askthemerchantre4 · 4 days
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I’m sorry y’all he’s just been eeping
( <- Artstyle has improved majorly)
This blog is overdue for a makeover
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askthemerchantre4 · 7 months
Inbox Open!
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askthemerchantre4 · 8 months
I uh- went a little overboard with throwing the eggs at the Ramon salazar painting- I know you just wanted me to deface it a TINY bit but uhm- you can barely even see the painting anymore... I'm sorry, don't be mad!
The Merchants brows rose. The finger that tapped his elbow stopped as he considered what he'd been told.
"...snrk-" A slow chuckle rolled out his gravelly throat and trickled into a low spiel of laughter. Shoulders bouncing and eye squinted closed before he was quick to calm, hand waving in the air as if attempting the mental picture of such from his mind. "Now that's a sight to think about, heheh. Why would we be mad? That is bloody brilliant that is! Here, how's we give you a lil extra for going above and beyond. Ay?"
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askthemerchantre4 · 8 months
Hello Merchant! How have you been doing?
" 'Ello there, Stranger! My, it's been a might hasn't it..." he answered enthusiastically, table creaking as he disposes of his elbows to lean against the table face. Arms folding loosely over each other. "I've been rather well! Business' a bit slow on my end admittedly... can't say m' real proud of that, but it happens. I've missed you lot, glad ta be makin' my way back around here. How bout you, mate?"
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askthemerchantre4 · 10 months
Do you prefer drinking tea or coffee?
A brow raised through the shroud of his hood, fingers stroking down the fold of his mask as if it’s been an impressive goatee.
“Hard ta get my hands on good tea around here… Even for barter! Coffee does the job just fine, can’t say I have a preference. Both have their good merits…”
Head nodding along.
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askthemerchantre4 · 10 months
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The merchant relaxing
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askthemerchantre4 · 11 months
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finally finished the resident evil 4 remake and this is what i got out of it
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askthemerchantre4 · 1 year
*Hands over the ragdoll kitty. He curls up on the Merchant and purrs* I think he likes you very much. <3 *Brings a ball of yarn & stuffed fish and mouse toys* Do you want to take these toys too?
He mindfully cradles the ragdoll kitty in his arms, gently brushing a couple of fingers between the ears… unseen grin squinting his eyes.
“Oh? He a might playful this one?” Merchant chuckles, taking the stuffed fish and wiggling it in reach over the cat. “:D”
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askthemerchantre4 · 1 year
*Holds up a fluffy ragdoll cat* Do you like cats? :3 *The ragdoll cat gives a friendly meow*
“Oh!” The Merchant perked up, his eyes brightening in the darkness of his hood. “Hand ‘em here… What a pretty little kitty…”
The resident businessman has been known to give discounts to the local pets who’ve been affected by the degrading economy… He always has treats or a bowl of water to give!
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askthemerchantre4 · 1 year
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[ Open and Plotting Call!] Just send me an ask or a message!
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askthemerchantre4 · 1 year
Someone on my FB just called The Merchant their father figure and that's not what I expected to read today but I wholeheartedly agree.
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askthemerchantre4 · 1 year
[ open starter! just reblog! ] Thunder rumbled deeply from above... rolling through dark and heavy grey clouds... reverberating past standing wooden structures, old and well since exposed to termite and bug attention, held together only by rusty nails and the balance of a solid foundation. It caused the rattling of something metal and loose, catching the attention of a nearby hand- which rose, steadying the thin handle of the lantern to hang quietly until the thunder rolled past. Hand returning to it's previous intentions, grasped firmly around the handle of a knife as it was used to cut in a downward slice. Splitting through the red skin of an apple until a neat, crescent shaped chunk was carved out. Mindful of the seed filled core. Spiking through the apple slice, it was brought to his hooded face. Where, only for a moment, that purple and white mask was tugged down to indulge him of his crisp snack. The portable table creaking as he shifted against it, leaned over to prop his elbows while he lowered the knife and thoughtfully chewed. Mask instinctively adjusted back into place over his nose already. He'd be here for awhile until the coming storm would pass. That he decided, as the only other shelter on the path to his next post did not have a direct shot- and would require some outdoor traveling. Which, not that he hadn't once or twice before, trekking through the islands cold rain with his heavy traveling didn't sound appealing to the robed individual. Besides, when was he known to be so hasty to skip over possible opportunity? He wasn't needlessly waiting. The Merchant hadn't removed himself of his coat nor the collection of items stored within it's folds, nor had he made a place to sit and relieve his feet of standing. Only his pack, burdened with bags and supplies, had been removed and set on the floor immediate to him. Just outside the door of the wooden house his torch stood tall and bright, emitting that strong purple light for anyone familiar to it's purpose to see. Lantern set up on his table, red table-cloth sewed with intricate patterns laid out and smooth of creases. No. He was expecting someone or something. Damn be him to be unprofessional and unprepared for when this thing or person arrived. So he patiently waited. For who? We shall see.
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askthemerchantre4 · 1 year
[back when re4 remake first released and gamers tested what was kept from the original]
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[photos taken moments before disaster]
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“Gotta be faster than that, Stranger! Now, about those eggs.”
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askthemerchantre4 · 1 year
send me 🍉 if you want to interact but aren't sure how.
or send 💡 if you want to interact and have an idea!
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askthemerchantre4 · 1 year
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"You shouldn't be out here, it's dangerous." A voice emerged from the woods. Do you respond? Narrowed white eyes gleaming through the dark ambience of the woods. [Yes] / No
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GENERAL 1. This Blog relates to it's own canon, but it follows Dead By Daylight lore as closely as possible! 2. This Blog is a SFW Blog! 3. This Blog is LGBTQ+ friendly! 4. This Blog does not tolerate Anti-LGBTQ, Racism, or any other Problematic Content! 5. This Blog is mulitship! 6. This Blogs muse talks/interacts with anyone! But, encourages other DBD blogs to interact especially! 7. This Blog is Semi-Lit to Literate to Novella!
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EXTRA INFORMATION - about the muse! - -
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Slinking forwards the scruffy looking man tapped the handle of his hatchet wordlessly in thought, glowing eye analyzing you closely. Before, after a full minute, exhaled hard from his nose and slunk back into the snowy surroundings. "Don't explore. Get what you needed and get out before you step in a trap. Don't come back."
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askthemerchantre4 · 1 year
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askthemerchantre4 · 1 year
Put "I've always hated you" in my inbox for my character's reaction
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