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Sorry everyone, I'm a completionist.
Boop frenzy over, goodnight o7
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alex yiik is rewl
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is this anything.
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The manta I ordered from @eyepine's shop finally arrived and it's utterly adorable! Definitely worth the price and wait, it's so soft and cute! ❤️
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for @silentvoidtreeshop! happy @secret-manta!
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tixiy bite whole candles
50/50 chance that if she accepts a friendship candle it'll be by leaning forward to chomp it
shes just like that
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Finally got my main skids drawn out for once... at least, until I inevitably get more, that is.
Huge thank you to my lovely gf @slink-a-dink for coloring this for me!!! 
Gonna put OC details under the readmore!
Miyuve (she/they): A kind-hearted wanderer, Miyuve likes to spend her time in Valley practicing her flying and enjoying the snow and ice. She’s a bit reserved and slow to be open with people, but is extremely generous and always willing to act as a guide or help to whoever needs it. Prefers to maneuver in more graceful ways than being fast, and enjoys testing out fancy tricks and dances in her flight. Extremely protective of Wing, treats her like a younger sibling. Somewhat close to Avemi due to meeting when they were both moths, but disapproves of his antics. Wing (any pronouns):  A moth that never travels alone, Wing was sort of “adopted” by Miyuve when she returned to Isle and found the little capeless sitting quietly on the cliff out of the cave. They refuse to ever pick up any winged light, for whatever reason, and prefer to hold hands of whoever’s willing to just drag them around. Rarely speaks, prefers to sign and write when able to. Avemi (they/he/she): Always ready for a bit of mischief or pranks, Avemi likes to mess with other skykids whenever they get the chance. From leading krill to groups trying to cross Wasteland, to hiding under the water to scare anyone who stops nearby, to carrying crabs wherever they’re not supposed to go, there’s only a few rules she’s set for himself: one, no messing with moths; two, always help grab lights lost; and three, don’t get caught. Being sort of like an sibling figure to Miyuve when they were both moths, he often gets her into more trouble than she’s expecting. That being said, they’re a better babysitter than expected when Wing needs someone else to grab onto, and takes very good care of the little moth. Isavera (he/she): Full of excitement and a thirst for adventure, Isa’s ready to take anything head on. From exploring every little corner of the islands in Sanctuary, to trying to see how fast he can blitz through Eden, his carefree attitude and approach can almost seem a bit careless at times-- she doesn’t really take anything seriously, for better or for worse. The one exception to that is whenever he goes to Starlight Desert-- he will often be found wandering the sands there, gaze stuck on the stars above. Ekopixi (they/he): A self-described poet and artist, Eko has a flair for the dramatic and has a tendency to ramble on about anything in particular. They take an extreme interest in Eden and the nature of darkness-- seeing it as a necessary obstacle and seeing its creatures as fascinating. They’ve gotten krilled more than once just standing there admiring one, but he doesn’t mind too much. He also specifically rejects all wingbuffs granted to him-- not out of a sense of pride or refusal of gratitude, but specifically in that they want to be motivated to never slack off in gathering light. Soya (she/her): A timid little skykid that absolutely adores light creatures of any and all kinds. Soya loves to spend time with birds, mantas, and jellyfish, more so than spending time with other kids. That isn’t to say she’s completely a loner-- she does have a few close friends that she’ll stick to, letting herself be dragged around by those a bit more excitable. Her best friend is Tixiy, and she’ll follow the shorter kid just about anywhere, as long as she’s sure its safe. Tixiy (she/her, kri/kril): A bit of a strange one, Tixiy’s an easily excited, extremely curious skykid. She’ll try to bite about anything-- from darkness plants to rocks to other kids-- and has about zero chill, always fairly loud and ready to go for a run. Kri’s always open to new experiences, and is fairly gutsy when it comes to any sort of danger or difficult situation. Kri adores Soya, as she was one of krils first friends, and will happily tackle-hug her anytime kri gets the chance.
If anyone’s got any questions about these seven, feel free to ask! I’d love to talk more about them :]
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this ones for the people whos resh is simply a bastard
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some doodles
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So I could hear no more.
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Sorry I’ve posted this thrice now, Tumblr keep eating the quality on my end, and if its like that on your end and doesnt get better by refresh or whatever I’m so sorry, i dunno what to do AUGH
I thought this would be a silly and neat idea but Idk if its that good, i doodled a quick example but i might clean and finish it up later
below are the pieces to sandwich together if you’re interested, if theyre low quality just dm on discord or smth u can find me in the official server i give the fuck up AGDGDGG
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Sky: Checklist of the Light
Hey look, after 2 weeks of quickly remembering how to use Excel/Sheets, I made a comprehensive checklist of all the spirits in the game, all the things they have to sell, and a tracker for your purchased wing buffs. After working out the kinks and making a lot of adjustments, I think I'm finally ready to share it with you.
(more info under the cut)
Features include:
A checklist of all the items available for purchase from spirits in the core game
A checklist of all the items available for purchase from the spirits of the current season
A checklist of traveling spirits, including dates of their most recent visit
A wing buff tracker that calculates your maximum possible winged light by the wing buffs you've already checked off on your list
A CHECK ALL button next to each spirit's name for ease of checking off an entire spirit tree with just one click/touch
Pretty icons
Known Issue:
Saluting Protector is lacking in icons. I can't get good shots of their icons until they come back and visit finally, so upon their first appearance as a TS, this will be remedied. (That's why I was trying to manifest Dismiss last week, but ehh)
Feel free to make a copy for yourself for personal use! I will update it every two weeks as each traveling spirit pays a visit, or I will make an additional update as each season comes and goes. You can either copy the newest version of the sheet, or you can update your current copy manually (provided it's a simple update, like a price adjustment; larger updates like edits to scripts will require you to make a new copy).
If you like what you see, or if you don't and you have suggestions or feedback on how to make it better, feel free to DM me and tell me about it! I'm eager for this to become a handy tool for the community, so your voices are valuable here!
For future reference, all posts, publicly answered asks, and updates regarding this spreadsheet will be tagged as "#sky checklist".
That's all for now! I hope my handiwork serves you well!
~ Metro
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That’s not the questgiver they or I know
Speaking of them, they’re...
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going through it-
I drew this bc i was joking abt how unemployment was a very Adult Problem tm and so i think they should just hang out in the desert when flight kicks them out
man ive known them for 10 days and i’m still so sad they changed things, i dont like the rock >:(
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The fifth planet was very strange. It was the smallest of all. There was just enough room on it for a street lamp and a lamplighter.
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24 hours left??? wtf stop that
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a gift for teth!
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