Confluence 6.15.9 Release Notes
The Atlassian Confluence team is pleased to announce the release of Confluence 6.15.9, which is a bug-fix release.
Don't have Confluence 6.15 yet?
Check out the new features and other highlights in the Confluence 6.15 Release Notes.
Get the latest version
We recommend you read the Confluence 6.15 Upgrade Notes and you back up your confluence-home directory and database before upgrading.
Issues in Release
Fixed: Collaborative Editing cannot be enabled on Confluence 6.15.8 installed on Microsoft Windows
Fixed: Local File Disclosure via Word Export in Confluence Server - CVE-2019-3394
Fixed: stdout.log is flooded with Synchrony Healthcheck exceptions
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Jira Service Desk 4.3.3 Release Notes
The Atlassian Jira team is pleased to announce the release of Jira Service Desk 4.3.3.
Don't have Jira Service Desk 4.3.x yet?
Check out the new features and other highlights in the Jira Service Desk 4.3.x release notes.
Get the latest version
Issues in Release
Fixed: Several Service Desk functionalities are broken on Service Desk 4.3.x with a Microsoft SQL database
Fixed: 8.3.0+: Pre-seeding cluster.properties causes Jira Software to fail to start
Fixed: CachingOfBizPropertyEntryStore cache failed to start after Restore System
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Jira Software 8.3.3 Release Notes
The Atlassian Jira team is pleased to announce the release of Jira Software 8.3.3.
Don't have Jira Software 8.3.x yet?
Check out the new features and other highlights in the Jira Software 8.3.x release notes.
Get the latest version
Issues in Release
Fixed: Missing Jira Software REST API docs since version 7.3.2
Fixed: 8.3.0+: Pre-seeding cluster.properties causes Jira Software to fail to start
Fixed: CachingOfBizPropertyEntryStore cache failed to start after Restore System
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Jira Core 8.3.3 Release Notes
The Atlassian Jira team is pleased to announce the release of Jira Core 8.3.3.
Don't have Jira Core 8.3.x yet?
Check out the new features and other highlights in the Jira Core 8.3.x release notes.
Get the latest version
Issues in Release
8.3.0+: Pre-seeding cluster.properties causes Jira Software to fail to start
CachingOfBizPropertyEntryStore cache failed to start after Restore System
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Bitbucket Server 6.6 Release Notes
In Bitbucket Server 6.6 we've added new features that lighten the load for admins and streamline the developer workflow.
What's new
Self-protect with rate limiting
Suggest changes directly in pull requests
Link projects between Bitbucket Server and other Atlassian Applications
For a list of resolved issues, check out the change log.
Get Bitbucket Server 6.6
Self-protect with rate limiting
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Without protections in place, automated integrations and scripts can hammer your Bitbucket Data Center instance with huge bursts of requests, leading to drops in performance and downtime. This creates unnecessary work for admins who get paged (often after hours) to fix issues, and then have to comb through logs to find the culprit so it doesn’t happen again.Rate limiting changes all this by giving your Bitbucket Data Center instance the power to self-protect. Admins can now control how many HTTP requests (e.g. REST API requests) automations and scripts can make, and how often they can make them, meaning increased performance and team productivity (and hopefully for admins, more sleep too).Rate limiting is available for all Bitbucket Data Center customers.
See how to get started.
Suggest changes directly in pull requests
Commenting on a pull request isn’t an unfamiliar task. Having that comment quickly become the actual code change that you suggest is something new we think you’ll appreciate for this release of Bitbucket Server. Save time from the back-and-forth by providing feedback to make a suggested change directly in a pull request. Head over here to see how.
Link projects between Bitbucket Server and other Atlassian Applications
Project Links help to save time and prevent mistakes. For example, with Project Links set up between Bitbucket Server and Jira, when you create Bitbucket branch from Jira, repos from the linked Bitbucket project are prioritized in the repo list, making it easy to pick the right one. What's more, these links also work the other way, and when you create a Jira issue from a comment in Bitbucket the linked Jira project is pre-selected in the project list.Check out Configuring Project Links across Applicationsto learn more about connecting your projects, spaces, and repositories.
What else is new?
Git 2.23 now supported on the server. See our supported platforms page for more info.
Smart Mirrors with Bitbucket Cloud support
From version 6.6 onwards, Bitbucket Data Center must be used as the primary server for Smart Mirrors. To continue to use Bitbucket Cloud with Smart Mirrors, you’ll have to use version 6.5 or below. For details on setup and usage, see Smart mirroring for Bitbucket Cloud .
Interested in upgrading?
Before upgrading from an earlier version, check out our upgrade guide and
upgrade matrix. Remember to renew your active software maintenance too.
Renew now
End of support announcements
API changelog
Issues in Release
Suggestion: Allow users to apply suggestions to pull requests
Fixed: Capital case username does not work with updating PR participant status API
Fixed: Project avatars do not include alternative text
Fixed: Initial attachments on pull requests cannot be seen by reviewers that have no access to source forked repository
Fixed: Escape pipe in code section of table leaves escape character
Suggestion: Support for Git 2.23
Fixed: StackOverflowError in org.commonmark.internal.InlineParserImpl
Fixed: Creating a branch via REST with an incorrect body returns a 500 response code
Fixed: Changing language in users Account setting on viewing individual commit of pull requests cause "error page not found" message
Fixed: Bitbucket sends email notifications to unlicensed users for pushed commits in a repository
Fixed: Announcement banner does not visually persist settings when saving the banner with a status set to "off"
Fixed: Clicking "Unable to access your account" for read-only directory users displays an erroneous message
Fixed: Help pop-up for system administrator global permissions have incorrect translation in French
Fixed: Filtering users by permission drops users depending on the page size
Fixed: Pushing a code with an unlicensed user is possible if it was once a licensed user and an SSH key is added to user's profile
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Portfolio for Jira 3.9 Release Notes
We're excited to announce the release of Portfolio for Jira 3.9.
Updates to plan sharing
Group your issues by release
Feature enhancements
Issues resolved
Get the latest version
Interested in trying a shiny new version? Don't forget to renew your active software maintenance! Renew now.
Learn more about Portfolio for Jira 3.x
If you've been running an earlier version, check out this article to hear what 3.x is all about. If you have any pressing questions you will get them answered in Community.
Updates to plan sharing
We’ve redesigned the Share plan screen to make room for more options we plan to add in the future. Hint, hint. The way you share a plan hasn’t changed, we’ve just moved 'Link' and 'Embed' into a left margin.
Let's take a look…
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Learn more at Sharing roadmaps.
Group your issues by release
If you have teams split across projects, grouping by release is a great way to see all the work that’s scheduled for delivery in a single release. This gives you confidence that things are on track, and foresight to take action if not.
You can compliment this with the existing filter by release, to quickly reassign an issue to another release when you need to.
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Learn more at Grouping by releases.
Feature enhancements
We've been doing a bit of gardening and made the following enhancements:
When grouping issues by sprints, sprint swimlanes now display in chronological order.
The sprint dates of issues are now taken into account in monitoring releases, issue dependencies, and more.
We've cleaned up the sprint details for completed sprints so you can focus on only the necessary details. Also, you can now directly access the relevant sprint report in Jira to dig deeper into the details.
Issues resolved
Fixed: Sprint is inconsistent in the preview mode and plan mode
Fixed: Auto-schedule unassigns sprints if the team has no issue source
Fixed: Auto-schedule does not save sprints for tasks
Fixed: clearing Parent Link custom field does not generate Issue Updated event
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EAP - Confluence 7.0.1-beta2 Release Notes
Minor bug fixes and improvements.
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Confluence 6.15.8 Release Notes
The Atlassian Confluence team is pleased to announce the release of Confluence 6.15.8, which is a bug-fix release.
Don't have Confluence 6.15 yet?
Check out the new features and other highlights in the Confluence 6.15 Release Notes.
Get the latest version
We recommend you read the Confluence 6.15 Upgrade Notes and you back up your confluence-home directory and database before upgrading.
Issues in Release
Fixed: Restore of Confluence XML exported out of Confluence is failing to be imported into new instance
Fixed: Attachment name leakage from restricted space
Fixed: Requests to aggregate Jira metadata in Confluence can exhaust HTTP threads and cause outages
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Cloud Pipeline: Bitbucket
Bitbucket markdown requires a space after # to get a header
We’ve tweaked the current markdown implementation and you now have to add a space after # to get a header. If you add a number right after #, it will retrieve an issue with that number if it exists.
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Cloud Pipeline: Jira Service Desk
Copy workflows to other request types in your next-gen service desk
Made a workflow that you want your other request types to follow? You can now quickly copy a workflow to another issue type in your next-gen service desk.
To try it out:
From your service desk's sidebar, select Project settings > Request types.
From the sidebar, select the request type with the workflow you want to copy.
Select Edit workflow.
Select Actions (•••) > Copy to other request types.
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Cloud Pipeline: Jira Software
Next-gen projects: Roadmap hierarchy
Expand epics to see child issues and their statuses in your next-gen roadmap.
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Team Calendars for Confluence 6.0.42 Release Notes
No release notes
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Confluence 7.0.1-beta1 Release Notes
The bulk of our work on Confluence 7.0 has now wrapped up.  We'll continue to fix bugs and issues in the lead-up to the final release.
See Confluence 7.0 beta release notes for a full summary of all the changes in this release.
Mockito 2 upgrade
We've upgraded Confluence to use Mockito 2 to support testing with Java 11.  See the info above for some tips that may help when making your tests compatible.
End of support for Webdav plugin
We have decided to end support for the WebDAV plugin in Confluence 7.0, and will remove the plugin completley in a  future Confluence release. See End of Support Announcements for Confluence for more information.
Shortcut links
We've reversed our decision to end support for shortcut links.
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EAP - Jira 8.4.0-EAP03 Release Notes
To help you navigate between pages, you can go directly from a link, for example in an email notification, to the app. If you do not have the app yet, clicking the link will take you to the app download page in Play store (only for Android). Simply click the Open in app button that displays in mobile web.
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Questions for Confluence 2.7.17 Release Notes
Security Fix
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Troubleshooting and Support - Bitbucket 1.19.0 Release Notes
Added the ability to create Support Zips for Bitbucket Server Mirror Farms.
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Troubleshooting and Support - Confluence 1.19.1 Release Notes
CDN properties are logged in Support Zip
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