Things to Consider before Purchasing a Rug for Your Home
When decorating a room, you need to choose the right pieces of furniture. One thing people often neglect to get or don't put too much thought into is their rug.
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  However, a rug should not be an afterthought when decorating. It should be seen as a centerpiece as it holds the entire room's look together. If you are shopping for a rug, there are a few things that you need to consider.
One of the first things you need to decide when shopping for a rug is how much you can afford to spend. Sure, you can turn the entire room into a sea of color and splendor, but keep in mind that having a rug that costs a fortune may not be practical.
Luckily, rugs come in all price ranges. Some may be more affordable than others. So it is best to plan out a budget that you are willing to spend. We suggest that you do some research to know the average price for rugs, so you can tell whether you are over budgeting or under budgeting.
Of course, you need to be aware of the size of the room. One thing you should avoid is buying a rug that is too big for the room. It is better to have a rug that is a little small than too big, as it may not look as balanced.
If you are not sure how to measure the room to know the size, it is best to include your furniture in the measurements. Try to include the armchairs and table in the measurements as well. If the rug is a lot bigger than the furniture or room, it may make the room look overcrowded, so you don't want that.
Perhaps the most important thing you should consider is which design you are going to choose. Design is a huge factor when it comes to rugs. You want to get a rug that fits the theme of the room. It doesn't matter if you are getting a Persian rug or a Western rug; you still want the design to fit the theme of the room.
If the room is Asian or Middle Eastern-themed, you should consider getting a rug with a traditional Persian design or a Chinese design. If the room is a Western-themed room, you can get a more modern rug. It is best to find a rug that matches your room's theme.
You will also need to consider the durability of the rug. The rug is something you are going to be spending a lot of time with. You want to get a rug that can handle your daily use.
Try to find something that is more durable. It is best to buy something that can withstand wear and tear.
When it comes to rugs, there are things you need to know about cleaning. Some rugs can be hand-washed, while others are easier to clean when you have to wash them by machine.
You need to know what the rug needs for cleaning before you get one. Perhaps you have a lot of pets. If that is the case, you need to get something that is easier to maintain, so you don't have to do a lot of work cleaning your rug.
When it comes to choosing the right rug, you need to consider the budget, the size, the design, the durability, and maintenance. If you can address all of these areas, you will be able to find the perfect rug. Something that will match the theme of your room, fit the room perfectly and be something that can handle your daily use.
Atlas Weavers carry an extensive collection of rugs but mostly specializes in Moroccan rugs. We also offer restoration services for rugs that have been damaged. Contact us for all your rug needs.
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/things-to-consider-before-purchasing-a-rug-for-your-home
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Important Things to Consider When Purchasing an Antique Rug
Important Things to Consider When Purchasing an Antique Rug
Antique rugs may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you are trying to look for things to improve the aesthetics of your indoor spaces, but make no mistake about it, they are as stylish as any other form of rugs.
Of course, implementing them with the correct theme and placement is still the key to achieving a great look; however, most of the effects may be decided during the selection phase, meaning that you may have to consider a couple of things before buying an antique rug.
To ensure that you would buy only the best, below are some helpful tips to keep in mind.
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  Its Material
This is probably the first thing that you have to consider when buying an antique rug. The material being used gives it its unique look, so knowing the fabric will help you decide if it is one you should buy.
To do this, it would be important that you do some research on your own or have a reputable seller tell you what fabric is the right one for your theme.
Its Size
An antique rug may have been used before, and this would mean that it is not actually the perfect size any more. This is another factor you should include in your considerations because a rug that is too small or too large for your room may not be ideal.
This is especially true if your space is really small because a large rug may make it look even smaller. Bringing a tape measure wouldn't hurt, nor would a measured diagram of your floor space.
Its Condition
This is also another important consideration to take before buying an antique rug. While its condition is not an absolute deal-breaker, you should be aware that old rugs may have suffered a lot of wear and tear, and you should be prepared with the necessary materials to restore them.
You should also be prepared with a budget if the rug has to be restored or if you have to purchase another rug if restoration is impossible.
The Level of Difficulty to Clean It
It is also important to think about how you would clean the rug after a spill or an accident. If it is really difficult to clean, it would be wise to look for another rug instead. You may also want to consider having it cleaned by a professional to be sure that it would be preserved in your home.
Its Color
The color of your rug will also have a big impact on your own space, so make sure that it would not totally look out of place. It should still be able to complement the theme, and it should still be toned down when compared to the spectrum in the room.
You also have to think about its color intensity and if it would not be too muted or too bright.
After weighing all the factors above, an antique rug would definitely be a great selection for anyone who is looking to improve their indoor space. Of course, there is no need to change or renovate the spot; you may just use the rug to add some character to it or even create a specific theme altogether.
However, one thing that you should keep in mind is to keep the rug clean and maintain it properly so that it will last you a lifetime.
If you are looking for a great source of antique Moroccan rugs, look no further than our amazing selections here at Atlas Weavers. We are a fair trade artisan project and a premier supplier of authentic Moroccan decorative rugs. Check out our online store for a complete lineup of our rug selections and their sizes.
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/important-things-to-consider-when-purchasing-an-antique-rug
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How a Moroccan Rug Can Improve the Aesthetic of a Room
Although a room can look great with just new furniture, adding decor can really put the finishing touches on a room. In fact, vases and pictures look nice on tables and walls, but there is one area that should not be overlooked: the floor. Rugs are a classic yet elegant way to tie the room together.
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  Moroccan Rugs: Are They Good Investments?
A great choice for floors given any situation is the elegant classiness of Moroccan rugs! Sure, the generic living room style looks wonderful in showrooms and decorating magazines. However, there is that glaring descriptor that no homeowner would want: “generic.” Homes need a rather unique quality to them that’s more than just a cookie-cutter design.
One-of-a-kind Moroccan rugs are a great way to break free from the mold of keeping up with whoever is 'en vogue' at the moment.
When choosing Moroccan rugs, you need to start by thinking about what sort of rug you want to see on the floor. For example, with different types of carpets available, you need to decide whether you will put a traditional Berber carpet in your living room or a kilim rug in your bedroom.
How a Moroccan Rug Can Elevate Your Interior Decor
Moroccan rugs can easily add versatility to a room’s design and layout while also complementing (or stealing the show from) the current color scheme. It’s an interesting accent piece that draws attention while not making the space look busy.
Contrasting layers is a great design trick to employ at this point. A highly textured rug under a plain background, or the other way around, will do wonders. It's easy enough for you to choose a rug's shape to match the furniture in a room. Rectangular, circular, and square rugs are the most common.
You shouldn’t just use rugs to keep your feet warm or display the beauty of your floor. Historically, people have used rugs to create barriers between spaces or as dividers during the day. They do this by tying the rug to some type of structure, whether it be wooden poles, ropes along the ceiling, or even a wall.
The way rugs can be rolled up and transported makes them useful for creating flexible spaces. Back in classical times, there were usually multi-functional rooms in large merchant houses that had varying purposes. A set of rugs, floor pillows, and furniture good for any function would be ready somewhere in the house. They would then get placed in the function room as needed. 
Other uses for rugs include being rolled in a dark room for a nap or laid out on grass or similar surfaces for a nice picnic. They could also serve as decor during business meetings or give an office a more comfortable atmosphere.
Moroccan rugs are an integral part of life, so much so that they are held to a high standard and made to endure for a long time, with their beauty more often than not a key factor.
When it comes to improving aesthetics in a home, few things do it better than a Moroccan rug. It's a great way to break free from generic designs and add a unique twist to any room. When choosing one, consider shape and purpose.
Want a Moroccan Berber rug? Check out Atlas Weavers! We’re a premier supplier of authentic Moroccan decorative rugs. Get yours today.
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/how-a-moroccan-rug-can-improve-the-aesthetic-of-a-room
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4 Different Types of Moroccan Rugs You Can Get for Your Home
Rugs are a great way to add comfort and style to your home. And perhaps one of the best kinds of rugs you can get is a Moroccan rug.
However, did you know that there's not just one type of Moroccan rug? Moroccan rugs can differ in style depending on the region they come from. And before you consider getting a Moroccan rug, it might be best to see which specific type of Moroccan rug would go best in your home.
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    Berber Rugs
The Berber tribes of Morocco are known for their beautiful Berber rugs. Though their construction can differ, there isn't one specific style you can get with a Berber rug.
Some Berber rugs are known for the intricate patterns created by their intricate knotted patterns. These rugs have beautiful, colorful designs.
However, there are other Berber rugs that instead have beautiful, intricate patterns created with the dyes used to color the rug. Each rug is unique in this way.
If you love the beautiful knotted patterns in a Berber rug or love the different coloring techniques used, then a Berber rug in your home could be a great way to add some beauty and style.
Beni Ourain Rugs
Beni Ourain rugs are one of the rugs that are typically recognized as Moroccan rugs. These rugs are made with wool and are known for their beautiful bold, colorful designs.
Beni Ourain rugs usually have a geometric design. Some have a red and white checkerboard pattern, while others have a blue and white checkerboard or a darker blue with a light blue pattern.
Beni Ourain rugs are typically handmade. However, they are also known for their intricate knotwork. These rugs, though they may come in many different colors, are typically rugged and coarse to the touch.
Azilal Rugs
Azilal rugs are another popular Moroccan rug. These rugs, too, are made with wool. They are typically hand-knotted. And they are known for their variety of colors.
Azilal rugs are typically woven with a blend of dark and light colors. Some Azilal rugs may even have a pattern of red and blue or have a red or green rug with a white pattern.
These rugs are typically made with a Persian knot. However, you may still see some Berber rugs made with a Persian knot. Regardless of the knot style, Azilal rugs are known for their intricate patterns and their bold, beautiful color.
Kilim Rugs
Kilim rugs are one of the types of Moroccan rugs that are considered antique rugs. Kilim rugs, which are also called Moroccan flatweave rugs, are found all over Morocco. They are known for their traditional color of red.
However, in the past, Kilim rugs also came in a variety of other colors. Some rugs may still have red, though you may find a few in green and blue.
These rugs are known for their intricate patterns. The patterns are usually a combination of geometric patterns and floral patterns.
Final Thoughts
There's a lot to take into consideration when it comes to getting a Moroccan rug for your home. Though they are all crafted by artisans in Morocco, the rugs can differ in style. The styles you choose will depend on your own personal preferences. However, if you're interested in Moroccan rugs, it's smart to keep in mind the variety of Moroccan rugs you can get.
Get high-quality authentic Moroccan rugs for your home from Atlas Weavers. We are a fair trade artisan project and a premier supplier of authentic Moroccan decorative rugs. We aim to preserve centuries-old traditions, using the finest grade natural spring wools, native dyes, and herbal washes. Shop now! 
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/4-different-types-of-moroccan-rugs-you-can-get-for-your-home
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Atlas Weavers - How to Enhance Your Home’s Lighting with the Right Rug
Rugs are a great way to turn your floor space to be both stylish and practical. The best thing is that there is no such thing as too much variety when there are so many wonderful designs and colors to choose from. 
A rug is a great method to complement your home lighting as well, especially if you want one that has a modern appearance that will go with any room in the house.
The following sections will show how the correct rug can enhance your home’s lighting. This includes picking the best color, size, and design for each space in your home.
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  Rugs Bring a Sense of Calm to Your Space
When it comes to lightening up darker regions while making brighter spaces feel complete, the correct rug may make all the difference. 
Just think about a light-colored floor covering that can help to balance the light in a room. This is why carpets are ideal for balancing out overly dark areas while also creating warm zones in brighter spaces. 
If you have a smaller space with no overhead lighting or natural light sources, adding an area rug will open up the space and create a warm and inviting atmosphere that will make your visitors feel at ease.
Your Room Will Come Alive with the Proper Rug
There are hues of rugs that can help you create the perfect environment for any style of décor. A colorful area rug with hues of the color you want will do the trick if you want to add accent colors to your decor. 
This is ideal for spaces where you wish to express creativity or simply add some personality. Even if decorating isn’t high on your priority list, changing the way you place stylish rugs in each area can radically transform the feel and atmosphere of the space.
It Serves as a Focal Point in a Room
Don’t mistakenly believe that floor covering is only for flooring. Rugs may be utilized as a focal point in any room, which means they can be used to complement the lighting in that space to create a unified design. 
If you have a huge open room with no defined spaces, this is the ideal time to use your rug to create a focal point. An unusual shape or design can fascinate people, while carpets with traditional motifs work well if you want something more delicate and exquisite.
It Adds an Element of Color to Your Room
A rug is an excellent way to add color to your home. If you have a particular color or want something in a specific tint, finding the appropriate rug will have people appreciating your room’s design and remarking on how nicely it matches everything else. 
Rugs can also be used to incorporate patterns into your home’s decor. There are no limits to the types of theme effects you can generate using subtle, simple patterns or bolder, busy ones.
Rugs aren’t just for flooring; they can also be employed as an accent element to bring your space’s design to life. Whether you want to utilize rugs to open up a gloomy room or make a brighter room feel cozier, area rugs will undoubtedly make a difference in any home. 
It should be simple to locate something that fits your demands with the wide range of colors and styles available for any décor motif.
Get your authentic Moroccan rugs from Atlas Weavers! We’re a premier supplier of authentic Moroccan decorative rugs to homes and establishments worldwide. Check out our designs and rug collections now!
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/atlas-weavers-how-to-enhance-your-home-s-lighting-with-the-right-rug
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Everything You Need to Know About Morocco’s Tuareg Mats
Rugs and carpets are an important aspect of interior design as they can help define spaces, add texture, and make your home feel cozier. And perhaps one of the best rugs you can get is a Moroccan rug. However, since Morocco is filled with a lot of cultures, there's not just one type of Moroccan rugs but many different available styles. And in this article, we'll be highlighting the gorgeous Tuareg mats of Morocco.
What Are Tuareg Mats?
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  The Tuareg mats can be considered as one of the gems of Moroccan rugs. The Tuareg mats are handmade and are a fusion of Moroccan traditions and Berber carpets. The Tuareg mats are very decorative and feature geometric patterns, tassels, and embroidery.
The Tuareg is actually a nomadic people from the Sahara Desert, and they are known for their unique ways of weaving, such as using camel hair on their mats. These mats were traditionally used as cushions and blankets on their burros or camels. However, they are now being used as wall hangings and are often used in the home, too.
You can find Tuareg rugs in different sizes. Smaller rugs can be used as throw pillows, rugs, or mats. Larger Tuareg rugs can be placed on the wall or used as a rug. These mats are also used as prayer rugs in mosques.
What Makes Tuareg Mats so Distinct?
The Tuareg mats are classic Moroccan rugs that have been around for decades. The beautiful and unique patterns and colors of these rugs are what make them so sought-after.
Tuareg rugs were traditionally made by Tuareg people in the South of Morocco, but nowadays, they are crafted by both Tuareg and Berber weavers in Morocco. These rugs are made from goats, camel, and sheepskins.
What’s unique about the Tuareg mats is that they have a wide variety of colors. The colors that you can choose from are red, yellow, orange, black, and green. These colors are blended together in a very interesting and classic way. They also incorporate geometric and zoomorphic patterns in the design.
How to Take Care of a Tuareg Mat
Like any other Moroccan rug, you should take care of a Tuareg mat properly by vacuuming it often. But, since these mats are a little delicate and can easily be damaged, you should also handle them carefully.
When cleaning a Tuareg mat, you should use cold water to spot clean and vacuum it often. After vacuuming it, you can use a soft brush to get the rest of the dirt off of the mat. You should also regularly dust it.
Since the Tuareg mats are handmade, the material can be slightly different when you compare one rug to another. You should let the rug air for a day before using it. This will help remove any musty or strong smells.
You should also avoid using chemicals or harsh detergents when cleaning the Tuareg mats. Always make sure to clean them gently and carefully.
Final Thoughts
Overall, the Tuareg mats are one of the best Moroccan rugs you can get. Their beautiful and intricate patterns are perfect for livening up your home. The colors are also very fresh and welcoming.
Decorate your space with a gorgeous Tuareg mat from Atlas Weavers. Atlas Weavers is a fair trade artisan project and a premier supplier of authentic Moroccan decorative rugs. Our Tuareg mats are handwoven with palm and leather from the Tuareg tribes of the Sahara of Morocco and Mauritania. Shop now!
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/everything-you-need-to-know-about-morocco-s-tuareg-mats
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Tips on Picking the Best Area Rugs Based on Your Room Size
It's difficult to get out of bed with cold bedroom floorboards in the morning. To solve this, you can put down an area rug large enough to provide your feet a smooth landing on those oh-so-early mornings to make it easier to get out of bed. 
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  Even if you have wall-to-wall carpeting, you may add color, texture, and pattern to your home by layering a warm area rug under your bed. 
Consider the following suggestions to ensure that your Berber rugs are properly sized for your bed size.
What Should You Place on Your Area Rug?
What appears to be a straightforward question necessitates some deliberation. Under any size bed, a square or rectangular Moroccan Berber rug works well. However, you may have two nightstands and a seat at the foot of your bed in addition to the bed. 
You'll have to make a few minor decisions regarding what you want to put on top of your area rug. You have four alternatives when it comes to installing an area rug under your bed:
The area rug is only used to support the bed frame.
The area rug is fully covered by the bed frame, nightstands, and a seat at the foot of your bed.
The area rug covers only the lowest two-thirds of your bed, plus a bench at the foot of your bed, leaving the head of your bed and any nightstands on the bare (or carpeted) floor.
The area rug only covers the lowest third of your bed and a bench at the foot of your bed, leaving the rest of the bed exposed. The area rug will protrude more into the rest of the room. 
This approach is great if you're installing a smaller area rug over carpeting to add color and texture to the room.
You don't want half of your table legs to wind up on the rug. It'll be dangerous when you set your glass of water on a shaky nightstand. A similar problem could occur at the foot of the bed. Also, half of your bench sitting on an area rug can make you feel unbalanced and unsteady when you sit down.
Sizes of Area Rugs for a Small Bedroom
When it comes to an area rug, think big if your bedroom is small. Choose a large enough rug to fill the entire space in a smaller room. Ensure at least two inches of bare floor between the rug and the walls.
Use these rough suggestions for the size area rug you'll need if you have a twin-size or full-size bed in a tiny room. It's important to note that twin beds are typically 39 inches broad by 75 inches long. A full-size bed, often known as a double bed, measures 54 inches wide by 75 inches long.
A 4-foot area rug can only cover the bottom two-thirds of the bed, but a 6-foot or 5-foot by 8-foot area rug may cover the entire bed.
A 6-foot by 9-foot area rug covers the bed, a nightstand, and a bench at the foot of the bed.
A 9-foot by 12-foot area rug accommodates two twin-size beds, one nightstand in the center of the two beds, and two seats at the foot of each bed.
Sizes of Area Rugs for a Big Bedroom
A too tiny rug for a large bedroom will throw off the room's equilibrium. If you decide on a large rug that takes up most of the space, leave at least eight inches between the rug's edges and the walls. Here are a few things to consider: 
A queen-size or king-size bed may be available in a larger room. Use these suggestions to select an area rug that will complement a large bedroom. Take into account the dimensions of larger beds. 
A queen-size bed measures 60 inches in width by 80 inches in length. A king-size bed measures 76 inches in width by 80 inches in length. On the other hand, a California king-size bed measures 72 inches wide by 84 inches long.
The bottom two-thirds of a queen- or king-size bed can be covered by an 8-foot by 10-foot or 9-foot by a 12-foot area rug, but not the nightstands.
Under the longer California king-size bed, a 12-foot by 15-foot rug will appear balanced, and this size area rug fits under nightstands.
According to a standard rule of thumb, an area rug should always reach at least 18 inches to 24 inches from the sides and foot of a queen-size and king-size bed.
Rugs Underneath the Dressers
An area rug should not be pushed up against the edge or legs of a dresser or other large piece of furniture, regardless of the size of your bedroom or bed. Select a rug that is large enough to fit completely underneath the dresser. Alternatively, choose an area rug that is small enough to leave at least two or three inches of floor visible between the rug's edge and the piece of furniture.
You should now have a solid base to search for the ideal bedroom Moroccan rug. Remember that there are no wrong decisions when it comes to bedroom rugs! Your bedroom is a private environment that should represent your particular tastes. Don't be afraid to explore styles beyond the norm! 
Atlas Weavers is a prominent provider of authentic Moroccan ornamental rugs and a fair-trade artisan project. We are dedicated to providing high-quality, long-lasting Moroccan rugs and textiles. Shop our Moroccan rug for your bedroom today. 
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/tips-on-picking-the-best-area-rugs-based-on-your-room-size
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Mastering the Moroccan Interior Design Style
Moroccan decor has a reputation for being exotic, elegant, luxurious, and dramatic all at once. Outside of Morocco itself, the Moroccan look started in the sixties when affluent pacifists from Western countries spent time in the country and brought some of the styles back with them as a non-conformist look. An opulent look, this decorating style is characterized by many colors and fabrics, bold patterns, and free-flowing designs that take their inspiration from traditional Moroccan art and furnishings.
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    The Key Features of Moroccan Interior Design
The deep, rich colors of the Moroccan decorating style will be represented in the fabrics, wallpapers, and furnishings used throughout the room. These colors are usually red, beige, black, and gold and each one serves a different purpose.
The reds add a vibrant feel to the room and are designed to draw the eye around its bold patterns. Beige is the color of the earth, and its inclusion in the decor is designed to ground the room in the natural world, a reminder of the country’s desert heritage. Black adds a sense of sophistication and elegance to the room, and the color also brings a sense of drama. Gold is used often in Moroccan interiors, and it has several different stylistic uses.
The patterned rugs and textiles will be bold and loud, but the shapes used in these designs create the eye-catching Moroccan interior design look. Circles, triangles, and scalloped patterns are the most common designs, and the overall effect is that of an explosion of bold but elegant design.
Framed artwork will often be in the form of hand-painted tiles, and Moroccan furniture will be made from carved wood in scalloped and lacy designs. Arches, columns, and domes are also typical, and the overall effect looks highly opulent, with lots of drama and a certain baroque quality.
This style can be used to decorate any room in the house, but it is prevalent in the living room and bedroom, at least in North American homes. Moroccan design is also associated with particular colors and materials, so it can be hard to find furniture and accessories that match.
Uses and Limitations of Moroccan Decor
The colors used in Moroccan interiors are bold, both their strength and their weakness. Their ability to draw the eye around the room and create a strong, dramatic look is highly desirable, but bright reds and golds might be too much for some people. This color scheme can also feel a little overpowering for smaller rooms and homes, and this is something to consider before you begin your Moroccan decorating project.
This look can also be quite pricey, and the styles are not always that easy to find at the local mall. It is possible to create the Moroccan look at a more affordable price point if you look around, but it is not usually the most cost-effective style if that matters to you.
The designs are also not always that easy to find, and this is a style where you need to work with a professional to get it right. Modern Moroccan interiors are very different from the traditional style, and they are not really authentic.
This means that if you want to get the right look and materials, you will need to find a designer who has experience with this style. It is worth the effort because Moorish interiors are quite dramatic, bold, and beautiful.
The influence of Moroccan interiors has spread beyond the walls of the country since the style became popular in the 1960s. This is largely because the look is bold and dramatic, with many curved shapes, bold colors, and intricate patterns. It is not a style for those who love minimalism and classic looks, but it is a fun and eye-catching aesthetic full of life and energy.
Atlas Weavers is a fair trade artisan project and a premier authentic Moroccan decorative rugs supplier. We are your primary source of Azilal carpets, Moroccan rugs, and Beni Ourain, sourced from the High Atlas Mountains and shipped worldwide. If you’re looking for authentic Moroccan rugs to spice up your living space, we’ve got you covered! Browse through our collection today!
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/mastering-the-moroccan-interior-design-style
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Handknotted Beni Ourain Rug vs a Fake Copy
A Beni Ourain rug is the perfect accent that completes its surrounding, one that transports your home into the colorful world of Morocco. Add it to your home, to a seating group, or to the floor, and see as the rich hues and bold patterns of the weave are the center point of a Beni Ourain rug. 
Made in the traditional Moroccan style, the Beni Ourain area rug is sure to be a visual highlight in any room as it brings an exotic element with its visually striking craftsmanship. 
Unfortunately, its popularity also means that finding an authentic Beni Ourain rug can be tricky as there are fake copies in the mix. So if you're interested in adding a Beni Ourain rug to your home, here are some tips to buying a genuine one.
Beni Ourain Rugs: Original vs Fake
Factor #1: Material 
Genuine Beni Ourain rugs are made out of quality sheep wool, which is either hand-woven or hand-knotted in the way traditional, Morrocan women would do it centuries ago. On the other hand, fake copies are often made with polyester, viscose, and other synthetic materials, and some rugs are also made with a combination of wool, polyester, and viscose. 
Factor #2: Rug Fringes
A Beni Ourain rug's fringe has two variations. Originally, the rugs would only have rugged fringes on the sides to accentuate their beauty, but clients all over the world fell in love with the free-flowing, golden look of the rug's fringes. 
With that in mind, modern Beni Ourain also comes in a design with both sides of the rug, but it is more traditional to choose the one with only one fringe on its side. 
Factor #3: Knots
The knots of the Beni Ourain area rug is important as they are the foundation of the rug's integrity. The most traditional rugs will have knots that are very close to one another, but not overlapping each other. 
Upon closer look, you should notice that the knots should be weaved unevenly as it's a sign that the rug is made by professional hands. On the other hand, the fake versions have a more uniform look, which means that it's probably produced by a machine. 
Factor #4: Company
The art of weaving Beni Ourain rugs is a very hard skill to learn, and only a few people, who are naturally gifted in weaving the thick, rough wool, can handle the challenging project. Thus, the best place to buy Beni Ourain rugs is from the Moroccan artisans who weave them, and not from a factory.
The Bottom Line: Distinguishing the Authentic Beauty of a Beni Ourain Rug 
A Beni Ourain area rug is the perfect addition to your home as it will help you bring a part of the Moroccan culture into your living space. While they are popular, ornate, and beautiful, what's even more remarkable is the fact that they are hand-woven by real artists, so it's worth taking the time to identify the real rugs from the fake copies when shopping in the market. 
Why Shop for Authentic Moroccan Rugs at Atlas Weavers?
Are you looking for the highest quality rugs for your home? Atlas Weavers offer various designs and sizes of beautiful and bonafide Moroccan, Azilal, Boucherouite, and Ben Ourain rugs in our online shop. Our team is committed to delivering wonderful, long-lasting textiles while upholding traditions. Check out our selection of rugs today!
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/handknotted-beni-ourain-rug-vs-a-fake-copy
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Ideas for Adding a Moroccan Area Rug to Any Room
Ideas for Adding a Moroccan Area Rug to Any Room 
Home décor trends today are all about combining aspects that speak to you and make you feel at ease. Combining several styles may make it more difficult to create a cohesive, well-curated design. Thankfully, you can seek Moroccan Berber rugs to weave together various design aspects. Many interior designers swear by this trick!
Such Moroccan Berber rugs are made to be more accessible in recent years. Today, you can even customize them so that your options are endless! Here are some ideas for incorporating Moroccan-style rugs into any room.
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    The Nature-Inspired and Eco-Chic Touch
Eco-chic and nature-inspired designs have been popular for many years. It is a growing design trend that is being incorporated into a wide range of other design styles. The brilliant colors and simple designs of modern Moroccan rugs evoke the great outdoors. Layer woven baskets, textile art, natural wood finishes, and plants on top to create a warm nature-inspired hideaway.
The Wabi-Sabi and Nordic Zen Look
Scandinavian modernism and hygge have been around for a while. There are also numerous Nordic styles and the Japanese wabi-sabi concept. These Zen-inspired rooms embody the idea of living simply and in harmony with nature.
These styles may combine rustic and contemporary features to create a sense of calm and balance. This year's design trends call for modern Moroccan-style carpets made completely of wool, with a simple, natural texture and plain motifs.
The Ethnic and Bohemian Fashion
Elements of numerous cultures are incorporated into bohemian and eclectic design trends. To draw you in, they use brilliant colors and textures. Moroccan tiles and Spanish colonial architecture provide the perfect backdrop for a modern Moroccan rug. An abundance of flora and natural materials characterizes boho-chic aesthetics.
The usage of stacked rugs in Bohemian décor is a popular style. You are no longer required to make a choice. For a unique look, layer an old area rug with a new Moroccan-style rug. It's simple to achieve an eclectic style by combining different patterns and textures.
The Modern, Industrial, and Minimalist Design
Moroccan rugs were utilized to soften attractive interiors and modern furnishings in the mid-twentieth century. The furniture's short legs added to the interior design space, which designers quickly filled with rugs and carpets. These ultramodern and industrial furniture styles are seeing a resurgence in popularity.
Modern Moroccan-style rugs may add warmth and charm to a steel-and-glass palace or an ancient factory. Moroccan rugs from the modern age are distinguished by high contrast hues and a graphic design approach, making them ideal for ultramodern interiors. These magnificent works of art are increasingly being used as a focal point in minimalist environments.
The Mid-Century Retro Funk
Moroccan vintage rugs trace all the way back to mid-century contemporary style. Mid-century modern furniture and accessories have grown in popularity in recent years.
You can now mix modern and traditional design elements. Moroccan-style rugs are an excellent way to combine current and historical design elements. They combine elements from the past and current in a completely new way.
The beauty of modern fashion trends is that they are agnostic. Contrast and combine Keeping a consistent design requires the use of appropriate carpets. In your pursuit of the perfect design, modern Moroccan rugs allow you to challenge norms.
The Ocean Lover’s Dream
Coastal and beach house décor ideas have long served as a source of inspiration for water enthusiasts all around the world. Light blues and other hues suggestive of sand and water are used in this Hamptons beach design style. Driftwood, natural basketry, and other coastal-inspired designs are common. Moroccan rugs from the current age are often bright blues with antique designs that complement coastal settings.
Many modern Moroccan rugs have the same lengthy pile and suppleness as their ancient forefathers. Today, they come in vibrant colors to enhance traditional designs and textures. Thus, the capacity to mix and match pieces to create an altogether unique setting is its best feature. Up to this day, such brilliant and innovative works remain popular.
Are you looking for authentic Moroccan rugs? Atlas Weavers offers a wide selection of quality Moroccan rugs and fabrics of varied patterns and sizes. With our great service, you can have your custom order in no time. Shop our sale items today!
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/ideas-for-adding-a-moroccan-area-rug-to-any-room
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Something Different and Unique in Your Home - Beni Ourain Rugs
If you are looking for something unique and different to decorate your home, room, or any other space, you might want to check out Beni Ourain rugs. These rugs are incredibly comfortable and stylish in any kind of room. Apart from that, its story and history only serve to give it more charm and value.
Today, we're going to take a close look at what exactly makes these rugs so special.
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Here's what you need to know:
The History of Beni Ourain Rugs
Beni Ourain rugs have been around for about 300 years, first being used by the Berbers in North Africa. They are made by Berbers who live in the Sahara Desert. They are nomads and travel between oases and the Atlas Mountains.
These rugs, made in the Sahara and Atlas mountains of Morocco, are made out of goat hair. They are woven by hand and full of bright colors meant to bring the outdoors inside. The bottoms are woven out of camel wool, and the top is woven with goat hair.
The rugs were made for the wind, cold, and rain. They were made to keep both the animals and the people riding them warm and comfortable. The mats were made with a mixture of wool and then dyed. The tribes of the Moroccan people did not have any kind of written language. Instead, their language was entirely verbal. And the rugs were named based on their location and the tribe that made them.
How to Care for Your Beni Ourain Rugs
Beni Ourain rugs can be quite durable and are made to withstand harsh climates. They can deal with extreme heat, cold, and rain. But, just like anything, they need to be taken care of.
As these rugs are handmade, they are not uniform. They will all have unique patterns and designs. Therefore, it is important to take care of each rug specifically.
Beni Ourain rugs should be kept clean to keep them looking their best. It can be done by using a rug shampoo, but only when needed. You do not want to over-clean your rug too much because that can make the wool fibers flat.
If your rug has a stain on it, you can clean it with a white cloth and mild detergent. Then, you can blot it. If the stain still shows up after that, you should try a grease-cutting product.
Where to Find Beni Ourain Rugs
As mentioned before, Beni Ourain rugs are handmade. Each one is unique. You can find them on different auction sites, like Overstock.com and eBay. But if you want to support small businesses, you can find them in different stores, as well.
They are usually not very expensive. They range between $100 to $800. It all depends on the rug's size, style, and quality. If you want to make the rug your own, you can think about customizing it. That will cost more.
If you do not feel like spending money on a handmade rug, you can make your own. That's how it all started, after all.
The Bottom Line
Beni Ourain rugs are beautiful and made with high-quality materials. They are durable and can stand the test of time. However, just like any other rug, they need to be taken care of to keep them looking good for a long time. If you are looking for an unusual and unique piece of home decor, Beni Ourain rugs might be the perfect choice for you.
If you are looking for beautiful Moroccan woven rugs, we can help you. Atlas Weavers is a fair trade artisan project and a premier authentic Moroccan decorative rugs supplier. Find the perfect rug you’ve been looking for in our catalog. Browse our shop today and check out now! Feel free to contact us to learn more about our products. 
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/something-different-and-unique-in-your-home-beni-ourain-rugs
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Perfect Places for a Bedroom Rug : 6 Areas in Your Home
A bedroom area rug may help divide areas of the space, but determining where to place these textiles can be tricky. A well-placed rug may add warmth and character to a room's color scheme. 
Rugs in practically any size are readily accessible and can fit various purposes to your interiors. Consider your rugs as a piece of practical art that you can enjoy while keeping them pleasant and functional. To use your rugs effectively, you should account for the layout and size of the rest of your rooms.
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  Here are six areas that are perfect for placing a bedroom rug:
The entryway to your bedroom could be an excellent place to put a rug. This area can be the most traffic in your room. Area rugs in this area can be costly but last for several years. 
Try going with a geometric pattern if you want to add a little character to your bedroom area rug. You can also try going with a black and white graphic for a more modern and chic feel.
If your bedroom is small, try going with a large area rug covering most of the floor and your furniture. Large area rugs in small spaces can make the area feel roomier.
If you want to add a pop of color to your bedroom area rug, try going with a bold pattern. Bold patterns are great for adding color to a room.
Bedroom and Dresser Cluster
If you want to create a slightly more intimate space, consider placing a rug between the bed and your dresser. This will create a lovely area where you can get dressed, and you can sit on the bed while tying your shoes while you're at it, too.
Dividing the Bed and the Window
Create space between your bed and the window using a bedroom rug. You could place your bed adjacent to the wall and have a rug that divides the wall and the bed. Doing so helps protect your floor in this area, too.
Around a Desk
It is good to lay a rug between the bed and the desk in your bedroom to define the spaces as separate. You can also place a rug in front of your desk to make the area feel more finished.
Under the Bed
Another popular area in the bedroom for a rug is under your bed. This is a great place to start if you don't have a lot of room to place a rug in. Besides solving your storage issues, it can also help keep the room warm and cozy.
Bathroom Area
If you want to create a bathroom area in your bedroom, you can use your bed as a divider. You can place the bed against one wall, and you can put a rug in the middle of the room to create a separate space between the bed and the bathroom. 
You can also consider a bathroom area rug to help prevent spills and general wear and tear in your bathroom area.
If you are looking for a room-defining piece to add to your bedroom area rug, try going with a black and white graphic that can bring a room together and make a place feel more modern and chic.
A well-placed rug may add warmth and character to a room's color scheme. Placing rugs in practically any size is readily accessible to help enhance your bedroom.
If you want to buy authentic Moroccan rugs as a statement piece in your bedroom, shop at Atlas Weavers. We are a top supplier of Moroccan decorative rugs, and each rug is unique and of high quality. We want to keep old traditions alive, so we use the best quality natural spring wools, native dyes, and herbal washes. See our collections today!
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/perfect-places-for-a-bedroom-rug-6-areas-in-your-home
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5 Benefits of Decorating a Guest Room with Themed Area Rugs
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  Hosting will always be a fun task to fulfill. It does not only show people how good of a host you are, but it also showcases a well-designed and organized home. Therefore, as the hosting season doesn’t seem to end anytime soon, switching up a house a couple of times in a year will surely leave your guests feeling home, cozy, and welcome all at the same time. However, how do the rugs used to decorate your home and the guest room benefit the overall hosting experience?
Defines Areas in a Room
  Using rugs in your home is imperative for an organized environment. Even with small spaces, you can use a runner to separate areas in your home, like the living room and the kitchen. It can also help you set up a seating area, either in the living room or dining room.
  You may have the most amazing masculine rug in the room, but it still won’t define your seating area from the rest of the space. You need to make sure that you highlight the space that you will be hosting your guests at so that it appears more significant than it is and help create a separator between the seating and other areas in the room.
  Sets a Theme
  Think about it for a second – your favorite color that you like to see in your clothes and accessories is probably your favorite color for your room. Therefore, it is essential to use colors to define the different areas of your house. If you are consistently hosting the same group of people, you can introduce a theme to the room – artsy, floral, traditional – so that you don’t have to spend an entire day arranging the place.
  Establishes a Focal Point
  Although you may want to separate the different places in your home with various rugs, you will want to decide on a focal point to make it appear bigger. Usually, it is a seating area that you want to look larger than it seems to be.
  When guests come over, they will most likely look at the room’s focal point first. So, if you want to make a statement, you can place your focal point behind the seating area. In this way, you can make your guests feel like they are on a royal throne.
  Helps to Create a Warm and Inviting Space
  Using rugs to decorate a home, or a room for that matter will always make it appear a lot more inviting to the eye. By comparing the use of rugs to decorate your home with the help of color, you can create inviting and comforting spaces with the use of mats.
  It is also good to use rugs to decorate your home when you are hosting some guests. The warmth that a carpet brings to your house, even if it is just the entranceway, will surely help you create a hospitable and inviting space for your guests.
  Sets the Mood
  Do you have a carpet that feels more like a carpet? A rug will most likely feel more like a rug as it will give an entirely different feeling when you step on it. Rugs have more of a cushioning effect on the feet than carpets. It can give you an atmosphere of a cozy living room, and your guests will feel that same mood.
  The type of rugs that you are going to use in your home will depend on many factors. What you have in mind and what fits your home best is what you need to work towards. It is time to get some more rugs for your home and make it an excellent place for your guests.
  Investing in new rugs for your home is not something to be taken lightly. You need to make sure that you go out and do some research on what material and texture will fit you best. If you can, you might want to bring a sample of the rug that you wish to purchase and compare it to what you already have in your home.
Atlas Weavers started with a learning goal that ended up as a family business that continues to serve clients. We offer various types of authentic Moroccan rugs, Berber rugs, and vintage Azilal rugs. Dive into our collection of rugs imbued with culture passed down from generations today.
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/5-benefits-of-decorating-a-guest-room-with-themed-area-rugs
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Why Moroccan Rugs Are Perfect for Outdoor Design and Use
Textiles have had a long history of gracing society with beautiful adornments and decorative elements while providing practical uses. One such example that has lived through the years is the Moroccan rug. 
Weaved by hand and showing a host of gorgeous designs traditionally created by the indigenous tribes of Morocco, these rugs have always been a testament to the quality and superior design both for aesthetic and technical purposes.
With the durability of Moroccan rugs, you may be wondering how well they work as outdoor rugs. The quick answer: extremely well. A well-made piece will hold up against the elements. To truly appreciate their craftsmanship, one might want to peer into the way they are seen across different cultures and uses.
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Moroccan Rugs and the Mountains 
Despite the unique design being the modern highlight often noticed by buyers, Moroccan rugs were created out of necessity. In the cold Atlas Mountains, there was a demand for textiles that could help them navigate the harshest weather conditions.
Rugs were woven with more than one purpose in mind, with many using them as both blankets and sitting areas depending on the need. For special events, these rugs would also be carried and then used. It’s come a long way in terms of being a display item. 
Weaving for the Desert
These were not just relegated to the coldest climates and weather, though. More rugs would be created with lighter weaving for the purpose of protecting individuals from the heat of sun-exposed sand. In long stretches of sand and heat, it can be a godsend to have a place to sit comfortably. 
Woven rugs also thrive in the summer, even being used as waypoints for big events and social gatherings. 
Traditional Uses
Moroccan rugs have served a purely decorative function at many an event or place, but their traditional use is richer. Different rugs are woven in various ways. Not every rug is flat-woven, and you’ll even see knotted and pile counterparts.
Berber tribes take pride in being the originators of dynamic rug creation. For many indigenous peoples, these rugs served as saddle covers, blankets, body adornments, and even shrouds for burial rites. That is, of course, aside from obvious functions like floor covering. 
How We See it Today
Today, you can see a nice Moroccan rug sprawled out with any modern exterior. They are great decorative additions with a purpose and can also be fun to collect.
You will find that many rugs differ in thickness and design depending on which region they came from. Tribes in both colder and warmer parts exist, so they will create their rugs accordingly to match their constant weather conditions.
You can create a great visual layout with the right use of rugs. In fact, you can even style it in various ways to match a specific design you have in mind. Today, individuals with this rug will usually keep it as a staple, but it also serves many purposes like ground cover, protecting your paneling, and keeping things clean. 
Moroccan rugs are very useful to have at home. Perhaps more importantly, though, they are also some of the most beautiful rugs you’ll see. It’s perfect for decorative needs, especially when trying to spruce out your outdoor areas. 
Make sure you have authentic Moroccan rugs from the Beni Ourain. Check out Atlas Weavers, the premier supplier of legitimate decorative rugs from Morocco.
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/why-moroccan-rugs-are-perfect-for-outdoor-design-and-use
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The World-Famous Boucherouite or Berber Rugs from Morocco
Morocco is well-known for its wool carpets created by semi-nomadic Berbers. These indigenous peoples have always avoided metropolitan areas as herders and farmers, and their weaving symbolizes their independence. It is less affected by the traditional symmetry of Middle Eastern models, instead favoring wild, improvisatory forms.
The style in issue is known as boucherouite (pronounced boo-shay-REET), which is derived from a Moroccan-Arabic term for damaged and repurposed garments. The carpets described, created by women for household use, are essentially variants on the modest rags.
These domestic goods appear to be dressed up and ready to party, with their dazzling designs and bright colors; they seem to be more fit for framing than stomping underfoot.
What are Boucherouite Rugs?
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It is a French version of the Arabic word for "rag." These rugs are made of recycled cloth dyed many times and worn out many times.
They are big and bold and embellished with vibrantly colored geometric designs and with an allover composition in which no motif is precisely repeated.
Furniture and clothing of this sort are worked out of discarded cloth, using whatever is at hand, and the feel is more utilitarian, reflecting the circumstances of Morocco's Berber mountain people.
Like many Moroccan rugs, Boucherouite were once made at home on a basic loom and sold in small, family-owned shops. In the '60s and '70s, these Berber rugs became famous as folk art. Art collectors and dealers began to visit the remote villages the Berbers had retreated to. Recently, the rugs have been attracting more attention; the prices have been rising. In this time of economic uncertainty, they are selling fast.
The Boucherouite style has become more fashionable, with Moroccan artisans working in factory settings. However, they were initially made by women in the Atlas Mountains and the desert hinterlands. 
They are of two types, which are both trapezoidal. The ruggier of the two typically has a field of white or another light color on which the pattern or "story" is presented. The other is dark and has a pattern printed on top of the field.
Their patterns are hard to describe; the vocabulary available for them includes words for decoration and for complexion (think of the difference between "white" and "green"). Boucherouite rugs are piles of overlapping layers of wool and cotton, hand-dyed. 
The overlaps at their corners are tucked into tiny knots that serve as a kind of fabric Velcro. The layers of each rug are called plates, and the decorative element is called a "motif."
What Do the Motifs Look Like?
They are varied and often unlike one another; most have symmetrical designs. Some are stylized, geometric, and functional, like the patterns on the rugs, for example, that serve for prayer in mosques. 
Others are floral, floral-like, foliate, foliate-like, or representational since actual flowers are used as the dye. There are human and animal figures, plants and trees, geometric shapes, and spaces for naming. Boucherouite rugs are made for domestic use, and men, women, and children all use them in regular life.
What Makes a Boucherouite Rug a Boucherouite Rug?
The appeal is in their energy and verve, their unusual designs and colors. They are at once relaxed and wild, relaxed but full of surprises and impetuousness, reflecting the country's history and its cultures.
They aren’t also something you can buy at your local carpet store. The patterns are often intricate and asymmetrical, varying from dark to light. However, they are not narrative, like tapestries or Persian carpets, with a beginning and an end. Many motifs repeat themselves, but there is a great deal of variety among them, too.
Choose Boucherouite Rugs Today
Boucherouite rugs are not necessarily sophisticated, complex, or subtle, but unique, rough, bright, and beautiful. Moreover, they give you a taste of the traditional Moroccan rug experience in expressive, fun, and functional designs. They are perfect even for today's modern home designs.
If you want to shop for authentic Boucherouite rugs, Atlas Weavers can provide that for you. We are a premier supplier of Moroccan decorative rugs, with each rug unique and of exceptional quality. Aiming to preserve centuries-old traditions, we use the finest grade natural spring wools, native dyes, and herbal washes. It's our mission to bring the rich Moroccan tradition and culture of the Berber people to Western living spaces.
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/the-world-famous-boucherouite-or-berber-rugs-from-morocco
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Why Choose a Rug from Morocco (A List of Benefits)
Moroccan rugs and carpets have a long history, dating back to the Paleolithic era. Throughout the ages, the Moroccan people created these woven masterpieces for practical purposes rather than commercial or decorative ones. The versatility of these woven pieces suited both cold and hot climates, allowing herders to use thick rugs and keep warm in the Sahara desert or nomads to use lighter pieces as they crossed the Atlas mountains. Each group would add their distinctive designs to their rugs, with or without the use of dyes.
Why Choose Rugs from Morocco? (A List of Benefits)
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The different tribes of Morocco produce distinctive pieces, reflected in their color palettes, patterns, and weave designs. As a rugged piece of décor, Moroccan rugs are an affordable luxury, adding color and warmth to your home for a relatively low cost.
Here is a list of reasons why you may be interested in adding a Moroccan rug to your collection:
1 - Durability
Moroccan rugs are extremely comfortable to sit on and lie on due to the soft wool material used in their construction. They are easy to clean and sturdy, weathering years of foot traffic, natural disasters, and other elements. The process of weaving an authentic Moroccan rug is complicated and time-consuming, with about 50 hours needed to complete a single rug.
2 - Styles
From geometric designs to floral patterns, textured designs, and classic Moroccan motifs, there is a Moroccan rug for every room in your home. If you need inspiration, visit the Moroccan section of our website. We offer a wide selection of rugs in different designs and color palettes so you can find the right fit for your home.
3 - Easy to maintain
Made from high-quality materials and designed to withstand the elements, Moroccan rugs are an easy way to incorporate a touch of Moroccan décor into your home. All you need to do is vacuum your rug regularly and bring it to a professional to have it cleaned when necessary.
4 - They are handmade
Moroccan rugs are handmade from natural products, such as wool. This makes it easy to know that you are purchasing an authentic piece. Moroccan manufacturers are OK with you looking at and touching the rug, so you can make sure that it is durable and comfortable.
5 - Traditional designs and colors
Moroccan rugs have a signature design, with a pattern that has endured through the ages, changing only slightly with time. Whether you choose a rug with a bold pattern or a simpler, monochromatic piece, you will surely choose authentic craftsmanship.
6 - A unique piece
There is something special and unique about a handmade rug that you won’t find in a store. No two rugs are the same, and they are often one of a kind. You can also choose different colors than you may find at a retail store, giving you the ability to create a unique piece.
Moroccan rugs are beautiful pieces that can be used in any room in your home, giving it brightness and warmth. With their durability and durability, Moroccan rugs can be a practical and attractive investment. Find the right Moroccan rug for your home at a great price.
For more information about Moroccan rugs, please come to Atlas Weavers. We are a fair trade artisan project and a premier supplier of authentic Moroccan rugs. Shop with us today!
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/why-choose-a-rug-from-morocco-a-list-of-benefits
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All About the Amazing Beni Ourain Rug
Nomadic Wonder : All About the Amazing Beni Ourain Rug
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  Beni Ourain rugs are Moroccan rugs with a long history. Nomadic tribes created them by hand, weaving them out of materials they found in nature. If you appreciate the value of nomadic art, you will undoubtedly be interested in its intricacies. They are not only beautiful but also have many cultural connections with nature. The unique designs of these rugs result from the beautiful weaving process that nomadic tribes use.
Basically, they are named after the Beni Ourain tribes that hail from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. The word “Ourain” is a word in the Berber's language and comes from the name of a tribe that was known for their nomadic lifestyle. People from this tribe often traveled from one area to another with their wool, as border rug weaving was not the primary source of income for these tribes. Instead, the wool was used for other purposes, such as bedding and burial shrouds. Over time, the wool also began to be used for saddle blankets.
As their history tells us, the Berbers tribes began their language in the southern part of Morocco, where they inhabited. Therefore, the language itself is a Berber dialect. In fact, this tribe has been known as the first tribe ever to occupy Morocco. Interestingly enough, the history of the rug goes back as far as the 5th century AD and through to the 11th century.
Who Designs and Makes the Rugs?
As previously mentioned, the Beni Ourain rugs are made from wool. People in the tribe tend to use materials from nature to manufacture these rugs. For example, they use wool from sheep and goat hair. The patterns of these rugs are also artistic in nature, often implementing the Berber tribal weaving style.
What is the Meaning of the Colors?
When looking at a Beni Ourain rug, you’ll notice that it comprises many colors. The colors are not randomly placed on the rug; rather, they have a deeper meaning. This is mainly because the rugs were made by nomadic tribes who had no idea what art really was. Thus, they merely used the designs that they knew.
For instance, the white on the rug signifies purity. This is why they use white to symbolize the night sky, the moon, and the snow. Similarly, there is a color pattern that is made up of geometric shapes. These shapes are part of the tradition in their culture. Evidently, the shapes are very intricate and challenging to make.
Other cultural symbols also grace these rugs. For example, you’ll find a symbol representing the sun and its reflection in the snow. In addition, there is also a symbol for the sun that is made up of two triangles.
The future of the Beni Ourain rugs
All in all, the future of the Beni Ourain rugs is bright. In the last couple of years, they have gained popularity in the west. These rugs have been featured in various media, including movies and TV shows.
In addition, the rugs have been featured in several art shows and galleries. In fact, a documentary on these rugs will be screened in Morocco. According to design and decor experts, they are likely to become even more popular, as some of their pieces are going mainstream.
Overall, the history of these rugs makes them even more attractive. They have been around for centuries and are still being made by the nomadic tribes of today. 
Valued for their intricate designs and patterns, many people find them filling up their exteriors, being used as a decorative piece in any room of the house, in the bedroom, the living room, and even the kitchen. Due to their ability to fit any theme or design, they are as relevant as ever and are currently in demand amongst many home stylists. That is the eventual modern impact of Beni Ourain rugs.
If you are looking for a reliable source of high-quality Beni Ourain rugs, look no further than our selections here at Atlas Weavers. We are your premier supplier of authentic Moroccan decorative rugs, and we offer a wide range of them, all hand-made to perfection. Check out our online store for more of our amazing rugs and their prices.
source https://atlasweavers.com/blogs/news/all-about-the-amazing-beni-ourain-rug
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