astrologianapratica · 2 years
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Venus in the 8th house overlay can be one of the most passionate experience , especially if the venus makes a handful of aspects to the 8th house person. The Venus inspires all sorts of deep , explosive feelings in the 8th house. The 8th house can become flat out obsessed with the Venus. Venus finds the 8th house person very mysterious and feels this magnetic pull to discover what they're all about. Venus can fall equally as hard for the 8th house because overtime they crave the excitment and depth which feeds their soul. They equally desire one another in most cases. They watch each other a lot when they are together. There can be HUGE jealousy when the other takes their attention away from the other and gives it to someone else. This overlay can make both parties behave in crazy ways. Their behavior with this overlay is purely instinctual and primal in nature. They react to one another from emotion and love. This can even turn into a love-hate relationship. They don't quite find the depth anywhere else and they experience longing for the other when they're apart. They never forget each other even if they seperate permanently. This can also show a relationship which is taboo and clandestine in nature. They likely feel like soul-mates. They can learn a lot of dark secrets and pour out their ugliest trait onto the other person.
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
💓soul mate aspects💓
One of the most popular applications of astrology (and at least 40% of my asks) concern love and relationship compatibility analysis. I’ve noticed that quite a few couples who are very happy like to describe themselves as “soul mates” and usually “feel” as if they known their mate all their lives, and/or that their chance encounter in this life is more like a deja vu. In my astrological studies (which now have extended to focusing on asteroids and astrological apogees/points), I’ve noticed some patterns regarding “fated” or “past life” aspects. Some “past life” mates may also enter one’s life in tough times, playing the role of parent figure, friend, helpful sibling or generous business partner. This post lists aspects that indicate the potential for couples to be soul mates. Can be used as male to female or vice versa.
Ascendant of either person must conjunct Amor, Eros, Juno, North Node, Saturn
Ascendant of either person must conjunct the Ascendant, the Descendant, Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, or Pluto. Maximum 3 degrees orb.
Ascendant trine/opposite Ascendant, Descendant, Moon, Sun, or Saturn within 2 degrees orb is also valid.
If none of this applies, soulmate potential is unlikely, even though happiness can’t and shouldn’t be ruled out. If birth time is unknown, the Sun can be used in place of Ascendant (however, Sun conjunct Moon should not be used as a confirmation).
***the codes for the minor asteroids mentioned in this post are: Eros - 433, Amor - 1221, Psyche - 16, and Persephone - 399***
strongest aspects:
Sun conjunct Venus, Psyche, Moon, Sun
Asc, Sun, Moon conjunct Amor, Eros, Juno
Mars conjunct Psyche
Eros conjunct Venus
Pluto conjunct Persephone
Eros conjunct Psyche
Mars conjunct Venus
average aspects:
Mars, Venus, Pluto conjunct Amor, Eros, Juno
Ascendant, Sun, Moon conjunct North Node, Saturn
Amor, Eros, Juno conjunct Amor, Eros, Juno
Pluto conjunct Venus, Psyche, Moon
Ascendant, Sun, Moon trine Amor, Eros, Juno
Pluto trine Venus, Psyche
Sun trine Venus, Psyche
Eros trine Venus
Mars trine Psyche  
weak aspects:
Amor, Eros, Juno trine/opposite Amor, Eros, Juno
Ascendant, Sun, Moon opposite/quincunx Amor, Eros, Juno
Mars, Venus, Pluto conjunct North Node, Saturn
North Node, Saturn conjunct Amor, Eros, Juno
North Node, Saturn trine/opposite Amor, Eros, Juno
Ascendant, Sun, Moon trine North Node, Saturn
North Node, Saturn conjunct North Node, Saturn
North Node, Saturn trine/opposite North Node, Saturn
Mars, Venus, Pluto opposite North Node, Saturn
Mars, Venus, Pluto trine North Node, Saturn
Ascendant, Sun, Moon oppposite/quincunx North Node, Saturn
Mars, Venus, Pluto trine Amor, Eros, Juno
Mars, Venus, Pluto opposite Amor, Eros, Juno
honourable mentions go to:
Sun, Mars, Eros or Pluto and Venus, Psyche, or Juno in the same element.
Chiron conjunct Moon
Pluto trine/conjunct Mars or Sun
Vesta trine/conjunct Sun, Mars, Eros or Pluto
Neptune conjunct/trine Juno, Amor, Eros
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
Moon in the 6th house overlay :
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The Moon is the ruler of the 4th house and the zodiac sign Cancer. It can symbolize the mother , emotional / childhood conditioning , what one needs to feel secure and secure. What completes one on a soul type level. The 6th house is ruled by the planet Mercury and the zodiac sign Virgo. It can show one’s routine , daily life , work , health , humanitarian pursuits / helping others. It is also a part of one’s mental processing and intellect. 
When one person’s Moon overlays in another’s 6th house this show’s theme’s to do with helping one another through service. The Moon individual will feel this need to help the house person with their work and routine. They show great care and sympathy for the house person. They emotionally care about the house a lot. They express this through the act’s of service. They feed them and care about their health. If the Moon is positively afflicted this can be very helpful and lovely. Who doesn’t want a partner who pampers them or nurtures them. Especially in the areas of your health and well being. If in negative contacts however , then this can show one sided-ness in taking care of each other. The Moon person can feel as if the house takes them for granted. The house person adores the Moon person’s care and if the aspects are reciprocated the house will likely go out of their way for the Moon person. They cuddle one another with their good intention and love. The pair can do humanitarian work together and enjoy it greatly. They enjoy helping other people more when they are together besides just helping one another. They are likely to be protective of each other. Especially on the part of the Moon person. The Moon person can behave like a caregiver or parental figure in the house person’s life. Even in romantic relationships , this will show the Moon sticking up for the house person a lot and coming to their aid. Beware of making excuses for the other person too much because this overlay can make it so that eventually both or one party is very dependent on the relationship for emotional happiness. This can be a problem especially if they aren’t happy anymore and do not want to let go. They can feel responsible for each other.
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
exposing house cusps series - part 7
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remembering that this can vary and not all natal charts will have this same "pattern". for example, i know a person who has a Taurus Rising, but who has Taurus on the cusp of another house. so, it's quite possible that it will be different for many people. if it's your case, send me an ask to talk! i'll reply as soon as possible.
Ascendant in Libra / Libra rising - you are a person with an affectionate and also charming self-image. people who look at you see an aura of someone adaptable and kind. ppl see you as charming and harmonious.
Scorpio in 2nd house - you can function in a deeper way with regard to your material goods and your values ​​about life. you tend to go through transformations in the way you deal with money.
Sagittarius in 3rd house - your way of dealing with knowledge is in a profound way and not as fickle as expected. you tend to get to the bottom of an issue when studying something, and you tend to express all your knowledge.
Capricorn in 4th house - you tend to have a family with authority figures. your family is more restricted and you had a difficult childhood, where you learned to "don't express" your feelings.
Aquarius in 5th house - the power of your individuality is in your desire for freedom. your creative strength is to stand out from the others with your originality.
Pisces in 6th house - your way of dealing with routine is more patient, spiritual. you tend to function in your daily life according to your vibe and will. you may have a lack of energy, but you are extremely creative.
Aries in 7th house - you tend to be someone who attracts relationships with people who impose themselves, you end up admiring personality characteristics of being courageous, energetic, competitive and honest.
Taurus in 8th house - you have a certain inflexibility to change, you can deal with your sexuality and primitive instincts in a more stable and sensual way. you are very persistent.
Gemini in 9th house - you end up dealing with more complex and profound teachings, like higher education (college), in a more fragmented way. you may need to learn little by little, not being able to get to the bottom of a single subject for a long time with ease. you learn profound things by taking "pieces" of knowledge here and there.
Cancer in 10th house / MC in Cancer - your career needs to be in line with what your heart says, with what you always wanted to do and what makes you happy. it is important that, regardless of your career, you can feel good emotionally speaking.
Leo in 11th house - you tend to be very proud of your friendships. you want your friends around. you may have a tremendous problem with admitting you are wrong, you may have difficulty apologizing.
Virgo in 12th house - you may have a habit of bringing rationality to your psychological and emotional issues. this habit of hiding your inner feelings and issues can make you keep your stress to yourself, which can make you anxious or impact your physical health.
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
Libras and geminis reflect a lot of your personality so if you don’t like them like it’s probably because you dislike yourself
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
Do something. Anything. You’re alive, and you’ll only be for a few decades, and then it’s done. You’ll be in the ground, worm food. Make something and don’t let fear consume you.
Gian Franco (via hemphearts-blog)
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
You can’t express it positively without going through some harsh experiences that teach you about your emotional side, and how destructive it can be. Moon in aspect to Pluto is not like a Scorpio Moon, the dynamics are different. A Scorpio Moon is very sensitive and reactive, their emotions are quite easily triggered but they don’t necessarily seek to repress them. A Moon in aspect to Pluto still has the characterisitcs of the sign it’s in, but these traits can be taken to an extreme and become an obsessive focus for the individual, a compulsion. Pluto adds a layer of depth and intensity to the emotions no matter what sign the Moon is in. Basically what happens, especially in youth and when the aspect isn’t mastered, is that people who have Moon / Pluto in hard aspect feel things VERY deeply, and they feel overwhelmed by their own emotions, which can scare them and others away. So when they become aware of the fact that they’re “different” and much more sensitive than other people, they decide to protect themselves and they do it in various ways: cutting off emotions, turning cold, substance abuse, bullying, and so on (negative manifestations). If channelled positively, the Moon / Pluto individual learns to react differently and with less intensity to people and situations, and transmutes their energy into healing, spirituality, or service. Obviously the area that’s most affected by the Moon / Pluto aspect is that which involves feelings and family - there’s usually a lot of suffering or trauma of some kind with the mother or the women in the family, or in the immediate family where the child grows up, so they become hypersensitive and insecure, always awaiting for danger of some sort (very often there’s an extreme fear of losing a parent, separation anxiety, etc). That insecurity tends to poison every close relationship from then on, especially friendships and romantic relationships (fear of enmeshment / abandonment is a typical Moon / Pluto, Moon / Saturn issue). And that’s why Hades Mooners very often sabotage their relationships by acting extremely insecure, needy and controlling, or conversely by being aloof, ignoring, and playing mind games. The reason is a deep-seated fear of emotional pain.
Moon Square Pluto
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
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Moon-Pluto aspects - The Little Witch Moon conjunct Pluto, Moon sextile Pluto, Moon square Pluto, Moon trine Pluto, Moon opposite Pluto 
People with Moon-Pluto aspects inherit old witchcraft and psychic potions from the ancestors, but she can also be the chosen heirloom to destroy generational curses and transform the bloodline for the future. There are some cultures that consider the tribe’s music and the song increasing frequency, pitch, drums, volume and chaotic crescendo as the symbol of the incoming finale. It’s going to be the loudest right before it ends. And this is partly why people with Moon-Pluto aspects may feel like they were born in an ending, or at a time when everything appeared to crumbling, toxic, or rotting. One of the parents may have encouraged self-containment or detachment from her authentic emotions, maybe she was rejected or invalidated when she approached an adult with her feelings or fears, maybe she was told that she was ‘too sensitive’, or ‘that’s not the way we do things’. Even though she grows up it can be very hard to grow out of those emotional complexes, like the belief that her feelings make her a bad, difficult, or malfunctioning human.  The truth is rather that these people are too much for those who are not enough. She is too deep for those who lack depth, too emotional for those who have been sheltered from life, and too complex for those who are too afraid of what they don’t understand. And as a child, this little witch created lots of psychic waves without trying or realising. She transformed the lives of the people around her, and she was forced to witness the breakdowns and breakups but rarely the recovery. She could hear what they were thinking, sense what they were feeling, and see in clear view what they were hiding. There may have been shadows that haunted her and ghosts that helped her, and it’s common that there are one or a few outsider adults or elders that provide support, maternity, or mentorship of some sort. And she has the ability to shut out everything and hide within another world inside. A playground immersed in Pandora’s toy box, filled with the gifts she never received on the outside, psychic fantasies, labyrinths, muses, messages, guidance, and some kind of orb or light that she couldn’t seem to find out there. It’s one she can always return to and regenerate away from the static and noise, though most of what else she finds in there will remain a secret forever. 
Cherry art by Nico Niemi (https://www.ebsqart.com/Artist/Nico-Niemi/2736/Art-Portfolio/Witch-Light/655403/)
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
Mars in the 12th
Mars in the 12th house is often considered a low energy placement but I beg to differ.
Mars in the 12th house individuals can possess a vast amount of energy that seems almost limitless in relation to the person. This is mainly due to the fact that their energy is based from something much higher then themselves, something tied to their spirit and as unlimited as the starts themselves.
Much like the octaves of neptune though their energies can wane and fluctuate quite a bit. Like most water house placements their drives can be based on their emotions and how they feel in that particular moment. Mars in the 12th can at times seem low energy because of this because their emotions are constantly in the air and submerged in the seas.
But in the same take when they are emotionally “there” or passionate enough to allow their deep emotions a way point out; they can have an almost limitless amount of energy and can reach feats some can only dream of. Because Mars in the 12th takes on a role when truly mastered of making dreams into reality.
Mars in the 12th isn’t roses though and does require quite a bit of learning and patience to truly understand. Anger must be mastered as much of the early stages for people with this position can be filled with random outburst of rage, confusion in terms of assertion and reasons for pursuit. And as well as illusions surrounding sexuality and even the blur between what it even means to you. Sexuality may also be heavily suppressed or only allowed expression in silent. Even if you have an open moon sign like Gemini or Aries.
Mars not the 12th can also present a mysterious atmosphere around a person… Leaving much to the imagination of others and the projection of their “Mars” related feelings towards and on the 12th house person This can be someone else’s anger,intent, sexual desire, confusion, and shyness onto you. Like all Neptunian influences people are very drawn to Mars in the 12th albeit in a Pisces like way and in a way that is without boundaries or proper reasoning.
Women with this position are attracted to men who exhibit shy, sensitive and compassionate traits as well as a man who is willing to let down his walls, a fragile man, and a man whom carries himself strong a powerful but is really sweet on the inside. There’s a strong tendency to seek out people/men with strong 6th house or Virgo placements when you have 12th house placements or Neptune aspects because you at times seek their grounding and service(sacrifice)
Men with this placement can tend to be reserved, shy, sensitive, extremely introverted and seem to have up and down energy. They can be some of the best in sports because they don’t seem to have trouble assessing their potential and seem to continuously surpass limits. They are actually extremely athletic and can benefit from exercise so they can release pent up energy.
For both men and women this is a highly spiritual placement and true assertion and drive As well sense of self can be achieved by pouring their energy(Mars) into spiritual pursuits and to learn that not everything requires a response or your time Nor does it require your emotions. And the root of your anger and undoing lies in the high standards you set for people and it’s through this long journey you will get stepped on and have your sense of self and will power challenged and tarnished only to learn to rise above petty burst of anger and aggressiveness and truly learn to assert yourself in a truly strong. Spiritually enforced way.
This placement would be most compatible with Mars in any water sign or water house. Mars in Virgo or 6th (Possibly other earth placements but not to sure) Mars in Aquarius( this is actually because they can teach you detachment and raise you above and out of the water) Mars in Gemini might be to superficial for you And Mars in libra might leave you both in an indecisive fit with both of you to passive to keep things moving toward And Mars in the fire signs might be to focused in their pursuits and independence to give you a helping hand and may burn you by accident But take the whole chart into account I’m sure any of them can work!
But hope this was okay it was long as hell 😂😭 thought this placement needed this
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
Observing Mars - 2
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Please do not take what I say personally. If something does not apply to you, then it doesn't apply to you. Not everything on your placement will apply to you. Birth charts will do that.
These are my own interpretations and observations on the placements. Do not recommend my shit on TikTok. Do not plagiarize or repost my content.
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Ah, Bikini Bottom...
I know too many of y'all, I'm sorta jaded by our interactions but not really. Lies...
Anywaaaaaay, you're gonna have one person in your life that's gonna call you out on all your tactics and it's going to leave you absolutely shook but this is good.
You get away with a lot. The energy you give off is one that is personable, harmonious, fun loving. Someone who just wants everyone to get along, but heaven have mercy if you're pissed off.
You know EVERYONE'S tea and no one seems to know anything about you. The way to stay in the middle is to give the illusion you're playing for both sides.
I mean, why should you show people all of you when they're going to see what they wanna see anyway?
You know all too well how people make accusations and assumptions with little to know context, so you just keep things polite with most people around you.
You give of the energy of someone who will listen to another's troubles and come up with solutions, which you definitely are, but it must fucking suck being everyone's therapist all the time.
You could find yourself in situations where you are always having to diffuse the situation and it's exhausting, isn't it? How people can't communicate? How they just can't resolve things on their own and stop being so damn stubborn????
And that's how Libra Mars individuals lose it on everyone and point out everyone's bullshit they constantly have to hear about. If they're not brave enough to do that, they'll tell someone some shit they know will make them mad that another person told them and watch the chaos ensue.
Not to be ridiculously dramatic but I've bared witness to many situations where a Libra Mars would say some shit and it's like everything fucking exploded and everyone's shit came to light.
I got one thing to say to you: With great power, comes great responsibility.
Power. Scorpio Mars is about power. Not just "sex", not just "intensity". They're about power.
Scorpio Mars individuals are masterful in their approach to getting what they want. They genuinely take the time to fully understand anything they're interested in pursuing. You would honestly think they were a seasoned pro the way they approach what they do.
Scorpio Mars is misinterpreted almost all the time. Whenever I have read about Scorpio Mars, the focus is always sexual in nature but Mars, as a planet, does not just strictly represent sex.
Yes, Mars represents our survival, which procreation is definitely a factor of but Mars in astrology also represents our ways of release and how we approach what we want. It's how we go after what we desire in life which can be argued as part of our survival instinct because if we didn't have an ambition, if we didn't go after anything, we would just waste away.
Now, when Mars is in the sign of Scorpio, the ability for individuals with this placement to go after what Mars requires of themselves is so strongly ingrained in them that it's intimidating for those around them.
It's really intimidating to an obscene degree.
It's like they run purely on their instincts. They can't ignore their intuition or gut feelings, it's like an actual voice speaking out to them it's so strong.
When they're younger, this energy they possess can even intimidate them and they'll try to water themselves down a lot, often coming off as shy and not wanting any focus on them.
But, damn, once they realize the power they possess doesn't deserve to be watered down, they transform into such capable, magnetic individuals.
People with Scorpio Mars have a lot of creative energy. They're inventive and innovative. They're productive and they're not wasteful and this is attractive. People are attracted to this energy individuals with Scorpio Mars possess, and they translate this energy to something purely sexual.
This drive, ambition, energy, and power they eminent is attractive af to those around them because this ensures they get shit done. Who doesn't like someone that gets shit done??????
This is a get-shit-done Mars.
Stop tryna smash with them. If you think they wanna fuck you, you're delusional. They're not gonna let on so easily that they're into you. Like, bitch, what do you think this is??? The circus??? Am I supposed to put on a show for you to display my interest????
They're really not flashy. You'll have no clue.
"If you wanna take the shit I say to heart, that's on you." - The Motto of every Sagittarius Mars
It's not that deep, bro. These motherfuckers have memes for everything. You can say the most serious shit to them and they'll find a way to lighten up the energy.
It's not to say that they don't care, they do but if a Sagittarius Mars ever allowed themselves to get into the complexities all of the bullshit they experienced, they really would not be happy-go-lucky as many know them to be.
You do not want to see ANY Sagittarius placement sad or depressed. It will actually make you feel disturbed, like there's no hope in the world.
Self-righteous anger is the game and hypocrisy is name. They can definitely get ahead of themselves, even when they're wrong, they won't back down.
As a Sag Mars myself, I know many people get super irritated with me when I go from seriously debating one moment to laughing like I haven't got a care in the world. I mean, we can be serious but let it go ig?????
If something is important to them, it has to be important to everyone around them as well. You will know that they care about this thing and they will talk about it all the time like they're set on fire and if you don't start caring about it as well then put on your goddamn riding boots because we're getting on a high horse, bitch!
They're very motivated by all kinds of causes because they wanna make a difference. They want to leave a lasting change on the world and whoever they meet.
A lot of the endeavours they undertake can be spiritually motivated. There's a desire to feel connected and they seek this out, it's why they're so adventurous. They're driven to experience and to learn as much as possible. They want to know.
They need to have some sort of spiritual connection. Their beliefs are so integral to who they are and what they want to accomplish.
"Oooh, you crying?"
They can be absolute assholes when they're mad. Will literally cut you down with the most cut-throat observations on you and they won't care where you are, they're going to say what's on their mind.
Tact be damned!
"Who asked you?"
Goddamn, they're so direct.
Fuck your feelings. Fuck what you think. Fuck your expectations. They don't care. Tell it to someone else. They don't wanna sit and sing Kumbaya with you. They have a life, you go get yours.
Loves to say no and tell people off. They were those little kids who were so damn salty, but humbled a bit when they got older.
They love to stay in their lane and they enjoy the company of people who know how to stay in theirs. They want maturity in their interactions. They need to have whatever they're focusing on to be necessary and ultimately be serving them, if not now then in the future.
With having a Capricorn Mars, there's a strong desire to be acknowledged and associated with the things that you do and the success of it.
They can make their career and achievements their entire identity. They're rarely able to separate themselves from their job. If they fail at a task, they can feel like they as a person are a failure when that's really not the case.
They're really super hard on themselves. They're worse than a Capricorn Moon. They have this unwavering stamina to just do, do, do.
I've observed a lot of Capricorn Mars individuals who would love to take a break and relax and just believe everything will work out, but they just can't ignore what they've experienced.
Experience has taught them that if they want something done and done right, they need to do it themselves and there's a lot they want to get done.
It's so important for someone with a Capricorn Mars to have a good support system. Yes, you definitely can do it on your own. You've got the energy, the drive, the stamina, the vision but that does not mean you need to fuck yourself up trying to accomplish everything.
It might seem worth it now, but you're so good at thinking ahead, can you honestly say at the end of your life that what you're working so hard towards was what you actually wanted for yourself and not what society pushed you into?
I honestly admire Capricorn Mars individuals who use their energy and drive to follow their passions but I've also come across many of them who go into career fields and pursue certain things because of familial and societal pressures which leave them overworked and miserable.
It must be sickening to always feel the pressure to conform to the material world.
"Dreams don't pay the bills."
Acknowledge them!!!
Please, lovelies, acknowledge them. They're so talented, so gifted, so filled with potential that is so often overlooked. Why you overlooking them?????? Stop and smell the beautiful roses that they are!!!!
They're so understanding and they put up with so much.
They're always expected to give of themselves and make sacrifices when they have dreams they want to pursue themselves.
Unlike a Pisces Mars who would willingly sacrifice over and over and over, someone with an Aquarius Mars ends up sacrificing all the time with the promise of being helped in turn only to find themselves disappointed.
Their families never seem to be truly supportive of their dreams or their vision. They want to make their loved ones proud but they want them to be proud of them because they stayed true to themselves and did what they wanted and not be proud of them for just doing what was expected of them.
Just them being themselves can be seen as rebellious when they're really just being themselves.
They really don't get angry for the usual things people get angry for, but when they do their anger becomes nearly palpable.
So cold.
Pisces Mars isn't a sweat dripping off your balls Mars placement. It kinda functions like a Mars Retrograde, people with this placement tend to be more receptive than responsive. It's directed inward to a place they can't see but can feel.
Whatever is going on it's happening inside of them, it's up in the air. It's rare they allow their anger to escape them because their anger can seem so elusive to them, something that's not really apart of them.
They're more likely to feel things out before acting on anything. Sometimes they won't even realize they're doing this. They're so used to it that to others it can just seem like they don't want to make an effort or they're not interested in doing things. They get labeled as lazy for this.
I mean, if you think of Mars, you don't think soft and passive which is what the Pisces sign can be but that's not what it's all about. Mars expresses itself covertly in Pisces as it would with Cancer. Their approach is subtle.
They do have a drive, just as any person does, but they're not the conventional aggressive drive we tend to associate with the word.
I want to say their drive is strumming beneath the surface but it's not even that, it's like the way the moon moves the tides. Their drive seems to be connected to something they can't fathom but which they can definitely feel the subtle effects of.
People also don't notice their drive or the way they assert themselves until they see the end results.
Individuals with their Mars in Pisces are extremely sacrificing. Where most people would not even dare do anything because doing something would mean giving up too much, a Pisces Mars would gladly sacrifice anything to help their loved ones.
They can be labeled as lazy but the truth is they know a lot of shit just doesn't matter so why stress yourself out? It doesn't make sense to them. It's not even something they contemplate, they just embody it.
They're incredibly understanding but they will cut a bitch and won't hesitate if they've run out if damns to give.
They are so scary when they're angry. The shit they do and say will honestly stay with you.
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
“She is sensitive. She does not see the world as it is. She's a bit up in the clouds. She cannot fit in.”
-Christa Wolf
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
Relato de um quíron na casa 11 quíron fala sobre uma ferida, a casa 11 fala dos grupos, dos nosso amigos, da nossa comunidade, do nosso lugar nesse meio.  Eu tenho quíron em Leão na casa 11, o regente da casa 11, o sol. está em câncer, o que significa que meus amigos são minha família, são poucos e muito importantes para mim.  Essa ferida foi instalada na minha infância, como todos os traumas são cristalizados lá... eu tenho dificuldade para lembrar da minha infância, parece tudo escuro lá... com algumas sessões de terapia conseguia desbloquear algumas coisas e pelo que lembro as pessoas não gostavam de mim quando eu era pequena, eu escutava coisas ruins de mim... e isso porque eu sempre fui muito emocional (sol em câncer, sol oposição netuno, lua quadratura plutão, lua conjunção saturno, lua oposição quíron, vênus na 8, vênus quadratura marte, marte na casa 12, júpiter na casa 12, saturno na 5 e plutão na casa 2)  na minha infância a minha casa era um caos, e eu me sentia extremamente sozinha, eu via, ouvia, tinha agressão física, abuso emocional, verbal, enfimm. E com esse sol oposição netuno as pessoas costumam projetas as suas merdas em mim, e a lua em quadratura com plutão sempre me fez perceber o que as pessoas não falam, o movimento corporal, as micro expressões faciais, as agressividades passivas na voz e nas atitudes das pessoas - e eu chorava muito e era um tanto difícil de lidar (vulgo lua em aquário), agora que escrevi esse “difícil de lidar’’ que me dei conta que esse pensamento foi instalado lá “difícil de lidar” “muito emocional” “muito sensível” “chata” “gorda” “bonita mas não linda”.  enfim, agora voltando aos meus amigos... sou uma pessoa cheia de traumas, e com certeza sou toxica nos meus relacionamentos, mas sempre sou verdadeira, um pouco confusa as vezes, e esse confusa é porque não ajo de verdade como sou por dentro e isso me gera problemas, a minha ânsia em agradar, em ser amada, em não ser rejeitada me coloca em situações exatas a que evitar.  meus amigos quando as coisas ficam difíceis eles nunca vem atrás de mim, eu sempre fui todas as vezes t o d a s - eu carrego o peso da culpa e a culpa é sempre por eu ser quem eu sou - quebrada - danificada -  hoje com 29 anos entendo que preciso cuidar de mim, porque de fato ninguém vai fazer isso por mim - nem quem diz que me ama, afinal o amor é sempre limitado - não existe espaço para pessoas com dores iguais a minha, é chato, pesado para as outras pessoas.  sozinha  s o z i n h a  e s t o u s e m p r e s o z i n h a  penso em realmente me fechar, pois cada perda desses amigos acaba um pouco mais comigo e eu já não sei mais se tem algo para acabar de mim, parece que estou destruída, sem força, sem vida é doloroso não ser boa  é doloroso tentar e não conseguir  é doloroso estar dentro de mim mas as pessoas esperam que eu lide sozinha - e claramente eu não consigo lidar sozinha - é difícil nunca ter sido cuidada, ter tido o time certo, sem receber críticas, culpa a morte sempre vem como uma opção - mas existe algo dentro de mim que me segura aqui mesmo que meu corpo não aguente mais.  #kíron #chiron #casa11 #astrologia #relatopessoal
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
🖤Moon - Pluto Aspects🔪
🖤Dives deeply into their feelings
🔪Their emotions are INTENSE and often feel all consuming
🖤fear is usually heightened and they may have strong anxiety or fear of loss, control or death
🔪They might experience emotional addiction (to others emotions or their own)
🖤Often need time to digest what they’re actually feeling and might have a hard time communicating to others what they’re feeling
🔪Might feel the need to control their emotions, wether this means repressing the or keeping a lid on them or controlling how others see them
🖤Might have an extreme fear of loss, change or the unknown (although it might show up in subtle ways)
🔪Usually they have a core need to feel safe, and to feel safe some sort of massive emotional deconstruction or reconstruction usually has to occur (not the easiest cycle)
🖤Often their home life is intense and they need space away from it (sadly a lot of people I know with this aspect have abusive families, but not all moon-Pluto people will)
🔪Those with the hard aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) might feel intruded upon or invaded especially by their family
🖤These people like to get to the root of why they feel the way they do, they want to eradicate the feeling at the source
🔪Are known for ‘killing’ their feelings and might appear cold to others
🖤However feelings aren’t usually killed, but more buried until they reappear later in a burst that can be destructive
🔪Their families might have a skeleton or a secret in their cupboard, some sort of trauma or violation or other messy situation, but again depends on the person
🖤These people are often charged with carrying their family’s secret and to heal them
🔪Can act as a sponge, soaking in any negativity or unexpressed feelings around them (they can easily get drained by being near people)
🖤Whenever there’s a crisis around them, even if it has nothing to do with them, they’ll usually somehow manage to get involved in it (they can smell trauma a mile away)
🔪Usually they are her strong and perceptive people, even if they aren’t vocal on what they observe. Others turn to them for advice especially in hard times
🖤Nothing ever really seems to shock them, they have seen, and more so felt it, all before
🔪Great at providing and safe space for people to express their emotions, can become amazing therapists
🖤Sadly they often attract unhealthy relationships. Relationships that are emotionally intense and dramatic
🔪Also seem to attract who are at polar opposites of the emotional scale, with the conjunction they might find someone who’s very emotionally repressed, who keeps their emotional world hidden or with the other aspects usually someone who feels helpless to their emotions, who’s controlled by their intense emotional swings
🖤They might also choose dramatic partners who can act out the Plutonian emotions that they are not comfortable with expressing yet
🔪On a side note they also tend to just find people who are opposite to them
🖤They often crave intense emotional interaction, and their personal life isn’t usually tranquil for long
🔪They are full of dark, seething undercurrents that can erupt at any minute
🖤They like to keep the details of their personal and domestic life to themselves, and not in public view. They might feel like there’s no need to trust the others with their feelings and secrets
🔪Many come from a background where it wasn’t safe to expose/express ones feelings. They might be used for manipulation, control or blackmail
🖤While they are amazing at detecting things like manipulation, control and blackmail they may use them consciously or unconsciously as well
🔪They might be obsessed with their mother in some way, or wanting to be a mother. Or their mother might be obsessed with them
🖤Mother figure might be controlling and over protective. She might over mother or invade the child’s space, allowing no hiding place, no secrets, no privacy
🔪The conjunction might signal that they won’t be accepted by their family, or that they need to leave their family/community to be authentically themselves
🖤Very in-tune with their subconscious and their primal feelings, and their subcnious is often VERY strong
🔪They might crash into or invade others feelings or be very frightened of doing so
🖤Might have an obsession with motives, what their motives are and what others motives are
🔪 A general philosophy they might have is “if I know the person thourougly, including their weaknesses, then they cannot hurt me, because I hold the power”
🖤They might have power struggles come up again and again in their relationships
🔪Can be very possessive
🖤Might be constantly told they are too sensitive, obsessive, emotional or serious
🔪Very resilient people with willpower of steel and often can uplift others
🖤The most difficult lesson they may need to learn is to let go of their feelings. They may have the urge to purge their destructive emotions like rage, hurt, suspicion and jealousy but their fear of letting go is often stronger
🔪Moon-Pluto people are Intense. Their emotions, home environment and the people that surround them can lead them to be controlling, manipulative and anxious people. However, because of their experience with the darker side of life they tend to be resilient and inspiring, and at their best they can squeeze out depth from every experience. They make powerful,impactful and loyal friends and partners🖤
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
Astro Interactive Talk Friday #3
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NOTE: these are titled interactive because I would love to hear feed back from others as well that’s why I post them😭.
TOPIC OF DISCUSSION: Natives with Moon Square Pluto, are you in anyway a little replica of your mother?
I am one of three of siblings and I have a Virgo moon with it squaring Pluto and I am literally like mom. My other siblings look or act nothing like her. We are both Geminis, our birthday is a week a part. I look exactly like her, I have a lot of her mannerisms and characteristics, we low key go through the same health problems and life situations, and it’s crazy because just like I look like her, she looks EXACTLY like her mom and has her characteristics as well. In Vedic, I have the same moon sign as her too, Leo moon. Her mother has eight kids and out of all eight my mom is the only one who resembles her.
My mother did not come from a very good life nor did she have a great childhood so her nit-picky ways stem from her wanting me to be better than her and how her childhood was. My mom introduced me to a lot of inappropriate things because she didn’t have the luxury of having a childhood. And in a sense, neither did I. My childhood wasn’t as bad as my mothers, but some of her trauma carried onto me and my sisters because to my mother, it was her way of preparing us for the real world. How cruel others can be, how fucked up the world is. My Virgo moon worries because I grew up being conditioned to think the worse thing possible of every situation, of every person because everything is never what it seems to be. I have Capricorn in my 4th (IC,) it was always all work, no play. My entire childhood was like a battlefield. My mother was never nurturing, it was like she was preparing me for war. Always constantly hearing scary things about the world, and how I would not be able to make it if I don’t be responsible, go to school, do this, do that. Be mature, etc.
Although I don’t agree with all of my mothers ways, all her characteristics, and the way she raised me, I understand where she comes from. That none of it was intentional because she was teaching me all she knows, so I won’t make the same mistakes as her. She sees me as her, and she can’t help but to think about all the times people did things to her, all the times she made mistakes, all the times she didn’t know anything and she wants me to have and be better. She just doesn’t know how to present it the right way because nobody ever sugarcoated it to her either, she always had to learn the hard way. In some instances, because I am her in every way and she sees that, sometimes this could make her have Ill will towards me because she may wish someone would have told her the things she tells me. She may wish she had a fresh start. And if I were to truly be honest, if I too were in her shoes, some days (I wouldn’t say I would be jealous of my child) but kind of sad at myself to see how they may go higher than anyway I could’ve but absolutely proud of them as well. It’s the deep feeling of pity and presenting myself as a victim in which I would be.
But I am learning to see my mom as not only my mom, but as a person. Someone who’s been hurt and traumatized plenty of times. I don’t have to agree with her in every way, but understand where it is coming from so when I have my own kids, I can’t interpret her lessons she taught me, but In a healthy and loving way.
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
Thoughts on Neptune Square Ascendant?
my boyfriend has this one so is very interesting!
Neptune Square Ascendant🍰
so first of all we need to understand what is your ascendant your ascendant represents your personality, coping mechanisms in order to survive, self identity, your individual in a whole, how you view world. Neptune is the planet of foggy energy, drugs, illusions, so when neptune makes a square to the ascendant, is very interesting because you tend to have a idea of yourself that is not what other people see, remember that your ascendant is the part that people see of you, so people tend to project things onto you very easily, like even if you are not like that people are going to believe everything (specially bad tho because is a square) I really see that what people doesn’t accept on themselves they put it onto this people because is a distortion of the reality. For the person having this aspect the idea of themselves (self identity) is blurry and can be easily influenced by people.
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
i read an astrology post somewhere wondering how it’s possible for ppl with harsh neptune ascendant aspects not to have lost their goddamn minds already and to that i just wanna say we were born lost and so were our minds
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astrologianapratica · 2 years
venus trine jupiter
the most pleasant aspect, between the most benefic planets. there is almost no way for anything bad to come of this. perhaps you are feeling a little lazy or lethargic or *luxurious* and someone else tries to convince you that this is bad... now you know it is not. you are inherently worthy of sacred rest and comfort and pleasure.
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