ardn716-harrylowe · 17 days
Planned Deliverables - Week 10
Printed Maquette x1
Digital PDF x1
Hero Inkjet Print x1
A4 Supplimentary Inkjet Prints x4-5
Digital Wall Mockup (Choose venue)
Social Media Tiles (Advertise exhibition)
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ardn716-harrylowe · 17 days
Hero Images - Week 10
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ardn716-harrylowe · 18 days
Printing - Week 10
Are you intending to print anything? If so what is it?
Inkjet Prints
1x A2 Photo Print (Hero Image)
4-5x A4 Photo Prints (Accompaniment to Hero Image)
1x High Quality Photobook Maquette
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ardn716-harrylowe · 18 days
Skills - Week 10
List the key photographic technical skills you wanted to improve with this campaign / project
Inkjet printing, post-production and in-camera variables (Sharper/more precise focus, more even/correct exposures, control of depth of field etc)
2. Comment on your progress: what have you specifically learned or improved this semester
Inkjet printing: I have engaged with Cornelius in the inkjet printing studio and produced further prints, learning more about image processing and the printing process
3. Next steps: what else do you need to learn or do?
I would like to learn about darkroom processes as a personal interest and spend more time creating inkjet prints to develop that skill
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ardn716-harrylowe · 1 month
Top 3 challenges + current plan to address them
Thematic Balance (Consumptionism vs Leisure photos)
More focus is needed on the photos speaking to consumption to have more material to address/workshop this balance. Also, balance of photos of people vs traces of people in the photobook. Too many portraits could shift the narrative to being about the people rather than the people being part of the idea?
Locations (Consumption)
Further research? previous research has been done into abandoned buildings/sites but I felt that the motif/visual presence of abandoned buildings may overpower the core ideas of consumption and leisure.
Photobook Sequence (Relationships based on thematic relationship, visual motifs/connections, mix of both?)
More material is needed for the photobook content to expand the sequence + consultation/guidance on the best strategies to develop a cohesive sequence.
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ardn716-harrylowe · 1 month
Current Photobook Digital Maquette
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ardn716-harrylowe · 1 month
Photoshoot 5
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ardn716-harrylowe · 1 month
Photoshoot 4
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ardn716-harrylowe · 1 month
Photoshoot 3
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ardn716-harrylowe · 2 months
Moodboard (Images of “consumption”)
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ardn716-harrylowe · 2 months
Current Best Images
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ardn716-harrylowe · 2 months
Photoshoot 2
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ardn716-harrylowe · 2 months
Photoshoot 1
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ardn716-harrylowe · 2 months
Week 7: Project Summary Activity + 3 Next Steps
What is the key aim/s?
To produce a photo book supported by a key narrative idea (narrative may need further clarification)
How does it achieve this?
It looks to achieve this by developing a photographic sequence that speaks to a narrative when situated within a photo book
What are the primary deliverables?
Photobook (PDF + Physical Mockup)
Inkjet Prints
Social Media Outputs (Instagram tiles?)
How would you determine if it was succesful?
I would determine that this campaign was successful if the photo book has a strong relationship to the intended narrative and feels resolved as a physical artifact
Next Steps
Revist intended narrative based on further shoots to create a more clear idea/direction - complete by 14/4/24
Test current photos in digital photo book mockup - complete 14/4/24
Undertake further shoots based on revised/clarified narrative - within the two week break
Summarise current state of campaign as of today
Further photo shoots have been undertaken but I am now challenged with clarifying the narrative based on these shoots. I am yet to start making tests of the photo book
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ardn716-harrylowe · 2 months
Jamie Hawkesworth - The British Isles
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The British Isles is a photo book produced by photographer Jamie Hawkesworth. It was published by Mack Books in 2021. The book focuses on The British Isles and looks to visualise what/who makes up the everyday "fabric" of the British nation. It employs Hawkesworths typical combination of people and places to develop a narrative, with people acting as an ultimate extension of the place. The personalities and visual characteristics of these people project onto a place and allow us to personify it and understand it as if it were truly living. This relationship between people and place in Hawkesworth's photography is one of the key ideas that draws me to his practice. This is because his portraiture has a duality to it. While it develops a story about the person just as an individual picture, when placed within a sequence it takes on a whole new meaning about the place it was taken in. While we can appreciate a landscape visually, it is often the people who are fundamental to our understanding of the "personality" of a place.
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ardn716-harrylowe · 2 months
Proof of Concept - Photoshoot
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This was my first photoshoot for this project to act as a proof of concept and start exploring different visuals that may begin to develop the proposed narrative. It was focused on a specific location close to where I live, which to me embodies the idea of escapism as it is a secluded and almost hidden area of forest within a fairly sub-urban area. Photographically I was trying to shoot images that were more focused on specific details, rather than the landscape as a whole. This is because I had undertaken a photoshoot towards the end of last year which explored the more conventional form of landscapes. With my idea having developed since then, I wanted to experiment and see what I could get out of a more macro-based approach exploring the interaction of light with the environment. Overall I feel there was some success in this photoshoot. I think the macro approach has the potential to complement the more conventional landscapes, but the key will likely be the subject matter to link back to the idea of escapism. I think the office chair picture illustrates this quite well as it feels like evidence of someone's hideaway/escape and is also quite an unusual juxtaposition with the environment it sits in. I also quite liked the close-up photo of the leaves as the light caught it quite well and it really illuminated the textures. The interaction of the light with the leaf almost creates a slightly mystical or ethereal visual.
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ardn716-harrylowe · 2 months
Notes for Pitch Presentation
Jodi Glickman Pitch
3 key aspects of the pitch
Connect the dots
Always lead with your destination, then provide a backstory, not a background. The backstory is a curated narrative based on what you're specifically pitching for, your background is everything you've done and what is used to curate the backstory. Then connect the dots.
Destination: To work in some capacity as a contemporary art photographer, whether that be part-time/side hustle or full-time
As a part of that goal (destination), I’m looking to produce a photo book campaign in a narrative-driven context.
Backstory: Having studied photography through high school into university, I feel I’ve developed a good understanding of the contemporary photography space.
Connecting the dots: Having developed a basis of knowledge within the contemporary art field, I feel that the photo book is one of the key outputs for contemporary art photographers and one of the best mediums for exploring photographic sequencing to develop a narrative.
Case Study
Link between my project Days Pass us By and Broken Manual: The key idea/concept of escapism being expressed through photography, and the contextual outputs of a photo book and exhibition. While Soth approaches escapism differently, from the perspective of a "middle-aged" man, it has developed my understanding of how escapism can be visualised photographically and informed my thinking about the topic allowing me to draw on ideas and ultimately differentiate my own approach.
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