We couldn’t find any pumpkins so we painted and the date was. Good I like him a lot
I still dunno what imma do for Halloween
It's good that you enjoyed yourself.
Hopefully you two can do something soon.
Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Maybe have a movie marathon with some of your favorite snacks.
I've had some fun this weekend, but there's a party tonight. As I've already stated, I've already got the placed rigged.
Just the waiting game now.....
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Howdy Sir!!!
I’m sorry its been so long! But im still alive!! coming back home took a lot out of me but im doing much better! I got a job, quit it due to an asshat of a boss, got concussed, reconnected with friends, and ive been taking care of my mental health!
I cant wait for my concussion to heal so I can get back to playing hockey, and im also looking for another job.
I hope you’re doing well! And I hope halloween season has been kind to you!
Howdy, it's been a long time indeed.
I'm glad you made the right decision and you went back home.
If you don't need to, don't rush yourself to do anything for the time being, job wise.
Are you still in school, or are your going to wait on that?
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Probably not gonna keep the pumpkin seeds no, and most places don’t even have a 13th level LMAOO
Driving by the local one, it doesn't even have a second floor.
I'd rather not try to figure it out. I did see a little girl dressed as Michael Myers today.
It was rather amusing seeing her chase other kids around.
Was your date today?
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We r gonna carve pumpkins at a park then go to a amusement type place that has a Halloween event with mazes, hayrides n shit hehehhfh
How festive like.
There's a 13th floor near me, I should rig one of the "floors".
We'll see.....
Are you going to keep the pumpkin seeds?
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I don’t have any specific plans ON Halloween,,, but,, I have a date on sunday with a guy 🤭 my first real date ever LMAOO
I like this guy, I haven’t been able to think ab anything else if I’m being real 🙏🙏
I haven’t watched the movie yet,, and I will probably wait for it to start popping up on websites (the guy I like works at yhe theater, butvwe matched on tinder HAHAH)
Oh, so you have a date tomorrow?
I hope it goes well for you. Do you all have specific plans?
And how you think I watched it 🥴 I don't have money nor time to go to a movie theater. I also don't have peacock 🥴 you didn't hear that from me though.
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LOLLL how have you been
I have been channeling my inner Shape, as I can't wait for Halloween.
I've already built a contraption for kids to get candy from my home without me being there.
There's also a party in the rural part of the state I plan on crashing.
So as one of my newer pets told me, much to my surprise. I'm sitting here giggling and twirling my hair.
He's amusing, I might keep him for a bit.
How have you been? Any plans for Halloween?
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I tried answering this for like three days straight, but now I guess Tumblr wants to act right....
However long ago you sent this, I just saw it but immediately forget......
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AYOOOO I wasn’t but would it have worked⁉️ 😼
No, maybe if you were tied up as well.... Maybe...
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Are you trying to seduce me, Little Bee?
I could use that flower for something though...
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They haven’t called yet,, and WHAT WAS IT?? WHY IS HE STILL SNOOPING
He snoops on EVERYONE, which is irritating but I just ignore him now.
His normal banter of you being obsessed with him.
Writing his name, drawing him with hearts and smiley faces, on multiple parts of your body. Doesn't help your case whatsoever....
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Sleep helped but I have a headache 🤧🤧 but I can’t go back to sleep bc 1 my adderall os setting in, anf 2 I am waiting for a call from this place that is possibly gonna be mh job 😓
How did things go?
I also feel the need to mention that you did capture Jesse's attention the other day.
Can't say I blame him as it was something worth mentioning.
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Well thid nap is gonna hitme first😨 I am running off 3 hrs I gotta sleeo before I start convulsing and pass ouy
With those typos, I believe you...
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pshh give it a week he’ll be gone
Then he'll be back in full force.
Hitting you like a freight train...
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Lame!! LAAAME!!!! Ur ab to be on the chopping block
Do you really think I believe that to be true?
You can't let go of Jesse.
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I mean sometimes you just gotta.. go with the flow,, 🤭
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…. Well it’s certainly not his DICK AND BALLS if you’re asking that 😰
I don’t draw such things….. yet
I don't know, you've drawn some pretty suggestions stuff.
Also, yet.
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Well… kinda.. I’m stumped on what to do with hisvhead rn, because that’s all I got 😿 haven’t gotten further
His head..
Which one?
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