asian-eye-cure · 2 months
Navigating Retinal Vein Occlusion: Treatment Options, Lifestyle Strategies, and Expert Guidance
Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) presents a significant challenge to eye health, potentially leading to vision impairment or loss if left untreated. However, amidst the complexities of this condition, there exists a ray of hope through effective management strategies. In this comprehensive exploration, we'll delve into the various options available for managing RVO, alongside invaluable insights into lifestyle changes that can synergize with medical interventions to optimize outcomes and bolster overall eye health.
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Understanding Retinal Vein Occlusion: Before we embark on our journey through management strategies, let's first grasp the essence of retinal vein occlusion. RVO manifests when one of the retinal veins encounters obstruction or narrowing, precipitating fluid leakage, bleeding, and the formation of retinal swelling or edema. Whether affecting central or branch veins, RVO delineates into central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) or branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) respectively. Rooted in common risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and age, RVO underscores the intricate interplay between systemic health and ocular well-being.
Treatment Options for Retinal Vein Occlusion:
Some floaters are harmless and tend to fade with time or become less bothersome and require no treatment.
Some floaters are caused by a tear in the retina. These floaters caused by retinal tear typically appear suddenly like a shower of black spots. If the tear is not treated, the retina may detach from the back of the eye, for which the treatment is retinal surgery. Hence sudden onset large number of floaters is a concern and one should seek retina expert opinion as early as possible in this case.
Those who have experienced floaters for years should schedule an eye exam if new flashes are noticed. Flashes are lightning-like streaks of light typically noticed in darkness.
Another treatment option is an invasive procedure called vitrectomy in which some or all of the vitreous is removed from the eye and is replaced with a sterile clear fluid.
Most eye surgeons do not recommend vitrectomy to treat eye floaters, as the risks associated with the procedure usually outweigh the benefits of the treatment.
Lifestyle Changes to Support RVO Management: Complementing medical interventions, lifestyle modifications wield profound influence in the management of RVO: Maintain a Healthy Diet: Nourish the retina and bolster vascular health through a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Embrace the vibrant spectrum of leafy greens, colorful fruits, and omega-3-rich fish to fortify ocular resilience. Manage Systemic Health Conditions: Exercise vigilance in controlling underlying health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Through a holistic approach encompassing medication, dietary adjustments, exercise, and regular medical consultations, mitigate the risk of RVO exacerbation. Quit Smoking: Bid farewell to smoking, a notorious harbinger of RVO and other ocular maladies. Embrace the journey towards smoke-free living, revitalizing blood circulation and safeguarding the retina from further harm. Monitor Blood Pressure: Safeguard against RVO complications by maintaining blood pressure within a healthy range. Pledge allegiance to regular blood pressure monitoring and diligently adhere to medical counsel for optimal management. Protect Your Eyes: Shield your eyes from the perils of UV radiation by donning sunglasses with UV protection when venturing outdoors. Furthermore, safeguard against the strain of prolonged screen exposure by integrating periodic breaks into your routine.
Conclusion: The management of retinal vein occlusion embodies a multifaceted endeavor, harmonizing medical interventions with lifestyle modifications to realize optimal outcomes. Collaborate closely with your esteemed eye care provider, embarking on a journey towards ocular restoration, vision preservation, and enhanced quality of life. Remember, early detection and proactive intervention serve as the bedrock of success in RVO management. Should you or a loved one exhibit symptoms suggestive of RVO, seize the initiative to seek timely medical evaluation and personalized treatment guidance.
ABOUT DR. SHRUTIKA KANKARIYA: In our pursuit of elucidating the intricacies of RVO management, we are privileged to draw upon the expertise of Dr. Shrutika Junagade Kankariya. Renowned as an advanced medical retina, diabetic eye disease, and cataract expert, Dr. Kankariya stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of ocular care. Her illustrious journey commenced at the esteemed Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital in Mumbai, where she laid the foundation for her illustrious medical career. Subsequently, she embarked on a transformative odyssey at Sankara Netralaya in Chennai, one of Asia's premier eye institutes. Under the mentorship of the Diplomat of the National Board (DNB), Dr. Kankariya delved deep into the intricacies of ophthalmology, emerging as a proficient clinician. Her relentless pursuit of excellence culminated in the attainment of the Fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology (FICO UK), a testament to her unwavering commitment to global standards of ocular care. Augmenting her expertise, she pursued an advanced fellowship in retinal disorders at Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, immersing herself in the nuances of retinal pathology. Today, Dr. Kankariya stands tall as the preeminent retina surgeon in Pune, India, her compassionate demeanor and unparalleled proficiency garnering accolades from patients and peers alike. With Dr. Kankariya at the helm, patients can embark on a transformative journey towards ocular well-being, navigating the complexities of RVO with unwavering confidence and optimism. For more information contact: Asian Eye Clinic +91 8888942222
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asian-eye-cure · 2 months
Floaters and Aging: How Vision Changes Over Time - Insights from Dr. Shruti Kankaria
Introduction: Navigating the complexities of eye health, especially concerning conditions like floaters, often requires expert guidance. Dr. Shruti Kankaria, an esteemed ophthalmologist specializing in retinal disorders, sheds light on the correlation between aging and vision changes. In this article, we delve into Dr. Kankaria's insights alongside exploring the natural aging process of the eye and effective management strategies for floaters.
Understanding the Aging Eye: Dr. Kankaria emphasizes that the aging eye undergoes a series of transformations, with one notable change being the alteration in the vitreous humor's composition. As this gel-like substance liquefies and shrinks over time, it can lead to the formation of floaters, a common occurrence among the elderly population. Dr. Kankaria's expertise underscores the importance of distinguishing benign floaters from potential indicators of retinal complications.
Insights from Dr. Shruti Kankaria: Dr. Shruti Kankaria, renowned for her specialization in retinal disorders, emphasizes the significance of regular eye examinations, particularly for individuals experiencing floaters. Through her extensive clinical experience, Dr. Kankaria stresses the importance of early detection and intervention in preserving optimal eye health. She underscores the role of patient education in fostering proactive eye care practices and encourages individuals to seek professional evaluation upon noticing any changes in their vision.
Effective Management Strategies: Drawing upon Dr. Kankaria's guidance, this article outlines practical approaches for managing floaters and mitigating their impact on daily life. From advocating for healthy lifestyle habits to discussing potential surgical interventions like vitrectomy, the article provides a comprehensive overview of available treatment modalities. Dr. Kankaria's insights underscore the importance of individualized care plans tailored to each patient's unique needs and preferences.
Conclusion: Dr. Shruti Kankaria's expertise offers invaluable insights into the interplay between aging and vision changes, particularly concerning floaters. By leveraging her guidance alongside adopting proactive eye care measures, individuals can safeguard their visual well-being and address age-related ocular concerns effectively. As we navigate the journey of aging, Dr. Kankaria's expertise serves as a beacon of knowledge, empowering individuals to prioritize their eye health and embrace a future of clarity and vitality.
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asian-eye-cure · 2 months
Understanding Retinal Vein Occlusion: Central vs. Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion
Introduction: Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is a serious condition that affects the blood vessels in the retina, leading to vision impairment or loss. Within the realm of RVO, there are two main types: central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). In this article, we'll delve into the differences between these two types of RVO, as well as shed light on the expertise of Dr. Shrutika Kankariya, a leading retina specialist in Pune, India.
Understanding Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO): Central retinal vein occlusion occurs when the main vein of the retina becomes blocked, leading to impaired blood flow throughout the entire retina. This blockage can result in severe vision loss or even blindness in the affected eye. CRVO typically presents with sudden, painless vision loss, often described as a curtain or veil descending over the field of vision.
Exploring Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO): Branch retinal vein occlusion, on the other hand, occurs when one of the smaller branch veins of the retina becomes blocked. Unlike CRVO, which affects the entire retina, BRVO affects only a portion of the retina supplied by the blocked vein. Symptoms of BRVO may vary depending on the location and severity of the blockage but commonly include blurry vision or vision loss in one part of the visual field.
Expert Insight: Dr. Shrutika Kankariya Dr. Shrutika Junagade Kankariya is an esteemed retina specialist renowned for her expertise in advanced medical retina, diabetic eye disease, and cataract surgery. With a comprehensive education and training background from prestigious institutions such as Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, and Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, Dr. Kankariya brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her practice.
As a Fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology, United Kingdom, and having completed advanced fellowship training in retinal disorders at Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, Dr. Shrutika Kankariya is recognized as one of the best retina surgeons in Pune, India. Her dedication to providing compassionate care and utilizing the latest advancements in retinal treatment ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care for retinal vein occlusion and other retinal disorders.
Treatment Options for Retinal Vein Occlusion: Both CRVO and BRVO require prompt evaluation and treatment to prevent further vision loss and complications. Treatment options may include intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF medications to reduce swelling and improve blood flow, laser therapy to address abnormal blood vessels, or surgical intervention in severe cases.
Conclusion: In conclusion, understanding the differences between central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) is crucial for effective diagnosis and management. With the guidance of experts like Dr. Shrutika Kankariya, patients can receive personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific condition and needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes for vision preservation and eye health.
For more information contact Asian Eye Clinic
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asian-eye-cure · 2 months
Treatment Options for Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a complex eye condition with two main types: dry AMD and wet AMD. While there is currently no definitive treatment for dry AMD, there are strategies to manage its progression. On the other hand, treatment options for wet AMD have evolved significantly in recent years, offering hope for preserving vision and improving outcomes for patients. Let's delve into the treatment options for both types of AMD.
Treatment of Dry AMD:
Dry AMD presents with the presence of drusen, small yellow deposits beneath the retina. While there is no definitive treatment for drusen, studies have shown that certain nutritional supplements, such as those recommended in the AREDS 2 formulation, can help delay the progression of the disease. Additionally, adopting a balanced, nutrient-rich diet that includes dark leafy greens, yellow fruits and vegetables, and fish can be beneficial for individuals with AMD.
Treatment of Wet AMD:
Wet AMD is characterized by the growth of abnormal blood vessels beneath the macula, leading to rapid vision loss if left untreated. Fortunately, there are effective treatment options available for wet AMD, primarily in the form of anti-VEGF drugs. These medications, administered via intra-vitreal injections, help reduce the number of abnormal blood vessels in the retina. Commonly used anti-VEGF drugs include Eylea, Pagenax, accentrix, Razumab, and Ranizurel.
Regular monitoring of macular swelling is essential for wet AMD patients undergoing anti-VEGF treatment. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans are commonly used to assess macular swelling and monitor treatment response following intra-vitreal injections.
In some cases of wet AMD associated with macular edema, laser surgery may be recommended as a treatment option. This procedure aims to seal off leaking blood vessels in the retina, thereby reducing swelling and preserving vision.
Maximizing Vision with Low Vision Aids:
Living with AMD presents unique challenges, but with the help of low vision aids, individuals can continue to enjoy many of their favorite activities. Various magnifying tools, handheld computers, electronic devices, and other assistive technologies are available to help individuals with AMD make the most of their remaining vision.
Navigating the complexities of AMD treatment, patients can benefit from the expertise of professionals like Dr. Shrutika Kankaria. Dr. Kankaria, a distinguished expert in advanced medical retina, diabetic eye disease, and cataract surgery, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her practice. Trained at esteemed institutions such as Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, and Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, Dr. Kankaria seamlessly integrates cutting-edge treatments with personalized patient care. By working closely with Dr. Kankaria, individuals with AMD can receive comprehensive care tailored to their unique needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes for their vision health.
In conclusion, while there is currently no definitive cure for AMD, advancements in treatment options offer hope for preserving vision and improving quality of life for patients. By adopting healthy lifestyle habits, following recommended treatments, and utilizing low vision aids, individuals with AMD can continue to lead fulfilling lives. If you have AMD, consult with your ophthalmologist, such as Dr. Shrutika Kankaria, to discuss the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit Asian Eye Clinic or contact us at +91 8888942222
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asian-eye-cure · 2 months
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): Risk Factors, Latest Treatments, and Expert Guidance
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive eye condition that affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision. This condition demands understanding of both its risk factors and the latest advancements in treatment, alongside insights into the expertise of professionals like Dr. Shrutika Kankariya.
Understanding AMD and Its Risk Factors:
Primarily affecting older adults, particularly those over 50, AMD's exact cause remains elusive. Yet, several factors heighten the risk, including age, genetics, smoking, hypertension, obesity, UV exposure, and dietary habits. Each contributes to the onset and progression of AMD in varying degrees.
Exploring the Latest Treatments:
While a cure for AMD remains elusive, significant strides have been made in treatment options. Anti-VEGF therapy, a groundbreaking approach involving injections to halt abnormal blood vessel growth in the retina, is pivotal, especially in wet AMD cases. Photodynamic therapy and laser therapy are also utilized to target abnormal blood vessels. Nutritional supplements rich in eye-essential vitamins and minerals show promise in slowing AMD progression. Low vision aids offer practical solutions for individuals with advanced AMD, enhancing their quality of life despite vision loss.
In the realm of ophthalmology, Dr. Shrutika Kankariya is a beacon of excellence and compassion. Trained at esteemed institutions such as Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, and Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, Dr. Kankariya seamlessly integrates cutting-edge treatments with personalized patient care. Her relentless pursuit of optimal outcomes ensures that individuals with AMD receive the best possible treatment tailored to their unique needs.
Navigating the complexities of AMD requires understanding its risk factors, staying abreast of the latest treatments, and seeking guidance from experts like Dr. Shrutika Kankariya. With her at the helm, individuals with AMD can find solace in knowing that comprehensive care is within reach. To learn more about Dr. Shrutika Kankariya and the exemplary services offered at Asian Eye Clinic, please visit Asian Eye Clinic or contact us at +91 8888942222.
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asian-eye-cure · 2 months
Understanding Floaters: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
Floaters are a common occurrence that many individuals experience at some point in their lives. These tiny specks or 'clouds' drifting around in your field of vision are actually small clumps of protein suspended within the vitreous, the clear gel-like fluid that fills the inside of the eye.
Causes of Floaters:
Floaters can take on various shapes, such as cobwebs, clouds, circles, lines, or little dots. They are more commonly observed against plain backgrounds like a blank white wall or the blue sky. While they may appear to be in front of the eye, floaters are actually inside the eye, casting shadows on the retina.
Floaters can occur at any age, but they become more prevalent with increasing age, particularly in individuals with myopia (nearsightedness). As individuals reach middle age, the vitreous gel begins to liquify, leading to its movement along with the floaters. This process can sometimes cause a posterior vitreous detachment, where the gel pulls away from the back of the eye, further contributing to the appearance of floaters.
Are Floaters Ever Serious?
While floaters are often harmless and merely a part of the aging process, they can occasionally indicate a more serious underlying issue. As the vitreous gel shrinks and exerts pull on the retina during detachment, it can lead to a tear in the retina and subsequent bleeding. This sudden onset of new floaters, along with blurring of vision or the sensation of a black curtain blocking vision, warrants immediate medical attention. New onset floaters should be promptly evaluated by an eye doctor to rule out retinal tear or detachment.
Will Floaters Go Away?
Floaters typically do not disappear entirely but may become less noticeable and bothersome over time. Some individuals find that they can temporarily move floaters out of their field of vision by looking up, down, or beyond them.
Treatment Options:
While some floaters require no treatment and tend to fade with time, others may necessitate medical intervention, especially if they are caused by a retinal tear. If left untreated, a retinal tear can progress to a retinal detachment, which requires surgical intervention.
One treatment option for floaters caused by retinal tear is retinal surgery. Individuals experiencing a sudden onset of numerous floaters or flashes of light should seek the opinion of a retina specialist as early as possible.
Vitrectomy, an invasive procedure involving the removal of some or all of the vitreous from the eye, is another treatment option. However, most eye surgeons do not recommend vitrectomy for treating floaters due to the associated risks outweighing the benefits.
In conclusion, while floaters are often benign, any sudden changes in floaters or vision should prompt immediate medical attention. Regular eye examinations are essential for monitoring eye health and detecting any underlying issues early on. Always consult with an eye care professional for proper evaluation and management of floaters or other vision concerns.
About Dr. Shrutika Kankariya:
Dr. Shrutika Junagade Kankariya, MBBS, DNB, FICO, is a distinguished expert in advanced medical retina, diabetic eye disease, and cataract surgery. She completed her medical college training at Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, one of India's top medical institutions. Her ophthalmic education was further enhanced at Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, an esteemed eye institute in Asia, where she obtained the Diplomate of the National Board (DNB) accreditation.
Dr. Kankariya's commitment to excellence led her to achieve the Fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology (FICO) qualification from the United Kingdom. She further specialized in retinal disorders through an advanced fellowship at Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, a prominent center catering to referrals for retinal disorders from across Asia.
With her extensive training and expertise, Dr. Kankariya has earned recognition as the best retina surgeon in Pune, India. She is dedicated to providing exceptional care to her patients, utilizing the latest advancements in ophthalmology to deliver optimal outcomes. As an authority in medical retina, diabetic eye disease, and cataract surgery, Dr. Kankariya continues to uphold the highest standards of patient-centered care, ensuring the well-being and vision health of her patients.
To learn more about Dr. Shrutika Kankariya and Asian Eye Clinic, please visit Asian Eye Clinic or contact us at +91 8888942222
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asian-eye-cure · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Eye Health: Tips from Dr. Shrutika Kankaria
Introduction: Welcome to our comprehensive guide to maintaining healthy eyes, brought to you by Asian Eye Hospital's leading expert, Dr. Shrutika Kankaria. Dr. Kankaria, MBBS, DNB, FICO, is an esteemed ophthalmologist specializing in advanced medical retina, diabetic eye disease, and cataract surgery. With her extensive expertise and dedication to patient care, Dr. Kankaria is committed to helping individuals achieve optimal eye health for a lifetime. In this blog post, we'll delve into essential tips and practices recommended by Dr. Kankaria to ensure optimal eye health for you and your loved ones.
Understanding Eye Health: Before we dive into specific tips, let's briefly discuss the importance of eye health. Our eyes play a crucial role in our daily lives, allowing us to see and experience the world around us. Dr. Kankaria, with her background in Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, and advanced training at Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, understands the intricacies of eye health and its impact on overall well-being.
Tips for Maintaining Healthy Eyes:
Schedule Regular Eye Exams: Regular eye check-ups are essential for detecting any potential issues early on and preventing further complications. Dr. Kankaria advises scheduling comprehensive eye exams at least once a year, leveraging her expertise in diagnosing and treating various eye conditions.
Protect Your Eyes from UV Radiation: Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can increase the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, and other eye problems. Dr. Kankaria recommends wearing sunglasses that block 100% of UV rays whenever you're outdoors, drawing from her knowledge in preventing eye diseases.
Practice Good Hygiene: Maintaining good hygiene habits can help prevent eye infections and irritation. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes or handling contact lenses, as advised by Dr. Kankaria to promote eye health.
Follow a Balanced Diet: A healthy diet rich in nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, can promote good eye health. Dr. Kankaria suggests incorporating foods such as leafy greens, citrus fruits, fish, nuts, and seeds into your meals to support your vision, aligning with her holistic approach to patient care.
Take Regular Breaks from Screens: In today's digital age, many of us spend hours staring at screens, leading to digital eye strain and other vision problems. Dr. Kankaria recommends following the 20-20-20 rule to reduce eye strain, demonstrating her commitment to promoting healthy habits for optimal eye health.
Quit Smoking: Smoking has been linked to various eye conditions, including cataracts, macular degeneration, and optic nerve damage. If you smoke, Dr. Kankaria strongly advises quitting to protect your eyes and overall health, emphasizing the importance of lifestyle modifications in preserving eye health.
Conclusion: Your eyes are invaluable assets that deserve the best care possible. By following the tips outlined in this comprehensive guide, curated by Dr. Shrutika Kankaria, you can take proactive steps to maintain healthy eyes and preserve your vision for years to come. Remember, regular eye exams and consultations with a qualified ophthalmologist like Dr. Kankaria are essential for ensuring optimal eye health. Take control of your eye health today and see the world with clarity and confidence, guided by the expertise of Dr. Shrutika Kankaria.
For appointments and inquiries with Dr. Shrutika Kankaria at Asian Eye Hospital, please contact:
Phone: 8888942222
Website: https://www.asianeyehospital.com/
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asian-eye-cure · 2 months
Understanding Floaters: Causes, Concerns, and Treatment Options
Have you ever noticed small specks or clouds moving around in your field of vision? These are called floaters, and while they are often harmless, they can sometimes indicate more serious eye conditions. In this blog, we'll explore what floaters are, why they occur, and when you should seek medical attention for them.
What Are Floaters? Floaters are tiny clumps of protein that float inside the vitreous, the clear gel-like fluid that fills the inside of the eye. These protein clumps cast shadows on the retina, causing them to appear as specks, clouds, or other shapes in your vision. Floaters are most noticeable when looking at a plain background like a blank wall or the sky.
Why Do They Occur? Floaters occur when the vitreous gel inside the eye starts to liquify, causing it to pull away from the back of the eye. This process, known as posterior vitreous detachment, is common as people age. Floaters can also be more common in individuals with myopia (nearsightedness).
Are Floaters Ever Serious? While most floaters are harmless and tend to fade with time, they can sometimes indicate more serious issues, such as a tear in the retina. If you experience sudden onset floaters, particularly accompanied by flashes of light or a veil blocking your vision, it's crucial to seek medical attention immediately. These symptoms could indicate a retinal tear or detachment, which requires prompt treatment to prevent vision loss.
Will Floaters Go Away? Floaters typically do not go away completely but may become less noticeable and bothersome over time. Some individuals find that they can temporarily move floaters out of their field of vision by looking up, down, or beyond them.
Treatment Options: In many cases, floaters require no treatment and become less bothersome with time. However, if floaters are caused by a retinal tear or detachment, prompt treatment is necessary to prevent vision loss. This may involve retinal surgery to repair the tear or detachment.
Another treatment option for severe or persistent floaters is vitrectomy, a surgical procedure in which some or all of the vitreous gel is removed from the eye. However, this procedure carries risks and is not commonly recommended unless absolutely necessary.
Conclusion: While floaters are often harmless, they can sometimes indicate more serious eye conditions that require medical attention. If you experience sudden onset floaters or other concerning symptoms, don't hesitate to schedule an eye exam with a qualified eye care professional. Early detection and treatment are key to preserving vision and maintaining eye health.
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asian-eye-cure · 2 months
Safeguard Your Vision with Expert Care from Dr. Shrutika Kankariya
 Do you have a family history of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)? If so, it's crucial to be proactive about monitoring your vision and catching any changes early. AMD can cause gradual vision loss or sudden recurrence of swelling in the macula, leading to significant impairment if left untreated. That's why regular screening with an Amsler grid is essential for anyone at risk of AMD.
Understanding AMD and Its Impact on Vision
AMD is a progressive eye condition that affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision. As AMD advances, it can cause distortions in vision, such as wavy or blurry lines on an Amsler grid, or the appearance of dark or empty spots in the central vision. If left untreated, AMD can result in permanent vision loss, impacting daily activities such as reading, driving, and recognizing faces.
The Importance of Using an Amsler Grid
An Amsler grid is a simple tool used to monitor changes in vision, especially for individuals with AMD. By regularly checking your vision with an Amsler grid, you can detect subtle changes that may indicate worsening AMD or the recurrence of macular swelling. Early detection is key to preserving vision and preventing further deterioration.
How to Use an Amsler Grid
Keep the Amsler grid in a prominent place where you'll see it daily, such as your refrigerator door or bathroom mirror.
In good lighting, hold the grid about 12 to 15 inches away from your eyes.
Cover one eye and focus on the central dot on the grid with your uncovered eye.
Pay attention to any distortions in the grid, such as bent or wavy lines, blurry areas, or missing spots.
Repeat the test with your other eye.
If you notice any changes or abnormalities, contact your ophthalmologist immediately for further evaluation.
Meet Dr. Shrutika Kankariya: Your Expert in Retinal Disorders
Dr. Shrutika Junagade Kankariya, (MBBS, DNB, FICO, Fellow Retina and Diabetes Eye Disease), is an esteemed ophthalmologist specializing in advanced medical retina, diabetic eye disease, and cataract surgery. Dr. Kankariya completed her medical college training at Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, and her ophthalmic education at Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, under the aegis of the National Board (DNB). With additional training and fellowships in the UK and Germany, Dr. Kankariya brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice.
Expert Care Tailored to Your Needs
As one of the best retina surgeons in Pune, India, Dr. Kankariya is committed to providing personalized care and innovative treatments to her patients. With her dedication to excellence and patient-centered approach, she ensures that each individual receives the highest standard of care for their vision needs.
Take Charge of Your Eye Health Today
Don't let AMD or other retinal disorders compromise your vision and quality of life. Take proactive steps to monitor your vision with regular screenings using an Amsler grid, and consult with a trusted expert like Dr. Shrutika Kankariya for personalized care and treatment options. Protect your vision today for a brighter tomorrow.
Asian Eye Hospital
+91 8888942222
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asian-eye-cure · 2 months
Understanding Diabetic Retinopathy: A Guide to Sight-Threatening Complications and Expert Care
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Diabetic retinopathy stands as a formidable complication of diabetes, posing a significant threat to vision. This condition arises from damage to the delicate blood vessels nourishing the retina, leading to a cascade of detrimental effects on eye health. Let's delve into the intricacies of diabetic retinopathy and the expertise of Dr. Shrutika Kankariya, a leading expert in the field:
What is Diabetic Retinopathy?
Diabetic retinopathy manifests in two primary forms: non-proliferative and proliferative. In non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy, damaged blood vessels within the retina leak blood and fluids, resulting in retinal tissue swelling and vision clouding. This condition typically affects both eyes and can progress if left untreated.
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy, on the other hand, represents an advanced stage where inadequate blood supply to the retina triggers the growth of abnormal blood vessels. These vessels proliferate on the retinal surface, leading to severe complications such as vitreous hemorrhage and tractional retinal detachment. Left unchecked, proliferative diabetic retinopathy can cause irreversible damage to the retina and result in vision loss.
Meet Dr. Shrutika Kankariya: A Renowned Expert in Retinal Disorders
Dr. Shrutika Kankariya is a distinguished figure in the realm of ophthalmology, specializing in advanced medical retina, diabetic eye disease, and cataract surgery. Her journey towards expertise began at Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, where she underwent rigorous medical training. Subsequently, she honed her skills at Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, one of Asia's premier eye institutes, under the guidance of esteemed mentors.
Dr. Kankariya's dedication to her craft is exemplified by her pursuit of excellence through continued education and professional development. She holds credentials such as DNB (Diplomate of the National Board) and FICO UK (Fellow of the International Council of Ophthalmology, United Kingdom), underscoring her commitment to delivering world-class eye care.
Expert Care for Diabetic Retinopathy
With her extensive experience and specialized training, Dr. Shrutika Kankariya offers expert care for patients grappling with diabetic retinopathy. From accurate diagnosis to personalized treatment plans, she employs cutting-edge techniques and advanced therapies to preserve and restore vision. Whether managing non-proliferative retinopathy or navigating complex cases of proliferative retinopathy, Dr. Kankariya's compassionate approach ensures comprehensive care and optimal outcomes for her patients.
Diabetic retinopathy poses a significant threat to vision, but with expert care from professionals like Dr. Shrutika Kankariya, patients can navigate this condition with confidence. Through a combination of expertise, advanced technology, and personalized treatment approaches, Dr. Kankariya stands as a beacon of hope for those affected by diabetic eye disease. With her guidance, individuals can embark on a journey towards improved eye health and enhanced quality of life.
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