What was your guys first thought of each other at the tournament?
Shade: I hated them. Still do.
Turner: Ah man don’t say that-
Neuro: I think that was everyone’s reaction.
Skylor: I was tasked to take you all down and steal your powers...so...yeah.
Turner: Oh my gosh. You guys really did hate everyone?!
Neuro: Yeah, sorry.
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Do you guys dance?
Turner: of course! Dancing is fun!
Shade: no it isn’t-
Turner: EXCUSE ME-
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Have some food *insert their fav food*
Skylor: NOODLES!
Neuro: Oh dear, you broke her.
Turner: Yeah she’s sounding like me now! Hold on...what’s that over there?
Neuro: Hm? Oh a pizza box-oh no...don’t-
Turner: PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neuro: Dammit.
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So do you like pets? And if so which one
Neuro: Cats are my favourite. So calm and peaceful.
Skylor: What cats have you been hanging around with?
Shade: I like snakes. :)
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Who do you like to annoy the most?
Shade: Everyone.
Turner: Also everyone, but I annoy people accidently. 
Neuro: Nobody!! It’s not a nice thing to do on purpose! Unless they’re the bad guys, you can annoy the bad guys.
Shade: I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear you. 
Neuro: But I said you were allowed to annoy people, so long as they’re evil.
Shade: ...I never thought you’d say something like that.
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Here’s a tip if you ever want to get revenge on cole just eat his cake he will never talk to you again
Neuro: Only a psycho would do that!
Shade: Finally, he’d leave me alone!
Turner: Aaaaannndddd I found the psycho!
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Turner you need skylor to teach how to cook
Turner: She’s tried, it doesn’t end well.
Skylor: No...never again...not since...the incident. That man is unteachable.
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If all of you fought each other who would win?
Neuro: I’d say we all have a pretty even chance, but Skylor would probably win.
Shade: What makes you say that?
Neuro: She can absorb and copy all of powers. She’d defeat us by using our own abilities against us.
Skylor: Yep! 
Neuro: Then it would be me-
Turner: This sounds a bit-
Neuro: A bit biased? I knew you were going to say that, because I can read your mind!
Turner: Hm yeah ok, maybe you would win.
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Have you ever felt with fan girls before?
Neuro: I think you mean “dealt,” if I’m not mistaken.
Turner: Oh yeah! I have a LOT of fangirls!
Shade: of course you do.
Turner: Some of them are a bit...odd...
Neuro: Yeah you should try and avoid those ones-
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Who’s the best at cooking besides skylor?
Skylor: Neuro isn’t half bad! I am impressed with his cooking skills!
Neuro: Aw, thank you!
Skylor: While I’m at it, I should mention that Turner is THE WORST! Like, I have caught him accidently setting the kitchen on fire THREE TIMES!
Turner: Oh, only 3, hm?!
Skylor: Are you saying you’ve burnt your kitchen down MORE than three times?
Turner: Maybe. But uh I mainly burn anything I cook!
Skylor: Of course.
Turner: It’s too slow for me! Why doesn’t it go any faster?
Skylor: You can’t rush perfection! 
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Can you guys stand horror movies? And shade you are so adorable.
Skylor: I don’t mind horror movies, I think they’re okay!
Neuro: I disagree.
Turner: I’ll scream like a little baby...probably...but I’ll still enjoy the movie!
Shade: Horror movies are my favourite. 
Skylor: Of course they are-now respond to the second part of the ask.
Shade: The what?
Skylor: The part where they call you adorable.
Shade: I don’t see that part.
Neuro: That is a lie, I read your mind. You can see it.
Shade: bro.
Neuro: hehe he’s embarrassed.
Skylor: He thanks you for your compliment!
Shade: No I-okay, fine. Thank you.
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How would you react if I gave you a hug? I’m way too lonely 😞
Skylor: Everyone would give you a hug back, of course! If you’re feeling lonely, we’ll try and make you feel better! You can count on us! Except for Shade, maybe. Don’t know how’ll you’ll get a hug from him...
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What would you guys have done if you had actually won the staff in the tournament of elements?
Turner: I don't really know. I think I'd just show it to everyone and talk about how cool it is!
Shade: Destroy the world.
Turner: No you wouldn't :(
Shade: Maybe I would >:)
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What are your happiest memories?
Turner: My happiest memory is baking with my mom!
Shade: Anytime I'm not with these idiots.
Neuro: That's sad, because mine was actually meeting you idiots.
Skylor: The moment we got rid of my dad was pretty fun-
Shade: I liked burning down this weird a- weird place...
Turner: Don't swear! :D
Shade: Shut your up.
Neuro: Y-you burnt down a building??
Shade: I uh- uh- *Runs*
Turner: I expected him to burn something down just didn't know he'd done it already
Skylor: Honestly, same.
Turner: Well, that's the end of that
Skylor: Problem solved!
Turner: Yup!
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Turner, why do you never take off your sunglasses?
Shade: Never ask a lady her age.
Turner: Yeah ne- HEY!!
Shade: Haha!
Neuro: Get on with it.
Turner: I don't have to tell you! Wait- do I?
Shade: We signed a contract bud. Ya hafta.
Turner: Ok fine! I like them!
Shade: Take em off!!
Neuro: The question never said he had to do that-
Shade: Shut up he doesn't know that-
Turner: Yes I do!!
Shade: Damnit.
Neuro: Hahahahahahhahaa!
Turner: Wait can we openly swear?
Shade: Out of all the things we've done. We've been stuck in time, fought giant snakes, were pitted against each other, clickbaited but in real life, possibly killed people. And you are worried about saying one of the most mellow swear words??
Turner: Yes.
Neuro: No that's illegal in our universe don't do that-
Turner: Do what?
Neuro: Say bad words.
Turner: Yeah!!
Shade: Ah shi-
Turner: NO-
Neuro: I-what? Never-mind! You haven't answered yet! We need to get this under control!
Turner: Yeah uh... I just like them. And they help my eyes stay safe.
Shade: Booooorriiiiiiiinnng!!
Neuro: That's an answer though?
Shade: Oh right.
Neuro: See? Not so hard.
Turner: This is already longer than most questions, and where's Skylor?
Neuro: Skylor is busy today-noodle house business.
Shade: Yeah, she sent out an email. Geez.
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Alright fools how many of you are secretly depressed?
Skylor: All of us. Every single one of us
Turner: Uh… Yeah.
Shade: Am I secretly depressed to you???
Skylor: Like I said-all of us
Turner: Even Neuro?
Neuro: Y e s.
Shade: Knew it.
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Neuro: Turner? It's 4 am, why are you baking a cake? And what's with the party decorations and sweets?
Turner: I'm celebrating the death of my sleep schedule and sanity. Want a cookie?
Neuro: Bro no-
Shade: Bro yes.
Neuro: Where the f**k did you come from-
Shade: *Monches on a cookie* This is actually good
Neuro: You actually ate his cookies?
Shade: These are baked with...
Turner: Love and depression? =3
Shade: No chocolate chips and the salty tears of fangirls
Turner: Those too
Neuro: Get me out of here
Shade: Nah
Neuro: P l e a s e
Turner: Want a cookie?
Neuro: F i n e
Turner: Take a monch
Neuro: *does that*
Shade: Taste the tears yet?
Neuro: W-what does tears taste like...
Shade: Depression and salt
Neuro: Then yes, yes I do
Turner: UwU
Neuro: ????
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