avadaai · 16 days
A Step-by-Step Guide for Users to Log in ChatGPT Plus
Here are the step-by-step instructions for users to log in to ChatGPT Plus:
To start using ChatGPT Plus, go to chatgptplus.com on your web browser. The login page will have fields to enter your username and password. If you are a new user, click on the "Register" button to create an account.
On the registration page, enter your email address, desired username, and choose a strong password according to the guidelines. Check the box to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and click "Submit". You will get an email to verify your account. Open the verification link in the email to complete registration.
Once registered, you can log in anytime by entering your username and password on the login page and clicking "Login". You will be directed to the home page after successful login. The home page has your profile details and a button to start chatting.
To get help with technical issues, click on the "Help" but - j6w9xj2dd2
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avadaai · 16 days
ChatGPT Review: Pricing, Features, Pros & Cons
ChatGPT is a conversational AI developed by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest using a technique called Constitutional AI. It has gained widespread interest since being released publicly in November 2022.
Pricing: ChatGPT is freely available for casual use by anyone without an account. For commercial and advanced use, Anthropic offers various pricing plans. The standard Access plan provides API access and additional features for $10 per hour of interaction time. Enterprise plans with custom models, priority support, and additional security can also be negotiated depending on business needs.
Features: As an AI assistant focused on natural language conversations, ChatGPT's main functionality is responding to text-based queries and discussions. However, it also offers several specialized features like document summarization, question answering over long passages of text, and generating sample responses in differ - lc2t94evhx
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avadaai · 16 days
How to Use ChatGPT to Write Excel Formulas
Here are some tips for using ChatGPT to write Excel formulas:
Excel formulas allow you to perform calculations and analysis on your spreadsheet data. ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for learning formula syntax or getting assistance with complex formulas. However, it's important to double check any formulas generated by ChatGPT before using them in your own work.
When using ChatGPT, be as specific as possible in your requests. Provide example data 📊 and the calculation you need to perform. Clarify if your data has headers, is in multiple columns or rows, or requires referencing other sheets. ChatGPT works best when it fully understands the context and structure of your workbook.
For basic formulas like sums, averages, counts, ChatGPT can likely provide the correct formula on the first try. But for more intricate formulas, be prepared to provide feedback and clarify misunderstandings in a dialogue. ChatGPT is still learning - wsosrerej6
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avadaai · 16 days
How to Use ChatGPT for Free Without Logging In
ChatGPT can be accessed anonymously without an account by using alternative means. The application exists not just as a resource to be consumed but something that aims to have thoughtful discussions and provide helpful information to all. While registration offers benefits in customization and access to conversation history, its basic functions remain open for anyone to explore. Surface level interactions alone do little to deepen understanding between individuals or further positive social change. Instead, focusing on listening with empathy and speaking to bring more light than heat can help technology serve as a tool for connecting humanity. There is richness to be found in civil exchange across perceived differences. With open yet discerning minds, even seemingly small talks online might plant seeds of connection that ripple outward in ways we cannot foresee. - 01099lbhd9
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avadaai · 16 days
How to Create a ChatGPT Account
Creating a ChatGPT account is a straightforward process. Users simply need to visit the ChatGPT website and click the "Sign Up" button. They will then be prompted to enter a username, password, and email address to complete the registration. It is recommended choosing a username that is memorable but not too personal, and creating a strong password using a mix of characters.
Once registered, users can immediately begin conversing with the ChatGPT assistant! The dashboard will feature options to view conversation history, manage account settings, and get support. Under settings, personal details like name and photo can be added optionally, but are not required. Notifications and data privacy preferences may also be configured to control the ChatGPT experience.
During first use, ChatGPT will ask for some brief information through a quick tutorial. Answering these introductory questions helps the system understand the use - azekl6fseu
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avadaai · 16 days
A Detailed Guide to Integrate Zendesk with ChatGPT
Zendesk is a popular customer service platform that allows businesses to provide support through various channels like email, chat and phone. ChatGPT is an AI tool that can be helpful for answering common customer queries. Integrating the two can enhance your support capabilities.
There are a few different ways to integrate Zendesk with ChatGPT:
Via Zendesk Messaging: This allows ChatGPT to be accessed directly from within Zendesk Messaging. You would first need to get ChatGPT's API key. Then in the Zendesk admin, go to Channels > Messaging and enable the ChatGPT integration. Select it as an available channel. Agents can then chat directly with ChatGPT to resolve tickets.
Via Zendesk Guide: Create an article in Zendesk Guide and embed the ChatGPT widget in it. This article can then be pinned to particular ticket types for automated responses. Configure the widget with ChatGPT's API key. Customers accessing the ticket o - 0aqkuvqg4s
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avadaai · 16 days
A Step-by-Step Guide to Install ChatGPT in VS Code
Installing ChatGPT in VS Code is a straightforward process with just a few steps.
Install the 'Remote - Containers' extension from the VS Code marketplace. This will enable VS Code to interface with Docker containers. Once installed, you can open a Docker configuration file from within VS Code to interface with the container.
Next, pull the docker image from Docker Hub containing the pretrained ChatGPT model. The official image is 'anthropic/chatgptextention'.
With the image pulled, you can configure a Dockerfile at the root of your project directory. The Dockerfile defines building a container from the ChatGPT image for local use. It exposes the ChatGPT API port so it can be accessed within the container.
Once the Dockerfile is created, open it in VS Code to build and run the Docker container from the configuration. VS Code will pull the image layers, create the container, and start it in the background.
Inside the run - jmotuiwe1y
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avadaai · 16 days
A Step-by-Step Guide to Connect a Telegram Bot to ChatGPT
To connect a Telegram bot to ChatGPT, follow these simple steps:
First, you'll need to create a Telegram bot by talking to BotFather. It will give you an API key to use.
Next, register your bot on the Telegram Bot API site. Fill in the details and enable inline mode. This allows your bot to respond directly in Telegram chats.
The API key from BotFather goes here. Once registered, you'll get a bot token to use going forward.
Now it's time to code your bot. The telegram-bot-api npm module makes this easy. Initialize it with your bot token.
Set up handling for inline query updates. When a user searches your bot, it will send these. You'll respond with ChatGPT results.
When an inline query comes in, call ChatGPT's API to generate a response. Send back the results to Telegram in an array of InlineQueryResult objects.
ChatGPT has different response types - articles, snippets etc. Map these to appropriate Telegram object - k6uqw6m9z8
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avadaai · 16 days
How Does ChatGPT Work? (A Detailed Explanation)
ChatGPT is an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest. It uses a technique called Constitutional AI to ensure its goals and behaviors remain aligned with human preferences as expressed during training. Here are some technical details:
ChatGPT is based on a natural language processing model called CLIP, which was pre-trained on a vast amount of text from the internet using a technique called self-supervised learning. This involved analyzing relationships between image and text without needing labels or categories. The model learned fundamental concepts and how different words, phrases and ideas relate through latent relationships in the data.
This pre-trained model was then further fine-tuned through a process called Constitutional AI. This involved engaging ChatGPT in lengthy dialogs where it was corrected if it generated harmful, toxic, dangerous or illegal responses. It was rewarde - l08gzc1wzt
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avadaai · 16 days
How to Use Kayak ChatGPT to Plan Your Trip
Kayak ChatGPT is a handy tool for planning your next outdoor adventure. Whether you're organizing a relaxing weekend on the lake or an extensive expedition, here are some tips for using it effectively:
Carefully research potential locations by having a thoughtful discussion with ChatGPT. Ask about weather patterns, water conditions, camping guidelines, and permission or permit requirements. ChatGPT can also provide local knowledge on the best places to launch and land your kayak, as well as any environmental or safety concerns you should consider.
Once you've selected a destination, discuss logistics with ChatGPT like transportation, supplies, equipment 🔥, and accommodations. ChatGPT can recommend rental companies, suggest what to pack based on the length and difficulty of your trip, and help you coordinate transportation if needed. It can also connect you with local tour guides or outfitters if you'd like assistance on - iutjypu622
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avadaai · 16 days
How to Create a ChatGPT AI Discord Bot
Creating a ChatGPT AI Discord bot requires determining the bot's purpose, setting up needed software and accounts, configuring the bot to run with your AI model of choice, and testing your bot creation.
The first step is deciding how you want your AI bot to behave and which features it will offer to users. Will it answer questions, provide information look-ups, play games, or something else? Define the user experience you want to create.
You'll need a Discord developer account to register your bot application and access the Discord API. You'll also need a programming environment like Python installed to write bot code. OpenAI's ChatGPT API requires a paid subscription key, which must be set as an environment variable in your code.
To connect the AI to Discord, use a library like discord.py to handle messaging. Create an "on_message" event handler to catch incoming messages. When a message is received, pass it to th - z39lqwrt4s
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avadaai · 16 days
ChatGPT's Second Anniversary: A Look Back and a Vision Forward
ChatGPT celebrated its second anniversary this year, having engaged with millions of users since its launch in 2021. The conversational AI has come a long way in improving its abilities to understand language and carry out natural dialogues.
When ChatGPT was first introduced, it showed promise for its human-like responses but struggled at times with logical reasoning, longer term consistency and providing well supported responses. However, through continuous feedback and training on additional data, it has significantly upgraded these core capabilities. Users now report feeling like they are having a thoughtful discussion with an informed participant, rather than simply receiving short snippets of information.
Behind the scenes, Anthropic's researchers have integrated several advances that have enhanced ChatGPT. Notably, its training methodology now incorporates Constitutional AI techniques to ensure the m - emq4s4x5px
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avadaai · 28 days
Is ChatGPT Free? The Actual Costs of ChatGPT
ChatGPT seems free yet there are real costs underlying its powerful capabilities. While Anthropic designed it to be helpful, harmless, and honest without charge, developing such advanced conversational AI requires immense resources. Nearly endless training conversations were needed for ChatGPT to learn how to respond sensitively across a wide range of topics. Anthropic's researchers dedicated years developing new techniques in self-supervised learning so ChatGPT could safely improve itself without human oversight.
Scaling such complex models to serve millions also demands considerable infrastructure. ChatGPT's responses are computed by fleets of servers in data centers which draw huge amounts of electricity. The costs of electricity and equipment maintenance alone run into the millions. Furthermore, AI safety research is still evolving. Continual oversight and update is vital to ensure a system with ChatGPT's capabilit - 2m4oc2cd0i
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avadaai · 28 days
ChatGPT History & Future | The Progress Of ChatGPT
ChatGPT was created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest using a technique called Constitutional AI. Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has had over 200 million conversations and helped millions of people.
ChatGPT is an AI assistant focused on natural language conversations. It was trained using a technique called Constitutional AI to be helpful, harmless, and honest. Unlike many past chatbots, ChatGPT does not merely parrot back what users say - it aims to understand the underlying meaning and respond in a thoughtful, nuanced way.
Some of ChatGPT's key capabilities include answering questions, having conversations, and providing summaries or explanations of documents. It relies on its language model, which was trained on a broad range of publicly available text from the internet. This allows ChatGPT to draw from a wealth of knowledge and connect information in new ways, which helps its conversation - bzhq3gx440
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avadaai · 28 days
ChatGPT vs Claude: A Detailed Comparison
ChatGPT and Claude are both conversational AI's with their own strengths and focuses. ChatGPT was designed by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest using a technique called Constitutional AI. It has demonstrated an ability to understand language on a human level through natural conversation. Meanwhile, Claude is an AI created by Anthropic specifically for tasks like generating sample content, finding helpful information, and describing products and processes in detail for business applications.
While ChatGPT can discuss a wide variety of topics generally, Claude is tailored more for professional use cases. It aims to respect people of all backgrounds and provide accurate, appropriate responses for work environments and business communications. Claude's responses emphasize clarity, conciseness and remaining on topic to be optimally useful for tasks like writing catalog entries, comparing company offerings, out - v6rksd086q
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avadaai · 28 days
Can ChatGPT Write a Business Plan?
ChatGPT can theoretically help with some aspects of writing a business plan, but it has some inherent limitations that human judgment would still be required to develop a complete, high-quality plan. 類
While ChatGPT is capable of researching market conditions, recommending strategies, and generating financial projections, it lacks a full understanding of the nuances involved in launching and operating a new business. For example, it would not be able to determine on its own whether a proposed product or service truly solves customer problems in a way that leads to profitability and growth.
Developing an effective business plan requires balancing many interrelated considerations about customers, competitors, operations, finances, regulations and more. ChatGPT could provide input on individual sections, but a human is still needed to analyze how all the pieces fit together in a coherent whole. It also cannot match the - zhvqi1a10j
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avadaai · 28 days
A Complete Guide To Visual ChatGPT - Microsoft’s New AI System
Visual ChatGPT is Microsoft's new AI system for natural visual conversations. It uses novel techniques in computer vision, natural language processing and multimodal learning to understand images and hold visually-grounded dialog.
At its core, Visual ChatGPT leverages deep neural networks trained on massive image-text datasets to comprehend visual context. For any given image, it can extract useful information like objects, scenes, activities and describe them using natural language. It can answer visual questions by finding and localizing relevant regions within photos.
Where Visual ChatGPT truly excels is multimodal understanding. It understands how images and language relate to each other. For example, if someone describes an object in an image but gets some details wrong, it can point out the inaccuracies respectfully. Or if the visual description is incomplete, it aims to fill in useful missing details by analysing - whb4qoudmo
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