apprenticestanheight 14 hours
provided I can get my ass in gear, there will be an adam stanheight smut fic out by tonight!! I woke up super late today (in the afternoon which is not commonplace for me lately) but I am determined to do some self care and then write until my eyes get heavy so theres hope for me yet yay!!
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apprenticestanheight 14 hours
trying to function as a person while foggy and demotivated as fuck is like "deeeeeeehhhhhhghhhhhhhhhh" but. it's the entire fucking day.
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apprenticestanheight 14 hours
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apprenticestanheight 21 hours
girlie that's not a random headache u are dehydrated malnourished over caffeinated over stressed and sleep deprived
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apprenticestanheight 21 hours
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gf but cheat looove cheating
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apprenticestanheight 21 hours
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apprenticestanheight 21 hours
fuck it homebrew boop button. reblog this post to boop the person you reblogged from.
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apprenticestanheight 21 hours
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apprenticestanheight 21 hours
platforming palestinian joy is just as important as sharing the suffering they're enduring during this genocide. despite continued displacement and bombardment, you cannot steal their joy and spirit. happy birthday to this sweet baby 馃枻馃嚨馃嚫 may they grow up to see a free palestine
edit: @saffronlesbian made a video description for this post!!
[vd: a screen recording of a tweet from the 20th of April 2024 with 2.5 million views, from Ruhi @/ruhi_hi. the caption reads, "This video of this little Palestinian angel celebrating his bday in a refugee camp" followed by three emoji of a smiling face with teary eyes. the video clip is 11 seconds long and shows a one-year-old baby seated on the sandy ground, smiling hugely and clapping his hands while people sing to him from offscreen and a large cake is placed in front of him. stuck into the top of the cake is a decoration that reads "happy birthday" in english. the video has the tiktok handle @/ibrahim.jamal99 visible in it. /end vd.]
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saw fans will see adam and hit reblog
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normally when I dye my hair and rinse it by myself there are no issues ever at all. except for maybe dye on my forehead and sometimes my shoulders/neck/ears--
I used punky color for the first time today (my sister bought it for me because she wanted my hair to be green and I was bored) and?? hello?? It is ON MY F A C E. IT HAS COVERED MY EARS AND STAINED MY HANDS. this is worse than the staining was from the fuckin splat dye I swear.
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tell me
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maybe it's bc I've been unemployed and rampantly anxious the entirety of this month but has april dragged on for anyone else?
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clip from a 1999 episode of ABC's Recovery, wherein Janelle Da Silva's interview of Dylan Lewis is interrupted first by Angus Sampson appearing on the TV set and then by Leigh Whannell in the studio.
real cute clip here especially if you've ever wanted to see Dylan Lewis pick Leigh up bridal-style and carry him off set
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distracting yourself from anxiety sometimes manifests as bleaching and dying your hair at 2:07 pm on a random tuesday
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