you guys seem neat! :]
Thanks, I guess..? - 🐲
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why did you mention blood twice in the rules
'Cause uh. Shit happens I s'pose. - 🔐
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Introductory Post
Hey there, world. This is a blog so us Becile Industries mechanics can answer questions from you. Sounds silly, but boss said it'd be good for engagement. Ask us (almost) anything.
The Cast:
- Helia Silverthorne. Primary mechanic. Halfly a brass cyborg creation after getting into a horrible accident during work. Signs off with 🔐.
- Baker Octavion. Assistant to Helia. Said to be related to a long-dead researcher with ties to the Becile family. Signs off with 🐲.
- Jackal Frank. Origins unknown. Signs off with 🧨.
(rules under the cut!)
The Rules:
- Please be mindful of my time and schedule. I (Rex, runner of this whole show) will usually draw responses to questions.
- No NSFW questions, please. Some suggestive jokes/themes are allowed, however if I deem your question too explicit, it will be deleted. Hateful asks will also be deleted. No exceptions.
- The story/stories told on this blog will contain the following: Blood, violence, swearing, blood, mentions of abusive relationships, mentions of death, etc. Certain stories with heavier topics or events will be tagged accordingly and you will be able to filter them as such. Please be mindful of this.
- None of this is canon to the original Becile Bots ask blog ran by @/amuseoffirebane. This is just its own thing.
With all that said, enjoy the show.
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