ariana-kelley · 6 years
“Fuck!” The expletive was followed by a swift hit to the metal wall that encased her in the tiny bathroom stall used only by staff. Ariana quickly flushed the toilet and disposed of the plastic pregnancy test in the feminine waste container before emerging into the flourescently lit washing area. “Everything okay?” asked one of her fellow Bottle Service Girls who must’ve come in while Ari was peeing. “Oh shit. Hi. Didn’t hear you come in,” she explained as she bellied up to the sink to wash her hands. “Yeah, all good. Got my period and wasn’t expecting it tonight but I found a tampon,” she lied.
In fact, she hadn’t gotten her period at all which was the problem. Ariana had been so careful ever since she began having sex at the tender age of sixteen. Not only was she on birth control, but she made every sexual partner use a condom to protect from unwanted pregnancy and potential transmitted diseases. She knew that those methods weren’t one hundred percent reliable, but they were a damn good barrier. What worried her more, though, was the timing of it all. Not only was she not ready for a child, she had been with two guys since the last time she had gotten her period. Depending on the time of conception, she wasn’t exactly sure which one was the father.
After drying her hands, Ari fluffed her chocolate brown curls before reemerging into the club area. Her eyes immediately darted toward the DJ booth where she saw him bopping along with one headphone on to the beats he was pulsing throughout the space. She wasn’t staring for long when his deep eyes caught hers - his smile making her stomach flutter. Or perhaps it was the tiny human now growing inside her. Whatever it was, Ariana knew she couldn’t keep her secret from him for long.
“Bunny! Take this to Booth Two,” Dustin demanded, shoving an oversized bottle of Veuve Clicquot in her hands. The nickname was one she earned on her first night at the club. It was Halloween and all of the girls were told to dress up in a sexy costume, so she dressed as a vintage Playboy Bunny in order to impress them. She did, and the name stuck. “You got it! Give me a light?” she asked, nodding toward the large sparkler that topped the bottle. Within seconds, the area around her began to sparkle and she wasted no time getting out onto the floor.
Ariana paraded the bottle around the perimeter of the dance floor with the large bottle held high in the air, sashaying her hips dramatically as she walked. All eyes were on her and she loved it. Upon her arrival at the table, she shimmied her hips to the music as she pumped the bottle in the air. She kept dancing until the sparker finally went out and filled up everyone’s glass before setting it down on the table. When she turned to walk away, one of the guys caught her arm which spun her back around and tucked a twenty dollar bill into her cleavage. “Thank you,” she replied sweetly, giving him an extra bat of her long lashes before actually walking away, rolling her eyes when her back was to him.
Instead of heading back to the bar area, Ari made her way up to the DJ booth. She wasn’t allowed to kiss him at work - well in public at work - it was bad for her image, said her manager. Instead, she let her hand grab his ass as she approached him from behind. “Hang onto this for me?” she told him, pulling the twenty from her boobs and holding it out for him. “The crowd’s good tonight and you’re killing it with this lineup. Are you closing out tonight?”
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