asterlullabies · 4 years
I really really wish I was a cat, I’m not built for this capatalist society but I am built for sleeping 19 hours a day and knocking things over
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asterlullabies · 4 years
There’s so many of these posts, but like many others that post this, my dash is deceased. 
So reblog if you post about: 
Random Witch Things
Chaos Magic
Green Witchcraft
Witchy Herbs 
The Fae 
Runes and/or Sigils  
Norse Paganism/Heathenry 
Craft Names
And reblog if you’re: 
A Witchling/Baby Witch
LGBT+ Witch
A Witchy POC
A Male Witch 
A Closeted Witch 
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asterlullabies · 4 years
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Viking recipes, part 1 (the desserts)
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asterlullabies · 4 years
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As a pagan, I think it’s very important to know ancient alphabets. Not just to write curses or spells, but to communicate with the gods through runic symbols. Because I am a norse pagan, I mostly master futhark runes (runic alphabet), but I know a bit of Oghams, the old celtic alphabet. Here they are, feel free to learn them, and trust me: it really helps! Another thing: the oghams are to be written vertically, on a single line.
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asterlullabies · 4 years
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Witch Aesthetics // Norse (Viking) Witch
Music Witch | Desert Witch | Water Witch | Love Witch | Cotton Candy Witch | 
Sun Witch | Swamp Witch | Cottage Witch | Ice-Snow Witch
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asterlullabies · 4 years
Rådare (Norse Creatures)
I will be using the Swedish names/words as there are no English translations.
Rådare comes from the word “råda” which means “to rule/take care of” so a rådare is a creature that rules over something.
Every rådare rules over their own thing. For example there’s a skogsrå for every forest.
The easiest way to make them happy is through respect and gifts.
You can protect yourself from them by wearing metal.
Remember that the gift has to be biodegradable! A lot of sources say that you should give coins, clothes, tobacco etc. But this is extremely disrespectful as you’re destroying their home (and it’s generally shitty to pollute).
Even if you haven’t done anything to make them angry it’s always good to show respect by acknowledging them when you enter their home.
Rules over the forest and the creatures that live there.
Usually looks like a beautiful woman with a hollow back and/or hooves and tail. She can also take the shape of different forest creatures.
If in a good mood she helps those who are lost and warns people about incoming storms.
If in a bad mood she makes sure people get lost.
If you live on your own in/close to a forest (or if you are camping) she might come at night when you’re sitting by the fire and attempt to seduce you. If you sleep with her she will keep a part of your soul and you will always have a longing and obsession with the forest.
If hunters give her gifts she might “give” them an extra big animal. Though if they manage to shoot one of the animals she protects they have to face her wrath
Rules over the ocean and the creatures that lives there.
Usually looks like a beautiful woman with long hair, gills, fins, and a fishtail. She can also take the shape of different sea creatures.
If in a good mood she shows fishermen where they can find the best fish or warns them about incoming storms. She can also give them good wind and help boats that are taking in water.
If in a bad mood she can trick boats into storms so they get lost or sink.
Sometimes she will seduce people and drag them down to her home at the bottom of the ocean where they are forced to work as servants.
She might stop boats and offer to buy their load, if this happens it’s best to accepts as if you say no she might get so angry that she takes down the entire ship.
Rules over lakes and the creatures that live there.
Usually looks like a beautiful woman with a hollow back. Unlike havsrået she has legs. She can also take the shape of different freshwater creatures.
If in a good mood she might help fishermen and warn them about incoming storms.
She only drowns people who have made her angry or if she is very hungry.
Just like skogsrået if fishermen give her gifts she might “give” them an extra big fish. Though if they manage to catch one of the creatures she protects they have to face her wrath.
Rules over mountains and mines.
Usually looks like a tall woman in an elegant, grey dress. If seen wearing black it is a sure sign of death.
If in a good mood she shows miners better ore veins or warns them about any dangers.
If in a bad mood she tries to scare people away, if they ignore the warning signs she makes sure they get lost in the mine.
Enjoys silence and solitude.
Doesn’t like it when people make too much noise.
Becomes very angry if miners manage find one of the ore veins she protects.
Rules over natural springs.
Usually looks like a young girl but most of the time she’s invisible. She can also take the shape of a toad.
If in a good mood she might show you the future though the water surface. It’s important to remember not to look for too long or too deep as you might lose yourself.
If in a bad mood she can make you sick after you’ve drank the water.
A lot of sources will say that if you sacrifice something to her before you drink the water it will heal you as well as make the water clean/drinkable. This is not true. There’s not a magical cure for deceases or disorders. Also there’s no way to magically make water drinkable. Always make sure a natural spring is clean before you drink from it.
This is compiled from my own grimoire / what I was taught growing up
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asterlullabies · 4 years
Bless me to be…
As Courageous as Tyr
As Strong as Thor
As Wise as Odin
As Fierce as Freya
As Healthy as Idun
As Beautiful as Frigg
As Compassionate as Sjofn
As Enduring as Skadi
As Accepting as Lofn
As Hearty as Freyr
As Regal as Hel
As Cunning as Loki
As Bright as Baldr
As Observant as Heimdal
As Dedicated as Vidar
As Loving as Nanna
As Just as Forseti
As Peaceful as Nott
As Grounded as Sif
As Glorious as Ullr
As Creative as Bragi
As Warm as Sol
As Wealthy as Njord
As Loyal as Sigyn @sigynfreespirit
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asterlullabies · 4 years
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@mythonetwork: event 3: favorite locations: the nine worlds
There are nine worlds in Norse Mythology, they are called Asgard, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Midgard, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Niflheim, Muspelheim,  Helheim. The nine worlds in Norse mythology are held in the branches and roots of the world tree Yggdrasil. These realms are the home of different kind of beings, like the home of the Gods and Goddesses or giants.
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asterlullabies · 4 years
I can’t tell if a lot of writers of modern fiction just don’t know much about Norse beliefs about the afterlife, or if they’re just trying to simplify it for whatever reason for their works.  Like, Valhalla is not the only place medieval Scandinavians believed they went when they died.  Nonetheless, here is a list of the places where the dead go for writers or just whoever is interested:
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Valhalla is generally where male warriors who die in battle go after death.  Here, they will live in constant battle and feasting alongside Odin and the Valkyries until Ragnarok, when they will join Odin in battle.
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While half of warriors who die in battle go with Odin to Valhalla, the other half go to Folkvang (also called Folkvangr), which belongs to Freya.  Both male and female warriors could end up here when they died, while Valhalla was generally reserved for men.
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Ran is not so much a place as a person, whose home has many names.  She is a giantess who lives underwater, and her home is generally where people who die at sea go.
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Hel is a realm very similar to Midgard (Earth, i.e., where all humans live), ruled by a goddess/giantess also named Hel.  She is the daughter of Loki and Angrboda.  Life continues on as it would when you were alive, except, obviously, you are not alive.  Battles are waged, people eat, drink, and sleep, and they still have jobs and responsibilities.  It is not altogether an unpleasant place by most accounts.  This is where the vast majority of people end up.  Some sources say people even stay with their earthly family units in Hel.
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asterlullabies · 4 years
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The Norse rune for the letter “J”, the name “Jera” translates as “year”, and the rune conveys meanings of harvest and reward.
It’s a very goal-oriented, yet patient and balanced rune. And it’s totally an “autumn rune”.
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asterlullabies · 4 years
How I feel advising baby witches against love spells
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asterlullabies · 4 years
Tenets of the Gods
Baldr: The brightness of life. Let your presence be inspiring and beautiful to all. Allow your joy to radiate from within and become your aura. Bragi: Believe in the power of your words. Speak carefully with thought and precision. Let your praise empower and strengthen, and your insults dishearten and wither. Eir: Seek the cure. Help those in need, and offer comfort in whatever form you can. Reject the corruption of disease, any affliction can be treated and healed with the right approach. Fenrir: Destroy your chains and those who forge them. Never be cowed or submit in fear, reason should be met with respect but dominion with insurrection. Forseti: Deliver the beneficial compromise. Let peace be brokered and unnecessary conflict be evaded, good faith be honoured and deception be castigated. Freyja: Bask in your glory and empowerment. Let pleasure be a virtue, and self-determination be the basis of your strength. Revel in your emotions for they are your power. Freyr: Advance the endeavour of growth. Nurture life in all its forms and display the beauty of progeneration. Anything can take root and grow given the right conditions. Frigga: Provide and protect. Let all you care for be comfortable and safe, and no need be denied. The fire can warm but also burn. Heimdall: Vigilance and caution. A misstep may bring misery and an unheard word, disaster. The way forward is clear and danger is transparent, when the time is taken to identify it. Hela: Death is but the other half of life. Let stillness be, and quiet guide your thoughts. Endings should be neither sought nor feared, an end is but the opportunity for further beginnings. Idunn: Wisdom in youth. Let the words of babes ring with your consciousness and seek the truth held in their innocence, ignorance is found in the dismissal of the young. Loki: Freedom in fun and change. Do not be bound by norms and civility, evil is often disguised as order, and the fabricated as natural. The good thing is not always the common thing, deviation can lead to delight. Modi: Evolve and progress. Find no contentment in maintaining a status quo. Each day be better than yesterday, see the good of your forebear and strive to excel further. Seek, always, the betterment of your theory and actions. Njord: Ebb and flow, give and take. Action begets reaction, matter demands a void, for happiness there must be sadness, for gain there must be loss. Balance is a virtue, no one approach can suit every obstacle. Odin: Wise and learned. Always search for the opportunity to learn, wisdom is found in the diversity of life. Give your knowledge freely and be gracious in reception, a mind in isolation is a mind that does not grow. Sif: Be proud and know your worth. Demand your place and your right to exist in the world. Pay mind to fair criticism but reject detractors wholly. Take pride in yourself, and seek betterment for your own sake. Sigyn: Steadfast and devoted. Stand firmly for what you believe, keep loyal to that you love. Nothing worth doing is easy, no worthwhile thing is effortless. Love takes work, and ideals require labour. Skadhi: Justice through vengeance. Vileness be met with viciousness, the unforgivable can not be forgiven, though reason may temper rage. Covert, can be calamity, and war kept for a better day. Thor: Powerful protection. Vie for strength in soul and arm, to protect is to persevere against evil, contest not only in arms but in wills. To bring joy against misery, hope against despair, and a hammer against tyranny. Tyr: Honour and sacrifice. Victory is not always decisive, a small win leads to the larger success, a minor loss can avert the grander. Achievement can come in portion just as well as in entirety. Ullr: Mirth in contest. Appreciate fair competition and find joy in the fight, to train you must have a partner, to win - a rival. In loss be grateful for the challenger and in victory, for the challenge. norsegodcalls These are some personal interpretations of the kinds of values and virtues that the gods each have, written up as specific tenets.
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asterlullabies · 4 years
So, I came across this while reading Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman, and if that doesn't sum up everything I don't know what does
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asterlullabies · 4 years
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Trigger warning for Nazis and antisemitism.
I came across the above image being shared by a friend, and I would like to point out some problems with this simplistic approach.
For context, I am a Jewish man, I read and write elder Futhark fluently, I am familiar with runic divination, and I have MANY close Norse neopagan friends: even my sister is a Norse pagan. This post is not an attack on the pagan community. It is a reminder that we MUST address reality, not fantasy.
I understand the sentiment this image is trying to convey, and if you are a Norse pagan, you should resent and defy Nazis for abusing something that is important to you.
However, the reality is that symbols carry meanings given to them by humans, and Nazis have given hateful meanings to Germanic symbols, beginning under the third Reich and continuing to this day. Those symbols include the Futhark runic alphabets, specifically odal and sowilo, as well as symbols like the equal armed cross, the valknut, vegvisir, and mjolnir. These symbols have carried deeply hateful antisemitic meanings since before you, and most of your parents, were born. You CANNOT ignore that, or make it go away.
It would be blind to assert that the swastika does not belong to Nazis, has no antisemitic and evil meaning, and is not tainted by their use of it. Indigenous people groups who value that symbol in their own cultures have reacted differently. For example, some Desi cultures still use it, but the Navajo people do not, because of the Nazi implications it now irrevocably carries. If you are white, you DO NOT get to "reclaim" the swastika, no matter how much you love other cultures.
While I understand that these symbols and others are important to my pagan and wiccan friends, you can't deny the darker meanings that they carry. If you are going to be using them, you are accepting upon yourself an obligation to educate people about their meanings - ALL their meanings - and to make it abundantly clear that you are an ally of the Jewish people.
Unfortunately, when I see people wearing or using Germanic symbols, I WILL think "I wonder if they're a Nazi" every single time. Every time. It is an inescapable reality that these symbols are being used as silent dog whistles for hatred of Jewish people and other "non-whites."
If you don't want people to suspect you of being a Nazi, you have ONLY two options.
1: Don't use Germanic symbols
2: Make it FIERCELY evident that you are an ally to Jews, POC, and queer people
Gentiles, you are invited to reblog this post.
Antisemitism will not be tolerated on this post: specifically, do not speak over Jewish voices on the issue of antisemitism, and do not assert that the claims in this post are false.
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asterlullabies · 4 years
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asterlullabies · 4 years
emoji spell to have peaceful energies wash away all the negative, anxious thoughts
like to charge, reblog to cast.
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asterlullabies · 4 years
Top Ten Magical Herbs
1. Rosemary: 
Magic Defense
2. Sage:
3. Basil
House protection
Spell breaker
Strenght and Courage
Harmony and peace
Psychic Development
Against evil eye
Business Blessings
4. Bay leaf
5. Cinnamon
Against Disagreement
6. Lavander
Anti- Stress
Anti- Anxiety
7. Lemon Balm
Anti- Stress
8. Thyme
Psychic Powers
Attract Fairies
9. Mint
Travel (protection)
10. Mugwort
Lucid Dreams
Keep away bad spirits
Astral Projection
Prophetic Dreams
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