ateenyyy · 18 days
what would happen if ateez worked at a mcdonald’s
wooyoung, throwing a bucket of water on it: I GOT IT
seonghwa: NO-
*oil splatters burning everyone*
hongjoong: i’m reassigning you two to the cash registers
san: i still don’t know what i did wrong
hongjoong: you caused unnecessary panic
jongho from the other room: AND BURNED US ALL ALIVE
jongho: what
seonghwa: what
hongjoong: what
hongjoong: yunho and mingi, i’m assigning you to the grill and fryers since.. the accident..
yunho: are you sure that’s a good idea
mingi, already at the grill: YEAH WHY WOULDNT IT BE
yunho: mingi
*mingi in his own grill world*
yunho: MINGI
mingi: WHAT
yunho: FIRE
mingi: WHERE
mingi: oh
hongjoong: yeosang you are my last option
yeosang, arms folded: i see
yeosang, looking into the distance: i am your only hope
hongjoong: that’s not exactly-
yeosang, walking out of the room: i won’t let you down captain
yeosang: guys how do you turn the fryer on
seonghwa: it’s already on
yeosang: how do you know?
wooyoung: dip your finger in to test it
yeosang: i’m not that stupid
san, about to dip his finger in: yeah that’s stupid who would do that
hongjoong: the numbers aren’t looking good. i’m afraid we will have to close. for good.
seonghwa, head down: i’m sorry
yeosang: please forgive us
hongjoong: where is everyone else???
seonghwa: wooyoung and san left five hours ago
yeosang: mingi got lost looking for cleaning supplies and so yunho took him for a walk to calm down
hongjoong: and jongho?
seonghwa: i think he quit to go work at wendy’s
hongjoong, sighing: brilliant
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ateenyyy · 25 days
this is (my attempt to write lol) a fic for my fellow boss lady kpop stans <3 go get it girl! san x fem!reader didn't specify that san is an idol bc it's not referred to in the story word count: 684 warning(s): one curse word, not proofread, idk if there's anything else really??
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when you first stopped at the new wine bar your friends had been hyping up for the past couple of weeks as the perfect place for date, in anticipation of your boyfriend joining you later on, you didn't suspect anything off about the place.
you still didn't care much when, after san had come to join you, you were on the receiving end of several eye rolls and stares. and of course you knew why. this wouldn't be the first time other girls would wish san wasn't taken. 'jealous much, bitches?' you laughed to yourself. 'someone tell them that envy doesn't solve their loneliness issues.'
however, the waitress who came to serve you and san's drinks served more than wine. she wore a very much flirtatious smirk as she served san's wine, in sharp contrast to the disgusted look she threw your way. to top all of that, she even 'accidentally' brushed by san's shoulder while leaving your table.
by this point, your blood was already boiling and you felt like throwing your heel at her, but san's hand reaching across the table touching yours was able to calm you down just in time.
"there's no point," he said gently. "you shouldn't let her spoil your mood. if you want to leave, then let's go somewhere else."
your angry breaths gradually slowed to a halt. "alright, i'd like to go. but let me use the bathroom first."
after washing your hands, you were convinced that all traces of your initial spite was gone, and you weren't going to let anyone stop you from enjoying your day with san.
"wonders shall never end. how do polar opposites like that end up together?"
you recognised that as the voice of the waitress who'd served you. instead of coming out of the bathroom, you stayed by the door to listen.
"you're asking me? maybe she has connections, money, something he wants. because he certainly can't be in love with someone who looks like that."
"i saw the girl going to the bathroom. i think i'd like to meet the guy and let him know that he deserves better."
so much for miss nice girl.
"excuse me, would you mind repeating what you said to my face?"
by now you had come out of the bathroom and was looking at the waitress and her gossip partner.
"how dare you eavesdropp on my conversation?" she asked.
"how dare you talk about me like that? you hardly even know me!" you spat back. "and you were even going to approach him knowing full well that he is taken. who does that?!"
"whatever." she huffed. "it's not like i lied about anything. do you really think he's going to stay with you? i bet he's looking forward to the day he will dump you."
when you heard that, something new snapped inside you. you had no idea what it was, but you were definetely going to use it to teach this girl a lesson.
"people like you get som sick pleasure from putting others down. how could you just take one look at me, literally not knowing me from anywhere, and decide i was not good enough for my boyfriend?" you used your eyes so shoot daggers at both women.
"and you," you continued. "you want to try to 'talk' to my boyfriend? why don't we just meet him together, huh?" you didn't bother to waste any more time on those two women who clearly couldn't see your worth. so with that, you turned your back on them and began to walk away.
only, as you turned the corner leading you to the main area of the restaurant, you saw someone waiting for you, wearing the proudest grin on his face.
"sannie! how long have you been standing there? sorry for keep you waiting so long," you apologised.
he didn't reply, immediately, instead choosing to rest his hand on your back as you both walked out of the restaurant. and as you both finally made it out of there, you could faintly hear a whisper in your ear.
"that's my girl."
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ateenyyy · 27 days
1:03 pm ✰ WOOYOUNG
now playing 🎧 sure thing by miguel
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You carefully make your way through the aisles of the cozy bookstore where you work. As you scan each shelf, you can't help but feel a sense of pride and ownership over the store. You've worked hard to ensure that every book is neatly organized and properly placed, and the result is a beautifully curated collection that any book-lover would appreciate.
Your passion for literature shines through in everything you do, and you're always eager to share your thoughts and opinions on your favorite books and movies. However, there are times when you worry that you might be too talkative, especially when meeting new people. But all those concerns fade away when you're with your boyfriend, Wooyoung. He adores your chattiness and always encourages you to be yourself.
As you navigate towards the classic section of the bookstore, you spot your all-time favorite classic, Little Women, and decide to take it out for a nostalgic read. In the process, you catch sight of a familiar mole near someone's eye and squint your own eyes to get a better look through the gap between books. Your heart skips a beat in surprise and delight as you realize the person on the other side is none other than your boyfriend, Wooyoung.
"Wooyoung?" you giggle, not expecting to see him here.
"Hi beautiful," he smiles and disappears from view, heading around the corner to greet you properly. Your heart flutters with excitement as you realize he's come to surprise you. As he approaches, you notice he is holding a brown paper bag and a steaming cup of coffee. Before you can even question him about why he's here, he wraps his strong arms around your waist and pulls you close, planting a sweet kiss on your lips. You can't help but smile back at him like a schoolgirl in love, feeling grateful for this unexpected moment together.
Unable to hide the adoration in your eyes, your heart races as you ask, "What are you doing here? I thought you had practice?"
Wooyoung releases his grip on you and shows you the contents of the paper bag and coffee cup he's holding, "I stopped by your favorite café to grab lunch for you. I know how much you love this place, and I wanted to make sure you ate well. Plus, I really wanted to see you." You can't help but feel touched by his thoughtfulness and attention to detail. Moments like these remind you why you fell in love with him in the first place.
"Aww, Woo, you're the best boyfriend ever," you say as Wooyoung lets out one of his signature giggles. Your words seem to have made his day as he grins widely and pulls you into a warm embrace. You can feel your heart racing as he holds you close, and you quickly set down your lunch in your book cart to focus on him entirely. You lean in to kiss him all over his face, savoring the feel of his skin against your lips.
Despite your love for books, you realize that there is something even more important to you.
"I love you, Wooyoung."
"I love you more, angel."
a/n 💌
hi :)) this is my first time writing fan fiction so I’m sorry if it’s bad 😅🥲 I am currently writing a one-shot for seonghwa, but I don’t think it’s any good 😭 I might post it on Friday 👀 let me know ur thoughts 💭 <3
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ateenyyy · 27 days
a day to remember
aka seonghwa making your birthday special against all odds<3
idol!skz x nonidol!femreader
genre: fluff
wordcount: 784
warnings: none really, unless you count loads of cuteness and fluff as another thing wrecking your mental health. i get it, really ; ) and it's not proofread
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As the first rays of the sun peeped in through your balcony, all the tiredness you'd accumulated from spending the night watching your newest kdrama obsession suddenly washed over you. You could have sworn it was just 11am five minutes ago.
You checked the time on your laptop. 7:11am, May 8th.
May 8th.
'As in... my birthday?' you wondered. 'Wow, I never knew this day would actually come.'
It wasn't so much the fact that you were indeed another year older that surprised you. It was that this would be the first birthday you would spend alone since you began dating your idol boyfriend, Seonghwa.
Every year, no matter how busy you'd both were, you would always find a way to spend your birthday together. It was never planned deliberately though- you both always just happened to be free on that day. So when Seonghwa called you two days ago to explain that there had been a change of plans and him and the boys had to go out of the country for a few days, one of which was your birthday, you could hardly believe it.
'Well, brooding over it and being sad won't really help me much, will it now?' you thought. You decided that with or without your boyfriend, you were still going to enjoy your day to the fullest.
You called one of your closest friends, Danielle, and practically begged her to go out with you even though you knew she was a homebody through and through.
'Of course I'll come! It's not every day your bestie finally chooses to spend her birthday with you instead of her boyfriend!' she joked. 'Also, even though it isn't for Seonghwa, I think that you dressing up as if you were going for a date will really give you a confidence boost. At least, that's what works for me.'
Following her advice, you settled for a light blue chiffon dress, clinched at the waist with a minimal silver belt, kitten heels, your hair done into a neat bun with some curls falling over your face, and some simple makeup.
'Not bad,' you'd thought, looking at yourself in the mirror.
After a hectic day of movies, shopping and binging in restaurants, you finally turned the key to your apartment door. You'd just had one of the most enjoyable days of your life, one that you were sure to never forget. However, your heart still ached for what you'd become used to for the past three years. You couldn't have called if you wanted, because according to your boyfriend, he had shoots from morning to evening and would probably be unable to use his phone much. Still, you were able to send a text or two asking about him. Texts which were still left very much unread.
Your notification bell suddenly went off. You sat on the couch in the living room and searched your bag for your phone. Someone had probably sent you an email for work, you assumed, only for you to open your lock screen and be proven completely wrong.
Seonghwa: i'm so so so sorry for not being able to spend your special day with you.
Seonghwa: i hope you were able to have a bit of fun regardless? did you go out?
Seonghwa: thanks for asking how I am, but honestly, I don't think I'll be okay until I see you.
You: dont worry love, you already apologised a million times, and i'll tell you it's okay everytime if i ever need to <3
You: yeah i spent the day with danielle
You: if only i could actually see you right now. that would be THE cherry on top for today.
Seonghwa: well, why don't you let me in?
You: you dont mean...
Seonghwa: yes babe i'm here
It took you a couple of seconds to process that, but before you know it you've run across the living room, flung open the door and enveloped your boyfriend in a bear hug.
'I'm happy to see you too, love. But please would you let me breathe for a bit?' he laughed.
Detaching yourself from him slightly, you started with your questions. 'But, I thought you....'
Cupping your face in his hands, he calmly explained. 'Some things got postponed last minute and we were able to return home a day earlier. So I came as fast as I could to surprise you. I even brought you some presents,' he said, pointing to the two shopping bags he carried, a huge smile on his face.
Forget the not letting him breathe. You hugged him even harder than ever, and he finally admitted defeat and simply hugged you back.
'Happy birthday, love.'
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ateenyyy · 28 days
i'm in love
idolproducer!bangchan x nonidol!gnreader
genre: fluff
word count: 0.5k ish~
warnings: !not proofread!, (possibly a teency bit cringe), just general fluffiness; lmk if there are any warnings i should mention?
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bangchan's love for you wasn't at first sight, unlike in the movies. it was more like a delicate flower, taking its sweet time to grow into a beautiful blossom <3 the seed was first planted when you, after meeting him at a high school reunion, were the only one to genuinely ask about the tiredness in his eyes and the paleness of his skin, rather than bombarding him with questions about being an idol. it made him so relieved to finally find someone who saw him as more than an unattainable star… someone who saw him for who he simply was, a human in need of love. the shoot began to grow when after he cancelled on the fifth date because he had some music he urgently needed to finish, you suggested that you come over with your laptop to his studio and finish your work together. it amazed him that someone would be so understanding of his hectic and borderline unhealthy work life, rather than trying to push him into changing. with each time you would come to spend time with him at his apartment or studio, take care of him when he was sick, and get closer to his groupmates, another petal would bloom the night before his birthday, you had been right by his side, letting him rest on your shoulders as he brainstormed new lyrics. everytime you would see that heart-sinking slight frown of frustration on his face, you would gently massage his scalp and almost inaudibly, say "it will be alright. i believe in you." with each massage, you could notice his eyelids drooping, until to your surprise, he fell asleep. the next morning, he found a pillow at his head, a warm blanket covering him, and his pen and notebook kept in a neat pile beside him. though he was still very much fatigued, he managed to muster up the strength to walk around your apartment. as he got closer to the kitchen, the smell of freshly baked cake intrigued him. and there you were, still in your clothes from last night, trying your hardest to pipe 'hbd my chan' on the cake while singing "happy birthday channie" in your light, carefree voice. before he knew it, a smile forced its way unto his face, and he was thanking God for deeming him worthy of someone as special as you. "Channie! how long have you been standing there?" "not too long; i just got here. seems like something is going on…" he joked. with that, you left the piping bag on the kitchen counter and ran to give him the biggest hug you could. "happy birthday channie, happy birthday channie…" as he savoured the moment with you, the realization hit: he was in love with you. just like the flower that was once a seed, his love continued to grow until it morphed into something too beautiful for words. and he was very sure that it would never stop growing. <3
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