ask-monofrost · 4 years
Hey! Since you were made by Junko and Mukuro, what are your thoughts on despair?
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"Umm.. wellllll..."
She seems to think for a moment.
"Y'see, here's the thing. When I was originally created, all I knew was despair. That's all I was taught. When I was put in that closet, I was taught the true feeling despair. I hated it. I wanted to KILL Monokuma for replacing me. I wanted him to feel how I felt.."
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"Nowadays, after Chihiro programmed me to be.. well, actually living, I realize that it's wrong.. but that doesn't mean I still don't hate Monokuma. And Junko, for that matter."
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ask-monofrost · 4 years
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what I say: my inbox is always open! :)
what I mean: ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ
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ask-monofrost · 4 years
//Mod- I mean like.. it's my DR OC, soo.. yeah?//
Please reblog if you're a currently active (and planning to stay that way) danganronpa ask/rp blog as of July 4th, 2019.
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ask-monofrost · 4 years
"The hell am I doing this for again??" MonoFrost sighed heavily
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The Patchwork bear huffed heavily, before clearing her throat.
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"Hello, everyone! My name is MonoFrost, but everyone just calls me Frosty! I was a prototype, made by Junko and Mukuro before they made Monokuma, ultimately replacing me. They locked me in a storage closet for a good couple of years, buuuut now I'm free! So, feel free to ask me a couple of questions!!"
@ask-the-monokubs @askmonomi @ask-chef-teruteru
//Aaaand that's all I can think of.//
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