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What is the best tactic one can use for landing a date? - totally not Tobey and you can't prove it was me- I MEAN HIM
*he narrows his red eyes suspiciously at anon that might be Tobey* I can’t really um... answer that. I’ve only been on one date and I didn’t even ask for it. I was set up with Lady Redundant Woman.
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Hey, Doc! Are you into any fandoms? Which fandom is the biggest in Fair City?
Well the biggest one I’m in is Gravity Falls. All the weirdness helps me plan out new ways to make Fair City mine with all the cheese! I can use a team of zombies clearing a path to a cheese factory! I’m not sure which fandom’s the biggest here, to be honest. I can care less because people fear me! *he laughs evilly*
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Hiya Doc! It's Ember, remember me? ^_^
Hiya there, Ember! Long time no see! I’m surprised people still ask about my henchman and I! *he laughs*
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"Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore! Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door! I don't care what they're going to say. Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway."
It would’ve been better if I had powers to make anything outta cheese. *he pauses and then cackles evilly* All of Fair City would be covered in every type of cheese in the world!
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How do you do, Dr. Two-Brains? Doing well with your henchmen, I hope. Splendid! Before I begin, this is a simple question I have to ask you because I've been keeping it to myself for awhile. Now, then. My question is about an animal I'm quite fond of. Not to worry, it's not cats. :) I'd like to know, Dr. - How do you feel about guinea pigs?
We’re doing well now that we’re free! *he nervously looks around for cats before continuing* I-I don’t mind them, they’re kinda neat. Like two pets in one. Guinea pig with all its fur, then a baby hippo if you shave it carefully.
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Hey Doc, you okay? I've noticed you haven't been on in a loooooonnnggg time and wondered if you were okay.
Hey there anon! Don’t worry about me, I was just locked up without access to the internet. *he laughs nervously* But Charlie, Meatloaf, and I are now back loose in Fair City!
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Oh welcome back! I thought you were gona for gouda, haha-! seriously though i thought this blog died or something
((I tried not to let it die, I left for so long I didn’t know how to pop back up without freaking anyone out. But I might bring back the blog, I’m not entirely sure since I don’t want people to think I’m a creep. If everyone’s fine with a 21 year old running the blog, I might be comfortable enough to run the blog again. ^.^’ Thanks for the welcome back!))
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I will protect you by @kabeeyuan
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"I'm sorry sir, we ran out of French crullers for the day." "What?! Why! You never have French crullers!" "Sir, they're a popular donut here they go pretty quick-" "Then save some for me, I always ask you guys to do that!" "We aren't allowed to-" "*he flicks me off and storms out* You would think you would get treated poorly by moody teens that act like thugs half the time, but it's actually the adults that treat you waaaaay worse. It's sad that the rude/careless looking people are always the kindest as apposed to the adults that should know how to act...
Why are customers stupid as fuck
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*squeezes you in hug*
*he wheezes and struggles to get out of anon's arms* LET ME GO
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"Oh hey, it's you! I missed seeing you around here. I'm sorry about the whole kissing thing still. How've you been?"
*waves his hand dismissively* It's alright, I was never upset or anything about the kiss. *grins* Thanks, I've just been busy lately. But I'm back now. How about yourself?
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Can a bro get a hug rn? 😖
No, not from me. But hug Charlie, he likes them better.
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Ever met someone who is lactose intolerant?
Nope, but I sure hope it went happen any time soon. I don't want to feel.... Bad for them *he cringes at the thought* I hate being soft...
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Have you ever met a villain from another town or city?
*thinks for a moment* Hm... Not that I remember.
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Lol, I meant besides "goat cheese". :)
Other than that terrible cheese, I actually don't have any disliked ones..
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