ask-the-los-family · 2 years
Solent: Is it freezin’ for anyone else or is it just us?
Yazz: I don’t like the cold. :(
Solent: Don’t ya worry, Yazz. I gotcha. :)
Yazz: 🥺 Thanks. :D
Solent: Aww, no problem. :D
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
Eyy how are you doin :D
Yazz: GREAT!
Solent: Doin' well. Everythin's great, now dat I 'ave a lovin' partner. :D
Yazz: Aww. :D
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
Yazz: The whole place has gone quiet since new years. ;-;
Solent: Ay...dis blog can have couple events, right?
Yazz: Well, some have! OOH! SHOULD WE DO ONE?! :D
Solent: Dat’s what I’m suggestin’. :)
Yazz: :D
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
Another new addition to the roster today! Twiglet the Owl! Now, since he cannot talk, any asks directed at him will be answered by Carl and Cecil. :D
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
Alistair how ya doin??
Alistair: Could be better, could be worse. The janitors are getting on my nerves again. At least Kamek is supervising the spa whilst Olly is taking care of the Koopalings, so at least I have SOME decent company. I just wish I had better coworkers or at the very least a work friend to help through the day. They’re all awful!
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
QUICK UPDATE! A new Toad has joined the ranks, Alistair! He’s now available to ask! The Toad event is still running!
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
uhhhh Can yall toads introduce yourselves formally if you haven't already please?
Perri: Professor Perri Walker at your service! Pleasure to meet you!
Talos: Ode…Captain Talos Ode. >.<
Perri: Don’t worry, he’s nervous around new people.
Bryce: Introductions?! GLORIOUS! Bryce Clifford, the most GORGEOUS actor and vocal master of this group of mid tier individuals! Well, mostly mid tier. Some are as glamorous as the stars in the sky! Just not MY level of course! Teehee!
Shane: Shane Campbell, sea captain!
Otto: Otto McGuinness! Some call me the river tamer!
Bryce: Oh please, you could hardly tame a pile of pebbles.
Cherry: Shut up, bulbhead. >.>
Bryce: EXCUSE ME?! BULBHEAD?!?! >:0
Cherry: (clears throat) The name’s Cherry Gale, I’m a waiter at the luxury restaurant known as Punchy Bowl.
Carl: HAHAHA! Wonderful! I’m Carl Kelly, the most creative genius IN THE WORLD! Curator by day, scientist by night!
Cecil: Calm down, dear.
Carl: Ok, ok. :D
Cecil: I’m Cecil Green. I’m known for my origami craftsmanship! Haven’t had the best life, but things are all better now!
Dory Jay: Ayo! Dory Jay Murphy ready to drop the tunes to get the grooves!
Leonardo: And lastly, I’m Leonardo Da Toadi. Some people compare me to a certain artist. It’s a coincidence.
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
perri! when u do icebreaker-type stuff, what's your go-to Fun Fact?
Perri: Not much of a fun fact, but just a general ice breaker. Since centaurs have six limbs, can they be considered insects?
Talos: O.O
Everyone else: (immediately start discussing and arguing)
Perri: Ta da! :D
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
For anyone willing, what sort of hobbies have y’all picked up? :0
Carl: Oh, a lot of us keep ourselves busy with work, so not many hobbies!
Cecil: Yes, we are busy people!
Cherry: Well, I do gardening from time to time. Got some produce that I grow for the restaurant as well as myself. My boss is grateful I give a hand outside of my waiter work.
Leonardo: I help Dory Jay with her music whenever I can.
Dory Jay: :D👍
Otto: Puzzles. Lots and lots of puzzles. I have a wall of them. :D
Shane: Those puzzles are torture. I prefer rock climbing.
Talos: :(
Perri: Neither of us have any proper hobbies. All of mine became my job and Talos is still figuring things out.
Bryce: HA! I have no time for hobbies, the stage needs me! …although I wouldn’t mind one BUT THE STAGE NEEDS ME MORE!
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
Bryce: Oh dear, this place is such a quiet mess. At least you got SOME mail. >.>
Perri: Hey, we haven’t talked with many people!
Talos: >.<
Cherry: How about we help out? More variety! Toads unite!
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
talostalostalos will u tell me about what got you into sailing initially? :0 also congrats on the cool name hell yeah
Talos: O-oh! Sailing! Well…the ocean always seemed so vast to me as a child. My grandfather was a sailor. I wished to follow in his footsteps! …it was all going so well…then the catastrophe happened. Just after I came out. I was pinned as a criminal. I’m no criminal! I was framed and frozen for what SHE DID! STEALING A GRAND SUBMARINE I ADMIRED, DISGUISED AS ME AND GOT ME LOCKED UP! NO MATTER HOW MUCH I BEGGED, MY TEARS WERE FOR NOTHING! NOTHING!!!
Perri: Ok Talos, calm down…
Talos: …I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled…🥺
Perri: It’s ok. 🫂 Well, there is one good part of this story. You would’ve never met me if you weren’t frozen.
Talos: Backstabbed by my own sister, but now with the love of my life…
Perri: Hey, at least I’m cute. ;D
Talos: I’m glad I have you… :)
Perri: And I’m glad to have you.
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
Wait omg Perri hiiii what got u interested in ur line of work? :000
Perri: Hmmmmm...well, it's interesting to learn about the past! So many awesome and tragic events have happened over the years and I want to expand my knowledge! The archaeology helps me uncover more of the past by hand to fill in history! Plus, without it, I may have gone off on a much wilder path. Oh boy, that would've been crazy! I probably wouldn't have met my boyfriend if I didn't take on this interest in full! Then again, it was Shane that found him, so I could've, but I doubt we would've been as close as we are now. I may have even scared him!
Talos: Party-goers are intimidating, how do they deal with crowds like that???
Perri: Eh, no clue.
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
Bryce: Oh dear, this place is such a quiet mess. At least you got SOME mail. >.>
Perri: Hey, we haven’t talked with many people!
Talos: >.<
Cherry: How about we help out? More variety! Toads unite!
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
I just wanna say: Hi!! How are you? :D 👋
Perri: Doing good! Talos hasn't been feeling too great today. One of his more dysphoric days. :(
Talos: ;-; (hugs)
Perri: D'awwww, don't worry, you'll always be my handsome man. :D
Talos: ... :)
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
talos can you use a sword??
Talos: I-I'm decent with one! Just...don't really like to fight people...
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
profode thoughts on arson
Perri: Toasty! :D
Talos: It's dangerous... >.<
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ask-the-los-family · 2 years
Perri: Ooh! This is a neat place!
This is the ask blog. Why don’t you get some questions delivered?
Perri: :0 GREAT IDEA!
Talos: U-uhm, is that a good idea???
Perri: Don’t worry, it’ll be ok! I’m here! They can get to know us more!
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