(( As I am writing a fully fledged origin story for Kieran, I very quickly am realizing that in order to paint Stoker as the persuasive and manipulative evil, it is taking every ounce of strength to not go in guns a-blazin making him an outright ahole. Kieran stayed beside this man on and off for centuries and telling the proper story of why is a challenge. Real writing is a challenge, who knew?
I need to convey why Kieran stuck with him. Stoker did all these terrible things, forced him and his mother to be vampires, stole them from their home, made them fight for a cause that didnt concern them...so why does Kieran stay loyal to him up until 400 years ago? How did he manipulate him so well? ))
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It's the start of the boo year, when I received a letter, hand delivered by a royal courier at my doorstep. The letter was addressed to me, from Elissbat, the addresses embossed in gold leaf. I carefully opened the lavender-colored envelope and removed the parchment from inside. It was scented with a lilac aroma.
"Dearest Valentine,
I do so hope that you would be available to meet with me for private conference. Despite my Uncle's abhorrence in well, just about every aspect of his unlife (towards you, me, the crown, all vampire kind, etc.) you do not share the same character. We are, in all technical respects, "cousins", and I may have a proposal for you. I look forward to your response, so that we may arrange a time and meeting place, either the nearest state embassy or Batsory Castle here in Londoom.
Vampire Queen, Elissabeth Batsory"
I couldn't believe it! She wanted to meet with me and "propose" something seemingly crucial. Judging by her signature of her full royal name, this was a professional letter regarding the Crown. As soon as I could I wrote my letter responding that I would be willing to meet at her Castle. It had been ages since I had visited Londoom, and even longer since being in the Royal Vampire Palace of Londoom. I spent far more time in Castle Dracul in Transylvania.
I was flown out and brought to the Palace. Following guard instructions, I bowed and addressed her as "Her majesty", but soon after doing so, she pulled me into a hug and lead me into another room.
"I'm so delighted you made it! I just wrapped on my newest film a few weeks ago and it got me to thinking..." she started, "This new film is about the royal family many centuries ago and...in regards to my proposal, as my cousin.. though somewhat unofficial and unofficially adopted..." Stoker had never formally adopted me, nor would I EVER have wanted to be, but Elissabat and I had gotten along quite well whenever we met in Court events and happily agreed that we were cousins.
"I wish to bestow a Dukeship...if you would like that is." she offered plainly, as if she was simply offering me a slice of cake. 'Here's this on a plate, just take it.'
I was stunned, and asked why now, "Well, with Stoker out of favor indefinitely and from what I hear from Draculaura, you have turned over a new leaf. As queen, I would love nothing more than to give you a royal position proving that you have the Crown's full trust." she said cheerfully.
Well, of course I accepted and as the papers were processed, we discussed my title. I could have claim over nearly anywhere that I wished, Transylvania, New Goreleans, but ultimately, I decided to embrace my scaritage. My homeland that I had made forced to feel ashamed of, Direland. I nearly cried seeing on paper in bold dark red letters, "Duke Kieran Valentine of Monster (Direland)".
Together we spent time getting to really know one another; our likes, dislikes, hobbies, our current loves (ironically neither of us are in hetero relations as she was/is secretly dating her personal gorgon female makeup/hairstylist, and me a witch.) She expressed her concern and stressed that though shes happy to hear that I am happy with Spelldon, she urged that I be careful.
Getting off the subject of dating, we planned a grand party celebrating the new Dukedom. It will be held this Spring at the Embassy, friends, family, and other royals by invitation only.
The trouble will be...
Spelldon at the party...surrounded by Vampire Court members may be dangerous. I dont want him to be put at risk, but I want him beside me. I'm not ashamed of our relationship, and want to proudly show him off.
We'll see how this goes...
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Can I ask, is the tea behind YOU and Stoker Canon? OR fanon? Or did you come up with it?
Also, it is WILD. that YOU and Elissabat escaped from him is insane
((It's psuedo canon. Though, never published, the idea that Stoker turned Valentine WAS confirmed by head writer Eric Hardy in a private chat through Instagram, further confirmed by the vampire tree tapestry in Frights, Camera, Action." What started as a long time headcanon was confirmed))
It's true. He made me feel ashamed of everything that I was, where I was from, whom I could love...But I've grown and learned being separated from him. Elissabat had always been stronger than I, left to pursue her passions before I embraced my own true self. Her and I talk quite frequently via iCoffin chats now and again.
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How tall are you?
I am 5' 7". Not incredibly tall, but it IS the average nowadays.
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
Just wanted to say that your an amazing icon <3
Why thank you very much, dahlin! ❤ You're too kind. 😉
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
First off, you’re a huge inscaration for me! But I’d also like to know…the tea/story behind you and Stoker! Why’d you hang around him? If you ever saw him again, what would you do? Thanks bestie! (sorry to waste your time if you’ve already answered!)
Why thank you so much, dahlin'! I do so appreciate the love.
As for Stoker...Fangin' around with him was NOT my first choice. He turned me into a vampire in the first place. I never had a father growin' up, so he sorta took on the father role. When he first took me and my mother in, he seemed...I don't want to use the word "kind", cuz let's be frank, nothing about that man is kind...but he taught us how to be vampires, made us believe he cared, when in reality, he used and manipulated me any chance that he had. As much as I hated him, the best I can describe it is an abusive relationship. He made me feel like I couldnt exist without him, he gave me my powers, taught me how to use them, gave me wealth, a home, a glimmering seat in Upper Vampire Society, and a spot in the Vampire Council. He made me feel like I needed him. There are plenty of stories of he and I, but I'll tell you about our ultimate fallin out.
For a long time he had me under his thumb until about 400 years ago...
I had gotten so CLOSE to stealin Draculaura's heart. I was goin to meet her at her favorite spot, a little hill in the cemetery under the willow tree, just after sunset. But she never showed. I waited a bit, but I quickly grew impatient and panicked. At the time I thought, this was THE heart that I needed to feel complete! She was my chance to understand true love! I flew to her fathers' castle, but there was an angry mob attemptin to storm it, destroy whatever was left behind. The Dracula's had fled with no one knowin where they'd gone.
The Vampiric Council was in an uproar that very night as well. Not only did one of the most predominant and beloved vampire families just disappear with no word on where they were going, but they discovered that the Queen had a horrific sunlight accident, assumed that very morning, but no one had discovered it until that evening.
Stoker comes to me in a shaking fury, dragging me into his office. I'm still in shock and panic over Draculaura's disappearance, and I tried to tell Stoker, but he didnt care, he needed me to track down the Vampire's Heart, so that his niece Elissabat could ascend the throne. I could've easily done so, but I was so angry, and emotionally destroyed. It all came to a head and we had our last big fight.
"It's always about YOU and your desire to be in charge! I couldn't care LESS about the COURT'S problems, I have my OWN problems right now! AND YOU DON'T CARE!"
"NO! I'm through doing your dirty work FOREVER! You want the Vampire's Heart so badly? Go find it yourself!" He shouted after me as I ran, but I didnt hear what he'd said. He was furious, but then so was I. Once I found my mother and explained everything, we left too. We booked passage to the Boo world. It was time to get out and stretch our wings, free of Stoker. He had taken us to the Boo world once before, but he detested the colonies, despised the wild and roudy streets of Boo Olreans, I loved every bit of it.
Anyway, that was one of the last times had I spoken with him until a few years ago. He tried to use my relationship with Spelldon as leverage to gain favor with the Council. That's a whole other story though.
I've stepped away from the drama and politics of the Vampire community, and honestly, I wish I had done so much sooner.
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
To blog owner: Hi! Just wanted to send a quick message saying that this blog has kinda been a serotonin resource for me and that I really appreciate how much hard work you put into it and Valentine's character. He's a favorite of mine and to see someone who also loves him as much as I do makes me very happy >:)
(( Oh my goth! Thank you so much! I havent been running this blog as actively as I did way back when, but I'm so glad it still provides happiness for you ^_^ 💜 ))
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
Can you cook?(asking bc we have a party on monday at monster high)
What sorta romantic monster would I be if I couldn't cook? 😘 I'll cater whatever dish you require for this party!
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
Do you like Heartstopper???
Ooh! Ya know, I'm really behind in my television programs, but havin' searched up what "Heartstopper" is about, I'mma have to put it at the top of my list of things to watch! Thanks for the indirect recommendation, dahlin' ! ❤
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
Ever crushed on anyone while dating???
I was always so focused of fillin' a girl's heart with love that generally, I forced myself to keep the blinders on. I never really gave myself a chance to really glance in any fellas' direction, dig?
Henry Jekyll was sort of an odd fluke. I didn't mean to crush on him, but when you and a friend start gettin' too close...
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
any opinion on Gil? Mine is that poor boy needs a serious break and some help with his parents. Hes such a sweetheart who tried his best.
(( He needs to get over his internal racism and stop always blaming his parents for his problems. His actions in Skull Shores were deplorable, he's a coward. He and Lagoona are thee WORST couple! He makes her feel so self conscious about her race, they have zero trust between one another. People are welcome to defend him if they somehow find something likable about him, but GOD was he poorly written. Lagoona deserves better.))
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
Do you…. have a crush on anyone?…. (asked from Raythe)
*blushes* Well, I have a beau, Spelldon. Even though he and I are datin', I still have a big fat crush on him ❤❤❤
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
How many times have people crushed on you? be honest sweetheart.
Dahlin', *straightens up* the number of stars in the sky is merely a drop in the bucket compared to how many people have had eyes for me over my 1600 years of existence.
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
Uh, this is a tad odd to be asking anyone- but I seriously need some help. One of my lifelong friends is a vampire whose just grown into some pretty potent powers of his own, but I'm worried he's over using them. Sure, i thought that back when he was just doing it for convenience sake, but now it's starting to kinda take a ridiculous toll on him- he's grown more fatigued than I think he's ever been in his whole unlife, and no matter what I do or say he keeps pushing himself to get the next power, find the next lil vampire trick, something, anything. I'm really worried he's going to get much more than bumps and scrapes and sunburn soon if this keeps up. Is there anything I can do besides just letting him wear himself to fangs and bones? Can the vampire council do anything?
Well, you could file somethin' with the council regardin' your concerns if you feel their rapid power gainin' pursuit is posing danger to their wellbein'. All they would essentially do is summon your friend to a sort of counselor for an interview and have them check if your friend is physically and mentally well, and determine whether or not your friend needs to be monitored.
Tell your friend that gainin' new powers feels great, but there's really no need to rush. Their powers will develop in time when the time is right. Havin' and usin' a good number of strong powers like that can really take it out of you mentally and physically. Just let your friend know that they are supported and loved and express your honest concern over their own safety.
Hope this helps, dahlin'!
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
Can vampires eat garlic or do they just automatically die/get violently ill?
Ooh no no no! Vampires get violently sick if we eat garlic. Just the smell makes me nauseous!
There's a chemical in garlic juice that has been used for centuries as a sort of antibiotic and cleanser for diseases and infection, and this chemical is like a poison to us vampires.
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askthevampireoflove · 2 years
You used to be my crush when i was a child lol
That is so sweet, dahlin'. You know, I get that a lot 😘
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