I'm baaaaccck
By me I mean we. For now at least. (lack of internet is no fun Akaito keeps bothering me) [not like Gumo is any better he smells like carrot cake like all the time do you eat anything else in fact do you even brush your teeth] Please may all four of you please come forward at once we would not mind a handful of people.
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Send me a ✎ and I'll write you a starter.
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Was he used to doing all the work for his partners? Maybe in elementary...
Ren fell silent for several awkward moments before letting out a sigh and slapping his hands on the table. "I can’t consentrate here!" he announced. "It is so stuffy! Lets go get something to eat."...
A quick swallow and a deep intake of breath later and he was feeling bad for the other male, almost as if declaring his love for physics was offensive. Maybe it was, in the long run, but at that point in time Akaito couldn't quite put two and two together. That required common sense, something he didn't really have because of his intelligence. Or because he was left handed (and people often said left-handers had no common sense), whichever worked in this situation.
I'm sorry, he wanted to say, in fact had to bite down on his words as they almost poured out of his mouth. It was easy to apologize, he felt bad, but at the same time it would not be a genuine apology because what had he done wrong? Well, aside from the insult right off the bat, but as of right now...
That was certainly quick. They met out front of the library, walked in, sat down, almost argued and then were going to get something to eat. Well, whatever worked best for this team, Akaito agreed with. He closed his book almost as quickly as he had opened it and shrugged. "Sure, why not? There's a great pizza place right around the corner from here that's never crowded."
Akaito stood up, gathering his books and dumping them into his bookbag, black with gray accents. He was always hungry anyway and wouldn't turn down going to his favorite restaurant.
Well that proved his case: this kid was a complete imbecile - or at least felt physics was completely useless. As compared to Akaito, it probably was…
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Was he used to doing all the work for his partners? Well, maybe, back in elementary school. In highschool people were different, at least in his classes. It was similar to every man for himself unless you happened to be paired with friends. Then it would be fool around time for the entire period until you cracked down last minute and finished it.
Akaito finally lifted his head, wanting to avoid eye contact but instead finding gray eyes, wow really nice eyes, scrapping that stupid idea instead for listening to Ren.
Why was he being so nervous? Ha, funny, what a generic question. "Just this project," he replied, looking away awkwardly. "If I don't get an A on this project, it'll bring down my grade. And, I guess as lame as this sounds, I really like physics." He could easily admit that to his friends, cause frankly they didn't care. Most of them were smart anyway, looking to become doctors. "And to sound more lame," he added with a laugh, "I think I might wanna go into college with physics, if you get what I mean."
What a nerd, he could hear himself being called. Who decides what they want to be junior year? Well, aside from everyone rational. "And because I judge a book by the cover I immediately think that we're not gonna do too hot." he added with a laugh, short and sweet, making his shoulders bounce. Maybe now he was calming down. "Let's make a deal, how about we both equally do this but we make this fun for ourselves. Whatever you're good at, you can do for that half of the project and I'll do my half with what I'm good at."
"Let’s just get the first half done maybe we can spend another day on the second half." That would never work; one night together, three hours at most, it surely would never work. Physics was more than a night’s worth of homework: it was a lifestyle, more importantly a project worth…
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Ren frowned at the comment the red head just made. He just questioned his intelligence! Ren sat down with a thud to show his displeasure without having to say a word. “Excuse me for not being as smart as you...
Well that proved his case: this kid was a complete imbecile - or at least felt physics was completely useless. As compared to Akaito, it probably was...
He bit his tongue to keep from saying anything, an early sign that yes, this definitely wasn't going to turn out well. He flipped open a page to try and keep from remarking on how Ren was being slightly too loud for a library, but found he couldn't pay attention. How could he when he couldn't even make good terms on second meeting? First meeting he hadn't even spoken, he just nodded and - ugh - why was he a suck-ass first-time meeter?
"If we're gonna do this project we're not going to throw a fit and have you complaining that you don't want to do it." Why not simply dig his own grave? "Nor are we allowed to be so loud so if we could please, uhh-"
Red eyes narrowed on a page in his physics textbook, trying not to even look towards his partner. "Did you even hear what we have to do it on?" he whispered, under his breath because hey, why not get into a bigger pile of crap? Why not just treat this kid almost as bad as perhaps every other kid might?
Akaito didn't look up. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm just being a-a," he paused, focusing on the black ink over a white page. "Idiot. Let's just get this over with."
"Let’s just get the first half done maybe we can spend another day on the second half." That would never work; one night together, three hours at most, it surely would never work. Physics was more than a night’s worth of homework: it was a lifestyle, more importantly a project worth…
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(Theyre Playing Our Song Vocaloid-based rp omg)
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Hey guys (Ooc I cant follow people on this blog as it is a side blog, but I can definitely follow you with my real account. Dont follow that though because it has nothing to do with vocaloid whatsoever, instead follow this one for rps, open or not! If anyone wants to rp with Gumo or Akaito, just lemme know!)
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Physics for Idiots
"Let's just get the first half done maybe we can spend another day on the second half." That would never work; one night together, three hours at most, it surely would never work. Physics was more than a night's worth of homework: it was a lifestyle, more importantly a project worth three-quarters of their grade. This was more important than just about everything they had done this year, all the tests combined, even a final at the end of the year. It was the most important grade of all. Of course, who was he paired with but... but- That was seriously rude to think of. Just because this kid was in a different class, not really the brightest going by the teacher's words (well, in comparison to him, of course he wasn't being the slightest bit modest), didn't mean that he wouldn't be a good partner. One look proved otherwise. Akaito sighed, setting his textbook down on the library table. It was utterly empty in this section - the section furthest from computers, ironically near the history aisles - aside from a few desperate souls searching for help in politics. This was where he always sat, so no one he knew would see him and bother him in the midst of his work. None of his friends happened to be history nerds anyways. Junior year marked them advanced in the science area (at least in this specific high school, where biology came in ninth grade, chemistry the following year), as shocking as that was for one of them. Also another rude thought; Akaito scowled to himself before looking up, replacing it with a quick smile as he sat down. "You're in physics? I wouldn't expect you to be." Akaito could have slapped himself across the face right then and there: in fact he was almost about to. His hand twitched as he grabbed his pencil, awkwardly twiddling it between his middle and ring fingers. His friends constantly told him that he had no filter on his mouth nor mind, and of course this second impression proved it. Only now he was going to be working with this kid for the next couple days. "I'm-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Akaito shook his head. "Nevermind. Let's worry about this," he gestured to the books now set on the table, "-not this." and then to himself and the other. It was not normal of him to be doing such a thing, to be acting so weird. Perhaps it was working with someone on a project, something he wasn't used to? Whatever. It wasn't like they were going to be anything together, friends or even classmates.
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As this is barely in the makings expect nothing but the harsh reality of we do not get together ever in this I mean ever this is just us sharing what is a ship between us aside from brown like the color of mud which is not fun to ship
Just your fyi.
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