage your finances, taxes, and bookkeeping.
Get business insurance
Business insurance is essential to protect your business from unforeseen events, such as theft, fire, or natural disasters.
Launch your website
Once you have completed all the necessary steps, it’s time to launch your website and start selling!
Market Your Online Store
Marketing is essential to the success of your ecommerce business. You can use a variety of marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO), to promote your online store and attract customers.
Manage Your Inventory and Shipping
As your business grows, you’ll need to manage your inventory and shipping efficiently. You can use inventory management software to track your stock levels and automate your shipping process.
Provide Excellent Customer Service
Finally, provide excellent customer service to keep your customers happy and coming back for more. Respond to customer inquiries promptly, offer refunds or exchanges when necessary, and go above and beyond to make your customers feel valued.
Analyze and optimize
Finally, it is important to analyze your ecommerce business and optimize it for success. Track the sales and visitors to your website using programmes like Google Analytics. Look for areas where you can improve, such as website design, product selection, and customer service. Continuously make improvements to your business to ensure its success.
In conclusion, starting an ecommerce business in the UK can be a rewarding and lucrative endeavor. By choosing your niche, conducting market research, choosing the right ecommerce platform, building your online store, marketing your business, and analyzing and optimizing for success, you can build a successful ecommerce business in the UK. You’ll be well on your way to creating a thriving online store that attracts loyal customers and generates revenue for years to come.
To begin with, you definitely need a straightforward internet sales channel for your goods. For this, a straightforward store template on a reliable drop shipping platform like Avasam works just well.
To assist you, we created a tutorial for setting up your account on drop shipping platform – Avasam. Although it can take you a while to get going, watch how much time you invest in the beginning.
Good luck!
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
Affiliate Internet advertising understand how to get started
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Who wouldn’t like to earn a few extra bucks or be their own boss? As a consequence of improvements in the commercial and advertising industries, several new ways to own a firm have emerged. Drop shipping and online ads are two examples.
Let’s take a closer look at what this kind of advertising entails.
To an ordinary customer what does affiliate marketing mean?
This method of marketing involves an affiliate, publisher, or advertising broadcasting an item or service and receiving a commission for each sale, lead, or action generated by their referral link or unique code.
They are individuals or corporations who own their own websites, blogs, social networking profiles, email databases, or any other venue through which they may generate traffic and sell items. Their main role is to campaign for the goods or services that they want to sell to their targeted audience and motivate them to use the given link and make the purchase.
The retailers or advertisers provide the affiliate marketer with the materials for marketing, so that they could promote or sell the products. The retailers track their lead generation and reward them for every successful referral.
Online marketing is a very popular and influential methodology to onboard new consumer bases and improve sales. The influencer’s make a good earning by promoting things they believe in.
The following are the few stages one needs to clear to become a successful influencer.
Pick a specialty: Decide where you want to focus your affiliate marketing efforts. This might include everything from fitness to finance and anything in between.
Select affiliate network: There are several affiliate schemes available online, including Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction. Pick a curriculum that relates to your area of expertise and offers items or services that you are interested in.
Generate a website or blog: You’ll need a website or blog to promote the associated merchandise you’ve chosen. Create a visually appealing and user-friendly webpage.
Offer outstanding content: Your blog or online presence should offer high-quality material that your readers may find useful. It could be blog posts, testimonials, or customer reviews.
Generate traffic: To produce sales, you must first bring visitors to your website. SEO, twitter and facebook promotion, and sponsored content are all methods for doing this.
Create a mailing list: Collect email addresses from visitors to build a list of prospective customers. You may then use email marketing to promote your list.
Typically, clickfunnels works as follows:
This campaign might be run through an advertising network or directly by the corporation.
Partners join the programme: Individuals or businesses who want to participate in the partner program apply. The application is evaluated by the corporation, and the affiliation is either accepted or rejected.
The associate sells or advertises the company’s products or services: The accomplice creates content (such as blog posts, videos, social media posts, or commercials) to boost the goods or services of the business. In their piece, they include a one-of-a-kind tracking link that directs prospective customers to the firm’s site.
Download the tracking link: When a buyer clicks on the tracking link, they are directed to the firm’s site. A distinctive identification is included in the tracking link, which tracks the company’s online habits.
Customers decide to buy something or carry out a predetermined act: If the consumer purchases something or finishes a specific action, the associate gets paid (such as filling out a form or signing up for a free trial).
The advertiser is compensated: The associate is given a fee on every transaction or engagement that arises from their ad campaigns.
Clickfunnels is a common business method for attracting new consumers and increasing income. It’s a way for partners to generate income by promoting businesses or activities they trust in.
Influencer marketing may be divided into several types, which include:
Pay-per-click (PPC) partner marketing involves supporters receiving a commission for every hit on an affiliate link that directs traffic to a merchant’s website.
Pay-per-lead (PPL) affiliated advertising: Under such a method, marketers get compensated for each target or client they refer to the firm. A prospect is someone who visits a browser and submits their email address or fills out a form.
Pay-per-sale (PPS) social media marketing: PPS online advertising compensates members for each sale they generate for the firm. This is the most common type of affiliate marketing.
CPA associate promotion is similar to PPL advertising in that supporters are only compensated when the recommended consumer does a certain action, including finishing an order or signing for an agreement.
Members in this strategy are paid commissions on top of their individual sales, but additionally on the revenues of other associates they bring into the network.
Network marketing in multi-level advertising (MLM): Associates in MLM get incentives not only on their respective sale, but additionally on the revenues of the colleagues they attract, as well as the associates attracted by those affiliates, and so on. MLM is a problematic topic that has been related to pyramid schemes.
Clickfunnels is a rapidly growing industry in the United Kingdom, and it is expected to expand more in the future. Lead generation is already worth billions of pounds in the United Kingdom, and it is likely to rise in the coming years.
Among the major reasons for the continued expansion of affiliate marketing in the UK is the growing acceptability of e-commerce and online stores. Companies are searching for effective ways to reach and connect their consumers as more customers buy online. Online advertising is a cost-effective approach for businesses to reach a large online readership.
Another factor driving the growth of affiliate marketing in the UK is the increased use of social media platforms. Advertisers may use social media to promote their goods and services and communicate with prospective customers.
Apart from these causes, the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence is predicted to play a significant role in the growth of paid advertising in the United Kingdom. These technologies can help businesses better analyse consumer habits and design more effective marketing tactics.
Nevertheless, the future of affiliate marketing in the United Kingdom seems promising, with further growth and innovations expected in the next few years.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
What is a Tax Identification Number (TIN)?
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Have you been asked for a Tax Identification Number, and you’re not sure what it is, or where to find it? Today we’re continuing our series of blog posts that look at some of the biggest concerns for small businesses, and since we’re all obligated to pay taxes as we earn money, we’re talking about Tax Identification Numbers (TINs).
Before we get going, we need to point out that although we’re experienced in business, we are not tax professionals. While we’ve provided information here that we know to be accurate to date, and we will endeavour to update the post when things change, you should always do due diligence and ensure what we have here is in line with current rules and regulations. It is a good idea to check with your accountant or tax professional to ensure your tax information is correct, and check with HMRC if you are unsure whether you have the right number to file your taxes.
What is a Tax Identification Number?
A Tax Identification Number is exactly what it sounds like – it is a number that identifies an individual for tax purposes. The term Tax Identification Number is an umbrella term that covers all types of numbers that can be used when contacting official bodies for tax reasons. Tax Identification Numbers are used by most countries worldwide, to help identify tax paying individuals, to help with administering tax and to identify companies that need to pay taxes.
Types of Tax Identification Numbers
Although Tax Identification Numbers are used by most countries, they are different in each. Some countries use social security numbers, numbers from identity cards or passports or other national numbers. If you’re working in other countries and need to know what they use as TINs, you can find a list of types of Tax Identification Numbers or functional equivalents on this page.
In this next section, we’re going to take a look at the UK (since the Avasam team is primarily based in the UK) and the US (because it is one of the biggest and most influential economies in the world).
In the UK
In the UK, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) creates Tax Identification Numbers, and there are two numbers that are most commonly used to identify individuals and businesses. These are the Unique Taxpayer Reference (the UTR) and the National Insurance Number (NI number). Both of these numbers are personal, and private to the individual they have been allocated to (and should be treated in the same way as any other personal information such as addresses or date of birth). Once allocated, they do not change throughout the person’s life. They are always laid out in the same format.
Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR)
The Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) is automatically assigned to individuals when they do one of two things with HMRC – either when they register for Self Assessment, or when setting up a limited company. It is made up of 10 digits, and is sometimes referred to as a tax reference.
There isn’t an official card or other type of document with the details of the UTR issued, so you’ll need to find your UTR on any documents from HMRC such as:
Your SA250 letter entitled Welcome to Self Assessment
Your Self Assessment tax return paperwork
Your notice to file a tax return
Your statement of account
Any payment reminders you get
To get a UTR number, you’ll need to go through registering for Self Assessment online. Typically, you will need:
Your name, date of birth and address
Your National Insurance number
Your email address and telephone number
The name, address and nature of your business
Your business telephone number
The date your self-employment started
Note that when you register for Self Assessment, it can be a few weeks (if not longer, during busy periods!) before you receive your Unique Taxpayer Reference, so don’t leave registration to the last minute – especially if you need to file a tax return before the deadline. (If you miss the deadline, fines can get expensive!)
If you have registered for Self Assessment, you can also find your Unique Taxpayer Reference in your Personal Tax Account. If you don’t have access, or can’t find a UTR on any of your documentation, you can call the Self Assessment helpline.
National Insurance Number (NI number)
The second type of Tax Identification Number that is used in the UK is the National Insurance Number (sometimes referred to as a NI number). It is made up of two letters, six numbers and a suffix letter A, B, C or D.
National Insurance Numbers are issued either by the Department for Work and Pensions or HM Revenue and Customs, and are issued automatically when young people reach the age of 16. A letter, and sometimes a card will be sent to the individual, but these cannot be used as proof of identity.
People who don’t have a National Insurance number will need to apply for one if they plan to work, claim benefits, apply for a student loan or to pay Class 3 voluntary National Insurance contributions.
When payslips are received from an individual’s employer, the National Insurance Number should be shown, and it should also be found on a Statement of Account issued by HMRC. The National Insurance Number is sometimes used on official documents from HMRC, but may not be for certain documents.
What if I don’t have either of these?
Not all resident taxpayers or nationals will have either of these, and sometimes they may receive a PAYE Temporary Reference Number (TRN) which is used when an individual’s National Insurance Number can’t be found or held. This number is made up of two numbers, one letter, then five numbers. </p?
Do companies get a Tax Identification Number?
Companies have Unique Taxpayer References, and are also issued with a Corporation Tax number upon registering their company with Companies House. Don’t get your Company UTR mixed up with your Company Registration Number (CRN) though. The CRN is issued when your company is incorporated (that is, it becomes its own legal entity). A CRN is a combination of 8 alpha-numeric characters, and are used to identify your company (since companies with similar names exist) and to verify incorporation with Companies House.
In the US
In the US, the Tax Identification Number (TIN) is issued by the federal government and is used by individuals and companies for tax purposes, which is overseen by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). TINs are allocated to individuals by the Social Security Administration, and the IRS issues TINs to companies.
There are a number of Tax Identification Numbers used in the US, including:
Social Security Numbers – these are allocated to individuals
Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) – these are allocated to any citizens that currently live (and/or work) in the US but that are not US citizens
Employer Identification Number (EIN) – these are used to identify businesses and non-profit organizations
Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN) – which are used to identify children that are currently in the process of being adopted from outside the US
Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number – this is how accountants and tax professionals who prepare tax documentation are identified
Some states have separate business identification numbers or other requirements that must be used in addition to those issued by the IRS. These states are currently Massachusetts, New York and South Carolina. In these states, every business needs a state tax ID number and a federal tax ID number.
Do I need a TIN for my DropShipping business?
All businesses will need to pay tax, and the type of business that you have, and where your business operates will depend on the type of tax that you pay, and may affect the type of Tax Identification Number that you will need. If you’re in the UK, you’ll have a UTR for yourself, and for your business. We took a look at some of the required steps for setting up a business previously in this post, so if you are in the process of getting set up we strongly recommend checking that post.
As we noted at the start of the post, it is always a good idea to consult with an accountant or tax professional, or contact the body that collects taxes in the country that your business operates in if you are unsure.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
400+ Instagram bio ideas to copy and paste
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What is an Instagram bio & why does it matter?
Ahhh, the Instagram bio. Where we go to find out whether the account that you’re looking at is worth following. Famous people and household name brands might not need to announce who they are and what they do on their bio. But for the majority of us, and lesser-known businesses, your Instagram bio is the place to show yourself off.
Your Instagram bio is only 150 characters – which isn’t much room at all! It is around a line and a half of size 12 text on an A4 sheet. As we all know, first impressions count, so you need to make the most of those 150 characters. You need to be engaging, so people will want to know more. They might scroll through your feed, but why make them work to decide whether to follow you or not? Be direct, and tell them why they should follow you.
With more consumers turning to Instagram to find out about brands, Instagram profiles are as valuable website homepages. Over 200 million people now view Instagram profiles for businesses every single day, and it has been found that over 81% of people use Instagram to decide whether to buy a product – so you don’t want to miss out. If you ignore the bio, or simply put basic information in there, you’re wasting valuable marketing space. With so many other businesses vying for the same audience – especially in the competitive world of eCommerce – your success depends on making the most of all opportunities.
Our post will tackle what to include, and what to avoid putting in your Instagram bio. We’ve added in some ways to make your bio stand out, and we’ve included over 400 ideas you can copy.
Should I use hashtags in my Instagram bio?
You can, but you don’t have to use hashtags in your bio. If you want to be able to engage with people for a particular purpose, such as finding posts about your DropShipping products, go ahead! Be careful to check that the hashtag is relevant, doesn’t have any inappropriate connotations – you don’t want it to clash with other usage that you don’t want to link your brand to.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
Convert Asian sizes to US sizes, UK and EU sizes – Asian size conversion chart
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If you’ve done any searching online at all about clothing, you’ll have found plenty of pages of clothing and fashion ‘from China’, ‘from Korea’ and ‘from Japan’. There are plenty of other suppliers in other countries that have clothes available for buyers worldwide too. But customer satisfaction for some of these products are low, and in many cases, the leading cause of this can be as simple as that the customer has not understood the sizing before placing their order. So if you’re considering DropShipping clothing from East Asian countries (especially China) then you’ll need to be sure that you’re providing your customers with enough information about the products.
We understand your frustration, but it’s as simple as this: humans come in so many different shapes and sizes that it would be impossible to create a universal standard that could apply to everyone of the same gender. Within the same regions, there are differences, and even within the same country, clothing sizes are not standardised. In some cases, customers find that they can’t even wear the same size in different styles from the same brand!
It has been suggested that the phenomenon of different sizing between stores and within brands is mostly a women’s issue – since many items of clothing for men are sold by measurements in centimetres or inches. However, this is likely to be an issue for children’s sizing – there are some children that are much bigger than others, and that need to size up considerably. That means as a DropShipper, you’ve still got to be careful to list clothing measurements carefully.
Fashions, and different styles of clothing have existed in countries for decades and the technology to mass-produce ready-to-wear garments has been around since the 1800s – which means that different clothing size conventions have been around in different countries for almost as long. Taking into account different styles of national dress, and for more conservative countries, the requirement to cover certain areas of the body, means that it’s just not possible to create a ‘universal’ sizing system.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
Small business statistics to know for 2023
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Starting your own business can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it requires careful planning and hard work. Here are some things to consider if you’re thinking about starting your own business:
Identify a need or a problem that your business can solve: Think about the things that you’re passionate about, and try to identify a need in the market that your business can fulfill.  This could be a product or service that you’re passionate about and believe in.
Research your market and competition: Conduct research to understand your target market and the competition. This will help you to identify your unique selling proposition and develop strategies to differentiate your business from others.
Develop a business plan: A business plan will help you to outline your business goals, strategies, and financial projections. It’s important to have a clear understanding of your business’s financial needs and how you plan to fund it.
Decide on a legal structure: Determine the legal structure of your business, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation. This will affect your liability, taxes, and legal responsibilities.
Register your business: Register your business with the appropriate government agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Secretary of State. You may also need to obtain licenses and permits, depending on your industry and location.
Set up your business infrastructure: Set up your business infrastructure, including your office or workspace, technology, and accounting systems.
Develop your brand: Develop your brand identity, including your logo, website, and marketing materials. This will help you to establish a strong presence in the market and build brand recognition.
Start your company: When you’ve finished all the requirements, it’s time to start your company. This is an exciting time, but it’s important to be patient and persistent as you work to establish and grow your business.
Remember, starting your own business is a journey, not a destination. Be prepared to learn and adapt as you go, and be willing to take risks and make mistakes along the way. With hard work, dedication, and perseverance, you can build a successful business and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams.
Here are 10 small business statistics you need to know for 2023 in the UK:
As of 2021, there were 6 million small businesses in the UK, which accounts for 99.3% of all businesses in the country.
The number of new businesses being registered in the UK has been increasing year-on-year, with 780,000 new businesses being registered in 2021.
The UK government’s Small Business Grants Fund provided over £11 billion in grants to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
31% of small businesses in the UK have reported an increase in revenues since the COVID-19 pandemic, while 32% have reported a decrease.
The most common reason for small business failures in the UK is cash flow problems, with 82% of failed businesses citing this as a reason for failure.
Small businesses in the UK are increasingly using social media to market their products and services, with 87% of small businesses using social media to promote their businesses in 2021.
Cyber security is a growing concern for small businesses in the UK, with 46% of businesses experiencing a cyber-attack or data breach in the past year.
Small businesses in the UK are increasingly adopting digital technologies to improve their operations, with 74% of small businesses saying that digital technology has improved their business in 2021.
57% of small businesses in the UK say that they have been negatively impacted by Brexit, while 23% say that they have been positively impacted.
Small Businesses Create Jobs?
Small businesses are defined as those with fewer than 50 employees, and they operate across a range of industries and sectors. Many small businesses are family-owned and operated, and they provide valuable services and products to their local communities.
Small businesses in the UK employ around 16 million people, which is around 60% of all private sector employment in the country.
According to the UK government’s business statistics, there were 6.0 million small businesses (defined as those with 0-49 employees) in the UK as of 2020. This accounts for 99.3% of all businesses in the UK.
It’s important to note that this number can vary depending on how small businesses are defined, and there are other ways to categorize businesses by size, such as based on annual turnover or balance sheet total.
Small businesses play a crucial role in the UK economy, and they are responsible for creating a significant portion of jobs in the country. According to the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), small businesses accounted for 99.3% of all private sector businesses in the UK in 2020, and they employed an estimated 13.8 million people, which represents around 60% of all private sector employment.
In addition to creating jobs, small businesses also contribute to the economy in other ways, such as generating tax revenues, driving innovation and competition, and supporting economic growth and development.  Therefore, supporting and encouraging the growth of small businesses is critical to the continued success and prosperity of the UK economy.
The Main Engines of Global Economic Development Are Small and Medium-Sized Companies
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have been recognized as major drivers of global economic growth, particularly by the UK market. SMBs play a crucial role in creating jobs, driving innovation, and contributing to the overall growth of the economy.
According to the UK government, SMBs account for over 99% of all businesses in the UK and are responsible for more than half of the country’s employment. Similarly, in the US, SMBs account for more than 99% of all businesses and employ nearly half of the private sector workforce.
SMBs also contribute significantly to innovation and new product development, driving technological advancements and improving the quality of products and services. Many successful startups have been launched by entrepreneurs with innovative ideas and a strong drive to succeed.
Avasam is a drop-shipping platform to look forward to achieving your dreams.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
How to get customers to leave reviews
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Many online retailers face the challenge of getting customers to leave reviews – and while it may seem like reviews and other types of feedback is less important than actually making sales, reviews are incredibly important to the long term success of a business. In this post, we’ll be digging into why reviews and feedback is essential for online retailers, and how retailers can encourage customers to leave feedback. Let’s go!
Why are customer reviews important for online retailers?
Before eCommerce was a thing, word of mouth was what helped retailers grow. While there may be some business generated by people talking about your business, reviews go much, much further, and reach more people. Social proof is today’s version of word of mouth, and consists of people being able to find evidence that they can trust your business.
Reviews are a huge part of building the social proof that your business needs, and reviews from people that are like them are more powerful than anything you can persuade them with. When you consider that a massive 95% of consumers read reviews before buying an item, there’s absolutely no question that you need as many great reviews as possible, so let’s dig into how you can get more of them.
How can you get customers to leave reviews?
You don’t get anything if you don’t ask for it – and the same is the case with reviews. Inviting your customers to leave feedback shows them that you are open to receiving their comments, and actively want to continue to improve your business. For many customers, being able to leave reviews is something they tend to do when they have had a negative experience – so encouraging positive reviews is even more tricky, but important to do.
Choose your approach
There’s a few approaches that you can use to get reviews from customers. A direct approach – clearly asking customers to leave reviews – is often the best way, but it isn’t the only way. You can hint that they can leave feedback, such as putting a link on emails saying, “feedback is appreciated!” or similar.
Asking them for feedback when they’re happy is a good move, since they are more likely to leave more positive reviews – so following up with an email just after their product is delivered is more likely to result in better reviews. On the flip side, when customers have contacted your customer service team, they’re probably less happy. However, when your customer service team have resolved a problem, they can ask for reviews – especially if they are on a call or on live chat.
Make it as simple as possible to leave a review
Wherever you can, include links to leave reviews. Make the links easy to find on your website, on email templates, and on your social media accounts, such as on your Linktree on Instagram. In addition to that, use automation to help make your reviews even easier. When a customer clicks through, use automation such as pre-provided sentences, allow them to check boxes, and so on. Look to Amazon for guidance – a star rating system for your products is helpful, and a couple of simple, easy to complete text boxes, as well as the chance to upload a video or photo means that Amazon customers are more likely to leave reviews.
Personalise your request for customer reviews
Personalising communications is super easy – and using the customer’s name, and what they bought from you, in your request for a review will mean customers feel more valued than if you use a generic email. 71% of customers expect personalised emails and other communications from businesses, and a massive 76% are frustrated by generic communications that don’t use their name and so on… Definitely don’t skip this step!
Follow up
Often, your customers will see your request for feedback at a time that doesn’t suit them. If you don’t receive feedback, there’s nothing wrong with following up once or twice to ask them to leave a review – just don’t keep hounding them.
Allow customers to leave reviews in multiple places
Different customers search for social proof about a business they are considering buying from in multiple places – just like they use different sales channels based on what suits them best. Not only that, but they want to be able to leave reviews where it is convenient for them, so it is in your interest to make it as easy as possible for them. Allow reviews directly on your website, list your company on websites such as Trustpilot, Reevoo, and Feefo.
Make the process as easy as possible
Customers don’t want to have to create an account, to sign into something, and then to write their review – it is way too much hassle. Make it as simple as you can to leave reviews for you, in as many places as possible, and you’re almost certain to receive more feedback.
Add “awaiting review” reminders
If you log into your Amazon account and check previous orders, you’ll notice that there’s a section asking “How’s your item?” where you can write a product review, or create a video review. These are much more likely to receive feedback from customers, and it is clear how customers can leave their feedback. Video reviews are incredible for you, as they provide even better content and social proof – so if you can include this function, it might well pay off.
How to get more quality reviews
How many times have you seen a review that just says “good”, or a single word answer? That type of review isn’t helpful for your business, or for other customers that are considering that product. Ideally, you need descriptive reviews that tell what was good and bad about their experience – but that can be tricky to get to happen.
Start with an open ended question
Avoiding those one word answers is key here – so using open ended questions in your invitation and automation will help you to avoid those. Questions such as “how are you getting on with [product]?” will encourage further information.
Thank customers for helping your business grow
Particularly if your business is new, or still on the small side, thanking your customers for helping your business to grow is a good idea – they can feel good about the fact they bought from a small company rather than a corporate, and they’ll feel valued for having provided their review.
Consider offering an incentive – but carefully
If customers don’t feel like it is worth their time to leave a review – which, if they don’t have anything to complain about, they often won’t even think about doing so. That means if you’re trying to collect reviews, you might consider incentives for customers that do leave you reviews. However, you do need to be careful with this approach. You can’t bribe customers – it isn’t only unethical; it can be problematic for your business too. Some places that you can collect reviews will penalise you if you offer rewards, while others actively encourage it – so if you’re going to do this, make sure you get it right.
How to make your reviews shine
Once you’re collecting reviews, that’s brilliant – but that isn’t where you should stop with them! The point of collecting reviews is to build trust in your business, and to help showcase your business further. With these tips, you’ll find that the reviews that your customers leave you will squeeze even more value from them.
Engage with reviews
When you get a review from a customer, it is really important that you respond to it. Potential customers read reviews before they make their purchases, and that means that reviews are an important marketing tool for building trust. By replying to a review, it shows you care, and that you’re taking comments on board – especially with critical reviews. Both positive and negative reviews can be valuable opportunities for your business, so don’t hide from negative reviews. How you deal with them is the key. Even if all you need to say is thank you to your customer, taking the time to do so proves you’re reading their comments, and means that trust continues to build.
Share your reviews on your social media accounts
Constantly creating content for your social media can be a taxing job, and you can’t just rely on images of your products. When you get a great review – whether that is for a certain product, or for the service that you provided the customer with – use that for on a social media post. There are endless options, including building carousels, and you can share links to the original post for extra trust too.
Reviews are going to be a huge help for your business, so it is well worth pursuing them even though it is hard to get customers to leave them. With our tips in this post, you’re certain to collect more reviews – which is only going to help your business grow further.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
In 2023, all the information you need to recognize regarding internet shopping
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We’re gradually but steadily shifting everything digital, including purchasing, because of how we network to how we get our news.
Internet purchases have grown from non-existent to a multi-billion dollar business over the last several decades. Online shopping is becoming a popular activity for millions of people worldwide. More individuals than ever before are purchasing products and services online.
Companies are always developing new features and services for potential clients in order to provide them with the same level of support and enjoyment that they would receive if they spent their money in person.
The fact is that internet purchasing is increasingly similar to physical buying.
We may give you with basic information about online shopping habits in the UK for 2021 and 2022 to assist you understand.
Statista estimates that there were 68.2 million online shoppers in the UK in 2021, and 72.1 million are anticipated in 2022. Internet retail revenues in the United Kingdom are expected to grow from £141.33 billion in 2021 to £156.67 billion in 2022.
85% of online consumers in the UK used their smartphones to complete transactions in 2021, making mobile phones the most popular device for online shopping in the country.
The expansion of online markets like Amazon and eBay is another recent trend. Amazon was the most widely used online marketplace in 2021, with almost 87% of UK online customers making a purchase there.
Last but not least, the COVID-19 epidemic has expedited the UK’s transition to online buying. A YouGov study from 2021 found that 41% of UK customers intended to increase their internet shopping even after the epidemic subsided.
No one can foretell what will happen in the future year with confidence, but knowledge is power. For that reason, we’ve penned this build-up for year-2023.
1. Furniture and hardware (59%), as well as sporting goods and equipment (53%), are predicted to grow the most in UK direct-to-consumer sales in 2023. [Statista]
2. UK fashion earnings will rise by 23.9% in 2023, from £43.23 billion to £53.58 billion. [Statista]
3. Throughout the last three years, AI and machine learning have been used to automate 25% of all user experiences. This share is predicted to rise to 40% by 2023. [Gartner]
4. According to Gartner, eCommerce chatbots will be the key customer care solution for 25% of organisations by 2027.
5. By 2023, mobile sales will account for 73% of all eCommerce purchases.
6. In 2023, UK fashion sales will rise by 23.9%, from £43.23 billion to £53.58 billion. [Statista]
7. Social networking sales are expected to reach £26.04 billion by 2023, accounting for 20% of global retail eCommerce sales.
Although exact figures cannot be predicted, the UK’s online shopping boom is expected to continue in 2023.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has influenced consumer behaviour in the United Kingdom, including a trend towards internet buying. Following are some of the fastest-growing ecommerce categories in the UK during the pandemic:
Food and Drink:
As a result of lock-downs and social distancing tactics, people are increasingly turning to online food shopping for their daily necessities. According to Mintel, online grocery sales in the UK increased by 82% in 2020, reaching £14.3 billion.
Health and Beauty:
As individuals are spending greater amounts of time at home, the demand for health and beauty products such as vitamins, skincare, and personal care items has increased. According to the same Mintel estimate, online sales in this category will increase by 78% in 2020.
Home and Garden:
As individuals spend more time at home, demand for home and garden items such as furniture, décor, and gardening supplies has increased. In 2020, online sales in this category are expected to increase by 67%.
Fashion & Apparel:
While total retail sales of clothes and accessories fell during the pandemic, online sales in this category increased by 34%, as customers increasingly resorted to the internet for their fashion requirements.
Toys and Games:
With schools and daycare facilities closing and families spending more time at home, demand for toys and games has increased. In 2020, online sales in this category are expected to increase by 32%.
Overall, the COVID-19 epidemic has hastened the move to online buying, and these categories are projected to rise in the future years.
AVASAM  is a niche platform were they have anticipated the above trends and built such an excellent market place with products from diversified categories and 80 K+ products to look forward to.
To summarise, there is no doubt that internet shopping is rapidly developing, and we will witness much more advancement in the next years. Entrepreneurs cannot afford to neglect their internet presence if they want to remain in today’s competitive market. Therefore keep these top ten online buying statistics in mind as you prepare your company strategy for 2023.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
DropShipping taxes in the UK: What you need to know
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DropShipping taxes in the UK aren’t always clear to understand, and there’s a lot to get your head around – but unfortunately, taxes must be paid! As the saying goes, there’s nothing guaranteed in life except death and taxes, and UK DropShipping businesses are definitely guaranteed taxes to pay. In this post, we’re taking a look at what taxes that you, and your business may be liable for, so that you can head in the right direction.
Before we jump in, we need to mention that although we are experts in eCommerce and DropShipping, and our team are pretty well versed in taxes, we are not qualified tax experts. Since the government, and HMRC make changes relatively regularly, it is your responsibility to ensure that you pay the correct amount of taxes, and you should always check for the most recent advice. If you’re at all unsure, we strongly advise that you consult with a tax expert.
What is DropShipping and how does it work?
If you’re reading this post, there’s a good chance that you already know what DropShipping is. Maybe you’re planning to create a DropShipping business, or perhaps you’ve already got your DropShipping business started. On the off chance that you’re reading this before you get started, a quick recap on how DropShipping works:
The DropShipping business sources products from suppliers
They list the products
The customer buys their product
The DropShipping business immediately buys the product from the supplier
The supplier sends the order directly to the customer
Notice how the seller doesn’t come into contact with the order at any point? This is one of the benefits of DropShipping compared with holding stock, and means the seller can streamline their operations, or an existing retail business can sell larger products that they don’t have space in their warehouse for, or they can sell seasonal products without the worry of dead stock.
Whatever stage your business is at, you’ll need to make sure that you pay the correct taxes, so you don’t end up with a fine from HMRC.
What types of taxes do you have to pay as a UK DropShipper?
Trying to figure out which taxes you are liable for can feel daunting, especially if you’re a first time business owner. But these are the main taxes that you will need to be aware of with your business to start with, although depending on what you’re selling and how your business evolves, there may be other taxes to be aware of.
Income Tax
If you’ve worked anywhere, you’ll know that a percentage of your salary (your income) gets taken by the UK government. The amount you pay depends on which tax bracket your salary falls into, and the government changes this from time to time, so make sure you check. Currently, the Income Tax brackets are:
Personal Allowance: Up to £12,570 – 0%
Basic rate: £12,571 to £50,270 – 20%
Higher rate: £50,271 to £150,000 – 40%
Additional rate: over £150,000 – 45%
You do not get a Personal Allowance on taxable income over £125,140. However, other allowances may apply to your particular circumstances, such as the first £1,000 of income from self-employment (the ‘trading allowance’). These are subject to change though, so it is worth checking on the government website for the current allowances.
The current standard rate of VAT is 20%, and applies to most goods and services. Some products and services – such as children’s car seats – have a reduced rate of 5%, and there is a zero rate that is applied to most food items, and children’s clothing.
For DropShippers, this means if you sell £100 worth of products that fall in the standard rate, you’re going to pay £20 in tax, which you’ll need to take into account when you’re pricing your products. Most businesses will include VAT in their pricing, as well as costs like shipping.
If the gross income for your business is more than £85,000, you may need to register for VAT. This means you’ll get a VAT number that you’ll need to make clear to your customers. When you’ve registered for VAT, you’ll need to pay VAT at the point of sale – so you’ll need to include that in your pricing.
Customs Duty
For businesses that are sourcing products from overseas, customs duties may apply. Customs duty is 2.5% of the cost of the item, but it is complicated, since items that are valued below £135 don’t have this charge applied, and there are different rates for products that are more than £630. Since customs duty is a complicated thing to work out, we suggest you check the Tax and Duty website – and if it doesn’t become clear, then call HMRC on 0300 322 9434 to get help.
By sourcing your products from suppliers and manufacturers in the UK, you won’t need to pay customs duty on your products – your supplier or wholesaler will have already paid this on the products, and will have included this in what they charge you.
If you’re looking for ways to source from UK DropShipping suppliers, then sign up for your Avasam account. Our suppliers are all verified and based in the UK, so there’s no customs duty to factor into your calculations – unlike sourcing from overseas suppliers. While customs duty is just one reason to source from Avasam suppliers, you’ll also benefit from fast delivery times, and complete DropShipping automation, including returns and refunds, giving you peace of mind that both you, and your customers will have a better experience.
How to calculate DropShipping tax liability and file a return
While you can roughly figure out how much your Income Tax is going to be by working with the brackets we detailed above, you can get a closer estimation on this page. Using this means that when it comes to filing your tax return, you’ll have a better idea of how much you’ll be charged by HMRC.
You can file a Self Assessment tax return online when you’re self employed, or if you receive income from another source such as renting out a property. You have to register for Self Assessment, and you’ll need to sign in using a Government Gateway user ID and password. To get your Government Gateway user ID and password, you’ll need to prove your identity. Because this can take time, make sure you don’t leave it to the last minute – deadlines can be seen on this page.
VAT Returns have to be sent to HMRC every three months, even if you don’t have any VAT to pay or reclaim. The deadline for submitting your return online is usually one calendar month and 7 days after the end of an accounting period, and again, you shouldn’t leave this payment to the last minute. If you pay your VAT late, you’re likely to have a penalty applied to your account.
What happens if you don’t pay taxes on your DropShipping business?
Tax evasion is a serious issue, and when you’re caught, HMRC will apply a fine based on how much you owed – but fines can be entirely unlimited. That means if you deliberately don’t pay, the fine could be so big that it results in the death of your business, and potentially, leave you in huge debt.
In more extreme circumstances, such as if you avoid paying a larger amount of tax, or you don’t pay for a longer period of time, you may be given an even bigger punishment – which can include extensive jail time. Income tax evasion and VAT evasion can be up to seven years in prison, while providing false documentation can result in up to six months in prison.
Do DropShipping businesses need accountants?
Should this be making you wonder whether starting your business is worth the hassle, don’t worry – that is why accountancy firms exist! Accounting services are there to help you get it right, and take the stress out of taxes, so unless you have experience with accounting, you’ll almost certainly want to engage with an accountant. Most accounting businesses will be able to help you with your assessment and tax returns, but there are accountants that are specialists in eCommerce and DropShipping. If you are selling on multiple sales channels, you’ll almost certainly benefit from their expertise, since they will understand how disbursements work, and the nuances of DropShipping.
If there’s one thing that you should take from this post to apply to your business, it is that you shouldn’t be creating a business and taking a salary from it without also considering the taxes that will need to be paid. Your income tax, as well as VAT are essentials, and there’s huge implications if you neglect to pay your taxes correctly, so make sure you get it right. If you’re in any doubt at all, consult with a tax expert – it is well worth the expense to ensure you don’t get fined.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
Questions about starting DropShipping in the UK
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As eCommerce and retail industry experts, we get a lot of questions about DropShipping in the UK, and while we’ve produced loads of content, it has been a while since we did a round up of the questions that we get the most. Since there are a lot of questions, and we’re sure you are keen to get going, we’re keeping these answers short and to the point, while pointing you to further information that you might find useful. Let’s get started!
Is DropShipping worth it in the UK?
A bit of a loaded question, this one, and it depends on you and what you want to achieve from DropShipping. If you’re looking to build a solid business that can replace your salary, then absolutely it can be, but know that it will take a lot of time and effort – and unfortunately, if you start tonight, you won’t be able to quit your job tomorrow. However, if you’re wondering does DropShipping work? Then the answer is yes, definitely, it can.
DropShipping businesses do have the capacity to scale quickly, but for entrepreneurs that are looking to make a lot of money in very little time, DropShipping may not be worth it – you’ll have to judge this for yourself though.
Can you make money DropShipping UK?
Absolutely you can! It isn’t rocket science, although it does take a lot of work. The next question is the one that most people follow up with – and so we’ll get stuck into that right away.
How much can you make from DropShipping in the UK?
The thing with DropShipping is that it depends upon how much time and effort that you have available to put into your business and market your products. If you’re simply looking for a side hustle – because you’re at college or uni maybe – then DropShipping can provide you with the extra money you need, as well as the experience of running a business.
Realistically though, the amount of money that you can make from DropShipping is unlimited – if you have the right products for your niche, the automation to connect to suppliers, and the drive to succeed! If that’s the case… Sign up for your free Avasam account today, and start earning right away.
How do I start DropShipping for free in the UK?
You don’t need a lot of cash available to get yourself started with DropShipping in the UK, but you generally do need some. You’ll need a website to sell your products on, as well as a subscription to a DropShipping marketplace if you want the advantages that automation has to offer. If you don’t have any money to invest at all, then you’ll be looking for a way to get started, which is exactly what we created with our Click To Launch initiative with BigCommerce. Sign up to get a month of BigCommerce, and Avasam absolutely free – and if you work it right, you can make your first sales to pay for your next month, and the month after! Talk about making money from nothing.
Once you’ve got started, you’ll want to read our post about ways eCommerce businesses can save money in their first year – you don’t want to waste those earnings once the orders start flowing in!
Is DropShipping illegal in the UK?
This comes up a lot, probably because of the huge amount of content online that makes it seem like it is probably too good to be true. The answer is that DropShipping is absolutely not illegal in the UK – and not anywhere else that we’re aware of! DropShipping is simply a retail fulfilment method where, when the retailer sells an item, they purchase it from their supplier, and have it sent directly to the customer. It works similar to how it used to in retail stores before eCommerce exploded – the shop staff would simply “order it in” when the customer wanted something they didn’t hold on site. With DropShipping, the only difference is that the order is sent directly to the customer, and the retailer doesn’t need to see the order, or the customer. There’s nothing illegal about it.
What are the best DropShipping websites in the UK?
There are some incredible websites and resources that can be found to help you start DropShipping in the UK – and so much so, that we’ve written several posts about it! Rather than repeat that information, you can find some of the best DropShipping resources here, and DropShipping companies to know here.
Which is the best DropShipping platform in the UK?
It depends on what you mean by the best – and whether you’re asking the question as a seller or a supplier! There aren’t many DropShipping platforms that are based in the UK, and many of the DropShipping platforms that you can use to source from overseas are fraught with problems, such as long delivery times. That’s why we recommend sourcing from a DropShipping platform with UK-based suppliers – to avoid all those issues. The best one? Well, it depends on what stage your business is at, but ideally, you want as much automation as possible, and access to as many products as possible, from as many suppliers as possible. If you’re starting from scratch and you don’t have any technical background, then you’ll also want simplicity – which is exactly where Avasam comes in. We recommend doing loads of testing before committing, and if Avasam isn’t right for your business, you can find other places to find UK DropShipping suppliers here.
What products are best for DropShipping in the UK?
There’s no such thing as the right products for DropShipping in the UK – it simply depends on which customers you want to serve, and the niche you’re going to be selling in. We hear so many people say “everyone” when they’re asked who their target customer is, and that simply isn’t realistic. Identifying products that will sell well depends on your customer – and so your own research is essential.
If you’re looking to get started quickly though, you can check out our post! The best products to start DropShipping in 2023 is a great place to start, and we’ve highlighted different sales occasions and times of year in other posts too.
What do I need to know about DropShipping taxes and accounting in the UK?
There’s quite a lot to know about DropShipping taxes and keeping your accounts in order so that HMRC doesn’t sting you with a massive fine. There’s a lot of information in these posts, but bear in mind that the UK government, and HMRC make changes to rules and practices regularly, so double check, and if in doubt, consult with an accountant or tax professional.
Can I get next day delivery for DropShipping in the UK?
It depends on the supplier you’re going to be using – but by DropShipping from UK suppliers, you’re more likely to find suppliers that will be able to deliver next day for you. Discover how to find UK suppliers in this post, or simply sign up for Avasam to work with suppliers that are verified by us, and work within our required Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Can I use DropShipping for Amazon and eBay?
Yes, definitely – although you might find there are restrictions on many products, and if you’re looking at DropShipping branded items on marketplaces, then there are things to know as well. Don’t get caught out – check out our guidance here, but always (and we mean regularly, even if you looked last week!) check current guidance from the marketplace terms and conditions.
Can I create my own DropShipping marketplace?
This is a question we’re getting more often just recently, and the answer is absolutely! However, take it from us – we built the DropShipping marketplace with unrivalled functionality – it is not an easy thing to achieve. It can be really difficult for suppliers to get the amount of integrations and automation to set up their own DropShipping marketplace, which seriously hampers the opportunities to grow. That’s why we’re offering Avasam functionality to suppliers, so that they can use all of our functionality and automation, with their own branding applied. Find out more, and enquire, here.
There’s a lot to know about DropShipping in the UK – especially when you’re starting out. You won’t learn everything all at once, but this post should put you in the right direction for much of the information that you might want and need. There’s loads more on our blog, and on our YouTube channel too – so head there if you’re still searching for answers.
Getting the right products, from the right suppliers, with the right automation to allow you to focus on all the aspects of your business can be tricky – which is why we developed Avasam, to get your business off the ground quicker. Sign up for your free account today to browse our product catalogue, or sign up for Click To Launch to get your website and your Avasam account set up in less than 90 seconds, completely free.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
Creating product pages that convert for your DropShipping store
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Great product pages are an essential part of setting up your DropShipping store if you are to convince customers to buy from you, rather than going to a marketplace. It isn’t just about having a website that looks attractive, your content needs to be clear, concise, and convincing, while containing all the information that a customer will be looking for before they make their purchase. Let’s take a look at what you absolutely must include on your product pages.
Must haves for product pages
There are millions of websites that aim to encourage customers to convert – that is, to place a paid order – many of the most successful ones have certain elements in common. To save you the research, we’ve rounded up these elements that are absolute must haves for a product page here.
A short but descriptive product name that adequately describes the item
A full product description including relevant keywords
Several clear images of the item (from multiple angles)
Several images with enlarged, or zoomed in views of the item
Price of the product and the shipping cost (if you’re charging for that separately)
Product variations (such as size and colour, if you’re selling t-shirts for example)
The number of items for that product that are available in your inventory
An add to cart button and a confirmation popup when an item is added to cart
While these are the absolute basics, they won’t bring you sales alone. There are other aspects to your pages that can help you to sell more from your product pages, which we will look at next.
Our top tips for creating pages that convert
At Avasam, we’ve got a huge wealth of experience working with eCommerce businesses –and if you add up all the experience of all our team members, we’ve got decades of experience in the industry! These are the most successful ways of making your product pages work well for you.
Eliminate clutter
Remember those horrible, cluttered pages from the late 1990s that had flashy banner ads and videos everywhere? There’s good a reason that they fell out of fashion. Not only were they incredibly annoying, the less visually busy a page is, the easier it is for customers to concentrate on their purchase, to find the information that they need, and to make their decision as to which product is right for them. That means that you need to use plenty of white space around the product images, and use an unfussy font that is clear and easy to read.
Use photos and videos
A picture speaks a thousand words, and a video speaks millions! Particularly when you’re selling products that are unusual, or have several ways that they can be used, a video is often much more valuable for answering questions that customers have. If you’re putting together a product video, you don’t necessarily need fancy equipment – you can make short clips with your phone, and edit using free video software for your mobile, and using stock video to make it look great.
Include product reviews
We recently wrote about how to collect more product reviews, and your product pages are just one of the places that you’ll want to share reviews. While you don’t have to – especially if you’re just growing your business and you haven’t collected many yet – if you have them, it is definitely worthwhile doing so. That social proof is going to convince other customers to buy your product! Even if you only have reviews that are positive about your service, it is worth putting them on your page. Be sure to link to the original review, especially if it was on Trustpilot or similar.
Write product descriptions for your target customer
Your product descriptions need to speak clearly to your target customer – and no, your target customer isn’t “everybody”, no matter how versatile the product is! Use language that your target customer would, keep sentences short, use bullet points, and divide information into sections with subheadings, so that it is easy to scan and find the right information.
If you aren’t great a writing product descriptions, use a writer, or ask someone to edit for you. Be very wary of using AI tools, since (currently) Google has shown that it marks AI content as spam, and your domain rank may drop back to zero. That means your website won’t be shown anywhere on search results.
Make everything crystal clear
The second a potential customer has doubts about something, you’re likely to lose them – they’ll go to Amazon or eBay instead. To lose them at the point that they’ve found your website is a tragedy!
The best way to make sure everything is super clear is to get someone to read your content, and if they have any questions at all, make sure to answer those questions in your content. If there are commonly asked questions across more than one product, put them on your FAQ page, and link to it from your product pages.
Don’t forget about customers with disabilities
There are 14.6 million people in the UK that have a disability, and there will be significantly more people than that who have difficulties using websites and use assistive technology to access them. That means making sure you follow web accessibility guidelines, so that customers with disabilities can easily find the information they need. Can you afford to lose 14.6 million potential customers? Nope, we didn’t think so.
However, you choose to style your website, creating your product pages with these guidelines in mind will help you to convert more customers than ever. Since including the right information really is the difference between making a sale and losing a customer, get it right. You’ll need the right products too, and if you’re expanding your inventory or looking to scale your existing retail business – or maybe you’re starting a new one – get your free Avasam account to start sourcing from verified suppliers today.
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avasamdropshipping · 1 year
Why Should You Combine Affiliate Marketing And Dropshipping
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Global retail eCommerce sales are expected to reach about $8.1 trillion by 2026. Because of this, there’s a growing interest as more people join the booming industry. Affiliate marketing and DropShipping are popular ways to deliver products to customers and generate income in eCommerce.
Statistics show that the affiliate marketing industry is worth approximately $12 billion and generates up to 25% of online sales for big brands while the global DropShipping market was valued at $102.2 billion in 2018 and is projected to grow by a CAGR of 28.8% by 2025.
While both require little investment, they each have advantages, similarities, and differences. However, if you want to be more strategic, combine affiliate marketing and DropShipping.
What is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is an eCommerce business model that allows you to market your products to different audiences. When you adopt this business model, you’ll provide the customers with a unique referral link or coupon code to the merchant’s site. You can share the affiliate link and promote these products on a blog, website, or social media account.
Once a customer purchases through the affiliate link, you get a percentage commission on every sale. Depending on your products and service, you can get paid a fixed commission or for other actions like leads, free-trial users, website clicks, or app downloads.
As a low-cost marketing strategy, affiliate marketing is quite popular in eCommerce. You don’t have control over the price of the item the customer wants. Instead, you get paid by the affiliate merchants.
For instance, if you are an Amazon affiliate promoting electronic products like fridges, you can write a review on your blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram on fridge models, their unique features and add promotional links to the article or social media posts for customers to purchase the product.
Affiliate marketing works well with DropShipping because it also has fewer risks. Your only job is to promote the affiliate link for the customers to buy the products. Because of this, you can work with many brands and merchants since you don’t bear any risks with the products.
The DropShipping business model allows you to fulfill and sell orders from third-party suppliers using your website. You’ll need to partner with a DropShipping supplier for the eCommerce fulfillment process. Once you receive the order, the supplier delivers it to the customers on your behalf.
Your work is to communicate with the customer about the progress of the order and handle any complaints and returns. DropShipping is a convenient means to earn money and a low-risk business because you are only required to pay for the products you sell.
Why should you combine affiliate marketing and DropShipping?
If you are looking to scale your eCommerce business and make more sales, here’s why you should use both affiliate marketing and DropShipping.
Low entry barrier
Both affiliate marketing and DropShipping are easy to get into. To become an affiliate marketer, you just need to sign up for a program and start including the referral links in your content. You won’t need any licenses or certifications to get started.
In addition, since you don’t deal with the products, your expenses will only be overhead costs for your tech, blog, and website. The same applies to DropShipping, especially if you are new to the business. Your costs will be mainly for the eCommerce website to advertise the products and any DropShipping ads you create to help drive traffic.
Fortunately, there are different ways to start DropShipping for free if you don’t have money to invest in the business.
Combining DropShipping and affiliate marketing is an excellent strategy because it increases the sales for your store — both models allow you to offer a wide variety of products from different brands, increasing your market reach.
No need to hold inventory
Inventory management is an essential part of the eCommerce industry. It helps keep track of the inventory from the supplier to the customer; therefore, it requires time and money. Both DropShipping and affiliate marketing don’t require you to keep inventory or monitor stock levels.
With the DropShipping model, you only need to advertise the products on the website. For instance, when you start a DropShipping company, you won’t need warehouse space; a third party handles all the inventory and shipping suppliers. You can sell any product on your eCommerce website without thinking about the availability of stock. The supplier is responsible for replenishing all the orders.
On the other hand, affiliate marketers also just provide a referral link that redirects the customers to the supplier or a coupon code that can be used at checkout. Therefore, they don’t need to have the stock at hand. This allows you to run a more efficient eCommerce operation and reduce the risk of losing capital from dead stock.
Combining these two marketing strategies will make you money without incurring any inventory management costs.
For instance, if your eCommerce store specializes in electronics, you can use DropShipping to get customer orders and have the supplier deliver them. At the same time, you can include affiliate links on your blog post and social media pages to get electronics orders. You can make sales from both methods without having the items in stock.
More profitability
Affiliate marketing and DropShipping save you a lot of costs and when well done, they can skyrocket your profits. You can boost conversions using affiliate links to earn a commission, then make more money selling different items via DropShipping.
Some of the highest-earning bloggers use affiliate marketing to make millions of dollars a year. There are also many well-known DropShippers earning over a million in annual income.
DropShipping and affiliate marketing can become profitable even when the freight rates increase globally. For example, once you get an order for a DropShipping product, you’ll get the price from the supplier, including shipping costs based on the current economic conditions. You can add the margin to your prices on the website to ensure that you still make a profit.
In 2021, e-retail sales surpassed $5.2 trillion globally, and this is expected to rise in the coming years. This presents an opportunity for more entrepreneurs to get into affiliate marketing and DropShipping. You can start earning high-profit margins by combining these two business models and using automation to scale your eCommerce business.
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