atimelesslullaby · 1 day
Now, Go home @tvstarkuma! Regain your lost time! Home... Where you are supposed to be... The way you are supposed to be...
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"Is it wrong of me to deny royalty, and marry for the sake of love?"
After yet another rejection letter she'd sent to her parents, who still didn't support her going to school, it seemed like they were on the verge of forgetting about her entirely. All because she wasn't into the knight in shining armor type. At least, not when it was a prince who had no heart to offer.
Just a man who wanted the prestige of marrying The Princess Zelda.
It was something she felt she could tell him about. Over the past few months, she'd grown quite fond of him. His energy gave her energy. It helped that Teddie seemed to knw all the best bakeries around here. Nothing beat the atmosphere of a bakery.
In her tone, the sadness was clear. Even on her face, there was pain in her eyes. She didn't want to go back just to marry someone, live the life of nothing more than a figurehead. Zelda felt as though she were destined for greater things. But the royal hierarchy had its place, and she couldn't deny it.
"I do apologize for the sudden question. It has been on my mind lately, it seems that even more men are constantly asking my parents for my hand in marriage. I have not even met them, and they want to marry me!"
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atimelesslullaby · 1 day
Now, go home, @the-devils-toybox! Regain your lost time! Home... Where you are supposed to be... The way you are supposed to be...
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"Let me see..."
The woman is in the woods, taking careful care not to ruin any of the foliage. They were entering summer, a prime time for potion brewers. Red mushrooms especially were common in the summer, and though they were poisonous by themselves, when combined with the right ingredients, and sliced the right way, it was red mushrooms that often went into red potions!
It was the mushroom that gave it that revitalizing red luster!
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"Well, this one is not in my book.."
This mushroom was a combination of purple, and green. A highly rare find. It could be used to create all kinds of different effects in terms of potion brewing. Most popularly, these were used in blue potions, some of the most potent potions in all of Hyrule. However, Zelda was a novice at potion brewing. Her book didn't hold all the information that came with the territory.
Ears twitch.
The Sage is well aware of the dangers of being in the woods by yourself. She didn't turn around, rather, she'd give this entity the option to leave without a fight. First concept was that it was a Stalfos, but a Stalfos would not have hesitated to use its sword.
"I do request that you state your name. I want no trouble."
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atimelesslullaby · 1 day
Now, go home, @sanguinesorcery! Regain your lost time! Home... Where you are supposed to be... The way you are supposed to be...
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She's singing, her clear, beautiful voice ringing out among the fields.
There were animals that had come to listen, as she prepared a flower crown out of yellow flowers. There was no one specific to give it to today, The council almost always demanded she have an escort upon leaving the castle, let alone going out into the fields, so she'd often make them for the guards. Today, she had gone out alone, it wasn't like she couldn't protect herself.
Occasional shadows made their way across teh ground, a result of the big puffy clouds above. Part of her enjoyed that. The heat was something that actually gave her energy. On cloudy, or rainy days, she wasn't nearly as motivated as she was when it was bright, and sunny.
Then there was a shadow that was most definitely not a cloud. The princess immediately went on guard, as she would have anyone who just walked up to her in the fields. The singing had stopped. Whoever this was, they were like a mountain when compared to Zelda's height.
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"Good afternoon."
Proper, as always around strangers.
"The world really has become more vibrant with summer's arrival."
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atimelesslullaby · 1 day
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woof it has been such a busy week! I'm glad it's finally the weekend! I'm going to get started on starters I owe, and I'm going to try to do replies. After 24 hours awake, I finally fell asleep, and just woke up 30 minutes ago. I have full energy capacity to get things done <3
As always, thank you all so much for your patience! I appreciate every single one of you, whether we're mutuals or not!
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atimelesslullaby · 6 days
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Anonymous said: Hypothetical situation: a horde of monsters has appeared in the south, raiding and pillaging all in their path. However they aren't taking prisoners. They release anyone they capture to spread word of their raids to sow fear in the population. It's clear they're looking for a fight. The horde needs to be dealt with, how do you handle this?
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"I see no reason why a mutual understanding of terms cannot be reached.
Clearly, they have no intention to harm people, but I will not allow destruction of innocent homes, nor will I allow theft. Certainly trade routes can be discussed if something in particular is desired. I would like to believe the situation can be resolved peacefully, but if not, I am not afraid to fire the first arrow to defend my country.
However, if there is to be any loss of life, it will not start with me.
I will always seek, no matter the situation, for there to be as few casualties as possible. The only time this creed is broken, is when my life is at stake. I must confess, my hands are not free of blood. But I only cause mortal wounds in acts of self defense, whether for myself, or for my country."
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atimelesslullaby · 6 days
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Anonymous said: What do you consider a princess to be? Is a princess a woman who exists solely to be adored? Is she someone who sits in the back while someone else takes charge? Is she the lady to go forward and conquer a challenge of her own volition? Does she make the law, lay it down, or both? Do you think you fit the role of 'princess' that you have in your own mind?
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"A princess is to be a lot of things.
Appearances are important, they raise the morale of her people. If they have someone to look up to for guidance, they will be more motivated to make their own dreams come true. Appearing at festivals is a must, though as sole ruler, it is also my job to organize them. That would ordinarily fall under the command of the leading male figure. Such is the world we live in.
A princess is expected to sit back while her guards fight for her. However, that is a trait I refuse to accept. It is not only because I am such a powerful sorceress. Even if I was only skilled in the art of swordplay, and archery, I would be on the front lines with my troops. I understand that a princess is not meant to do these things, but I will not sit idly by and watch my guards risk their lives without risking my own.
I know how to fight better than all of my guards combined. That is why I so frequently leave without their protection.
Ordinarily, a princess does not have a say. It depends on who is alive. A queen has more power than a princess, I still have years to go before I can be crowned as queen. What becomes law must first go through my council, though I have the final say on what is, and is not approved. They cannot go above my head, no matter how badly they want to."
The final question, she shakes her head.
"...No. I am not your typical princess. But what your typical princess is, does not matter to me. What matters to me is the safety of Hyrule, and its people. Fairness among all races, and happiness for all who reside, whether temporarily, or permanently.
First and foremost, I am a Sage. My role as Leader of the Sages comes before even my royal title. To control the timestream is not a power to be messed around with. Though there is much to be learned from other timelines, there is also so much damage you can do.
To this day, I do not know why I was chosen to hold control over time, but I accept it. I will protect time for as long as I live."
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atimelesslullaby · 6 days
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She was, admittedly, thankful for some kind of company. It beat doing everything alone. If men weren't asking for her hand in marriage, they were intimidated by her status. The woman walks, she knew exactly where to find what she was looking for. Flowers were incredibly useful in potions, as were herbs, and mushrooms. Mushrooms rarely grew in the fields, but if you knew where to look, you could find some incredibly medicinal flowers.
As she walked, Zelda's dress, and hair flowed perfectly in stride with her body. She held the beauty of the Goddesses that had blessed her with such powerful magical abilities.
"Ah, yes."
Taking the side of her dress and moving it so she could kneel, the Sage got on her knees, and plucked a red flower.
"Do you know what this flower is called? A Red Lantern. They are excellent in brewing potions that aid in the growing of other plants. They can even increase the yield, or size of that plant, if brewed with the correct ingredients. I find them just fascinating, and the recipe is not too difficult. All you need are the petals, and some herbs."
At first he was curious about any cooking a royal can do-- or maybe it's rude to think a royal can't-- but knowing it's potions? Well, Livio knows a thing or two about potions, about things that heal you, unnaturally or not.
The wanderer knows, deep down and for-sure, that the princess' potions wouldn't be anything like the ones he's used to. The science he's used to.
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"I'd be fine taking a stroll with you while you gather your stuff. You can tell me more about it-- can't say I know much about the potions here."
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atimelesslullaby · 6 days
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"It sounds as though we are complimentary. I know only one defensive spell, amongst many offensive spells."
Nayru's Love was a powerful spell. The user, or that who she directed it on, would become truly invincible. Problem was, it took so much magic to maintain. It was for emergency use only. More commonly, Zelda used the power of Nayru to create sharp ice crystals which, once again, was turning it into an offensive magic.
Not what people typically assumed of this princess. Zelda held the beauty of an angel, yet nearliy all of her magic was full of extreme power. It contradicted her appearance, an appearance that many would assume held the power of a healer. Truth was, she possessed no healing magic whatsoever.
Heels sounding against the stone floor, she, along with her friend, were lead to the waiting area, where they'd wait for their tickets to be called for their first match. Definitely got some stares, this was the Princess of Hyrule, after all!
But there were more devious thoughts in the minds of most of the competitors. If they beat her, would they become kings, or queens of the land instead? It was a short wait. Within minutes, it was their first match.
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"I hope you are ready. I certainly am."
And she walked. In the ring, almost as if Mellie had called it, there were two large men, they looked like giants next to Zelda's short, petite stature.
All that was left was wait for the bell to ring...
Getting into fights was something Melvin would do in their younger years.
Well, it was one of those dumb boy things and given if she found out, she'd likely be there to break things up. A well armed spell, to freak out the other party, was her usual go to. Oddly enough, growing vines or roots right out of the ground worked wonders and seemed to imply that you meant business.
So maybe such a technique would work even now? Though, one wrong move and everything would be over.
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With a nod of her own, that she knows for certain that Zelda probably didn't see, she follows the other woman into the building itself. The looks on their faces along was certainly interesting to see. Though, she wasn't too surprised when her friend strode right up to the sign-up area. They were doing this, apparently.
All while Zelda signed them up, Mellie herself stayed silent. Not out of any kind of fear--no, not in the slightest--she did so to allow Zelda to handle this. Nevertheless, she takes her ticket that was handed to her, trying to remain relaxed.
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" 'Sides doin' random defensive stuff, not much. I do know that the bigger they are, the harder they fall, bit is accurate."
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atimelesslullaby · 7 days
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Short little promo until I can make a real one, but,
Like this if you'd be interested in interacting with an AU Bark the Polar Bear! I'm looking for some interactions, crossovers are fine as well!
Just please read the rules page first <3 Thank you for your consideration!
About - Rules
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atimelesslullaby · 9 days
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Questions indeed.
While she'd never seen the Twilight Mirror, there were still similarities to an ancient artifact. A precious item that, somehow, wasn't lost during the seven years of destruction. The resemblance was hardly an exact thing, but enough that she noticed. At current moment, only legends surrounded the Dominion Rod.
Very, very carefully, she places a hand on the staff, though not to try and take it. It was a gentle hand, as she closed her eyes, in an attempt to reinforce the memory of the Dominion Rod in her mind. When it glowed, oh, how she was amazed.
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"It must be enchanted."
Words spoken when she removed her hand, and opened her eyes.
"It does hold similarity, but only to one relic I know of, and even then, the similarities aren't exact. There is an artifact in the castle, called the Dominion Rod. The architecture on the statues it can summon seem similar, and yet... it is so different from what you have in your hand."
The Sage had spent time studying those statues. So bizarre, how they followed the command of any who held the rod. But who was she to question what was crafted in the past? Zelda may have been able to traverse the time stream, but she knew better than to go about wreaking havoc on it simply due to that power alone.
She'd caused enough damage by sending her best friend back to his childhood.
"No one currently alive knows when the Dominion Rod was made, nor how it was given the power it has. Even legends of it are difficult to find, in ancient texts. As heiress to the throne, I was required to learn the language ancient texts wrote in, so I can assure with good faith that there are few surrounding the Dominion Rod."
When used, the orb on the Dominion Rod would glow. She'd practiced with it, but it wasn't something she could say she was proficient with. Practice, yes, but Zelda had never taken the Dominion Rod into a true battle.
"It certainly does raise questions. But those are to be answered only should I have your full consent. Perhaps it would be better we speak in a location with... less ears on the wall, if you understand what I mean. Perhaps the royal library? It is quite the walk, however, with a little bit of magic, anywhere can be reached within mere moments."
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Nova paid attention to the grace in which Zelda carried herself, and wondered just how stifled the princess might feel under the surface. Even her casual mention of all too clearly defending, if not simply thwarting, assassination attempts on her instilled some worry in her. For her these natural things for Zelda were just foreign enough, just unsettling enough, to give her pause. It didn't help either that she had knowledge of the history leading to the era she was originally born in.
Keeping her thoughts focused away from dwelling on such histories, she remained close to Zelda as they entered the village. She only briefly gave a glance to the guard, her long ears flicking lightly to the sounds of the bustle in the village beyond the gates. Even if she couldn't see the guard's face all that clearly behind that helmet she expected he was likely swallowing down any number of the usual questions she had encountered over the years.
As she was extended the invite to share about her tribe she hesitated for a moment in thought. Only the subtle sway of the end of her tail, peeking out from her long hair trailing behind her, gave the tiniest window to her nervousness she was otherwise hiding on her face. There was so much she would like to share, and yet so much more she couldn't. Information about the Zonai could often be a dangerous things to those hooked on the idea of their power.
"That is certainly a sort of trapped question, since information of my tribe has often been a slippery slope with many outside of it." Nova did her best to maintain a calm smile as she spoke, "...Though I suppose is something I can show you that will ease the process."
Letting a soft sigh escape her, she moved her left hand over one of her item pouches and grazed the surface with her fingertips in a few calculated motions before producing a rather unique spellcasters staff. She was careful not to appear threatening as she did this, standing with the staff in a casual manner as though it were more like a walking stick in the moment. There was a purpose to all of this, and it circled around the materials it was made of. Materials which were rather rare in this era.
Carefully, she presented the staff to Zelda with a gesture of her free hand. She wouldn't dare let it go, the significant sentiment about it to her evident in her tight grip on it, "Are you familiar with any relics that might share similar material to this? Much of my peoples creations often use this material and the etching style you can see detailing it in our older stonework. It's a rather specifically ancient style we've held onto since well before the founding of the kingdom here."
Nova was worried about how much Zelda might know if the style of the craftsmanship of her people was at all familiar. It could really be good or bad, and she was uncertain if this Zelda may have encountered the Twilight Mirror already. The more modern etchings of the mirror compared to her splinters older style was something that caused painful misconceptions in her past. She was also worried about what any Shiekah listening in might know; since it was very expected they were watching closely here in their home village.
"...And I do apologize I opened with questions more than explanations." She thought best to tack that on, giving Zelda a sincerely apologetic look.
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atimelesslullaby · 9 days
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"The only thing more priceless than a handmade gift, is the person who made it for you."
She caught wind of that look Amy gave Sonic. She didn't know the exact nature of their relationship, but she knew there must have been some kind of special friendship, at the least. No person would look at another that way when describing how priceless things could be unless they really cared.
As for Sonic, he made her laugh ever so slightly.
"I am sorry to disappoint, but I am not even sure what those things are. You must be from a future point on your world's timeline, such is the case for many of those I hold close to my heart. They have all these fascinating things, that will never exist here within my lifetime."
There wasn't a hint of envy in her voice. She was thankful for the world the Goddesses had created. For the kingdom they left her to watch over. She couldn't ask for ore.
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""We do have games, though there is nothing video about them. Bombchu Bowling, tests of archery skill, both on and off horse. Hitting targets with a slingshot, throwing bombs into an appropriate basket. There is plenty to do for fun! As for napping, I am afraid I cannot help you there. The work of a princess is never done, even during times of rest. I could never take off for the sake of sleeping mid day. It is the very reason I prepare a proper, energy filling breakfast every morning."
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that was all amy needed, really. then again she never needed much of an excuse to make gifts for others, she enjoyed doing it and testing her own skills that way. she was pretty good at it too, she just needed the right materials and inspiration was usually quick to come to her. she was the type to lock herself inside for hours, or days, to finish a project.
sonic, on the other hand, was far from artsy. in fact he would say he wasn't that good with his hands at all except to play instruments. and fighting robots and other general bad guys.
but amy was smiling, a dozen ideas already running through her head. "i agree. something handmade, from the heart, means so much more than something mass-manufactured. knowing someone put the time and effort into something is priceless."
for some reason the pink hedgehog looked at her teammate as she said this, but it seemed sonic wasn't paying attention or had merely zoned out. maybe a bit of both given the next words out if his mouth as he looked at zelda.
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❝ you don't know what a hammock is? or video names? what do you do around here for fun? where do you take your mid-day naps? ❞ he seemed perplexed and amy just rolled her eyes. typical sonic.
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atimelesslullaby · 9 days
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"You cannot be serious!"
Though she did take a step back. Come to think f it, based on what Ruto said, Link never could stay underwater for very long without the tunic made of special Zora cloth. It was that cloth that gave other races that power to breathe, even in water. Zelda had a dress herself made of such a cloth, but clearly, she didn't keep her different clothes on her, and to teleport from here, to her room, back to here... that would take way too much magical stamina to be worth it.
Oh, the worry she held as he disappeared beneath the well's surface. It wasn't an incredibly deep well, but it was hardly a shallow one. Moments pass. Nothing. She couldn't deny, Mario was on the reckless side and, in a way, that excited her. But it also lead to some fears, as well.
She'd been trained to be cautious in all situations.
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"You did it!"
Her first words, once he'd surfaced. Very gently, she took the key. After seeing this feat, she'd definitely change her tune about how reckless he could be. Regardless of what it was, Mario had just saved them a ton of time figuring out how to drain the well. The woman immediately pulled him into a hug, a show of just how worried she had been.
Soon releasing him, she felt... almost adventurous. Like this was a novel, and they were the heroes. He was slowly bringing out the real her, rather than that image of f lawlessness she tried to portray.
"I trust you will have no trouble lifting the door again? Now we can go to the west, and I am most certain there is further progress to be made there."
Calm yourself. Can't be getting too excited, it's unfit for a princess. She walks, once again putting on that perfect façade, before turning for a moment. The gratitude, and sense of adventure both were in her eyes.
"...Thank you."
Their foes burned, uprooted, or outright destroy, Mario was proud of the joint effort. He found Zelda's grace in combat reminding him just a bit of Peach's. Peach also had a degree of magical aptitude but nothing close to what he was seeing. Summoning bows, projecting fire, that teleportation spell she'd enacted earlier... it was all glamorous. Plus, when things like this happened Peach would send Mario out, not join him. Most times anyway! Credit where it's due...
Mario placed his massive hammer away then immediately his stance grew bashful complete with the rubbing of his head when Zelda offered him a compliment.
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"Oh it's-a nothing!" He brushed it off, believing he was merely doing what he should. When there were people in danger whether directly or covertly through means of a "guardian" like the sages, Mario saw fit to act and protect their interests. Someone had to! He heeded Zelda's signal and trotted along after her, eyeing the once toxic water again. If only he'd got to try that poison...
This well was so lonely. When at the edge Mario immediately leaned over to peak in. Nothing but water and as she mentioned a chest at the bottom. Her musings were noted but then she started looking for a way to "drain" it. "Y' wanna waste time getting rid of-a the water? We don't-a have time Zelda!" Once again, Mario was a man of action, not tactic. He stood on the edge of the well... "Stand back! Mario get the key for us." And he was determined to do it his way. He clasped his hands together then leaped into the well.
The water splashed up from the force of him breaking it's surface. Mario was a strong swimmer and well-accustomed to aquatic environments. It wasn't just the many adventures he'd had but water was a plumber's best friend! He easily maneuvered to the bottom of the well and positioned himself in front of the chest.
Then, Mario notched his fingers against the chest while forcing his feet against the floor. If only she were down there with him she could see the effort on his face. At least, she was right about one thing: it's difficult opening something underwater. If only he had cappy with him to help... but that just wasn't in the cards.
Mario's head craned backwards from the exertion, but finally after a few tense moments of prying the chest flung open against the pressure of the water.
The comically sized key began to float out... Mario recoiled from all that force he applied against the chest but quickly recovered and grabbed the key. With his prize collected he began to swim back to the surface...
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"Ah! How d'you like-a that Zelda?" He held aloft the key for a moment to gloat then proceeded to climb back out of the well, triumphant in his forceful solving of their problem.
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atimelesslullaby · 9 days
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"Well, I did plan on visiting the forest in search of ingredients."
She'd found potion brewing to be a fascinating hobby. Embarrassing too, as she was hardly any good at it. But all in due time, Zelda was sure that if she kept working at it, she would get better and better as the attempts wen on. People didn't seem to realize just the amount of effort, and skill that went into brewing potions.
"You are free to accompany me. I do love to cook, but those are not the ingredients I am searching for today. I must confess, though I am not good at it, I have taken up the skill of potion brewing. It calls for very specific items, and the wrong one can make the difference between a healing potion, or something terribly bitter."
Magical focal point....Livio isn't much for magic, being more-- used to technology, and science, but isn't science a kind of magic too? It does sound rather interesting, too.
Places of worship, while he doesn't have the best relationship with them, are still precious.
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"Me? Tired? Not a chance if it's a tour. But whatever you want-- what you think is neat."
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atimelesslullaby · 9 days
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Wary as she was, she'd accept those words for now. It was easier than delving into how the Triforce of Wisdom allowed her to change her very form.
As for whether or not she'd say such a thing to her younger self, she wasn't sure. Though she eventually turned out correct, it didn't change how she'd judged the man based on his eyes, how they held a darkness in them.
It wasn't fair to judge someone that way.
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"Truthfully? I am not sure. It was wrong of me to assume the worst based on the way someone looked, yet in the end, my feelings turned out to be correct. I fear what may have happened if I did not give Link the ocarina. But to create an entire timeline, just so he could have a childhood, that I am not sure I can justify. It would not have erased his memories of this one."
Mentally Lucas cursed at himself. Outwardly he just smiled, expression bordering on bland and inoffensive. He hadn't meant- but the way she took his statement wasn't wrong, either. He was aware... it would have been hard for him not to be. He had watched it all over the course of the seven long years, forcing himself to sit back and allowing things to play out as they simply would.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about." A simple enough answer.
When she admitted to only distrusting Ganondorf because of how he looked, Lucas found himself frowning. "Your feelings weren't wrong. And it's strange to hear you say that you blame yourself for what happened to Link, but you don't blame the man who decided to manipulate you and take advantage of the naivety as children. Do you really think a child has the same culpability as an adult does?"
It was clear that the events that had transpired, both those that had started the seven-year journey, and those that she had taken during it, weighed heavily on Zelda's shoulder. If he could, Lucas would take that burden to himself - but there was only so much that he could do.
"If you met yourself as a child, would you really tell her that she was doing wrong?"
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atimelesslullaby · 12 days
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It was unlike her, not to notice.
But Zelda was working so hard towards becoming an experienced potion brewer, that all thought was on the rare mushrooms she'd found a patch of. First, she was sketching them, as to make sure she didn't forget what they looked like. It appeared as though they wouldn't last long outside of their natural habitat, which was why she brought out a small pot from the backpack she'd ventured in with.
A convenient iron pot for the princess on the go.
It wasn't until she hear that bark that her attention was taken away from the rare mushrooms.
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Fear ran through her blood. This was a wolf. More importantly, she'd completely been drawn away from the fact there were a group of Stalfos preying on her. Should they take her life, the seal upon Ganondorf would surely be broken. Hyrule would fall to ruin, only this time, with no hope whatsoever.
Her fear of large animals had to be placed on the backburner for now.
But oh, was she almost paralyzed with fear. Heart pumping, it was hard to take her eyes off of the wolf. Astounding what a phobia could do. Here there were Stalfos just waiting to strike a blow, and her fear was that strange looking wolf. Mustering every ounce of courage within her, Zelda summoned her bow.
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A golden gleam from the arrow, which had seemed to come from nowhere, took out one of the Stalfos in a swift blow. Despite the fact she was trembling, she had to remember.
This wolf just saved her life.
She'd push through. They'd fight together, and they would win.
@atimelesslullaby // s.c.
These woods smelled so.... familiar....
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How strange, to feel so at home in a forest that looked so different. A lone, blue-eyed wolf began to explore and wander amongst the trees, looking for any familiar landmarks. Surely these were the woods of Faron, right? The lupine raised his snout to the air for a bit more sniffing. He could smell..... flowers....
And rot.
A growl escaped through bared teeth as he began to walk towards the source... sources? They were awfully close together already. His trot eventually broke into a sprint until he came upon a woman clad in an eerily familiar gown. At the moment her identity didn't matter, however, as she seemed so engrossed in her foraging that she was left completely unaware of the group of Stalfos closing in on her--and one in particular was dangerously close.
The wolf let out a bark to alert the stranger, just as the closest skeleton had began to raise its sword for a swing. Immediately after, he lunged at that same arm and clamped on tight with all the might his jaws could muster. Though he was thrown off rather quickly, at least he seemed to provide enough of a distraction for the woman to make her escape, or at least prepare for what she needed to do to retaliate herself. Link stood ready for any of the Stalfos to make their next move, debating on whether blowing his cover by transforming to make finishing the fight that much easier would truly be worth it or not.
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atimelesslullaby · 12 days
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Well of course she was concerned when she heard a crash.
As graceful as ever, she had ran over to the scene. Even in heels, and a dress, this woman could run. She may not have been the fastest in terms of stride, but if it were truly a dangerous situation, there was always the option of Farore's Wind. It was hard to deny that the sight itself was... odd, to say the least.
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"I see. Well, I do hope you will be more careful next time. I do assure, I speak only out of concern for your well being."
Eyes closing for jus ta moment, the princess kneels down, and begins pulling leaves out of his hair. Whatever he did, the kids that had run by while she was moving through Castle Town's more nature inspired areas seemed fairly pleased.
"Perhaps I could make something for you as thanks for your service. I must confess, I too, tend to rush towards those in need. For me, it is natural, as sole ruler. For someone like you to do it was out of the kindness of your heart, and for that, I am truly thankful. Though..."
Staring at the final leaf plucked out of his hair..
"I would have done it much more... tactfully. Whatever case may be, I hope you keep smiling. Nothing brightens my day more than to see the smile of another."
@atimelesslullaby // GREETER
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"Hey, up here!" a voice cheerfully called from the tree behind a group of children that had began their return home. It seemed they had lost a prized ball they had been playing with to the very same branch that the blond had since perched himself, said ball now in his hands. When they found the source of the voice, their disappointment immediately shifted to excitement as they eagerly prepared themselves to catch their lost toy, which then prompted the fellow to happily toss it down to them. A cheerful, simultaneous "thank you" was offered from the group once the ball was secured and the children resumed their short walk to their respective homes.
A sigh escaped the man as he continued to sit in the branch a while longer and observed the sky as it neared sunset. That peace was short-lived, however, interrupted with the sound of a crack beneath him and accompanied by the sensation of him sinking. Hardly another split second passed before the limb gave out under his weight completely, hardly leaving any time for even a startled yelp as he tumbled down and landed nearly head first into a large bush below.
There was a groan, followed by a bit of rustling from inside the bush itself. At last he managed to pull his upper half out of the foliage, only to find a young woman now staring down at him. This left him ignoring a lot of the debris he couldn't immediately brush off, including a small twig still adorned with a couple of its leaves so charmingly poking out of his hair.
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"Oh, hi!" he greeted, hesitant but friendly. Then came the notice of the woman's regal attire, which fed into an increasing level of anxiety that, for a brief moment, almost had him diving back into the bush, or behind the whole tree, even. Instead, he stayed put with the reasoning that an apology was more favorable. "Sorry about the mess, ma'am... and the noise... I, uh... can't resist a cry for help, I guess, ahaha..." Though there was an attempt at a lighthearted tone in that statement, it still came as a confession with a hint of guilt from the commotion where, perhaps, one may have expected a sense of pride over a good deed well done.
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atimelesslullaby · 12 days
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"For you, something a little longer. Perhaps a moderate weight, you would have to try it out for yourself. Try some of them out, how they feel in your hands. That of which I mostly use is in a different, more secure location here in my room, so you have nothing to worry about."
Whichever felt best to him, would be a gift, she'd already decided that. Link had done so much for the kingdom of Hyrule. Something as simple as a fishing rod was easy to part with, and oh, how excited she was to share in this hobby with him.
"I must confess, I am very much looking forward to this excursion. I am certain it is obvious, but I do not get a lot of free time. We can bring the ingredients for a fire, I would be happy to make use of some of what we catch. Return some of the water, use some as nourishment, fish is incredibly healthy for the body. It is only fair, since you are taking a life from nature, to find a use for everything."
There's a short pause as she tilts her head.
"...I have yet to find a use for fish bones. But scales can make beautiful jewelry. Princess Ruto taught me that."
No, he really couldn't imagine it. Perhaps it was naïve of him to assume a royal could indulge in the hobbies of their own choosing, as long as their duties were fulfilled. Link's excited smile softened to one of sympathy for a moment, before disappearing entirely as a look of intrigue overtook his features at the princess's explanation about her pole and bait selection process. Then, that same smile that first formed had returned again as he eagerly followed right behind her as instructed.
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Once they arrived at the designated closet, Link stared in awe at Zelda's collection of fishing poles. Then, a realization had struck: Link had always borrowed a pole from the fisherman at Lake Hylia to fish in that designated pond and never really owned one. But... how to even bring that up so far into the conversation... He looked down at the floor for a moment to think. "So... which would you recommend...?" he asked, looking back up to face Zelda directly.
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