artqueen02-ninjago · 1 month
Part 3 ! (Fusions armors were a hell to draw)
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Part 1 / part 2
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artqueen02-ninjago · 1 month
Part 3 ! (Fusions armors were a hell to draw)
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Part 1 / part 2
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artqueen02-ninjago · 1 month
PART 2 !! (Drawing possessed Nya has hurt my soul beyond repair)
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Part 1 / part 3
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artqueen02-ninjago · 1 month
Part 1 (out of who knows how many) because I've been thinking about drawing them ALL in ALL of their outfits for a while now, and I finally started (I don't know if I'll have the motivation to finish, we'll see, here's the 5 first outfits sets anyway)
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Part 2 / part 3
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artqueen02-ninjago · 2 months
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Nadakhan could’ve just told them he needed to get married and Flintlocke would not hesitate
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artqueen02-ninjago · 2 months
Prompting opens!
Woohoo! We've made it to the first stage of fic fest: prompting period! You can now officially head over to the prompting page to share your ideas with the world!
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Don’t have an ao3? You can also submit prompts through this google form :D Prompting will run from April 6th to April 27th.
Prompts must be SFW
Prompts can be about any aspect of ninjago, including but not limited to seasons 1-16, DR, books, comics, or the movie!
If you do submit a prompt about dragons rising, please write DR SPOILERS at the top of your prompt
Want to participate in the event but writing for your own idea and not someone else’s? There will be an option for self-prompting when claiming opens.
In celebration of prompting opening, there's also a silly little gif prompting game over here! Screenshot and share your results and what ideas might spawn from them.
Don't know how to prompt? The forms, both of them, are pretty self-explanatory, but if you want a more detailed breakdown, click that read more.
To prompt, you're going to start by going to the ao3 collection. Here you can see the prompts already submitted! Along the navigation bar at the top of the collection, you should see a tab titled "Prompt Form." Click on that, and you'll be greeted with a form with several boxes.
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The first boxes are fairly self-explanatory. You're allowed to list up to three fandoms (crossovers allowed as long as the content abides by the fest rules!), three characters, three relationships, and the additional tags.
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Next comes the place for your actual prompt! Fill this box in with the actual fic idea you have (remember that authors do not need to match pitch-for-pitch every single thing you put here, and putting in too many details may limit who wants to pick it up).
Also put in your wants (things you want to see in the fic) and do not wants (things you absolutely do not want to see).
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Finally, you'll be given the option to make your prompt anonymous or not! The reason it's listed as "semi-anonymous" is because while the prompt itself won't have your name on it, your name will show up in the list of people who've submitted prompts.
And that's it! Here's what the final prompt looks like:
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Got it? Now go out and create!
If you still have questions, feel free to drop an ask or check the #asks tag :D
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artqueen02-ninjago · 2 months
Headcanon: Kai is afraid of losing his powers because it reminds him of the first time he had ever felt vulnerable in his life: when he realised that his parents were not coming back.
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artqueen02-ninjago · 3 months
I hope wherever Pixal is she's absolutely fine, not because I don't want to see my blorbos hurt, in fact I love when they get fucked up, but specifically for the comedy potential. Because knowing Pixal, there's a high chance she's already completely accepted that Zane has died for the 10th time somewhere and is probably in the midst of trying to find and revive him along with the other ninja. She's entered full "guess Zane's dead again time to cope by not coping at all" mode. She abandoned the grieving stage once she realized this was a common occurrence. The grind never stops, she hasn't seen sunlight in six months, and probably didn't even realize the realms Merged.
Zane, however, is very much not used to being on the other side of "this person I love might be dead or is otherwise missing somewhere". He's moping on the floor. Staring out the window like a victorian maiden. Longing for when his beloved will return from the war. The saddest, soaking wet kitten you ever did see. About to recite poetry at a moments notice. He's given sympathies as well as being mocked endlessly by his annoyed friends because yeah, how does it feel NOW, Zane? FEELS BAD DOESN'T IT
And then they just find each other at a store somewhere in the Crossroads like it's an average Tuesday afternoon. Do you see the vision
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artqueen02-ninjago · 3 months
in the future, lloyd will be an immortal old man (similar to wu and garmadon) with the powers of a god tasked to protect ninjago from evil for all time, and pixal will be the immortal ai ceo of an all-encompassing tech industry with access to advanced weaponry that could probably destroy the world, if she wanted to use it that way. And they are just buddies bc 500 years ago they both cared about the same handful of Guys
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artqueen02-ninjago · 3 months
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a meem i nade for a server
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artqueen02-ninjago · 4 months
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artqueen02-ninjago · 4 months
"The power imbalance in pixane is so severe, it makes it creepy"
You know what? You're right. Pixal is clearly running everything. Zane absolutely falls apart without her. That can't be healthy.
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artqueen02-ninjago · 4 months
It Gets Cuter
Zane has plans for Valentine's Day that no one was expecting. Takes place shortly after Crystalized. ~1100 words
Valentine's day was always a bit of a mess at the monastery. Love is great, but stopping danger takes priority, and it seemed like every year there was someone intent on feeling most important. This year had been Killow’s turn, and the team was now stuck in the Samurai X cave, repairing surface level damages to their vehicles after the fight so they could be safely stored for the night. Groups were scattered across the room, but Zane, Nya, and Kai were gathered around the Dragon Raider, finishing out their required repairs at a decent rate. 
“You and Jay have dinner reservations or anything?” Kai asked.
“No, we’re doing junk food dinner.” Nya smiled, glancing up from her work. “Nothing but piles of snacks and sweets until we eat ourselves into a coma in front of the TV. It’s fantastic.”
“That actually does sound amazing,” Her brother agreed. 
“What about you? Did you make plans with Sky?” Nya asked.
“Yeah, she asked me to do this escape room thing with a bunch of friends. You know, a group date to keep things light while we’re starting out.”
“Honestly, that’s a good idea,” Nya shrugged. “You go in too fast, and sometimes things get… messy.”
Kai glanced over at his unusually quiet teammate. He seemed rather distracted as he worked, his mind obviously occupied by something else. “What about you Zane?”
Zane’s eyes popped up to his friends, pulled out of his internal world. “What about me?”
“Yeah,” Nya shrugged. “You have any Valentine’s plans tonight?” 
Zane cast his eyes to the ground, embarrassed, letting out a long sigh. His complexion turned upward again, his voice lowered, and his lips smiling with tentative excitement.
“I’m finally going to tell Pixal I have feelings for her.”
The faces of his companions froze in their anticipation, Kai in particular shutting down as he tried to process the news he had been given. 
“You… what?” Nya leaned forward in concern, placing down her wrench. 
“I’m finally gonna tell her how I feel.” Zane reiterated, his face distorted in worry at the blank responses he got back. “Do you think it’s a bad idea, or-”
“Dude… I think she already knows.” Kai pressed, his own words still unsure of the situation as he spoke them.
“You think so?!” Zane’s eyes grew wide in surprise, glancing behind him at the nindroid in question. “She is pretty good at reading people,” he reasoned.
Nya stepped forward, putting a hand on his arm. “Zane, she’s your girlfriend, I think-”
Zane began to chuckle. “What? No! I wish! I mean, maybe. Hopefully! That’s why I’m gonna tell her. I’ve had a crush on her for a while now.”
“But you-” Kai chimed in, still frozen in place, his face stuck in a state of stupor, the gears in his head churning away as he tried desperately to make sense of the interaction. “I’m sorry.” He finally broke, shoving his hands through his hair. 
“Have you two really not talked about this before?” Nya stepped in front of her brother, attempting to distract the newly fragile Zane from his reaction.
“No. Why? Do you think I waited too long?” The panic in his voice was palpable, but the confusion which filled the air was still much stronger.
“Yeah! I mean, no,” Nya calmed herself. “I don’t think you’ve missed your window or anything, but… I definitely think you could have done it earlier.” She sighed as she began to mutter. “Like the second after you met her earlier.”
“Hold on.” Kai broke in again, stepping forward, having found some sense of footing. “I’m still… But you two were like, the same person, right?”
“She was implanted into my systems for a period, yes.” Zane agreed.
“How is that not like… the most intense form of dating?” Kai’s eyes turned down as he spoke, the question more for himself at this point.
“Zane, if she was in your systems for all that time, couldn’t she… read your thoughts? Wouldn’t she already know how you feel about her?” Nya offered.
“I suppose it’s possible.” Zane mused, turning back around to observe his hopeful Valentine. “I never went as far as to observe her thoughts. She was very respectful of my privacy as far as I’m aware, but I suppose there are some things it would be difficult to conceal-”
“How did we not know?” Kai began a sibling sidebar as Zane continued to analyze his situation. “...Do you think she knows?”
“I think she- I mean she has to, right?” Nya reasoned, both of them now stuck watching Pixal as she noticed the glance of her admirer, and softly waved at him, a bashful amount of blush gracing her cheeks. “...honestly, I can't be sure about anything anymore.” 
“I’m so nervous.” Zane turned around to face his companions. “If she does know, why has she not spoken to me about it?”
“Hey, buddy,” Nya grabbed both his hands, attempting to focus him. “If it makes you feel any better… I think she likes you too.”
Zane’s face exploded with hope, perhaps even on the verge of tears. “You think?!”
“I can guarantee.” Nya nodded.
“I’m going to do it. I’m so excited!” Zane again turned around, not being able to help looking at the center of his affection.
“How are you going to tell her?” Nya asked, the shock finally beginning to subside a bit.
“Well, I spoke with her father,” Zane started, spinning back around. “And he helped me make up a pair of those heart necklaces, only the heart isn’t a heart, it’s meant to look like the two halves of our power source, and the metal is reclaimed from my original technoblade, which brought us together in the first place.”
“Oh gosh, it’s so cute.” Kai breathed out, leaning over his vehicle.
“Right, because that’s how you freed her from the overlord’s control.” Nya nodded along.
Zane grinned, beginning to chuckle. “Well, no. Because she fought me for them in the woods.”
Kai fully crumpled over the hood of the car. “It gets cuter-”
“You know what,” Nya started, her heart also melting at the gesture described to her. “We’re almost done here, why don’t you go get ready to surprise her, and we can finish up the rest.”
“You’re sure?” Zane nearly jumped with excitement.
“Go!” Kai urged him, raising his head back up. “Master knows you’ve waited long enough already!”
Zane looked at them both graciously. “Thanks so much for your help!” His energy took him across the room quickly, almost skipping. At one point he turned around to wave back at his friends, which they both, much less exuberantly, returned.
“There he goes,” Nya mused.
Kai remained slumped over the Dragon Raider, his mind now as full as Zane’s had been just a few moments earlier. “I think I need to like… go lay down for a second.”
“Maybe you should talk to Skylor-”
“I really should.”
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artqueen02-ninjago · 4 months
I find it highly amusing how in situations where the ninja are separated/it's just the OG four, Kai and Zane immediately assume control/start spearheading the team because apparently no one else is sane enough or in the right mind to do so.
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Your honour, they literally have one of the best dynamics in the show, with how they're probably the most protective people in the team. And it makes me mad how this is overlooked by the fandom and the show.
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artqueen02-ninjago · 4 months
Hmmm AU where the ninja never find out about Zane or the Never Realm and then the Merge happens and suddenly the ninja are all separated and as far as anyone knows, there's a reallll dangerous eternal winter creeping up on all of them!
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artqueen02-ninjago · 4 months
headcannon that lloyd has chronic pain. cool right? its actually very funny because during possession morro did not expect that nor was used to that kind of pain... so he kind of collapsed, thinking it was some sort of trick, a last resort.
meanwhile lloyd is "yea no i just live like that". also im imagining episode dedicated to morro and his ghosts robbing a pharmacy off painkillers.
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artqueen02-ninjago · 4 months
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Based on a conversation from the NWOD server
If you know, you know
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