arceun · 2 years
unfortunately i’ve way too uncomfortable on this blog and fandom to be here and i don’t know if i will come back to this blog. :(    however i have been on another, non-poke fandom blog, so if anyone is interested in following other fandoms, i’d love to periodically check here and see who is interested to follow. (:          see you, maybe !
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arceun · 2 years
Are you angry at God ?
no no i just want to talk
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arceun · 2 years
You gotta walk in rooms like God sent you
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arceun · 2 years
RIP to everyone killed by the gods for their hubris but im different. and better. maybe even better than the gods
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arceun · 2 years
a niche character trope i like is the person who is nice, a good person and acts well adjusted, then they do something where it’s like. oh you’re secretly a little bit insane actually
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arceun · 2 years
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arceun · 2 years
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ART BY SNAIL, this is NOT my art! Please donut reblog if you’re not @arceun <3
im screaming im sobbing im crying im collapsing onto the ground w/ a fart reverb sfx im shattering into a thousand voxel particles im ceasing to exist im–
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arceun · 2 years
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POV: you're the one responsible for the space-time rifts
Some doodles I did during seminars.
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arceun · 2 years
i’ve never been so stressed .
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arceun · 2 years
Volo: I don’t think I can mansplain, manipulate or malewife our way out of it this time.
Volo: [cracking his knuckles]
Volo: Manslaughter it is
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arceun · 2 years
the hunt. volo spoke as though it were a mutually shared thing, this obsession, this curse, when such was far from the truth. what consumed him night and day was kept at a healthy arm’s length from cogita, knowing that the wild flames of passionate dedication could rapidly devour all in their path, including oneself. already did she see the suggestions of the flames burning the edges of him away, leaving nothing more than smoldering ashes.
an index tapped idle against the side of her cup.
‘ is that so? ‘ her voice maintained a level tone, sharply contrasting the giddiness in his. ‘ you haven’t a single idea if collecting these little trinkets will do much of anything, dear. what do you hope for at the end of this? ‘
a casually spoken question with the weight of the world burdening it. much like the ever-building weights volo added to himself with every newly discovered, obsessive thought, ‘til he would long sink beneath the ocean waters he treaded, and sunk down to the abyss below.
‘ as a traveling merchant, i know you haven’t a tidy shelf to maintain a collection like this upon. ‘
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❛  what  is  a  settler’s  tidy  shelf  to  a  merchant  if  not  the  compartments  stocked  in  his  rucksack  !  you  know  me,  cogita  ;  i  prefer  to  keep  my  valuables  stored  as  close  to  me  as  i  possibly  can  …  i  would  imagine  any  sane  person  would  do  the  same  !  ❜    a  delighted  chuckle  tickles  at  the  base  of  his  throat。  in  answer,  he  lifts  a  hand,  presses  boned  backs  of  knuckles  against  the  hardened  curves。  delight  still  lights  his  eyes  as  if  he  clenches  it  tight  in  his  fist,  squeezing  what  essence  he  can  use  to  wear  as  a  mask  over  himself。  let  him  have  this             let  him  have  the  world!
if  his  demeanour  shall  remain  shrouded,  he’ll  do  it  in  whatever  style  he  likes。  impatient  legs  carry  the  merchant  around  the  curve  of  the  table,  then  near  the  flaps  of  her  tent。
❛  cogita,  dear,  haven’t  you  ever  desired  for  anything  ?  to  collect  something  so  magnificent  to  you  that  you  would  walk  to  the  ends  of  the  world  for  it  ?  ❜    surely,  even  such  a  well  composed  woman  such  as  she  had  found  solace  in  a  collection  of  some  sort。  anything  !     ❛  the  plates  are  simply  interests  of  mine  …  i  wonder,  if  i  should  collect  them  all,  would  i  uncover  something  grand  ?  ❜     (  arceus  itself  ;  the  wielder’s  greatest  desire  of  all  …  )  ❛  why  shouldn’t  i  find  out  for  myself  ?  ❜
                                                        a  pause。  ❛  for  all  of  us,  i  mean。  ❜
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arceun · 2 years
With careful steps (even though by this point he’s memorized where every stick and pebble lay, it simply wouldn’t do to risk stumbling before this interesting new acquaintance) he approaches the set of pouches, taking one in each hand and bringing them to his face for a brief sniff. He’s thoughtful yet unsure until he reaches the pouch of pecha berries and his eyes twinkle.
“Here we are! This will do just fine.” He says with a gleam, returning the other pouch to its place besides the rest and keeping the pecha berries for himself. He simply doesn’t care to clarify whether he was meant to take just one or the whole pouch.
“Tales of Hisui… that’s quite a broad request!” He gestures widely for emphasis. “Hisui and her legends are what I know best! Her history is the ichor in my veins, it’ll be a challenge to pick just one…! But I won’t disappoint, you can be sure of that.”
What would be a good one to start with? He brings his arms in again, the one not holding the pouch of berries now rests against his chin in thought. His gaze flits to the most damaged of the structures around them; the shattered pedestal carrying nothing but six broken legs. Its silhouette is unrecognizable compared to when he first saw it… back when he still tended to its shrine. Back when it was still loved.
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“This creature… That is to say, the creature this tragic pile of stone once depicted, are you at all familiar with it, Volo?” He doesn’t look towards Volo again, pale eyes remaining on the vague and cracked shapes before him. “I’ve heard tales of what this being once looked like, long before this place was forsaken. Tales of how this statue appeared before it was struck down and left in disarray. Would hearing that be satisfactory?”
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an  interesting  character,  this  new  sanctus;  this  encounter  in  the  very  rarities  of  nature  itself,  so  far  from  everything,  yet  so  close  to  the  crumbled  histories  of  hisui  herself。  perhaps  sanctus  exists  as  a  walking  font  of  knowledge,  the  stairway  to  every  piece  of  understanding  he  has  ever  wanted  to  grasp。  if  he  must  lose  a  pouch  of  pecha  berries  for  these  tales,  then  he  would  gather  treefuls  of  the  fruit  for  the  next  time  they  met  (  if  that’s  what  it  takes !  )。
                        you  sound  like  just  the  person  i’ve  dreamt  of  running  into!  
(  but  secrets  must  stay  secrets  until  they’re  ready  to  be  revealed,  in  grandiose  &  unforgettable  smile !  )  so  he  smiles,  pleasant  and  calm,  ever  the  picture  of  grace  &  welcome  ;  the  glint  in  his  eye,  though,  speaks  of  deep  intrigue。  ❛  i’ll  welcome  any  amount  of  a  take  you  might  be  able  to  offer  me。  ❜    lest  the  offer  be  snatched  by  any  prod  from  volo。  he  knows  himself  :  knows  well  that  his  spurring  can  become  a  bit  much,  even  for  one  like  himself。
his  gaze  lingers  on  sanctus  one  moment  longer  before  he  finally  turns  away,  pacing  to  the  cracked  structure,  the  chipped  pedestal。  it  must  once  have  been  a  glorious  sight  to  behold,  one  volo  wishes  he’d  had  a  chance  to  spot,  once  upon  a  time。  jagged  stone  stuck,  splintered,  up  towards  the  heavens。  there  is  a  reason  why  these  are  called  ruins。  
❛  i  heard  this  pokémon  was  named  giratina。  that  it  was  banished  from  this  world  for  its  violence。  ❜      beneath  his  veil  of  hair,  his  eye  shuts  ;  soon,  his  single-gaze  moves  to  sanctus  again,  a  faint  smile  twitching  at  the  corner  of  his  mouth  。  ❛  yes,  i  think  your  tales  of  it  will  be  enough  for  me!  ❜
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arceun · 2 years
the game continues, delicate touch grazing the back of his hand as she reaches past his shoulder for a jar up on shelf beside the table he sits at. her front grazes the back of his head, lulling heart ever close to ear.
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chest  taps  tight  against  the  edge  of  the  table,  fingers  tensed  and  prepared,  already,  for  the  strength  of  the  presence  dipping  forward  to  loom  over  him。  perhaps  she  frames  it  as  an  incident             ‘only  joking!’              but  he  knows  better。  all  plot  weaving  the  strands  of  her  mind;  all  meant  to  invade  his  own,  coil  'round  partially-formed  thoughts,  to  imbue  their  very  influence  into  the  hair-thin  cracks。  two  can  play  at  this  game。
gaze  remains  at  the  scrawls  of  his  journal,  half-finished。  the  sentence  isn't  even  finishing  …  he  finds  no  desire  to  focus  on  them,  now。  surreptitiously  is  the  turn  of  his  head,  just  enough  that  he  has  a  view  in  his  peripheries,  stronger  scent  between  the  eyes。  ❛  you  could've  asked  me  to  get  it。  ❜
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arceun · 2 years
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Where did Volo’s hat go? Ah! There it is. But wait, what’s this? Some strange thing has curled up perfectly inside it, its own tail wrapped all around itself.
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something  strange  indeed。  volo  has  not  a  single  clue  what  this  pokémon  could  be  —  or  whether  or  not  it's  friendly。  frankly,  he  doesn't  known  how  his  hat  had  gotten  all  the  way  over  here  …  it  quite  cute,  isn't  it?
                                           ❛  hello  …  who  are  you ?  ❜
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arceun · 2 years
chapter  2  is  up  !!!
i'm  completely  obsessed  with  the  au  i  thought  up,  so  i'm  just  gonna  go  ahead  and  make  it  my  canon  main  post-pla  au  that  volo  is  back  in  jubilife  village  working  on  the  farm  as  forced  penance  for  his  actions.  he's  forced  there  because  [  redacted  ].  i'm  also  writing  a  fic  on  it,  so  once  i  post�� the  first  chapter,  i'll  link  anyone  interested  so  that  you  can  get  a  better  understanding  of  the  changes  to  his  character  /  personality  that  results  from  his  fall.
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arceun · 2 years
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volo is kind of an awful person, huh
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arceun · 2 years
if  volo  turns  his  left  side  to  you,  it  means  he  thinks  you're  of  no  harm  to  him.  he  can't  see  his  left  side  past  the  bridge  of  his  nose,  so  that's  one,  very  big  indication  of  what  he  thinks  of  you.
it  can  also  mean  he  trusts  you.  good  luck  trying  to  figure  out  how  he  actually  feels  now!
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