aurozs-stories · 3 years
Pmd Rosevine
Epilogue A lucid yellow
Dian opens her eyes to find a yellow and red figure with blue eyes infront of her staring at nothing.
{Dian} Hello?
The figure jumps away from Dian while turning toward her.
{Seb????} D-Dian?! You startled me!
{Dian} Oh! You know my name, are you somemon I met before?
{Seb????} I'm the voice you heard today. I... probably should've been prepared for you to be here. I wanted to talk.
{Dian} Aye! Someday I'll find somemon who knew me before forgetting... everything? Almost everything.
{Seb????} Well I'm one of the Mythical pokémon that keep the world in balance.
{Dian} Like in the books Liz reads?
{Seb????} Maybe? I represent... the knowledge... of the past? The others say memory but... I can only see, and show, the past if I've been close to something, related to what's being seen, recently.
{Dian} Does that mean you can show me my past?
{Seb????} No, sorry. I can only access what you already know. It frustrates me that I can only show the memories. But I did also show my visions work. He didn't end up being a good example.
{Dian} Well think of it like this; you represent the knowledge of the past. Knowledge is just memories. You memorize things to learn about it. Does that make sense... uh, Ms. Mythical?
{Sebrina} I must have forgot! I'm Sebrina, I usually introduced myself as Seb but everymon thought it was short Sebastian. But you're right. It's just no mon can understand that I don't control memories just the knowledge of them.
{Dian} So are you why I can see colors in my head?
{Sebrina} Very observant of you! Yes, but the knowledge of what colors look like is hard when you don't have eyes.
{Dian} Which is why I can only see red, blue and yellow?
{Sebrina} Indeed. If you want to learn more about... me choosing you, Kindred would be able to explain it better.
{Dian} The kid from the memories you showed me?
{Sebrina} He's not really a kid anymore. Those were Kin's memories from 45 years ago, when he was 8.
{Dian} Liz said that Kin takes the look of his younger self. How old was that look?
{Sebrina} Around his 30s? I don't know. I only access memories that are prominent. So what you saw was his most open memory. But I do know what he actually looks like. His blue and brown fur are graying. And he has a scar on his forearm and has less fur on his calf. Still spry despite being 53 with those injuries.
{Dian} You know a lot about him.
{Sebrina} He gave you Lil's old pendent. She broke some rules to save him. I don't know what happened but that's what I saw when I found her.
{Dian} What rules?
{Sebrina} The only rule that caused her to loose the right to wear that pendent was "don't undo death" but he never died.
{Dian} Maybe it doesn't just mean bring back the dead?
{Sebrina} Maybe? He is way older than any other Zoroark has been. But he does take way better care of himself too.
{Dian} I feel rested. I'm guessing it's morning?
{Sebrina} Indeed. Enjoy yourself!
Dian wakes up as Liz opens their bedroom door.
{Dian} Norming!
{Liz} Oh, I just woke up. You hungry?
{Dian} Ice.
{Liz} *giggles* Guess you don't talk well when you actually sleep?
End of Epilogue
Got any questions about a character currently in the story? Just ask and I'll provide their files.
If you see any grammar mistakes please let me know so I can fix or explain it.
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aurozs-stories · 3 years
Pmd Rosevine
Chapter 1 A Blind Beginning
Segment 3 The Big Day
Kin has separated from the group which are now at Abournes market stand.
{Abourne} This is your first time being here so I'll explain what to expect. I can't open until a member from either the Exploration Guild Federation or the Rescue Team Federation checks up on my... "business". Since you're new I'll also be giving them your file to add you to the joint departments records. That can also mean if you already have a file you can be returned to your real home.
{Dian} That's it?
{Static} Will hi cen sii, thruagh e pukímuns eare, of thiy eri sefi tu trast as woth.
[Echoing gentle female's voice] Wonderful morning Abe! And who's this adorable mon next to Liz?
{Abourne} Good morning Jubilee. This is Dian, like Liz my fishermon friend found her. You remember Max right, the weavile?
{Jubilee} I don't want to keep you waiting. So I just need her file and you can open.
{Abourne} Here it is.
{Jubilee} Wonderful, wonderful. Say how do you handle them?
{Abourne} I keep them as well fed as I can, provide-
{Dian} I don't think Ms. Jubilee meant that.
{Abourne} Oh? Well despite the strict policy I have, due to my efforts to find them homes I'm getting help from others enough that I don't ask for the normal costs of adoption. The only part being charged is the stuff you handle. So if you're interested in adopting one of them, you have proven many times that you're aura is correct.
{Jubilee} So, am I good for adopting one of them?
{Abourne} More than enough. You're a natural mother.
{Jubilee} Flattery, Abe? A bit of an age difference between us you know?
{Static} E fori typi?
{Jubilee} Static seems... concerned. Rightfully so, I'm a hazard to him. Probably best left with you for now. And I wouldn't be able to keep up with Bun.
{Dian} What about Lime?
{Lime} Ms. Opal told a friend about Abe's business. The friend is making a trip here to live here, Lime will have siblings.
{Jubilee} ... Tina would have... I couldn't separate them... Liz looks happy.
{Abourne} Is there a problem?
{Jubilee} Ho-oh no! I just was working out ideas for a replacement for the vine. Liz dear, until I get something Dian is comfortable in, and won't burn, could you handle guiding her?
{Dian} Are you adopting us both?
{Jubilee} Yes! But before going home we going to see my friend Tina. She can make practically anything with cloth.
{Abourne} Well here's the paperwork.
{Jubilee} I'll let you two decide on your own names.
{Dian} I don't know my last name. So yours could be my new last name.
{Liz} ... Elizabeth Opal.
{Jubilee} Dian Opal and Liz Opal. Wonderful names.
[Soft female's voice] [I'm sorry about last night. But at least you're getting a family!]
{Dian} [Who are you? Why did your voice sound like it's in my head? Hello? They're gone.]
The three make their way through the market place
{Liz} I noticed that you and Max say aye. What does it mean?
{Dian} He asked me that as well. I told him that it's easier than saying yes, okay, alright, and other affirmative words.
{Liz} That makes sense. It's just you sound like a pirate.
[Cheery female's voice] Miss Jubilee, Hallo!
{Jubilee} Greetings Tina, are you well?
{Tina} Da, is beautiful day no?
{Jubilee} It is! Meet my new daughters, Dian and Liz.
{Tina} Is as I said no? Just keep on believing and eventually it will come to fruition!
{Jubilee} Dian has been using this vine as a way for others to guide her. I would like to discuss the creation of a flame proof version. But I want it to be comfortable for Dian to wear.
{Tina} First we work on comfort. Comfort is not just feel but give. Inside would probably be floof of the cottonee line. Is good feeling and has give. Something like this requires durability no? I order spool of nosepass stash hair. No worries, I wash. Only material I can think of for flame is floof from a volcarona. Is hard to get, but maybe get moth to moth deal? Give me day, I continue with the materials and maybe design, then discuss further.
{Seb????} [Dian somemon is in trouble! You're close by, maybe you could help?]
{Dian} [What can I do?]
{Seb????} [I'll explain as you go. I got a plan.]
{Jubilee} Tina, I need you to watch- wait Dian! Liz follow her, I'll try to deal with the commotion before Dian gets hurt.
{Liz} Aye!
Liz takes off, dashing sporadically and engulfed in flames, after Dian who's emitting steam and markings are glowing
{Furret} That'll never happen! No mon can out walk me!
{Kin} What if your ability to see was hindered? Would that increase your chances of being caught?
{Furret} Well that would be true for any- wait forget I said that!
Max envelopes the furret in an orb of darkness and his body briefly flashes white
{Jubilee} Nice, using Imprison to keep them blind. Mind if I improve?
{Kin} Not at all!
{Jubilee} Who's ready for a disco?
Jubilee's flames become intense and she begins to spin and creates a wall of fire around the furret and uses imprison to keep the wall up.
{Liz} I couldn't stop Dian! She's charging straight toward the fire!
Suddenly Dian steamrolls through the wall of fire and sends the furret flying
{Dian muffled} H-here you g-go s-sir.
{¿¿¿¿¿¿} Are you okay? You look like your about to faint.
{Dian} M-maybe? I c-can't tell, my entire b-body is numb.
[Gruff male's voice] That's the effect of manipulating Workup to increase speed while combining it with Dragon Rush. As for you, eat this. Using Flame Charge in combination with Quick attack can result in delayed burns.
{Dian} I d-didn't understand a single b-bit of th-that.
{???????} It's called move manipulation.
{Seb????} [Since this mon doesn't seem like they're going to explain, it's the use of a move in a different way and using multiple moves in unison. Both are possible but there are risks when doing move manipulation. So it's best to use it sparingly, like stopping a criminal. What you did just numbs your body and can cause stuttering.]
Jubilee hug holds Dian and Liz
{Jubilee} What brings you here Stevens?
{Stevens} My guard team got news that a high-ranking outlaw was in town today.
{Abourne} We heard a commotion and got worried about Dian and Liz!
{Furret} I didn't expect I would get walked on in luring him out though.
{Stevens} Speaking of... QUINCE THE CUFFS NOW!
A riolu attaches cuffs to Kin forcing his illusion to break. Upon the cuffs being put on Kin, a machoke and ninetails appear.
{Kin} Hey Alicia.
[Wise old female's voice] Kin? *sigh* I'm afraid this is one criminal accusation I can't get you out of. But I never would take you as the mon that killed those 9-
{Kin} One, I don't need somemon 7 years younger than me to lecture me.
{Alicia} H-HUSH!
{Kin} Two, you never asked me. And three, you're right I don't kill. They're all alive last I checked.
Kin's eyes drift to the emboar
{Alicia} Hm? [Wait Um?!]
{Stevens} Hey, Mandrake you need something? You look sick.
{¿¿¿¿¿¿} Th-the zoroark is innocent!
{Jubilee} What?
{Stevens} Mr. Vance have you lost your mind?
{Dian} Wh-what's going on?
{Liz} I'm incredibly confused.
{Alicia} ... Pardon?
The emboar removes a cloth concealing a tattoo of a furnace engulfed in flames
{¿¿¿¿¿¿} Alicia... I know this will sound insane but it's me, Carlos Umbra.
{Alicia} Um, I was asking why Stevens was calling you "Mandrake Vance". You've been off the grid for 23 years. Everymon thought you were killed by, apparently, Kin!
{Carlos} I don't entirely know what he meant, but me and nine other mons took everything from him. So he is returning the favor by destroying almost everything we own and then giving us a chance to start over.
{Kin} I was planning on asking you where I might be able to find the last one.
{Quince} ...? ...! ....
Quince removes the cuffs.
{Stevens} You pose a good point. You're taking less than what they took and everything does include the life of others. So you are covered alibi wise. We really need to stop covering for criminals.
{Alicia} Hm. Well actually, if you "serve" a civil duty you could clear your name Kin. I'd suggest a Guardian group.
{Liz} Group? Guardian?
{Kin} Groups are teams exceeding 4 pokémon. Guardians are like explorers but don't spend as much time working in mystery dungeons. They work in towns and anywhere else. Finally, those in favor of the alternative colored mon groups leader being Liz say aye.
{Dian} Aye!
{Abourne} I.
{Kin} Aye.
{Bun} I!
{Lime} Aye.
{Static} O
{Quince} ...
{Jubilee} I.
{Liz} Wait, where do I get a say in this?
{Kin} Me and Abourne are too old, Dian is blind, they're too young, and Quince is mute.
{Dian} Wait they're mute? I just thought they hadn't said anything! Wait, that's not what I-
{Quince} ... Not.. mute.. injury. Previous.. owner.. punished.. me.. by..-
{Stevens} Quince, rest your voice. We're still working on your rehab. And if you're sure, I'll let you join them.
{Liz} Rosevine! Our name will be Rosevine. Kin talks about it fondly, I've always wanted to see it.
{Kin} Rosevine? I... I like it.
As everyone relaxes from the long stressful day. Kin sits down alone.
{Kin} Hey Mom and Dad. Did you hear? Even if it's not correctly spelt, the pack, our tribe, lives on. From my experiences, when pokémon form teams they become like a family. Don't worry, it's over. I only wanted to show them the pain I felt. But now I have a new Rozvin. New roses that, this time, I can protect.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Guardian Group
End of chapter 1
Aside from the epilogue and the whole story Chapter 2 won't be soon. The soonest is after 3 weeks.
Got any questions about a character currently in the story? Just ask and I'll provide their files.
If you see any grammar mistakes please let me know so I can fix or explain it.
Ferals will take some words and remove or change some letters. They do this to make a word that can be used in place of a phrase or sentence.
Current feral word segments
aur- around,commonly used to say all around
roz- rose
vin- vine, commonly used for the flower necklaces
fom- formation, occasionally used to say transform
rem- remember, commonly used to say memory
ict- victory
da- day
und- thunder
orm- storm
ita- vital, sometimes used to say vitality
0 notes
aurozs-stories · 3 years
Pokémon World History
Chapter 11 The Different Living Types
There are four different living styles a pokémon can fall under. Pokémon classified as wild are pokémon that rely on nothing but the the base instincts they have at birth. This classification also has the largest size discrepancies. Similar to the wild classification, dungeon pokémon have less of a difference in size and seem to not rely on instincts as much since they can be shifted into living in the third classification. These pokémon are named after the only places they reside. The category that consists of the largest amount of pokémon is the civilization classification. This classification will sometimes domestic wild and welcome dungeon pokémon as one of their own. It is also one of two classifications with no major size differences. The last classification, ferals, are mostly considered ferocious and deadly. However there have been cases where a group of ferals, which is called a tribe or pack, either have helped or openly avoided civilization and dungeon pokémon. This classification mainly relies on base instinct to hunt and gather food but otherwise appears to act similar to civilization pokémon. Ferals are also known for being statistically better than the other classifications, but seem to avoid using moves as much as possible as if they revere it and don't want to disrespectfully overuse moves.
0 notes
aurozs-stories · 3 years
Side Story 1
Kin sets down a stone pendent and lets out a sigh.
I finally finished Elizabeth's pendent.
Hewwo! How's my favorite nephew?
Hello Mow. I'm doing fine. Could I ask you a favor?
She shares a connection to Sebastian.
The Darkrai of memories. Tonight won't be pleasant. Since it's your memories.
Isn't she blind even in her sleep? All those memories should do really do is confuse or disturb her.
They have a knowledge of colors. So She won't see everything but she will see it.
Mow? Why didn't she remember certain things?
Those who aren't close to legendaries, mythicals and rare pokémon like Abourne don't always care about what they don't understand.
The children don't see it as they do.
But might I remind you that only one pokémon can be chosen as a bearer at a time. So children are usually our choice since they should be able to live long enough for us to get our new bodies.
But why-
Not always is it a feral or alternative. We prefer those open to difference. Gina is calling for my assistance. Lily was once his chosen. Unless you no longer have her pendent?
She was my friend.
She gave up her ability for you. She didn't die... Oh one of them will be in town tomorrow. Good night!
Good night. Maybe I should go see her? She knew them, so maybe she will help me get rid of the last one?
0 notes
aurozs-stories · 3 years
Pmd Rosevine
Chapter 1 A Blind Beginning
Segment 3 The Big Day
{Liz} So who are we starting with?
{Dian} I guess it would be best to know what I look like.
{Liz} Well the deino evolutionary line has these markings which are normally purple and blue scales. You still have the black fur but your markings are a light red and your scales are pink.
{Dian} Aye, red and pink not purple and blue.
{Liz} Here, feel this. It's a carving of a deino.
Liz guides Dian's foot to the carving.
{Dian} This feels so detailed! How'd you get so good?
{Liz} Kin taught me. I once saw him carving some wood and stone into pendants. I was interested in it so he offered to teach me how to carve. I made carvings of the others as practice. I'll admit yours was a bit rushed.
{Dian} It's okay.
{Abourne} What are you two doing?
{Lime} Lime think Dian asked Liz to explain to Dian what everymon looks like.
{Dian} Aye! Oh, Liz what do you look like?
{Abourne} *laughs* You almost act like sisters. It's nice you've found a mon you trust Liz.
{Liz} Shush! A-anyway Kin recently found out that I'm a shiny albino vulpix. Whereas Static has white fur and red eyes, my fur is black and my eyes are blue.
Liz hands Dian carvings of a joltik and vulpix.
{Liz} Abourne is a lucario and Lime is a munchlax. Both normally have blue fur with a bit of light brown on their torsos. Lucario also have red eyes normally.
{Dian} So is Lime green?
{Liz} No. Abourne has red fur with some black and his eyes are blue. Lime is grey and purple.
{Dian} So what about Kin?
{Liz} He doesn't like others seeing him as what he actually looks like. However he does take the form of his younger self. His neck fluff and some of his ponytail has light brown fur, his claws and ponytail are blue, his eyes are a vibrant red, and the rest of his fur is the normal color for a zoroark.
{Abourne} We got a long day ahead of us, if we don't want to be late we need to get going!
After Abourne puts the vine around Dian the group heads to the entrance to Jewelburn Town.
{Abourne} Dian remember how I'm going to find you a trustworthy pokémon to keep you from getting in trouble with the law? I'm going to need to fill out a file for you.
{Dian} Aye.
{Abourne} I've already filled out what I know. It's just the rest of your name, your age and your preferred pronouns.
{Dian} I still can't remember my full name. I'm 16 if I remember correctly. I'm fine with what you've been using.
{Abourne} It's not all required. So if you don't remember anything but your first name that's alright.
{Kin} Pushing the limits of how late you can arrive? Ignoring the unprofessional time management, I got gifts for Dian and Liz.
{Liz} Oh you finished two?
{Kin} Aye, well Dian's once belonged to a friend. These stone pendants are a sign of trust between the wearer and the specific pokémon related to the symbol.
{Bun} So when will ours be ready?
{Kin} I still put detail into the wood pendants.
{Abourne} Well can we get going now Mr. On Time?
{Liz} Kin's pendant makes him close to a pokémon that enhances his ability to alter how things look.
{Kin} mine says fom, yours is rem, Liz's is ict, Lime's is da, Static is undorm and Bun's is ita. But Abe is right. I'll be in town as well today.
{Dian} Abe?
{Abourne} That's my false name when we're in town.
The group now with Abourne disguised as a normal lucario and Kin as a normal weavile enter the town.
{Dian} [If he could use this ability the entire time why couldn't he take me into town yesterday?]
To be continued
Got any questions about a character currently in the story? Just ask and I'll provide their files.
If you see any grammar mistakes please let me know so I can fix or explain it.
Next part of the story every Saturday.
Ferals will take some words and remove or change some letters. They do this to make a word that can be used in place of a phrase or sentence.
Current feral word segments
aur- around, commonly used to all around
roz- rose
vin- vine, commonly used for the flower necklaces
fom- formation, occasionally used to say transform
rem- remember, commonly used to say memory
ict- victory
da- day
und- thunder
orm- storm
ita- vital, sometimes used to say vitality
0 notes
aurozs-stories · 3 years
Pokémon World History
Chapter 7 The Formless Voice
Millennia ago we pokémon only had one of each kind of what we call legendary, mythical and rare. During this time the existence of mystery dungeons meant something devastating was approaching. Humans now, for some unknown reason, still end up in our world as a pokémon and experience amnesia. One day an entity reached out to these pokémon that existed as the only ones of their species. According to fortunate explorers we know what this voice had said. "This world's balance has been threatened many a time. I have a solution but you must meet the others required at the ruins upon the mountain." Upon almost all legendary, mythical and rare pokémon arriving, any that were in a separate location had been apparently pulled to the meeting point. "To hold a stronger balance in this world most of you shall no longer be the only of your kind. The only ones who won't already hold an important role in maintaining the balance. The reason all of you are here is so I may use those who keep the balance as a template for the new roles." After the voice with no body explained further on the new pokémons' existence a flash of light covered the world for a brief moment. After this light mystery dungeons remained but mainly are homes to dungeon pokémon and humans were no longer a sign that the world was endangered. There also exist evidence that alternative colored pokémon first appeared around this time but all have been disproven. These new legendary, mythical and rare have, still to this day, never been seen or documented.
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aurozs-stories · 3 years
Pmd Rosevine
Chapter 1 A Blind Beginning
Segment 2 A Dream of Red and Blue
Dian awakes to a warm feeling all around her. She lets her eyes adjust to the view in front her and lets her ears confirm it. She can see the red of fire spread all around her, she can also hear the crackling of fire, panicked footsteps, and pokémon screaming and yelling in fear. Dian, overcome with dread, turns away from the terrible scene and runs. The horrible scenario is soon replaced with a comforting one. Red and blue flowers falling while figures of varying colors and sizes dance and play. They're mostly wisps of red and blue but one of the little figures is more different than the others. A figure mostly blue and red eyes, they seem to be helping the others where everyone else is dancing and playing. Despite this the figure seems to hold joy and is the only figure that Dian can see a smile on. Through all the laughing and talking Dian can hear what this figure says to a big figure with the normal red body but bright red eyes.
[Kind young male's voice] Mommy! Why are you still sitting? It's the flower fall festival! Go! Dance and Play, enjoy yourself!
The red figure chuckles
[Gentle female's voice] I'm waiting on your father to return. Do you still have your pendent? It'll be very important today.
{¿¿¿????} I do! You know I love helping our tribe, I can't wait to see Aunty Mow! Mommy when daddy returns will we get to dance?
{??????} My dear Kindred, I know you care about us all but please try to take care of yourself as well. And yes, we can't visit her until the afternoon so there'll be plenty of time to-
Dian suddenly feels a presence next to her.
[Strong male's voice] EVERYMON RUN!
{??????} River dear what's wrong?!
With that one sentence all the laughing and enjoyment is replaced with the familiar scared screaming and yelling. The panicked footsteps also return.
{River} Flower take Kindred and run!
{Kindred} Daddy? Why can't you come?
{River} Vernon my sweet child. I'm too injured from fighting the Scorched ones already, I'll only slow you both down. So I'll do my best to slow the Scorched ones down instead.
Flower, Kindred, and Dian all run off. However Dian realized that fire was quickly following them and spreading. Suddenly four figures surround the two.
[Scrappy male's voice] {Scorched 1} You Ferals disgust me.
[Sinister female's voice] {Scorched 2} Jusst thesse two left.
Flower sets down Kindred behind her and talks quietly.
{Flower} *Kindred Vernon Auroz, you need to do the thing and run.*
{Scorched 1} If you're going to talk at least have the common decency to speak up!
{Flower} *And no matter what happens you'll always be Kind-*
{Scorched 1} I said speak up!
[Deep male's voice] {Scorched 3} 'Ait, Carl 'at're you doin?!
Dian watches horrified as the Scorched one mercilessly kills Flower.
{Kindred} MOMMY! NO!
[Stern male's voice] {Scorched 4} Alright kid, just come with us quietly and nothing bad will happen.
{Kindred} No! Stay away!
Suddenly Kindred disappears from Dian's and the Scorched ones' view.
{Scorched 3} 'Ey! 'Ere'd the kid go?!
{Scorched 4} You two! I want you two to continue to search for the kid!
{Scorched 2} Yess ssir!
{Scorched 3} Yes sir!
{Scorched 4} And Carlos?
{Scorched 1} Y- yes sir?
{Scorched 4} You'll be coming with me to check on the other six. We'll discuss your misconduct later.
Dian wakes up breathing hard and with Liz hugging and hushing her.
{Liz} Calm down Dian. *Hushing* Calm down and tell me what happened.
After some time Dian tells Liz about her nightmare.
{Dian} Hey, Liz?
{Liz} Hm?
{Dian} In the morning can describe what everymon looks like?
{Liz} Sure. But how about when everymon else wakes up?
{Dian} Why then?
{Liz} I usually wake up early, so that's why I was trying to comfort you. It's early but it is morning.
{Dian} Oh!
End of segment 2
Next part of the story every Saturday.
If you see any grammar mistakes please let me know so I can fix or explain it.
Got any questions about a character currently in the story? Just ask and I'll provide their files.
Also I might want to mention, Ferals will take some words and remove or change some letters. They do this to make a word that can be used in place of a phrase or sentence.
Current Feral word segments
aur- around, commonly used to say all around
roz- rose
vin- vine, commonly used for the flower necklaces
0 notes
aurozs-stories · 3 years
Archived Files
St tu MI De as ed
me Ca os mb
La t K wn ge 5
S ec s: mb r
G nd : M le
si io es e T am de at n M mb an ex mb r o es ue ou Sc ch ng rn ce
ys ca Ch ac er ti s: tt o o fu na en ul d i f me on gh bi ep
te - W on e a ou pr te or f o er ok on nd w ai es w ot ec rs
All these archived files are worn down with age. So any that don't appear in the story to be corrected will be corrected after a story segment.
The next segment of PMD Rosevine is tomorrow
0 notes
aurozs-stories · 3 years
Pmd Rosevine
Chapter 1 A Blind Beginning
Segment 1 Introductions
A Pokémon awakes to the sound of a river and a voice.
[Old male's voice] -yet?
[Female's voice] Huh?
{???} I was inquiring if you had awaken.
{????} Um, two questions.
{???} Let's see... found you where I hunt fish, I have not done anything but ask if you were awake and hunt fish, you're about a mile from Jewelburn town, and I'm Kin. Did I miss anything?
{????} Oh! Well actually one of my questions was regarding my current lack of vision despite being awake.
{Kin} ... You're a deino. You'll be unable to see anything until you've fully evolved.
{????} Oh, thank you kin.
The deino can hear that Kin is troubled by something
{????} Is there something wrong?
Kin takes awhile to answer
{Kin} ... I can't lie, I was going to tell you to skedaddle or stay here for your safety. However your question has me... curious.
The deino can tell that Kin wants her to follow him
{????} Well since I can't see where I'm going you'll need to find something to guide me with.
{Kin} I could use a vine as a leash and harness.
{????} Sure.
There are sounds of something moving through the water and then the sounds of the trees right next to her rustling
{Kin} You still haven't told me your name.
{????} Oh, well it's a bit... uncreative, but my name is Dian.
Dian feels the vine gently tighten around her torso
{Kin} Stay as close as you can.
{Dian} Okay.
As the two walk Dian listens to the environment around them. She can hear the river, the wind moving the trees, and her footsteps. She realizes that she can't hear anything coming from Kin. Enough time passes that she begins to hear faint voices grow closer.
{Kin} Stop, we're going this way. You can't go into town without somemon with you anyways.
{Dian} Well you're with me so why can't you take me?
{Kin} Because I can't either.
{Dian} Wh-
{Kin} You and I are alternative colored pokémon, we don't classify as shiny and we're definitely not normal so we get treated like... no worse than dungeon pokémon.
[Adult male's voice] Which is why he normally warns other alts that they're close to a town.
The two stop at the sound of the new voice.
{Kin} Don't give me that look. You're the only lucario I know and trust. And I'm curious as to if she has amnesia or is a human.
Dian hears the lucario approach
{???????} Just bad memory
{Kin} You say that despite her not knowing that she is blind as a deino.
The lucario sighs.
{???????} Alright, I can see that you're worried about her. I'll keep an eye on her until somemon welcomes her into their home.
Dian hears Kin give his end of the vine to the lucario.
{Kin} Okay Dian I'm going to my den now, you'll hear me again tomorrow. You'll be staying with Abourne just as he said. And Abourne, unless she finds something to replace it, this vine is to help guide her somewhere.
{Dian} Aye!
{Kin} Mhm?
{Dian} Seems easier to say than okay or yes.
{Kin} ... Aye I'm off!
{Abourne} With whatever that was out of the way, let's get going. I'll introduce you to the others!
Dian and Abourne begin walking to his house.
{Dian} You know with the amount of walking I've done today I thought my legs would start hurting.
{Abourne} Well from what I've heard dragon types are the most durable with physical labor than any other type.
Dian can hear voices grow closer than those she can hear from the town.
{Dian} Ow! My head!
{Abourne} Oh! I'm so sorry, I was getting the key for the door. We've arrived at my house.
{Dian} [House? Not den?]
After getting inside and removing her harness, with Abourne's help, something comes running up.
{Abourne} Bun! Please lower your voice, and we just came in.
{Bun} Sorry, sir!
{Dian} So Bun is loud and excitable.
Dian can hear something tiny jumping towards her along with slow heavy footsteps.
[Young male's voice] Lime heard Bun yelling about a new face. Lime was going to bring food as a gift but Lime got hungry on the way here and ate the food.
{Dian} Lime gets hungry quickly and uses names in place of pronouns.
[Young male's voice] L**i **y** y** s**s** f**d **m**h**g **s* *u **i ** e **f*.
{Dian} Huh? What did you say?
{??????} Hillu O'm Stetoc noci tu miit yua.
{Dian} Wait, where?
Dian confused begins to frantically locate where the voice.
{St?t?c} EHH! Nu, stup yua'ri guong tu sind mi flyong!
{Abourne} Whoa, whoa! Dian calm down!
{Dian} But where did the voice come from?
{Lime} When Dian asked what Static had said to Lime Static jumped onto Dian's head. Static had a stunted growth so it's hard to hear Static unless Static is next to Somemons ear.
{Dian} So Static, is too small to hear properly and... has an accent? So what are you like?
Dian turns to the groggy pokémon sitting in the corner.
{Abourne} No clue how you knew she was there, since she spends too much time with Kin, but that's Liz.
{Dian} Oh, well since I can't use my eyes I'm learning to use my ears.
[Female's voice] It's getting late. You guys should be going to bed.
{Dian} Do you mind if I sleep with you?
{Liz} Well... you don't really have a bed and Abourne can't be pulling another all nighter. So I... guess you can?
Dian carefully navigates her way towards Liz and curls up next to her. Liz hesitantly curls up next to Dian.
End of Segment 1
Next part of the story every Saturday.
If you see any grammar mistakes please let me know so I can fix or explain it.
Got any questions about a character currently in the story? Just ask and I'll provide their files.
1 note · View note
aurozs-stories · 3 years
Archived Files
S t : c s
N e i r a A o
a K w g 3
p i : r Z o k
n r a
C o : t n i ; u u n l s s a f d
y c C r t i i : d i n r t
o s a e f e u a t l e T r a r , e e f e r R v , s l d R c G u c c n u a
All these archived files are worn down with age. So any that don't appear in the story to be corrected will be corrected after a story segment.
The next segment will be this Saturday.
0 notes
aurozs-stories · 3 years
Archived Files
a s e a d
m F w T r a r
L t o A :
S c s e l r r
e e F a
C o : t n i ; d e n e o l
P s a h a e s c N e n g a s
t - t r o , f o v D k u z m b o h e l i R v , s l d a m r R c G u c c n u a
I apologize for the poor state this file is in. The group doesn't take the greatest care of files that are 45 years old.
Next story segment this Saturday
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